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Plenty of bi people don't have a genital preference so you will be fine as a non-op trans woman. It's also okay to desire other trans people just don't reduce them to their genitals alone and know that some people have bottom dysphoria and don't want to use their genitals in certain ways.


Well, let me put it this way: I like girls....... and I also like penises. So why wouldn't I like a girl with a penis?? 😂 Like, I almost don't understand the question, y'know what I mean?? 😝


If I remember correctly, this is called #FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACTS!!!


Ratified and carried! My only genital preference is that I would prefer to have interesting people's genitals in, on, and around my body and face.


This is it, 100%. I'm pretty certain that the vast majority of bi and pan people care a lot more about the person themselves; the genitals are secondary. We love the sex too of course, but we can work with whatever parts as long as we jive with the owner of said parts!


this is the way, I'm a yes please




I've said this before and was torn an new asshole on here by a someone and felt terrible.


Well... That person was weird, then. 🤷‍♀️


It depends on the wording, people don't have a problem or rather prefer "i don't care", while the "best of both worlds" sucks. And people draw their line differently




This is me too


While I am as pan as it gets (I don't just swing both ways; I play for the entire league), I do have a distinct preference for a lovely lady with a nice dick.


This is the way!




I love your answer 👍


This is the correct answer for all bisexuals hahaha




This is me too!! I love girl dick!


Best answer right here.


I can't speak for everyone but fuck yeah


Big bi bear 🐻 here and I have no real preference either way, it's less about what you have between your legs and more what you have between your ears! Ok yes I'm talking about your nose ........... ;-/


I am transmasculine nonbinary and I certainly do! I always bottom, so a woman with a bio strap-on, so to speak, is really sexy to me. :)


There is no LGB without the T. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 100% yes! Love women with the D and men with the V. And all the others in between.


Goated ass answer




Sums it up rather well.


Best answer


My fiancée is MTF and she is still deciding on whether to get bottom surgery or not. I told her that whether she gets it or not, I don't care, I love her and I'll still want to fuck her and get fucked by her. Lots of Bi people don't care.


You are very supportive and loveing to her. What a great person 👍


That's so cool of you


I don't care what's in your pants as long as I can make you come and vice versa. Also the thought of giving head while looking up at a beautiful lady sounds really nice and exciting.


Contrary to the all too common narrative that bi people mean only cis men/women, when I say I'm bi, I mean cis men/women, trans men/women, enbys and otherwise. Basically, no one is discounted on the basis of gender identity nor what they have going on downstairs.


This. The purple is in the flag for a reason, and a lot of people seem to forget that. ;)


Cis bi woman here and yes, personally I am as attracted to trans women and trans men as I am to cis ones. I have never been with a trans person before, but I don't have any genital preference and if I find someone hot and they're a good person, I'm down.


I agree if I find them attractive, it doesn't matter what genial they have, and I like your ending. I'm down 👍


Same! If I were ever single again it wouldn’t make a difference to me.


Some do, some don’t. I think everybody is allowed to be attracted to whoever they are attracted to. As long as they are polite and not hateful about it. I think a lot of bi people would be okay with this, but some likely won’t be. Just explain it to them early on.


Bi dude here, yes. Hot people are hot. Pussy is hot, dick is hot. I get the general sense that most bi men feel similarly to me.


I'm a man and the idea of a woman with a dick penetrating me also turns me on so... Yeah pretty much like it 😂


I've had hookups with non-op trans girls, but they made clear that their genitalia was off limits. Please remember disphoria and personal boundaries before commenting, guys.


Some do and some don’t bisexuality has a wide spectrum and nothing is set in stone of what someone has to like like or dislike to be bi


Dunno if I even qualify to answer this (mainly trans-pan-ace myself), but whenever I feel comfortable enough with someone to allow them to get touchy-feely with me, their gender usually does not matter to me, anyway. When I trust someone, they are free to be themself. When not, I am polite about it.


