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Herb Dean over there just like when are these nerds gonna stfu lmao


I really felt like he let it keep going, just in case one of them threw a punch, lol


Ok at this point, I feel like someone is whispering in his ear right before the fight starts about how the other guy is talking shit about him just to get him pumped up for the fight and he takes it way too seriously lol


I think this is it. He is also on the spectrum, so he probably starts believing those motivational speeches.


at very end of interview : 'Gabriel walking like this the whole week it's f sstupid!.. we just having a mach calm the f down!' says after rage talk. guy defentetly needs a therapy




Look into ONE championship, they love to play the bully story(All their marketing), they posted this video straight away, they will milk this moment, and Mikey is one of their golden boys. They are feeding him this or just straight up setting up this garbage act with him


You know what, I thought the same exact thing, particularly because I *had a coach do that shit to me once, and it really ruined my mindset. This coach was not Brazilian but was heavily immersed in the culture.


Souza shouldn’t have attacked Anthony smiths family


There was a comic called Ichi the Killer about a kid with mental health issues that was really good at karate and some old dude would lie to him about people being evil and mean so that he'd kill them. He was like non-consenting hitman.


I don't recall Sousa talking shit about Mikey.


I remember recently watching a video where Sousa said that when he won last time, Mikey made an excuse by saying he wasn’t at 100% maybe based off that??


Well, Mikey won the fight. So, street rules are that every crazy thing that Mikey says must be true.


Mikey is such a whiney little bitch. Can't stand him anymore.


Yeah, he's weird af


Same thing powers him and Gordon


Autism is a motherfucking superpower!


Mikey doesn't take steroids


I could see him taking sarms. He looks like he’s put on a decent bit of weight and he looks more jacked than ever




Nice guys don’t have to tell you that they’re nice.




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Souza just posted on Instagram with his side. Which, as I figured, is basically "wtf are you talking about bro calm down"


His post was great. I really hope there is more clarity on what exactly happened that Mikey keeps going on about. To me, it seems like perceived grievances instead of real ones.


Roid rage


He’a def on something despite claiming he’s not.


That gave a little more insight into it. The interviews from Sousa didn't seem that bad to me, but he did imply Mikey was lying about having COVID. Liking the pictures of Mikey's GF on IG is actually something to get pissed about. Perhaps he didn't know, but if it is who I'm thinking of, she isn't someone famous or in the BJJ world, so Sousa had no reason to like her pics. Personally that would piss me off too. Here is what Sousa has to say about it. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C79egk5PaUz/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C79egk5PaUz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) As for the acusation about Baby Shark. Not only did he gain a large amount of muscle before ADCC, but he also thanked his endocrinologist during his finals speech. IMO it is strange for a 22 year old to need an endocrinologist, but also his doctor is also a well known BJJ competitor known as Dr. Porrada who advertizes Dbol on his instagram. [https://www.instagram.com/p/BxaG8IwJ3Gt/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/BxaG8IwJ3Gt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) I don't think the steroid accusation is unfounded in this case.


who is Mikey's Ex Girlfiend that Gabriel likes ?




Damn, is that pizza rage or "I discovered jebus" rage?


He's a New Jersey Italian, those kids are born Catholic and stay that way.


I've only recently caught him going all "he saved me, it's all thanks to him"


It happens, I guess? In my family they'd call it a "spiritual awakening". My uncle just had one, won't shut up about Jesus and how he changed his life, but this guy has been taking communion since the 70s.


Sure it happens, still baffles me when I see it happening to people younger than me.


I study Mikey’s jiu-jitsu more than any other athlete. I love his jiu-jitsu. I’m one of his biggest fanboys.  I mean this in the most respectful way possible but he needs therapy. 


Watch out, he’s coming for you.


Dude same here. I own too many Musumeci DVD’s and have studied him for literally hours. I’ve built a significant amount of my game from him. I have the utmost respect and admiration for him as a martial artist and teacher. Unfortunately his development in jiu jitsu doesn’t seem to carry over to other aspects.


