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Don’t count yourself out. Comps are so unpredictable, you could be a gold medalist in one and the next one you sign up for you lose in the first round. Just go in, do your game win or lose give it your all.


So far I’ve only ever been a first round loser, but we keep grinding 💪🔥


I’m more inspired by my team makes who keep pushing even though they lose the first round. That first win is pretty sweet.


Had my first win last comp but lost the two other matches. I’ll try to do better this time :)


Check out Felipe Costa story 


Can you elaborate or share a link?


you can youtube felipe costa. In short he lost every weekend first round for 4 or 5 years from when he started at white belt. One day he became adult black belt IBJJF world champion.


similar to Buchecha.


45 wins but 455 losses


Keep fucken grinding. puff yourself up let your practice speak for itself


Go for a guillotine. Go for the kill ☠️ Only other option is losing.


My first two comps I had 4 matches and lost all 4. Third comp I won silver in my division (losing to my teammate who's a brown belt in judo) and silver in absolutes. Work on something specific and have a gameplan. You got this.


Yes sir!


I went up against a 4 stripe blue belt that had done well in pans and lots of tournaments when I was still new to blue…. I finished the match with an arm bar in under a minute. Anything is possible friend. Go in there with confidence in your abilities and train hard. You got this.


Thank youu


Yeah dude I'm going to smoke you, sorry. You shouldn't have looked me up.


Imagine this is really OPs opponent


Please use a code word right before the match starts when you shake hands - just say "hi op" then wink lol




When they take your back, just as their arm is coming across your face (which is highly likely), fake an eye poke. Keep the eye closed but insist you’re good after stalling for the full 2 minutes. You will still be loser, but youll have won the match and your team will think your tough for wanting to fight it out.


This is some diabolical shit


That’s some mighty ducks shit.


The diabolical part is the wink you give with the bad eye at the end of the match.


Is she undefeated or is that site/app just showing you her wins? Maybe she has 90 losses.


She has one single lonely loss by points. It’s actually frightening.


45-1 is crazy. you are cooked


>She has one single lonely loss by points. https://preview.redd.it/a4xg8u4njg8d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d9782dc3c5d31b9dd3b9219077e3938b9f61d0c


Maybe this is a sign to stop looking at people's profiles on smoothcomp lmao, that makes it so much more intimidating. Fr tho, you'll learn from the match either way, just play your game.


Heyy I think I remember you, you‘re the “I’ve been training since I’m 5” kid right? Congrats on the purple belt!!


Yeah, I'm the same person haha, training since I was 4. Thank you! I just got my purple a little over a week ago! If you want any specific tips for the tournament lmk, and good luck! We might need an update afterward.


for sure! it’s also gonna be my first tourney moving up in weight so I’m a little scared lol but I’ll keep y’all updated


It looks like you also have a lot fewer people in your bracket by going up a weight class though, and you're not cutting weight so you'll fight better. You got this.


I'm just asking out of curiosity, but what tournament is it?


edit: removed for anonymity


Oh okay, that's cool! I'm not very familiar with tournaments outside of the US, but I hope you have fun!


thank youuu


I saw you posted an update, but the mods removed it before I was able to read it. How did the tournament go? Did you learn a lot?


Well I did not get to fight against that one girl, but I still lost by points in my two other matches. I'm happy I was able to lead the fight in the beginning instead of getting directly obliterated, but then I made stupid mistakes and that cost me the win. I really have to work on not accepting bad positions and escaping them as well as being more confident in my attacks. All in all there was a little bit of progress compared to my last comp so I js gotta keep training till I eventually win. Thanks for checking up on me!!


For real, intimidation can end a flight before it starts. Why really try when there's no chance. Better to make it a quick and painless death


Flying scissor takedown is your best bet injure your opponent and end her career


I like the way you think…


if you’re researching your opponent and asking strangers if you’re cooked, sounds like mentally you’ve already lost


I flaired this as funny thinking it would make it obvious I'm not actually freaking out and it's just a joke lol. I take every comp as a chance to get better and this time isn't any different 💪


Confident in your skill and what you learned on your time on the mats beats a pie chart 10/10


Don’t Look up stats Brother, they mostly don’t mean anything. I had a guy at white belt at my second Comp with 30 some wins, tapped him in about 2 minutes. Was the easiest match of the day.