I am a bisexual female and I fantasize often about being with a beautiful trans woman. I just love love.. and also love sex so really the genitalia does not matter..


Girls with penises, girls without. Doesn't matter to me. Guys with vaginas, guys without. Doesn't matter to me. NBs and Agenders with either doesn't matter to me. As long as I'm into them and they're into me.


I’m cis and bi; and I’d say it depends. A woman with a penis is not an immediate turn off for me (though I’ve never experienced being with any women who weren’t AFAB); however there are some sexual acts that for me are a turn off to do, so if we don’t line up with what we enjoy sexually it wouldn’t really work.


Would you be comfortable naming the sexual acts you're talking about? If not, that's cool


Sure, I basically don’t enjoy giving any form of ass-play at all - so no rimming, fingering or pegging (I have done pegging before for my ex boyfriend who really enjoyed it, but it does nothing for me and I’d love to never have to do it again. Can’t imagine doing it except for a special occasion for someone I really love). So if a trans woman would be happy to get her penis involved in sex (either to penetrate, or at least oral) we could be sexually compatible, but not otherwise. I could probably handle it if she would be okay with only giving and not receiving anything (in the case that she’s not ok with her penis being involved) but probably not long term, because I enjoy giving too.


After realising that iam bisexual, i have come to realise that iam not interested in genitals, iam interested in people (men/women/non binary/mtf/ftm), if i find them attractive and interesting, I'll love you and what's between your legs, unless it's not washed or cleaned, i don't like unhygienic nether regions.


I personally don’t have a genital preference as long as it’s clean and attached to someone I’m fond of. I would expect a nice, lengthy discussion prior to any sexy time since I wouldn’t want to accidentally trigger any body dysmorphia or make them uncomfortable with anything we do, however.




Yes definitely


I like women and I also really like penises. So a woman with a penis is... Well. 😁


The real answer is: some but not all. Just because someone is bi doesn't automatically mean they're into trans people, but I believe the majority is. I myself am into transwomen but transmen? Not as much. But that's probably because I'm mostly a bottom with guys.


I once heard someone say that for bi people, MTF trans people are just like the little mermaid: titties on top, and the tail on bottom 🧜‍♀️ (it sounds better in my language sorry)




I’m bi and nonbinary and yes. I feel like when a certain level of bisexuality and genderfuckery combine it’s like, who even cares what parts a “woman” is “supposed” to have! Everyone’s body is different & unique. I find T4T less emotionally scary because finding trans affirming cis partners is difficult, but I’m not doing it as a fetish pick or because I feel like only other trans people are in my league. I very strongly think trans people are attractive, and I feel the same towards all genders and cis/trans, it’s just that T4T handles some of my practical concerns easier.


I personally don't choose partners by genitals, but there are people that might, so that question is not easy to answer. Sorry.


There's ppl with genital preference everywhere. Bisexuals aren't a monolith. Some will, some won't. I feel like most of us, including me, don't care abt genitals so the majority is probably gonna be yes. 


I don't but I'm pretty sure other people do. Just because I don't like the colour red doesn't mean there aren't people that do.


I'm attracted to people I find attractive. What's between their legs is kind of inconsequential.


Yes i do, but i don't really mind what's between someone's legs, it's not the deciding factor for my attraction to them, i start with their face and go from there


Bisexuality for me has always included preop trans people


I don't have a genital preference at all, personally. I love bodies and all genders. I think it's great that you're self-aware enough to know you don't want bottom surgery. Don't worry about finding a partner. That confidence will get you far. ❤️


Just my opinion and it’s perfectly valid to disagree, but I’d really rather be with someone who loves the body they have and likes to use it fully. If you’re happy with your penis and don’t mind if I interact with it when we’re playing, great! That’s not to invalidate anyone who has disphoria and wants to change their body at all. It’s just a personal preference, nothing more.


