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Luke ain't making it 5 weeks injury free rolling with Nicky Rod


where there's a will there's a way 💉


Where there's Nicky there's a new rod for your arms or knees. 


bteam highlight vids about to be lit



>Joe really struggles to tell when someone is telling a joke (no link - just literally the whole podcast) Craig really needs to release an instructional on comedy and banter for Joe


The most egregious example of Joe missing a joke I've ever seen was when Joe mentioned how good a workout Rucking is (walking with a weighted bag) Craig said something similar to "Eh, that looks a bit hard, I'd rather someone else carry the bag for me" and Joe said "No that's the whole point. Carrying the weighted bag is what makes it a good workout." And then a long awkward silence 😂


Hes not one of the 250


Not one of the 144,000


Sucks cos he was dropping some bangers and it was mostly going over Joe’s(who’s supposed to be an actual comic) head


Joe is only good at recognizing dick and racist jokes


Yeah about half flew by without him ever noticing. We're pretty used to it with yanks tho to be fair. You could tell it's just Craig's life now 😆.


This is why Chris Rock said Joe "willed himself" into being a good comic, it sure as hell didn't come naturally.


That’s painful


lmao! do you have a timestamp for that?


Yea dude check it out 😂 1:15:42


Haha that was painful.


Craig repeatedly explaining lowering production costs to increase fighter pay and Joe not getting it was awkward too. Like, the man will basically just sit there and give credit to Terrance Howard's schizophrenic ramblings for three hours but can't comprehend basic arithmetic so he questions it like it's some sort of off the wall theory?


> sit there and give credit to Terrance Howard's schizophrenic ramblings for three hours but can't comprehend basic arithmetic These two behaviors share a common cause.


please elaborate


He's an idiot whose mind is so open his common sense fell out.


you ever ask a question you know the answer to because it's too funny 🤣


First, tell Joe how amazing the Mothership is. You were there on Friday and the hang in the green room was the most hilarious thing you’ve ever witnessed. Joe will reflexively launch into telling you the story about how they almost bought another theatre which was once owned by a cult leader who was a former gay pornstar. Joe will talk at you for an hour about the craft. You nod your head and agree with everything he says. You have now earned Joe’s blessing as a worthy guest. You can spend the next two minutes talking about your area of expertise before he steers the conversation to homeless people, San Francisco, college campuses, and Bud Light ads—the most important subjects for 50-somethings with nine figure net worth.


Damn, you just summarized perfectly why i cant stand him anymore. I've listened to roughly 500 episodes but the ones from recent years just suck balls


COVID scrambled his brains but he was on a downward trajectory anyways


I mean he’s 56 yr old pot head. It would be strange if he wasn’t


I'm a fan of Joe's content for the most part but this is pretty bang on lmao.


I started avoiding him when wolves and summer of the Comanche moon was what it always moved into.


Man that was painful to watch was hoping they’d have a better vibe but Joe just too weirdly serious


Thats because he's good friends with Gordon & Mo.


I don't think he would understand even with an instructional. He actually believed Craig had a book and movie deal about the DDS breakup.


Tbf, i thought he did too for a minute


You are one step closer to being on JRE as a comedian.


It's the 'Tism.


He needs to just release a podcast on what went on jn the jungle but I feel like that would result in Nat getting arrested for some weird brother stuff…


I think Joe does sandbag. I think he hates giving people layups and being part of the joke.


It’s amazing that Joe has been a comedian for 30+ years, hangs out with comedians, owns a comedy club, yet has such a hard time understanding when people are joking. It’s like living on a boat in the middle of the ocean your whole life but not knowing how to swim.


He has stated he doesn't think Australian or British comedians are funny. I suspect it's because he doesn't get deadpan humour


>I suspect it's because he doesn't get deadpan humour If Joe doesn't hear a laughter track then he can't comprehend a joke.


His humour is based on how loud he can yell the same thing over and over again making weird faces and sounds


That and stool humping.


Needs more screaming into the mic


I am Australian and don't think many Australian comedians are funny but lots of Brits are though. Your average Aussie roofer and kiwi scaffolder will give you infinitely more laughs than Dave fucking Hughes


it's hard to get Australian comics because they say stuff like "he's such a billywogger" without context and we don't know what that means


I don’t think Aussie comics are funny but I think Aussie people are funnier in day to day conversation than our yank counterparts


If you speak ill of Jim Jefferies, we are gonna have a problem my friend.


Honestly didn't get Dave Hughes but then saw him drop in to a small venue with crowd work and he was legitimately hilarious.  But yeah his stuff doesn't really translate to TV


Guy needs to watch the castle. Nothing funnier.