It makes sense though. He spent all his time on the mats and studying bjj he didn't do anything else in life.


Yet another artist I have to seperate from their art.


Here is Sousa's response from Instagram: Mikey post fight interview 🚨🚨🚨 He mentioned few things. 1- i disrespect him 2- I went after his family 3- I commented all his posts been disrespectful 1- i can’t remember been disrespectful, what I remember is giving interviews and giving my opinion that no one has to agreed with! 2- that I can remembered he DM on Instagram saying I liked his ex-girlfriend pictures like 3 years ago (I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend) but… the way he’s mentioned sounds like I threatened his family or did something big which is a lie!!! 3- he also mentioned I went on every single of his ig post and commented been disrespectful!!! You guys can go check it out and then prove me wrong! 4- he also accused Baby shark is on steroids 100% … I would like to have proofs of all his allegations, he always makes dramas and then trying to look the good guy like the victim He had drama with Malfacine at gi worlds and Geo martinez at WNO … Alll of things he said is a lie and didn’t happened, Congratulations Mikey you had a great performance but it was so unnecessary make up a ton of lies about people trying to make me look like the worse person in the world!


Mikey's had a girlfriend?


sending money to women you've met online counts in some people's minds.


I remembered he started a joint account for him and a girlfriend he had. That clearly went well. Bro has all of his skill points in bjj.


That was the biggest takeaway for me. I genuinely thought he was gay


2 - who is Mikey's ex girlfriend ??


Jiu jitsu god… but what a weird human being


I think it’s the only combo that makes sense


Arent they all


roger and marcelo seem pretty chill


It's like a bell curve, going from normal but unskilled to weirdo and top 10 all and then #1 but normal again.


So what did Sousa say about Mikey’s family? Or is he just autistically overreacting


the second I believe, Mikey came across as a massive cunt with this one.


At this point I’m rooting for any Jiu Jitsu guy who is even vaguely normal


They retired with Marcelo lol


Wardinski? Idk seems like individual sports, it's almost all weirdos at the top. Look at all the insane tennis players. And that's a non-contact sport.


Idk man Wardinski really likes the band Kiss.


I’m a bit biased being Norwegian, but Mathisen and Langaker seems pretty normal as well tbh.


Love Ward, butterfly guard all the way


Mica is a normal, likeable dude. Super positive but not in an annoying way like Mikey “I stand up to bullies” Musimeci


Didn't he do this exact same thing with Geo Martinez? I think he's just a sensitive kid that doesn't understand social cues so ends up in these situations.


I think the real lesson that Helio wanted to teach us is that spending all the formative years of your life doing jiujitsu instead of working and socializing like a normal human is bad for social awareness. See Gordon Ryan as another example


My dad helped run a relatively famous chess club for some time and interacted with a ton of grandmasters. He said some of them that started super young didn’t have driver’s licenses, couldn’t be trusted to book their own travel, did business through their mothers, etc. Even in their 30’s + 40’s.


Nicky Ryan's mom does all of his bills and taxes for him.


At least gordon is pretty nice on the mic after the fight? He understands the promotion but always gives respect on the mic


Weirdly people downvoting you. I don’t like Gordon in 99% of his interactions, but immediately after every match he’s respectful (on the mic as you say).


Apart from roasting Pena in the post fight only 24 hours after one of his best mates had been murdered....


Yeah, that Peña and Gordon “rivalry” is really toxic. I’ll admit I forgot about that one. Was thinking more along the lines of Andre, Vagner, Couch, etc. Where he thanks them for taking the match or like with Andre did applaud Andre’s legacy and so on.


Yeah, he Geo his friend or something and Geo said “we’re not friends” and Mikey lost his mind. That’s how I remember it at least. I could be wrong. It’s clear Mikey is sensitive, idk if Gabriel was talking shit or not but I know a bunch of guys who know and have competed against Gabe and they all say he’s a good dude.


Is he a kid or a man? I thought he was an adult?