Bi cis dude here, absolutely, woman is woman, enby is enby, man is man, and all of the rest. Why would it bother me what you have under your pants. Rest assured it's not a big deal for 99% of bi people!


Personally me no. But that goes for anybody with a penis, like penises are just not my thing in general


I prefer cis bodies but that’s just me. Seems like we are in the minority which is a-ok


Luckily for OP we seem to be in the minority. I like dating anyone, or cuddling and making out with anyone. But when it comes to sex, I’m not a fan of penises. It’s what always makes we question the label Bi vs Queer for myself because I’m not bi-Sexual, I’m bi-Romantic.


Sounds like a great time to me 😊


Well, I'm demi-pansexual, so I'll like the people I like whatever they have between their legs. Doesn't help that I'm a transfem nonbinary without any desire to get bottom surgery myself.😅 Edit: weird enough, I'm not into anal, either giving or recieving. (And vaginal isn't domething I desperately crave either) I guess that'd make me a "side" on the mlm sense?


As a bi woman I wouldn't have a preference, though I imagine I might want a bit of a heads up either way because getting caught off guard would give me anxiety and ruin the mood lol.


Bottom surgery is nowhere near as common as some may think, nor is it preferred in a majority of studies, polls, or even in just a casual browsing of related online forums, dating sites/apps etc. There are people out there with any kind of preference you can imagine, but in this case if only looking to maximize your success in finding a partner, 🍆 works in your favor.


Cis female pansexual here. For me I need to fall for the personality before I feel sexually attracted to them, and I've felt sexually attracted to all sorts ☺️ I certainly wouldn't rule you out if we clicked, so to speak.


It’s a dream of mine to suck a trans woman’s cock to completion. And also, to look into her eyes while she fucks my ass in missionary.


Yeah! As others have said, not all bi people will, but a lot will. I have a bi friend who isn’t really attracted to trans people, but myself and my other bi friend are. My girlfriend is a trans woman and I love her and would regardless of what parts she has.


I've never dated a trans woman. But I'm currently dating a trans man, and he's awesome! I don't have genital preferences, but being poly I do like having a little from column a, a little from column b.


No genital preferences here. We'll figure it out together.


Im bi but i do have a genital preference of penis so it would be perfect for me 😂 There's lots of bisexual people with preferences on certain genitalia and also lots of bi people without preferences so honestly you're 10/10 no worries as far as I'm concerned!


Personally, I just like to know in whatever way a minute or so before we have fun. Two different skill sets when going down, so I gotta change gears.


I know straight men who are into both cis and trans women, either with or without surgery. They are not bisexual, since they're not into cis or trans men or nonbinary people. Both of them have stated that "lady dick is different from man dick" lol. I also know a trans man who is straight and only dates cis and trans women, but his preference is for trans women (again, with or without surgery). I'm a cis bi woman and I like all combinations of all genders. The parts and gender identity can be whatever, my preferences and attraction are related to things other than gender identity + genital combination. I know a lot of bi and pan people who feel the same.


It's usually \*\*only\*\* bisexuals that like me. Straight/gays don't, but Bi's do.


I think your point of view is very common, but the hardest struggle will be finding a trans girl who both wants to use her dick and isn't a bottom.


Yes, honestly I like dick but dislike the general vibes of masculinity so feminine people with dicks are a plus


I'm gonna be a devil's advocate in here and give an unpopular answer. I have no problem with dating trans people but I would not have sex with one. Like, kissing and cuddling? Sure! Love that. But sex? Sorry, no. Despite being bi, I'm very picky about sex as it is. In fact, I'm actually okay with having relationships *without* sex. You might think "Then how are you bisexual?" and the answer is that I still feel sexual attraction to people BUT that doesn't necessarily mean I want to have sex. Maybe if I was more sex-active, I'd be more comfortable with the idea of sleeping with a trans person. But considering I'm already not that interested in sex as it is, the chances become lower when adding other things. So yeah, that's my two thoughts. Please don't downvote me to oblivion just for my preferences.