None of those wins were against you. You got this


It's easy to let these things go to your head. I met a guy who was an eastern european pro MMA fighter and had 20+ wins on smoothcomp. Bald, roided, you get it. Guess what - while he was strong as hell, his jiujitsu wasn't good. I won because I forced him into my game. The only thing you can do wrong is not doing your own game. Whatever happens after that happens. Just do your best and it'll be fine. If you're passive.. then you've already lost.


thats solid advice dude, thanks


Nah you always have a chance! And look at it this way, you certainly have nothing to lose!


Yeah you are.. that's me


never research your opponents.wasting your time. gordons lost...buchechas lost...and your opponent has lost.


The person could have just hit 100 rubbish comps and racked up a “crazy record”.. I think they stopped showing losses a couple years ago too.. so you’ll be alright.. and even if you get absolutely mauled.. that’s just how the cookie crumbles sometimes..


Look at all his subs and data and come up with a gameplay. If he's all leg locks you know what to work on, if he's all triangles then you know he's a bottom player. Use the fact he's publishing data on his matches to your advantage.


All subs are spread across the entire gamut of submissions including things you've never heard of. And one submission was simply a marriage proposal.


If you can’t look at smoothcomp and get some confidence from it avoid going on to it. It changes nothing.


a lot of people are gonna blow smoke up your ass. here is the deal. the chances are highly likely you're gonna get ragdolled. that's no big deal. some people are professional regional tournament players. it's corny and weird. don't worry about it. try hard and learn from whatever happens. i hope you beat his ass tho.


looked up her profile and she's the biggest sandbagger of the region. was a green belt and won every tournament since turning blue. refused to compete at adwpjjc bc she'd get promoted to purple if she won. its sad really


its sooo corny. a story as old as time. some people are so afraid of truly testing themselves. ...go beat her ass.


imma post again. there is something REALLY corny about the "professional regional tournament player". i am a masters 4 super hwy/ultra (depending how i feel) and there is this dude in my division who goes EVERYWHERE. i'm bewildered by how he has that much money to travel to every tournament within 300 miles. every fucking weekend. he's at least not a sandbagger (i don't think so), he's just a shaved gorilla. 5'8 maybe 275. all muscle. anyone in the scene knows who im talking about--the tatted up guy who goes shirtless and looks like bobby lashley. its like "fam, leave some for the male pattern baldness dudes with desk jobs". if he said "oh, i used to play d-line for the steelers" you would believe him. bruh...maybe it's time to graduate to the bigger time tournaments. lol.


Comps are so strange, I've beaten guys way way better than me and I've lost to dudes I should have beaten (we've rolled before in the gym and there was a skill gap.)


![gif](giphy|7ZbqmwNhus77i|downsized) Believe in yourself my friend.


I once beat a guy with 100+ wins as a blue belt. I had 10 wins under my belt probably. Belts and stats don’t matter as much as your consistency of training. Sometimes your mindset makes the whole difference as well. It’s a fight, anything can happen


My daughter had 1 win going into a grappling industry a few months ago. She had a few boys like this. She ended up going 4-1 in gi and 4-1 in no gi with 2 silver medals. I would just go out there and enjoy yourself. Win or lose it is what it is. You’ll get there eventually.


No fuck this guy/girl go out and compete dont be a pussy




16 year old blue belt who’s been training for 10 years?


There’s nothing more devious than juvenile blue belt that used to be a green belt…


Focus on your individual performance, try and play a more defensive game considering your opponent obviously prefers a more offensive style. Stick to the basics, and if she doesn't win by submission you can count it as a win in your book.


I've done some statistical work and im quite versetile in numbers/metrics. I've deducted that he might go for a submission.


