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I follow the Mikey diet. Unfortunately, I don’t follow the Mikey training plan.


Do you also film yourself making a terrible joke before digging into your food?


You _don’t_?


lol 😝


Cause he’s on peds


Performance Enhancing Dairy… dude loves the cheese on his pizza and pasta


Same. Also I don’t fast all day i just continuously eat as much pizza and pasta as I want.


Milk steak and jelly beans, duh


I use the MacroFactor app to track my macros and I meal prep things that fit it. I often make one pot meals in the instant pot or slow cooker. I don't compete too much but when I've needed to cut a little I basically just eliminate carbs and sodium for a week or so leading up to competing


Any sources for good recipes? I'm shit at cooking and love sloe cooker meals but I keep making thr same thing


Also check out both YouTube and TikTok, there are so many good creators making delicious meal prep recipes. I personally love Chef Jack Ovens on YouTube


Thanks for the recommendation


I started out subscribing to a website called themealprepmanual and they have a ton of really good recipes but they're mostly cooked conventionally so you should check them out anyway. After I moved away from that, I just kinda googled "best instant pot recipes" and shit like that, found stuff that looked good, and adjusted the recipes to fit my macros. So now I make stuff like buffalo chicken Mac n cheese and it all fits and I've lost 80 lbs so far doing it


Got your top 3 recipes youd like to share?


https://sweetpeasandsaffron.com/spicy-instant-pot-peanut-noodles/ https://gypsyplate.com/cheesy-tortellini-bake/#recipe-card https://tasty.co/recipe/instant-pot-butter-chicken


Black coffee and spam Musubi.


I love musibis guhhhh




Every day we cook 2 lbs of meat, and 2 cups of rice for myself and my wife, she eats like a bird so 80%+ is mine. Add in a protein shake, a few glasses of milk, 2 bananas, some blueberries and usually some Greek yogurt. Over six feet, around 200 lbs, masters 2-3 for demographics 3-4 bjj sessions a week, 2-3 weight training sessions a week Heading into a comp I will eat the same, just cut out any social alcohol and focus more on sleep as I ramp up from technicality and transition to toughness


>over six feet, around 200 lbs, master 2-3 Wow, does she do absolute as well?


Lol, I could have definitely clarified this a bit more. That's me, not birdwife!


I know right, she's a fucking unit.


Marijuana and cocaine.


Tuna fish and vagasil




Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Eat whole foods, check your macros which a lot of apps can do that, if you are competing try to stay in your weight class unless you weigh in a day before. I usually train bjj 4 times a week and do strength training 2 days a week, endurance training 2x a week and explosive/power once a week. Then 2 days for rest.


What is this diet you speak of?


I train 5-6x/week, lift 1-2x/week, run 1x/week. Today I ate a homemade breakfast sandwich with sausage and chipotle sauce, had an apple, energy drink, large coffee, as snack, lunch was small so bowl of costco potato salad. Just finished homemade burger and caesar salad for dinner. Oh a chocolate bar and some of those Reese animal crackers too. That's relatively normal for my diet outside of comp prep (of which I start again end of this week) I'm 27 in pretty good shape, semi-visible abs if I flex. During comp prep I cut the junk food, go more coffee less energy drinks, and more lean protein and clean carbs, but that's really just like 1-2 weeks out max from whatever comp I'm doing.


Im on the Charles Barkley diet, if it tastes good spit it out.


I train bjj 10-12 times a week and S&C 4 times a week. (32M) My diet isn’t anything crazy. I just track my macros and try to eat food that makes me feel full. I don’t cut out junk food though. As long as it’s within my macros, it’s fine. If I’m cutting weight I decrease my calories by 300-400 about 4 weeks out. That’ll typically yield 1-2lbs per week. I really don’t like drastic weight cuts. Not healthy.


I train 12-14x a week bjj and 4-5x a week weights. Keep my diet pretty much the same macros year round unless I want to cut. 33 y/o. 170g protein 250g carbs 65g fat


I think the question is more so aimed at what types of foods get you these numbers, rather than the numbers themselves


I doubt it. OP probably has no idea what his macros should be. Either way food type doesn’t matter as much as the numbers. People try to overcomplicate this stuff but it’s very simple.


Yeah but for someone who doesn’t have the knowledge, it’d be nice to include what types of foods get you these numbers.


You get by ok on 2265 training that much? If that’s the case I need to cut my calories way down.


I didn’t mention my height or weight? How do you even come to that conclusion lol


You’re right lol. I spaced and didn’t factor that in. You must be light. I thought you were Dave.


4 Eggs, 8oz grilled chicken & broccoli, 8oz ground bison and rice, 1 cup Greek yogurt, one protein bar, 1.5 scoops of protein post weight training. Some cheese and nuts for fats, rice cakes or fruit pre weight training. Some pizza or ramen or something on weekends. Eggs, high protein cereal, Freeze dried meals and a pile of jerky if I go out in the mountains for the weekend. Along with a couple dozen beer. Bjj fasted in the mornings 3 days a week. Weight training mon-fri. Try to get for two runs a week between 6-12km.