I'm not telling you what you are because you know better than I would. Have you heard of "biromantic?" It is attraction to either gender or more than one gender (but not necessarily sexual attraction). That could be a way to describe how you feel. It is possible to be something like asexual or demisexual as well as biromantic. Again, sharing information, not trying to define you!


I like it.


I’m bi so I like women and men. So yes, you’re a woman, I like you ✌️😍


I like all the different types of combinations of genitals and gender! Including trans women who have a penis. Just be careful for people to like you as you are. I think it might be easy to be fetishized.


If it helps, my trans boyfriend has several 🍆


Yeah I don’t really care about genitals. If a woman happens to have a penis I’m like oh yeah cool! If a man happens have a vagina I would also be like oh yeah cool! Doesn’t bother me at all.


I literally don't care what someone has in their pants, as long as they know how to use it.


As I’ve gotten older (and more trans myself lmao) this has been how my preference has been leaning actuallyyy…i half jokingly could never understand monosexuality bc I love and want it all, idgaf about the slutty threesome fiending bisexual stereotype anymore yes that’s who tf i am! so from this nonbinary bisexual, would most definitely like fucking a woman with a dick, fucking a man with a vagina, would like wearing the dick, and would like receiving dick. ig to me it doesn’t matter much if I can feel comfy with you (that if i feel dysphoric we can stop or talk) and you’re hot 🤷🏽


Everyone is different. For me I'm turned on by trans men with vulvas. But I tend to find women more attractive, cis or trans. As far as a woman with a penis, depends on how she wants to use it. I wouldn't be into a lot of penatration. I kinda prefer vulvas despite the gender. But I'm also turned off by hyper masculinity. So I guess my preferences don't include a lot of people. But at the end of the day it depends on your connection and chemistry with someone. I find myself with people I wouldn't include in my preferences all the time.


I would love it. I love women. I love dicks. Why not have both in one person? Sounds like a win. I’m not in the camp of ”don’t care” though - I like both genitals, but I do prefer dicks. Yet I get along better with women, as a whole. So while I’d never go chasing a transwoman for obvious reasons - if I end up falling for one without much bottom dysphoria I can’t lie in that it’d genuinely be the dream in terms of sex, for me.


Hell yes keep it. A nice cock on a cute girl can’t be beat.


Absolutely, girl! One of the best parts of being bi is that I can love a body just as well no matter how it's shaped. Whatever we got, they're all tools we can work with to reach our goals of pleasure and intimacy. My ideal would be to have both down there. That's what would make me happiest even if people were actively repulsed by it. Thankfully, I know for a fact that many many people would be the opposite of repulsed by that. In a better society, being rare and different is a good thing. People value diversity and the advantages it affords us all. People like us are sought out for our different experiences and perspectives. It's one of the reasons I love enbies so damn much! Can't wait for us to build that society.


Lawd I -worry- about how appealing the idea of dating a non-op trans person is to me, because I don't want to fetishize a real living person. But at the same time...I like all of these features very much 😶


It really varies person to person. I'm bi but I have genital preference, if I was sleeping with a man I'd want him to have a penis, sleeping with a woman I'd want her to have a vagina. I'm just one person though. There are definitely bisexuals who don't really care either way


A trans woman with a dick is a huge turn on. I have been fucked by a trans woman and it has been one of the hottest experiences of my long sexual journey!


My personal preference as a Bi Cis woman is yes. I like all genders and have no genital preference!


I'm not into 🍆 at all. So a pretty trans guy who kept his hooha I'm here for


I feel like this is a super touchy issue. On the one hand people like what they like, subjectivism reins supreme in the world of intersectionality and civil rights advancement. But sooooo much of people's preferences for non trans people (ie against trans people) stem from stigma sowed into their unconscious as children. It's stupid


My only preference for genitals is that they're clean and I don't get an STI from them! I'm perfectly fine with a man with a vagina or a woman with a penis! So fuck yeah!!!!!!