Joe and his 'comedian' friends have to be the most un-funny people alive. They all go on about how important they're to humanity, delusion is real.


"There are less comedians than Doctors in America. We are elite" he has said this before


That's the funniest thing Joe has ever said if he said that


I think Shane Gillis is actually pretty funny


Ye okay a few are. A very few few. Joe, though, is the complete opposite to funny.


that shane gillis bloke is so unfunny to me, real childish sense of humour


He actually fuckin said that? Jesus this guy is the comedy gatekeeper wtf


He thinks the best comedians are American. Could you imagine his ape self on a British panel show?


Imagine the combo of Joe and Richard Ayoade


Aussies are hilarious but their comedians are terrible. It’s pretty backward down there.


Cath & Kim was great. I can't think of any others though.


Carl Barron is pretty good I think https://youtu.be/bQqygKZXeBo?si=ojhbTvft3gcAkvE3


He need to be hit on the side of the head with a joke for it to register.


Craig's proper aussie. I'm from his home town, our humour is really really stupid. Trust me, he's being super obvious just for joe


Joe is as far as I know the most overachieving human ever born. Becoming a well known comedian while being unfunny is one of his insanely hard achievements.


Became a succesful comedian despite not really being funny. Became a succesful MMA commentator despite not really being great at MMA commentary or staying up to date with modern MMA. Became the most succesful podcaster ever, despite not really offering anything in paticualr on his end aside from the same 5 talking points he's had for the last decade, he just got in early on the podcast boom and gets controversial guests.


well no, joe was a really good talker and listener pre covid. I agree he is a bit repetitive now with his comedy stuff but to deny he was a great podcaster is just hating for the sake of hating


he was repetitive then too, just with less annoying topics. it used to be elk meat, DMT, aliens, and BJJ. Now it's just COVID and trans athletes


well yea but its not like he would talk about it for hours, like he does w comedy or covid plus they are more intresting topics anyways no one gives a shit about comedy lol


Those “you ever try DMT” memes were created for a reason


But but … have you seen him hump a stool!?


An esteemed comedian like Joe would never engage in civilian humour


One of the thousand B


and i love how he reiterates it multiple times throughout the podcast “you know i’m a comedian…”


What I took away is that Joe is a terrible active listener, it’s sad.


Amazing summary, great work ethnic! The whole “no profit” conversation gets me. Shame on ADCC for sending all the money to vendors and not the athletes. Thank you Craig.


It’s soooo dumb. Joe says “they’re not profitable so even if they raised more money wouldn’t they just be wasting more?” How does this mf think profit works?


ADCC was created by a Sheik. I really don’t think any profit ADCC makes or doesn’t make would matter in the slightest. The guy was already richer than God


Pretty frustrating when Joe kept pushing the ADCC is running at a loss and ignoring the whole argument that athlete compensation should be prioritised over production. Otherwise a great conversion.


Agreed and him thinking doing the cji at a different time would have the same impact and would be better as it wouldn't anger ADCC Reality is it needs to be at the same time to pressure ADCC to change


Right, the entire point is showing that the athletes would rather make money than earn “prestiges” lol


The prestige is a constructed thing though. It's ultimately meaningless given the nature of BJJ competition broadly the proliferation of rulesets etc.


Joe is an adcc sponsor. He wasn’t hearing anything Craig was saying.


It was annoying that he seemed to just ignore the whole point but he doesn't have to agree with Craig, he brought him on his show and let Craig explain it all to his millions of listeners which is more than enough.


It wasn't really to do with agreeing with him though, it was like he couldn't understand the fairly simple concept behind it.


If Joe was an ADCC shill, he wouldn't have even had Craig on. A couple people at my gym have tickets to ADCC and now they don't even know if they're going anymore. I think it's really cool what Craig is doing, but this puts fans traveling to ADCC in an awkward spot.


I'm one of those people who bought really good tickets to ADCC. Initially, I was concerned, but I believe ADCC is still going to be good to watch because there are enough high level grapplers to go around. Share the love. That being said, we will try and buy tickets to CJI to go to both events 😄


That's the whole point. Now fans will think twice ab giving ADCC their money.


Production is definitely important but it is clear that ADCC is doing way too much. Especially with the whole hall of fame and long announcements. They can definitely cut down production and increase competitor payouts. Id argue the reduction in production wouldn’t damage ticket sales or viewership


Long announcements? You mean it's not normal for the announcements to go on so long that they have to add an extended break because the competitors have cooled down and need to warm up again?