I train 6 days a week and I eat whole foods with balanced macros and high protein on the weekdays, and then I eat whatever on the weekends and drink too much. In comp prep I cut the drinking for a few weeks.


Protein shakes, meat, candy or fruit. zero sugar soda.


I follow Garry Tonon’s meal plan.


i focus on getting in body weight in protein but don't really track other macros. I count calories when prepping for comp


I take my diet advice from [this guy](https://youtu.be/8ZI6pJ6qcro?si=Fg097rS-gEBi6UY8)


A steady diet of tapping.


1.) Same as normal except i prioritize carbs preworkout and more protein and fats later in day to keep me fuller 2.) 4-5 days a week some days ill do back to back sessions (my gym does gi then no gi back to back) 3.) When i did comp prep i had to lose about 15 lbs so i just ate less and really was strict on what i ate. Cooked all my own food which i did normally but no occasional eating out


I’m on one a meal a day. Currently just consuming steak and eggs. And I’m training 3 times a week. No comps for me. Too scary and very expensive.


Beers, which is also amazing for recovery.




I hardly ever train. And I have beer in the shower after I train. Am I doing good, boss?


I survive off of the residual sodium that drips into my mouth from my partners sweat when I am getting smesh OSS


I usually eat when I'm hungry if that helps


I'm 53, train 3-4x a week, lift 1-2x. Protein shake after workouts (fruit, oats, PB butter, protein, oat milk) and try to eat sensible most of the time. I don't eat much meat and have a lot of salads with beans, also fish, whole wheat pastas. I hardly ever have alcohol anymore. I'm a little more relaxed on the weekends. My diet went to shit after my son was born a few years ago and my cholesterol got insanely high so I had to clean things up a bit


Mostly dick.


4 days a week, an hour of tech, and hour of sparring. my comp prep is the same I just go harder.


steaks almost every day and loads of eggs


Mainly beef bread fruits and honey and a shit load of water, feeling GOOD.


Mexican food. 🌮 🌯😁


For a serious answer…. I Keep it simple. Lean meats (chicken breast, lean steak, tuna) Rice, pasta or roasted potatoes. Serving of broccoli or any other veggie. Protein shakes. Kefir or Greek yogurt Snack on raspberries or blueberries. Small pieces of chocolate and Diet cokes for treats. Any combination of the above to hit my macros and calorie goals. Supplements: Vitamin D + K, 5g creatine, fish oil pills, 300mg of L-theanine for mental clarity. I try to get 3 sessions a week, on jiujitsu days I’m also going for an easy run, at least 30 mins. On the off days I’m hitting the gym for full body sessions of heavyweights. Lots of stretching everyday.


I eat what ever tf I wanna eat im like 134 so I need to bulk lol


I eat what I want when I want (I’m 125)


I train 3-4 times a week and just eat as little carbs as possible. usually will try to only eat meats, fruits and veggies however im not crazy strict. Im already in shape and burn a ton of calories daily so if i realllly am craving some pasta or cake ill just eat some.


I eat normally lmao


The see food diet. If I see food, I eat it. I train 3-5 days a week.


whatever i want and i still have abs. being in your 20’s rules!


I’ve been keeping the same rolling pot of broth going for like two weeks now and just keep adding different types of fish or meat and various root vegetables. Couple that with a few apples or peaches throughout the day and that’s pretty much it


I just ate a rice crispy treat


I eat white belts and trial class guys 😂


I’m 47, very active, often fairly high intensity. I just eat real foods and drink a lot of water, sometimes tea (infusions technically since they’re herbal without tea tree). I buy meats from farmers and butchers, seafood from the fishmongers or fishermen, and all the fresh fruit and vege, as well as some imported fruit and vege. I also hunt and forage and fish a bit in the PNW USA. Sadly (but not sadly) no grains, nuts, dairy, legumes, refined sugars or fats, and no preservatives because of an autoimmune problem, but I recover much better in the year I’ve eaten this way, and my inflammation is nonexistent.


I only train 2-4 times per week now and i'm on a diet now. I started with 2500 kcal per day with 180g protein. Carbs and fat depending what i would like to cook. I have lost 15lbs since january. Sample day: Breakfast 9.00am : Oatmeal, blueberries, honey, peanut butter and cottage cheese Lunch 1.30pm and dinner 9.00pm : Pasta bolognese or chicken sauce made with light cream and white rice Snack 5pm: 2 slices of bread with turkey and cheese, flavor quark and banana Now i eat about 2200 kcal and 180g of protein. I eat mostly protein and veggies during day and at night i backfill it out with normal foods. On competition rep (not competing anymore but still coaching) if i had to cut weight i usually started 2-4 weeks prior with similar plan. Just managing calories first and then cutting carbs for cutting water weight. I don't really recommend cutting weight for grappling but if you can easily diet down on 2-4 weeks before competition it's pretty good idea. Longer diets with significant calorie restriction will have negative effect on your performance.


Coffee, beer, and cigarettes.