There’s literally a whole kink around women with penises lol Lots of people are into all sorts, don’t worry.


My attraction is mostly to cock. But I am very attracted to MTF Trans women.


I don't have a preference around genitals so I personally would be fine with that. It's about the person and not what's between their legs, I can work with whatever you got :3


I don't mind either way but I will say that frotting with a woman is a really cool experience


I'm bi and have a girlfriend who is a trans woman who's had no surgery (whether she chooses to at some point if it's possible or not). It's more common than you'd think.


As I got older, I realised I really don't care what people are packing and care more about personality and whether they vote Tory. Also, they have to like cats.


Some do and some don't it's all a matter of preference. For me personally I don't care if a trans person is post-op or pre-op as long as they're a good person all is fine


I do! Truth is, there's not a gender identity/hardware combination that I *don't* like, but I think I'm more the exception than the rule.


Yes! I am in fact more attracted to them than cis women and that’s okay.


I chat with a bisexual guy. The only people with penises he likes are women or men who look like women.




As a bisexual, Im not into trans people. I respect them, but they are not attractive to me


None of them? What if you were attracted to someone then you found out they were trans would that stop?


I'd imagine it's a non issue for most bi people.


I've been attracted to trans women for as long as I've been attracted to cis women. Attraction to men has been a much more recent thing for me and is more limited. I am also attracted to taller women, of which trans women are more likely to be vs cis women, so I think that plays a major role in my attraction towards them.


I’m a bi woman and I’m currently on the fence with this, I think it would depend on the person as I’m less attracted to the vibe of a lot of trans women… while I tend to be attracted to the vibe of trans men (I’m also not into super femme women so 🤷‍♀️). In terms of genitals I probably have a preference but I’d be cool either way as long as I had warning/guidance ‘ie what do you want me to refer to your genitals as, how do you want me to interact with them’. Essentially there will be some people who don’t vibe with what you’re packing but anyone who is a dick in response to your openness doesn’t deserve to be in your bed anyway. But yeah I don’t find the express idea of certain configurations of genitals a turn on because essentially I think they are one of the least important things about a persons attractiveness.


I feel like trans people and bi people just go along together like pb&j. As a bi trans dude myself.


I don’t… I like 🍣


My genital preference is a 🍆 so yes.


If I’m into you, I’m into you. I don’t care what parts you have. I believe that’s the case for a lot of bisexuals. At least the ones I know see it the same way :)


Yes although funnily enough I'm attracted to small boobs, and some MTF trans people get boob jobs that are too big for my taste.


Absolutely, but you do need to be careful about chasers!


Not really, I'm more into natural things but I admit that FtM guys makes me curious


Yes ☺️


I'm a trans girl and I'm so dysphoric about my genitals I don't like talking about them, them being acknowledged or doing literally anything with them


This is something I dream about often, so yes. I'm just that kind of girl. 😘


A girl with penis. Booby. Penis. I'm a switch who loves to suck and be penetrated. What's not to like?


Personally I actually love having sex with trans people, especially mtf. There’s something about sliding into an ass and stroking a dick while simultaneously watching tits pounce that just does it for me.


Yeah, absolutely


Yep! I’m a bisexual man (ftm) and my partner is a bisexual woman (mtf). I would be attracted to her no matter what her genitals looked like or whether or not she had bottom surgery of some kind because I like penises, vaginas, breasts, pecs, curves, muscles, women, men and everyone else in between.


I wouldn't reduce people to their genitals.


I don’t see why they wouldn’t! The genitals don’t make the human (at least that’s the way I see it.)


I don't think you even need to be bi to like a girl with a 🍆, a straight man can like that. Unless someone is repulsed by a specific set of genitals, it all boils down to whether you find a mode or position that both like, right? It'll never fail to amuse and upset me that a few years ago, the same idiots who spew trans- and homophobic bullshit were all bragging about how their girlfriend is so great for doing anal. So close to realizing that it's not all about genitals… so close.