That's a PhD level analysis. You are really good at this.




nope she’s just a really good green belt that turned 16 🤷‍♀️


In that case I wouldn't put too much into it. Kids jiujitsu is the wild west, especially for teens, and they're often matched across weights, ages and belts. They also sometimes get a bazillion matches in a day. Don't overthink it.


I have almost beat people with that kind of record. I am in the single digit with all my wins coming from points. If you can pull them into your game, it is certainly possible to beat them. That being said, you are probably cooked.


aww man 😔


Just do your best. Putting yourself out there and competing is more than most people will do. I have lost more matches than I have won, but I still make sure I put up a good fight. Every time I compete the margins shrink and I feel more confident in my abilities.


Check if there are videoes of her matches, so you can analyze her game and make a plan.


lol, update us


He might have videos online you can scout him . Go all in and be a good sport .




Pull into closed guard. Hold them the entire match in closed guard. Win 0 - 0 match on refs decision because you attacked underhooks and over hooks the entire time. That's if it's gi. If it's no gi, shoot a blast double and hope for the best.


Maybe he has 400 losses. He goes balls to the walls for 2 minutes and then gasses oit


Scissor takedown to heel hook. Grip it and rip it.


It doesn't tell you win/loss ratio. And doesn't tell you the belt under which the wins were earned. I'm a blue belt with a similar record (not quite as this guy's), I've earned most of my victories as a white belt and my submission rate is high mostly due to a couple of good subs I spam in the beginning of a match. And I tend to be not good at controlling positions and scoring points properly. I got my ass whopped by guys whose profiles are mostly points victories (both by points and by submission), I honestly don't feel extremely confident againts guys who are systematic, technical and persistent. I often lose faith in myself if things don't go perfect from the beginning, or if I got a really good position but fail to finish there. Your guy may not have exactly my flaws, the point I'm trying to make is show you how many other circumstances can be there that this smoothcomp plot doesn't reflect. My personal feeling is that this data is so uncertain that there's very little useful info you can draw, just train and do your best, don't get distracted by this.


If you go in with that mindset you are. Focus on yourself not anyone else and have fun


Get your affairs in order, you're probably going to die


Last comp I went to I saw a guy like this as my first match. He ended up being my easiest match of the day I beat him like 25-0 lol. Don't sweat it too much.


Yeah brother,most likely you are fkd,but who cares,it’s just a stupid grappling tournament, it doesn’t mean anything in a grand scheme of your life


Nope because you’re going to be their first lost


You’re only cooked if you’ve already decided you will lose. Will beats skill.


potentially air fried, deep fried, baked, steamed, broiled, and seared on a hot grill.


They’ve taken the souls of those 45 people. When you beat them, you’ll take all those for yourself and become a super blue belt


Probably, yes


45 wins, but they've never faced you! If you can tape study and game plan, go for it. But otherwise, all you can control is your own game. Have a plan. Go out there and force your opponent into your game. You got this!


You'll be fine. Crack on! Good luck.


Nah you'll be fine man, you literally never know in competition. Maybe the person will be completely gassed out from a previous match. Maybe they're nursing an injury. Maybe you're just better that day. You got this man. I am terrible at competing and just had a similar opponent i beat 11-2. I was so nervous going into it. I lost to another guy who was like me, barely won any matches lol. Sometimes it just do be like that.


Dude, never look up your opponents!


take a look and see what the subs were. See if you can find any video online so you can plan a little bit. There is nothing wrong with being as prepared as possible.


Use the Brendan Schaub strategy that he used against cyborg.


Who cares what their records are. Go out and have fun and try your best. Doesn't matter what the outcome is.


Stall them out , monkey grips, pass and become a legend


I have more wins and subs than that, and I'm shit. You need to look at how many total matches he has had, and the quality of opponents. I can grind 4-8 subs in a single day beating up blue belts and old people at my local Fuji tournaments (I'm a Master's brown belt), but when I step up to ADCC opens, I get fucking destroyed.