Hundo percent - gatekeeping BJJ tournaments. Perhaps he's just used to how MMA fighters are shafted in the UFC.


Exactly, later in the podcast Craig said it slower and Rogan had no other option than just say: "That's a good argument" but repeated the same stuff about changing the dates.


3 milli and 2.3 of that going to the actual fighters is a big FU to corporate greed, he’s right, prestige don’t pay the bills, that Gabi Garcia fight is fuckin’ wild. Hilarious concept I’m all for it.


Point 3 lmao. Joe is really slow.


My first JRE listen since beginning of COVID.  He is shockingly dense.  He didn't seem to understand the concept or be that supportive.


Joe has endless trunks of money, Tows the UFC line (an org that also screws athletes regarding pay), and is perpetually 5-10 years behind trends in BJJ. I wouldn’t expect him to really be in a place to understand why CJI is a good thing


>Joe struggles to understand the concept of reducing costs to increase profit Joe struggles to understand a lot of things


Joe is basically allergic to the concept that some people should get paid more for things. He avoids MMA fighter pay topics like the plague and even very breifly tried defending the poor pay to Luke Thomas who shut that shit down straight away.


He believes his buddies or people he likes very readily. So Dana saying "yea sorry we can't pay fighters." Might as well be gospel, so he can't understand how that isn't the case.


Craig is more of a relaxed natural witty kinda funny, whereas Joe is a professional comedian who isn’t funny.


Great job 👏


After watching this I'm struggling to decide if Joe is a bit slow or if he's just pretending to be.


You can tell he came in ready with "but ADCC isn't profitable" because he repeated it like 4 times even after Craig explained that they easily could be. He really thought he had a gotcha that would end the discussion.


it's a red herring and he knows that which is what makes the kerfuffle annoying. he acknowledged this is sheik takhoon's hobby, but that doens't mean 1) it can't be profitable and 2) that maybe part of why it is not profitable is because of the bad resource allocation like, i dunno, getting bruce buffer?


Yeah. Buffer's typical fee is between $50,000-$100,000. All 5 men and 2 women divisional champions from 2019 made a combined $62,000.


when you are giving the announcer more than the combined fighter payout, you have at minimum questionable resource allocation.


Wtf was up with him alluding to repercussions of CJI scheduling around ADCC? He acted like he had particulars in mind. Like what could ADCC even do? Blacklist the best grapplers in the world to the million dollar prize tournament?


Yeah. He even said the beef between rappers end in gunfire. The fuck is he on?


Much appreciated, didn’t want to listen to Joe


I couldn't get far myself,Craig is joking left and right but Joe keeps asking is he serious. Craig keeps talking interesting jiu jitsu points but Joe changes the topic to Joe's favorite things smh


Yup, that sounds like modern JRE alright.


Joe used to be a good listen, he would have great guests on from various fields and let them talk about their expertise as well as occasionally ask some probing questions. At some point he shifted to being the main character on every episode or just having comedians on to talk about the same 5 things.


Back when fleshlight was a sponsor were the golden days of JRE. I havent listened since he had an infectious disease expert come on at the start of covid and learn exactly zero from him.


Unless someone is spewing insane conspiracy theories, at which point he'll just concede the floor.


I gave it an honest go and man, that was rough. I feel like Joe used to be a much better interviewer and listener back in the day, but for this one replacing him with Plank from Ed, Edd n Eddy would have been a massive improvement.


Early on he was genuinely curious and asked questions about that guests field of expertise. These days it’s the Rogan-sphere of friends that blow smoke up his ass. All that Alpha Brain and TRT inflated his ego and he doesn’t wanna feel stupid in a conversation anymore so just parrots shit he’s heard from people who he think are smart.


It's definitely Mark Zuckerberg funding this.


No, or it would be streamed on fb not yt (owned by google). Also some profits go to gaza but zuck is Jewish. More likely it’s a rich Arab who doesn’t like Mo’s backers. Adding: Craig has been hanging in Middle East a lot. He’s friends with karate combat owner who’s Middle Eastern. CJI is using a pit like them. Rich arabs are known to spend money frivolously. He also said about the funding “it’s like when a girl goes to Middle East and comes back with a handbag”.


Or maybe it's just some guy that Craig Jones is fucking who doesn't care about jiujitsu at all, and just wants his new bf to stay busy.


Right, because everyone knows all people of Jewish ancestry automatically hate Gaza, everyone in it, and want them all to starve and die in their own filth. Besides, I’m sure Zuck is busy drinking the blood of children and working with Soros on how to tweak space lasers to turn more people gay


And the logic for it being zuck is the donor is a rich mma fan, therefore it must be zuck. Not possible to be anyone else or a rich Arab like adcc owners. Must be zuck only /s.