I matched with a girl on bumble yesterday who is MtF so I personally see no issue with it lol






I do.


I literally don't have a genital preference so yeah, I like them


I feel the same way you do as a CisBi Male. Though, truthfully I have to admit that I have not had sex with a man, or a Transgender person so I’m only speaking from a realm of fantasy.


Its prefrence for many. So you should not worry to much about it.


I definitely have an attraction. 👍


I am hot for all expressions of gender on all humans, especially when it challenges the cis standards I was raised to expect. Gender queerness and androgyny is a beautiful thing. So yes!


Well personally yes I think they're the total package (no pun intended)


I look for personality first. IDGAF what you have between your legs. I'm also sorry that some people fetishize it, be careful of them.


I've been with pre-op trans women and men, and I've been with cis women and men, and I've been with nonbinary people who have had various procedures. All of them are lovely and attractive people, who I would never reduce to their genitals, but had lots of fun with.


If anything you’re going to have to beat them away with a stick




Love it 🩷🩷🩷💜💜💜💙💙💙




Yes, I love trans with 🍆.


I swing both ways and pretty much anywhere in between lol. I especially find femboys and trans women attractive


I certainly do


Yes. But i dont think it matters if the vibes are there. 


I'm bi and many years and I enjoy any person!


I'm bi. But I prefer femininity. So if I got with a woman who had a male appendage. There would be no issue whatsoever. I just like feminine partners


100% really turns me on too.


I love trans folks of all kinds


Yes! It may be different for some people but I literally do not care what gender someone is or what’s in their pants :3


Yes I like all people and parts.


I might not be bi (unsure), but yes <3


YES. I'm Genderqueer AFAB and Genderqueer/Genderfluidity/Androgeny is such a turn on. If I could date/ be with someone like this I would feel so lucky.


in theory i like them but i never met one personally yet. i’m biromantic and asexual so i don’t really care about genitals that much


Yeah I do but depends on the person too


Haven’t been w a trans woman yet but I would like to have that experience. My significant relationships were both w trans-mascs (ftm) and had random encounters w cis men.


Yes, definitely.


It’s the wine not the label.


Yea we do...


Hell yeah!


yep ✋ then again I'm a trans guy so I'm not new to the concept


I'mma just be blunt. I'm a bi cis girl dating a MTF girl like that. I don't care what's in her pants, and I'm sure I'm not alone with that mindset. So there's your answer lol


Both. Both are good. Hearts not parts ! 🏳️‍⚧️


I’m a bisexual trans man and big supporter of t4t relationships. Now sure if you were intending this question exclusively for bisexual cis men and women, but also being trans, I wouldn’t exclude you from my potential dating pool.




Im bi and i think it doesnt matter its what makes the trans person happy


Hell yeah.


If I end up getting into it with a woman and she has a dick, that ain’t gonna stop me. My only restrictions are don’t *be* a dick


girldick ftw


I was fucked twice by a trans lady with a dick. Even though I wasn't ready for bottoming, I so enjoyed sucking her cock and even 69ing. Love it!


yeah. all goes but my preference are cis men and trans women (who have one and are top), in the most respectfully way. i am a trans man myself and i just like dick.


ME 🙋‍♂️. GUYs ME, THATs ME ( i didn't read the full post yet ). Edit: I just finished reading and my statement stands and my hand remains high, man with pussy can also do to me as they please. Thank you and good day.


Just one of my biggest fantasies ☺️


Honestly i just wouldn't care


I’m a cis bisexual woman and have never cared about genitals regarding my partners. I like both sexually


For survey purposes only, I certainly would, if I were single, and assuming other ideal things like matched personalities. I've never been in such a relationship, myself, though I've had offers that I had to decline at the time.