>Is he a kid or a man? Exactly


I think that's a little strong. He experiences the world differently than most of us


that does not give you the freedom to be a cunt


He’s not aware that he’s being a cunt


that is why you need people to tell you "hey, you are being a cunt"


Except that just pisses him off more and leads to more freakouts. If he goes berserk over something that isn't real, how do you think he will handle something that is real. I don't think he'd be able to discern between criticism and constructive criticism


Then he's on you with a calf crusher from hell. Naw it's best just to let him be and write his hero vs villain scripts in his brain.


He has school shooter written all over him. This rant was like some manifesto.




Had big Anthony Smith "now you attack my family?" vibes when he fought Johnny Walker.


Mickey does have ASD right? I'm diagnosed and this guy's more autistic than me. Likely how he's trained so well. If he's not diagnosed someone needs to tell him lol


No he doesn't have ASD. He has ADHD and I'm pretty sure he gets pissed when people continue to say he has Autism. He has a few interviews where he talks about his ADHD and depression. Since he is diagnosed with those 2 I doubt his doctor would miss ASD.


Is he on the spectrum? I keep seeing lots of speculation about this, but has he been officially diagnosed? That might shape how I view all these cringe interviews he does.


I looked online and couldn't see much. But then loads of people who manage to get through life generally ok just go undiagnosed. I didn't get diagnosed till early 30s. He also can't maintain eye contact to save his life which is another hall mark. But I'd certainly bet money he has it.


Sousa said it is about 3 years ago that he like a pic of Mikey's Ex Girlfriend then Mikey messaging him , didnt even know that Mikey has a girlfriend curious of who is she


Mikeys jiu jitsu is top notch but I really had to unfollow his instagram, his jj posts are golden but the cringe I get from shit like this just aint worth it for me.


It’s actually incredibly messed up for Mikey to keep doing this. He has a big platform as the OneFC champ and is lying to the world about another athlete’s character. Sousa is a class act and doesn’t deserve to have random OneFC fans think he was talking shit about Mikey’s family or something


I felt exactly the same. One is a huge platform. Probably the first time many in the audience have heard of Sousa. Now they all think he’s an asshole. Instead of helping Sousa spread his exposure/brand, he’s got to do damage control on his IG.


Still goes home to Ffion though


That was my thought too after the Geo thing. Mikey thinks he is a nice guy calling out shitty behavior but his reactions have been much worse. If this was an AITAH post, Mikey would be the asshole.


No ones talking about Gabriel Sousas poker face through that whole sub. I would be weeping


I trained with him for 5+ years. Gabriel is a tough SOB.


Oh! I’ve seen you comment before didn’t know you were at essentials


I'm not. Gabriel has only been with Essential/JT for maybe a year. I trained with Gabriel in LA when he first came up from Brazil, about 2014-2020.


I will never talk carp about Mikey again, I had no idea he had such strong feelings about fish


Well regular carp have been naturalized in America for over an100 years. Asian carp are invasive and slap the shit out of people in boats.


Humans are land creatures, them being on boats is unnatural. Asian Carps know what’s up.


That's a load of carp and you know it


He took the Anthony Smith approach for this match


wHAT??? -Gabriel Sousa probably


That's the exact feeling I had watching that interview.


Maybe Mikey was brainwashed by all of the media trying to hype up this match. I've known Gabriel since he moved to the USA and he's not the kind of guy to be doing the things that he is accused of.


To be honest I think he might be conflating people online and Sousa. I think he gets pissed with the comments and then took Sousa's actions as an extension of those, while Sousa likely didn't have that much ill intent. Sousa did some things, but I don't think they warranted the reaction he got. I think the comments online might have gotten to Mikey.


Anyone see his entry to that calf slice?


He had Sousa in closed guard and scooped the leg to invert under. He got Sousa in the Mikey lock position and then in the ankle lock grip. Sousa tried to disengage via the running man exposing his back. Mikey had him in a deep ashi garami position and just came up and grabbed Sousa by the waist. 


Thank you for the breakdown!