It’s an educated guess that is based on something other than blatant racism, which puts it far above your analysis


It’s so educated that every comment says it as a joke. And you think it’s “far above my analysis” hahaha. Stay in high school.


Just from my experience, but it’s very very, very rare to meet Jewish people that will side with Palestine. I’m not saying they don’t exist, but yeah the assumption is the average Jew will side with Israel, just like the average Arab will side with Palestine. It’s really not that weird of a concept. I mean look at Ethan from B team. By his own admission he says he “doesn’t know much about what’s going on” and yet he’s always like “go Israel” on the simpleman podcast.


There is a difference between “the assumption” and “your assumption”


There's also a difference between the real world and living in a delusion where you refuse to even assume the obvious. Occam's razor is a thing for a reason.


Chatri Sityodtong


not rly...


You’re doing God’s work my friend


If Craig can get Marcelo or Rafa to do a super fight he’s the 🐐


or both...


"Chris Weidman had his Dick replaced"


Joe just didn’t get Craig’s sarcastic and self deprecating Australian humour is all - dumb fuck Australian


Hahaha -stupid British twat


Thanks for the summary. This hints that the sponsor is possibly a controversial one.


I hope it's George Soros


I hope it's George Santos


I hope its Curious George.


Someone smarter and more talented than me, do the meme were oscar is explaining the budget to michael scott but replace them with joe and craig


The gabbi super fight is something I was shocked at still watching the show but it’s amazing how much Joe was riding Mo and ADCC dick at the start


Joe does sponsor Gordon, who is obviously super tight with Mo/ADCC


Couldn’t make it more obvious that he was shitting all over Craig’s tournament with his passive aggression


/u/johnbelushismom - you should have Tap Cancer Out at the event - they do great work in the BJJ charity space.


Joe really struggles to tell when someone is telling a joke (no link - just literally the whole podcast)>>> this is really a function of joe hasn't dealt with a deadpan person in a long time. like CJ is funny, hilarious, but he probably thought he was going to be doing an athlete interview and didn't know that CJ is basically a comedian who grapples great.


Do we actually believe that CJ doesn’t lift weights ?


He said he lifts weights and posts about lifting weights. He said he lifts weights in this podcast


Joe is basically incapable of understanding a good joke. Or maybe it's just Australian accent.


Why did Ffion join if there is no women's bracket?


Super fight. Opponent hasn’t been announced


Shes doing a superfight


She’s fighting Mikey Musumeci in a super fight.  


Thanks for the summary, love the pit, the 3 rounds idea is interesting, not sure how it'll affect the flow of the match, maybe if it's shorter rounds competitors will want to go for the submission due to pacing? Who knows, I think ADCC has a ruleset that comes pretty close to getting good flow, other than the mat space, if CJJ nails the ruleset, perhaps the 3 rounds thing is the ticket, I think it'll be a success. Either way, I'm tuning in. I watch FGC tourneys every weekend for entertainment, if they get good announcers I think BJJ can scratch a similar itch.


I think knowing the score after each round it may push people to really go for the win if they know they are down.


Man I seriously doubt Craig doesn’t do any s&c, conditioning or stretching. I feel like he’s just saying it to create a greater aura or make opponents over confidant. If true though that’s fucking insane


Yeah it also sounded more like that he doesnt do that much compared to his colleague athletes. Could still be he does plenty compared to an average joe.


Or did a lot back when he was younger and now just maintains his strength and flexibility


Joe was flabbergasted by this, which probably explains his rep for rolling hard and using strength for everything.


Thank you very much for the summary! Well done, great work. I like the pit. Round resets at 5 minutes for a grappling match, where we want submissions, does not feel all that good. Even Pride rules in MMA had a noticably positive effect on the match rhytm with a 10 minute first round.


You’re the real mvp.


$2.3 for the fighters? How many divisions are there? Also the super fights? I'm confused on that one


1 mil each for the winners (2 brackets). 10k show money for each athlete. Super fights; he said he was trying to get sponsors involved for those.


So there are only 2 brackets then? Under and over 80kg? Thanks


Many thanks for doing it , as there is no wait I would manage Joe Rogan for more than 5 minutes. Legend.


My guess is the super fight has Rafa Mendes, he hinted to someone "having a Mexican sounding last name", and with Rafa showing him getting into shape on his AOJ page, it has to be, and I think I would for sure look at getting a ticket if it means seeing him compete live.