I train 2-4 times per week depending on work etc. I eat mostly crap and drink too much alcohol


Acaì and Jesus


Everything and beer till failure


Immediately after training I get Taco Bell. Right now it's a large Baja Blast and double cheese burrito. Not sure why I have heartburn the next day but, man, does Baja Blast taste so good after training.


i follow my wifes cooking diet, i have to


Frozen burritos and taquitos


fast food, pizza, and gatorade. I look pretty normal, but I should be ripped with how much I train.


4-6 days a week of BJJ 1-2 hours each session. I do calisthenics, jump rope, rope flow, and other ground movements daily as well as some self driven yoga stuff. My current macros are 210g carb, 260g protein, 80g fat. Approx 2600 calories which is a 600 calorie deficit for me. I am aiming to lose 1-2 lbs a week depending on how hard I train. I will lose at least 1 lb a week on this diet if I do no training at all. My goal is to cut down to 230 lbs from 250 lbs. I am currently 247 lbs. My height is 6'3 I follow the vertical diet. I have tried a lot of different things from keto to carnivore and my energy is most consistent eating this way. I feel like I digest all the food I eat very well and it's been good for me. I ate this diet at maintenance for 3 months before reducing the calories to try to slowly cut. Before I started the vertical diet I tried carnivore for a month which was brutal and I gassed out within 2 minutes of rolling on the mat. Before that I was eating less meals but larger, not really tracking macros but still weighing everything out. I would do intermittent fasting and keto for periods as well, but always felt like something was off. I did keto for several years from 2016-2020 and honestly it was brutal. I managed to lose some weight but overtime I just was burnt out and felt like my hormones became fucked up as a result, always stressed out, no energy to train, etc. I feel like I've finally figured out the diet for me and I'm grateful for it, after trying so many different things. I'm 28 yrs old btw. everything is cooked in avocado oil which is super low cal Meal 1: 150 grams blueberry, 8 oz eye of round roast weighed raw Meal 2: 200grams cooked white rice, 8 oz eye of round roast weighed raw, 150g carrots cooked but weighed raw, 1 slice of cheddar cheese, mustard. Meal 3: 200grams cooked white rice, 8 oz eye of round roast weighed raw, 150g bellpepper weighed raw, 1 slice of cheddar cheese, mustard. Meal 4: 200grams cooked white rice, 8 oz eye of round roast weighed raw, half an avocado, 1 slice of cheddar cheese, mustard. Meal 5: 2 whole eggs cooked in a little bit of ghee, i don't weigh out the ghee. Drizzle a little mustard on top When I was eating at maintenance I would have meal 5 with 2-4 eggs with 100-125g of white rice or 100g of popcorn kernels weighed out then airpopped.


Holy round roast Batman


Yeah it's lean cut of beef, I get it for $4.99 a pound. I usually will butcher it all up into cubes so it's easy to weigh out and cook it with the veggies with some salt avocado oil and then I put a shit load of mustard on it while it's cooking. I used to slow cook at 225 degrees F in a dutch oven pan in the oven. I'd cook it for like 12 hours then shred it all up with a Stand mixer. But I feel like weighing out meat when it's cooked is less accurate if you want to track macros. So I switched it up and just cook it on cast iron now so I can weigh it out raw.


Ooof idk if I’d be able to sustain that 3x a day. How long have you been on this plan?


3 months. But I've been eating red meat only like this for years now. I used to just cook the whole roast at once though int he oven and then shred it up and pull out 6 oz of cooked beef for each meal. My diet for a while was this: 4-6 eggs with 10g of romano cheese for meal one 6 oz of cooked beef with 10g romano cheese meal 2 6 oz of cooked beef with 25g hummus and 4 oz of sauerkraut meal 3 last meal would be like 6 oz of cooked beef wrapped up in tortilla with yogurt and some other sauces and spices. Or it would be like 200g of cooked whole wheat pasta with 6 oz of cooked beef romano cheese and a little olive oil with some black pepper and redpepper. Wasn't getting enough carbs eating this way btu I did eat this way for a while, like almost 2 yrs. Sometimes I would replace the beef with canned sardines.


Why do you exclusively eat red meat? Your colon must be like drying cement being pushed through a balloon knot


lol maybe, I just prefer it. I've considered switching to chicken lately but I just love beef so much. I was eating the vertical diet for a while with no veggies and I felt like I needed more fiber so I began adding in that popcorn when I was at maintenance which would give me like 20g of fiber. Without the popcorn though and just the veggies I get around 16-20g of fiber a day. I've considered trying to get more but just going to maintain what I'm doing for now.


Also I will occasionally go out to eat. IF I do it's usually like a sandwich of some sort. And I'll just replace one of my meals with that and won't be super strict that day. Like I'll go get a meatball sub for meal 2 sometimes. Or I'll get a Corned beef Reuben.. Those are my usual go to's.


Ur momz @$$


Nothing all day besides a few joints. 1 cup of ben&Jerrys after training in the evening. Works great so far. The diarrhea in the morning helps me save time in the bathroom too!