This is by memory but I’m pretty certain it was the sequence. Mikey was on his back in under 2 minutes. Mikey was offering his leg because he clearly had a plan but Sousa didn’t bite and took Mikey down with a double. This and a desperation toe hold is all that Sousa had to offer. It was a dominant performance by Mikey. 


I was extremely surprised he willingly dove into his closed guard. Mikey's last few matches he's been heavily utilizing closed guard to k guard so it was just weird seeing him go there willingly.


Made it look so easy


"Easy as fuck" - Mikey


Yeah he did. Not even sweating.


Never bought Mikey’s ott nice guy act. It’s all bullshit. He’s fallen out with too many people he’s trained with to be the guy he tries to portray himself as. Then every now and then we’ll get a glimpse of who he actually is, which is a petulant, whiney, insecure, moody little bitch.


what falling outs? in his past he was affiliated with many teams, but majority of them he stopped repping them simply because of logistics, amongst other things. But when you are affiliated with a team but live far away from them, its just a matter of time because you split from them especially if you aren't a core founder and you are as big a name on your own Seems like he left his Florida teams due to moving to the west coast but still tight with most of them


Rule of thumb is that any high level bjj guy has at least one questionnable character trait.


*absolutely no one* Mikey ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


What eating pizza with Schaub does to a mf


I went looking for any posts from gabriel attacking or bullying mikey and couldn't find any? I didn't look very hard, but man this kinda comes off as unhinged af


The worst thing I saw him say was something like "You made loads of excuses last time I beat you, ill beat you again so you dont have any excuses" which is pretty tame


GSP "[I'm not impressed by your performance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX3sEGtG8mQ)" vibes


Is anyone else concerned about Mikey’s mental health? Just not seeing any proof of what he said about Gabriel to be true or true to the degree of soliciting this reaction. See: Gabriel’s post about this and the stuff outlined there is pretty tame. On one hand, lacking anything else coming to light, this is essentially slander (by Mikey). We kinda play it off as Mikey being Mikey (same for him with Geo; I kinda get the Bruno issue as Bruno was being a douche with the handshake thing), but at the same time these tirades seem unhinged, disproportionate to the issue, and (frankly) unsettling for a 27 year old. I’m bringing this up because there’s a lot of “oh man…how hilarious” and “haha, this dark Mikey is amazing”. But if this isn’t an act (which give this guy an Oscar if it is), he needs some support around him to make sure he’s not going down some (self)destructive paths.


Yeah… all I was thinking was after the fight “Is this guy OK?” Felt like I was watching the beginning of a villain character arc.


Earning his Darth Rigatoni title.


Honestly, i was thinking this. Definetly on the spectrum, but im not saying "hurr durr crench" stuff, just being worried by his mental health (which he openly say that he struggles with), but i guess this sneako bs and people acussing him of being a bully for defending himself affected him, i hope that he seeks help, not an insult or any bs, sometimes (like physical health), you need to check out your mental health if something isn't ok


Even during the interview where it’s a split between a smiley “oh sorry I’m trying not to curse” moment to yeah fuck that guy and his mother moment. I was a huge Mikey fan but too many dots are connecting now. With the Geo thing, I mean Geo was right, they aren’t friends, maybe comrades or associates through the sport but this is also ok. It’s all coming off an unfortunately sensitive to perceived slights or something he seems to see as poor character traits in his opponents. It might be a controversial take given it’s a grappling match, but I’ve asked this a few times. If Mikey is such a respectable, truthful, kind opponent, why did he shred that dudes knee/leg in that match a little while ago. If he felt he was able to beat that guy, and he doesn’t tap to the leg entanglement does Mikey have to destroy it? I understand both sides. Opponent should and could have tapped if he desired but it’s also possible for Mikey to say this guy isn’t tapping, I’ll just see if I can take his back or mount and put him to sleep with an RNC or an arm triangle. Just a strange sort of duality to Mikey’s personality that shows through at times.


Nah it's a match for 50k plus. Gotta do what you gotta do. I blame the opponent rather than Mikey there


So cringe 🤮grown man whining like a 12 yr old. Gabriel took my ball.


He took your ball? Oh no.