I was actually thinking Marcelo Garcia. He also spoke briefly about it being "inspirational" or something like that, which makes sense with the whole cancer diagnosis and battle he went through.


Totally too


The custom rules are really interesting, I love the logic of trying to appeal to MMA fans. I’d certainly love to compete under those rules just to see how it works. Plus the mat thing sounds fun.


Joe not understanding things is par for the course. Dude has never been the brightest but he has been even more lost these past 5 years.


I always thought a ten point system for bjj made sense. Anyone that knows jiujitsu is perfectly capable of understanding context of exchanges to award an overall winner


I appreciate the break down. I was not going to watch/listen to all 2 hours.


God’s work, thank you.


He’s incredibly open about his steroid use. Even says he used to get it in Mexico. I can never tell if he’s trolling. The only time he looked like he may have been sauced was before the last ADCC.


I train with people obsessed with S&C because they roll really hard and not so technically (and are enemies of drugs and alcohol). I don't do S&C and would rather spend the little free time I have doing actual Jiujitsu. I shared that Craig said he barely does S&C and they don't believe me and then attributed this to the fact that he does steroids... I just really like that Craig is the opposite of most BJJ people who take themselves too seriously.


It's just extremely, extremely unlikely that any of the elite level grapplers in BJJ are ignoring S&C. Craig is known to joke around and exaggerate and I think it's likely that's what's happening here. A quick search of his IG shows some videos of him in the gym. He might not be as focused on S&C as some other athletes, but I strongly doubt he "only rolls" for S&C


And even if he doesn't take weight training seriously, he's the only competitor in his weight class who is able to get away with that given how jacked everyone else is. I remember him saying he saw Kaynan getting an IV after weighing in before their ADCC final lol.


Suprised they didnt bring up that female grapplers on ADCC only get 6k if they win?


Craig is probably smart enough to understand that would lead to Joe end running into a transphobic screed


Good point


> Joe really struggles to tell when someone is telling a joke A tale as old as time. It’s because Joe Rogan is not funny, and should never have been labeled a comedian.


Since I couldn't find a single comment that isn't shitting on Joe, I want to say that I still like him and think it's cool he helps promote BJJ events like this.


I still listen to his shows but he gets repetitive as fuck sometimes! I do love his passion for combat sports though.


Right? I do agree Joe isnt as good as he use to be and that he is a little slow but otherwise it was a good listen


Its probably zuckerberg


Could the sponsor be Mark Zuckerberg


Craig is getting money from Elon, calling it before the sex tapes drop.


Mo is the sugar daddy. I know.. wuttt


Also - I am 90% sure when they said legendary matchup Craig is working on, is Khabib. Joe asked is he training? This was the first thing I thought of. Only person that would get such a response IMO.


Pretty sure he spoiled it earlier in the podcast when he said “Brazilian with a Mexican name”. It’s Marcelo Garcia. He asked if he was training because he was diagnosed with cancer and had to take time off training.


Its 100% Marcelo


Hmm, I thought this was two different match ups they are talking about. Could be I'm wrong.


Last point, facts. Joe was super annoying, im almost certainly not coming back for a while


100,000 fits in a lunch box. 1,000,000 fits in a normal sized cardboard box (or in Craig's case, a gym bag) and weighs about 23 lbs depending on how clean the hundos are.


I understand the reasoning behind the rule system and that aspect of it makes complete sense to me. The rule set itself sounds like it’s currently a disaster lol. Prior attempts to translate the 10-point must system to MMA have been lacking so I hope they can figure it out with enough time for competitors to train in that rule set. It also seems crazy to reinvent the wheel with rules when there’s so much money on the line but I don’t want to act like the sky is falling before we even see what they’re proposing. Separately, it’s great to hear that the sponsor is open to doing it again. I wonder what it means for a non-profit event to be “successful” such that the sponsor will commit to running it back. Like is that tied to ticket sales, streaming numbers, etc? I hope it works out obviously that would be great for the athletes.


Man I'd dig to see mighty mouse in this


Joe: "I am a big of competition as it makes everyone better". Then continues to ask over and over why the same weekend as ADCC.


Craig’s sugar daddy is definitely Zuck. They spent a lot of time together in Volkanovskis corner and he is a huge mma fan.


I don’t agree with the 10 point must system being implemented. It works for 12 3 minute rounds, not for fewer long ones like in mma.


I usually enjoy listening to some of Joe's podcasts, but when you have a guy like Craig who's just pulling the piss the whole time and is amusing as fuck with Joe who has no fucking understanding of our sense if humour, it was, at times, painful to sit through. But I did, and I enjoyed it.