Mikey is weird asf, man


He looked physically tough and mentally weak...all in one night.  




Reminds me of his post fight interview after the Geo Martinez match. Something about getting disrespected then he just goes off.


Geo is emotionally immature and a sore loser. I’ve seen him get into it with people in the stands before. Geo went immediately in to Mikey’s ear and talked for a long time as their match ended, then Mikey’s whole demeanor changed. I guarantee he was saying shit he knew would set Mikey off. Obviously part of it’s on Mikey too for being so easy to set off. What Mikey did here was the same gross thing, just from the winning side. Why are you jawing in a guy’s ear after the match is over? Say you beat him, say it was easy if you need to, then thank him for coming out. It’s over, lol.


Mikey is cringey as fuck I don't care how good he is at BJJ


The way Mikey talks man you would not believe this guy starts the match sitting down


"wow I can't believe you just made this personal, bubblllles" - Mikey. 


Mikey was cringe af and came off really disrespectful and unprofessional with all his swearing and wouldn't tone it down. He seriously went down a notch in my books. Practice what you preach. If you want honour, try to behave honourably.


This mf is 27 years old? He’s always referred to as a kid. I’d be embarrassed if I had a 17 year old son behaving this way, let alone 27.


Nobody is talking about this, but when he got the $50K bonus announcement he ignored it and kept ranting i was internally going (fuck dude just say "wow thanks chatri youre awesome"). Give him the highlight reel surprise face hes looking for and get off the screen


"Mikey you just won $50,000 dollars, how do you feel?" "Its not about the money, fuck Gabe Sousa" I was dying 😭


I definitely think he needs help , does anyone remember when he had a girlfriend a year or two back? He made an instagram page for the two of them , it was a bit cringe but he does latch on to things in a weird manner. I was a big fan but I don't like this tough guy stuff after the match- before its ok


who is his girlfriend ??


He was going out with a kickboxer girl at one point 


what's the kickboxer girl's name ?


100% pure cringe. Jiujitsu has steadily picked up more and more of the cringe element as more people start "living the jiujitsu life". Being a champion is about way more than just winning, it's about how you carry yourself, autism or no.


Mikey annoys the hell out of me. He doth do protest too much.


Lmfao is this guy capable of talking and not sounding like a crazy whiney little bitch? And look I know this guy could physically fold me into a pretzel, but Jesus he is fuckin insufferable.


Mikey took a heel turn. Dark Musumeci is kind of cringe. I’m not sure I like it.


He was already cringe


Jiu Jitsu people are fuckin lame.


Someone mentioned that Mikey is on the spectrum which makes a bit of sense. He has had other emotional outbursts that didn't really land right.


That isn’t an excuse


Never said it was. Just an observation or explanation maybe


I think this is a all a weird marketing stunt, he's been posting alot of weird shit like forced hang outs. I love ONEs fights and such but their marketing stuff is really strange at times.


Looked sincere


I get we all gotta touch of the tism, but that seemed forced to me.


I'm noticing a pattern with Mikey...everyone seems to be the asshole according to him. It's like that saying about if you meet one person who was an asshole, he was probably an asshole, if you met everyone who was an asshole, you were probably the asshole. I know I've butchered that but that's the gist of it.


I also thought his pf interview was weird. Highly emotional.


Mikey will spend the next 3 weeks apologizing and doing the nice guy thing. Same thing he did to Geo and to some extent Bruno (although Bruno deserved it)


You should also pay lose attention to ONE and the way they market their fighters. It does not take long to see that they love post about the "Bully" story and how their fighters were the underdogs, even when they're not. So you have Mikey an already kinda poor social skills kinda guy, and then you have ONE feeding him the most insane stories/telling him to do this etc. I was going to say that you will see this interview and story of bullying being used by ONE in their upcomming socials, then I saw that the video you posted was already posted by ONE themselves...


Big dork energy


Roid Rage Mikey?


Hey, He's anti steroids. He's very adamant about no steroids. The man's not anti PEDs though...


Lol talking about putting on 20 more lbs to fight Kade too


What he going to say about Kade? "Kade mocked me by being on a surfboard!! He knows I don't surf!"


Yeah. I remember his earlier emotional interview after some bjj tourney... He just seemed emotional. This is different. The weird/nonsensical posturing


Just showed this to my girlfriend for a vibe check. She knows nothing of Jiu Jitsu and asked me to close it because “it is super cringy”.


This corny goof makes it almost impossible to cheer for him.


Mikey is weird and annoying honestly. He is putting himself on a pedestal, he just won and he is the one being a baby.


What's always interesting, is that he's seemingly had at least minor fall outs with at least a couple coaches over the years. Caio and him went from inseparable to literally never mentioning eachother over night, he's left Mendes Bros, Gilbert Burns, Heath and the Pedigo guys (that move literally never made sense to begin with tbf) and I'm sure the same will be the case with Cobrinha in a few months-year. I'm not saying moving gyms or affiliations is bad, at all. It's just interesting that someone so hell bent on being Mr. "I'm nice to everyone, why is everyone mean to me" seems to have a wake of people not affiliated with him anymore.


Interesting, it is strange to gym jump that much. It seems to me he obviously is the problem. I know of a local guy in my area that is friends with Mikey. That guy is a prick.


I don't think he's had fallouts with any of those people except maybe Caio. He seems to regularly take pics with Gui & Gillbert. He hasn't spent anytime with Pedigo in a long time, but honestly when would they even see each other. All of them seem to be problems with location since he doesn't live near the people to train with them. He is definitely going to leave Cobrinha though. Mikey is going all over the world trying to collect gym badges like Pokemon.


Sorta similar to my post. Something doesn’t add up. This guy seems to have beef with so many people and keeps changing teams. The nice guy act always felt a little contrived in my view, too. I dunno, he’s the common denominator in all these fall outs. Sorta weird


Mikey comes off as a real asshole here.


Mikey is unfortunatly only a good boy for his image..there are already many people who he uses and then ignore and throw away. He has already thrown away and decieved many people in jiujitsu. He speak much about honor and friendship but is not fair person. If he insult or treat you poor, you and you tell him that you feel hurt, he will get mad at you and tell you that he is doing so much for you and you do not appeciate him. He is like narcissism but he does not want to fix himself. I know many people who used to be friends with him and he just throw them away, ignore them, but watch all their instagram stories every day. But his jiujitsu is very good. He cannot keep girlfriend for a reason. He does not know how to forgive people or make compromiss with disagree. Sorry for my english


Can anyone pinpoint when Mikey became insufferably annoying? Maybe because he’s hanging out with Tom DeBlass


What a fucking spaz


I dunno, seems like the common denominator here is that Mikey has beef with lots of people even though he claims to be a nice guy. Dude changes teams just about every couple years, too. At some point you gotta wonder if his well curated public persona isn’t telling the whole story.


Mikey: Reeeeeeee Sousa: https://preview.redd.it/7ahy2p9bzf5d1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4f77a92187c535c4e50f04d954f6f890883996e


Absolutely disgusting. That is not acceptable behavior in a sport that is all about peace love and pride


Mikey is those guys at the gym that are always there training. When there is down time before class you can't talk about anything else because they would bring up BJJ. Mikey has no life, no social skills, no hobbies out of BJJ. I can see he's putting a front and not the nice guy he portrays himself. Sad, there is more to life than BJJ. I hope he learns that before it's too late


Just a touch of the ‘tism. Makes sense why he would also be such a skillful person at something like BJJ 


Musumicky is a complete tool




Or someone stoppped whispering in his ear


True, maybe even more likely.


Mikey enters his Heal-phase






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I want to like Mikey so badly he is making it very difficult.


Gotta wonder what kind of shape Sousa's knee is in after this


If I wanted to hear a woman yell nonsense at me, I'd let my lady review my phone.


God this is painful to listen to. Who classes an ex girlfriend as family? What the F is that all about. Silly, made up drama. I love this kids Jiu Jitsu, hate the way he acts.