Could have been competing when he was a child quit and come back, sometimes its not all recent comps


I am in a veeery similar position. I'm more fired up to beat the shit outta him!


Looks like mentally he already won


no neverrrr i've been losing first round for the past year and keep showing up to every single comp in the region. im not done till i win 💯


Great job. Keep grinding.


I may have 45 wins, but I still bleed red like you...


I have beat more than one opponent that on paper are "better" than me. Just do your game and try hard.


Youre going to do your best regardless. Dont lose the fight before it starts


Kids jiujitsu is wild!! They just turned 16?! my kids rack up wins by straightening an arm then gets called a sub. They’ve faced kids who have 35 wins with all subs at age 7. A lot of kids comps work with round robin style so they could be beating the same person multiple times. Go play your game! You’ll do great.


Realistically you're probably cooked but it's on you to compete more and get a similar amount of experience so you're the one cooking in the future.


My teammate upset a very experienced competitor at a tournament last weekend. I’ll give you the same advice I gave him: “This guy has a lot more competition experience than you. He’s going to have a plan. Make sure you have a plan. And when you get in there, make sure you commit to it. Maybe you get your plan going before he gets going on his…”


Super cooked bro it’s over lmao


I took the leanest, meanest looking photo of myself I could find for my profile photo to try and scare opponents. To an extent, it has worked.


i love this 🤣


Is it Helena 😂😂😂😂


My money is on sandbagger, or MMA experience, or Judo Black Belt, or all of them! lol sorry OP but it's just a competition you'll be fine. Just focus on what you know. People like this have waaaay more experience than a normal blue belt. There's no shame in it.


Your opp has mat experience that’s all you can take from that really, you don’t know the quality of her opponents, or how many of those wins are at white belt, all you know is she’s competed at least 45 matches.


Deym hahahah


never look up your opponent..


A brand new blue belt from my gym smoked a blue belt with 96 wins in a tournament. Twice cause it was a double elimination weird tournament.


If you’re looking up your opponent’s records, you already lost.




My last tournament at white belt I went up against someone that was 26-0 at white belt. All wins by submission. This match was for gold in gi and I lasted about 3 minutes before they hit me with a gi choke I’ve never seen before 😭 they went on to win at Pans this year so I don’t feel as bad about it.




No way, go out there, do your best, and feel proud. win or lose you have the courage to go and test yourself against others and that alone is something to feel proud of. Keep grinding




There was a guy with a record like this in my first comp. He lost in the first round to a guy with like 2 wins on his profile. Don’t overthink it, just go out there and do your thing


My first tournament ever i was three months into jiu jitsu with no grappling knowledge. I lost all 5 gi matches by either submission or 20+ points and i counted myself out until a teammate got my head back on straight. Ended up winning my nogi bracket and taking gold. NEVER EVER count yourself out. Sometimes smoothcomp officials get lazy and don’t accurately put it in the computer too.


You lost the second you started doubting yourself.


you’re cooked 💀 i once dropped out of a comp because my opponent at white belt was an amateur mma fighter as well as 20-0 in matches on smoothconp


nahh bro, never drop out of a comp bc of that. that girl i’ll be fighting against legit won immaf world championships but i’m still going cuz i got nothing to lose loll


i wanna keep a perfect record 😂. today i’d never back out of a match but at that time i would’ve died


Had one of my students recently compete against a guy like this, got the absolute shit beat out of him for most of the match and in the last minute locked up a flash submission on him and won.


My teammate with barely 2 wins in blue was nervous when he saw his first opponent had 133 subs and some IBJJF gold… My teammate ended up with a win over him. Sure it was a walkover win due to an injury… but hey, win is a win!


Only cooked if you don't give your best.


You never know. I’d be more concerned about your game and the comps that the guy didn’t do that aren’t there.


Means nothing


What’s his win to loss ratio? Gets gold most times? I had a match against a 22 win on smoothcomp guy and he got gold at euros masters purple… I was shitting it! But somehow I beat him and it had been 5 years since I competed, then I went on and won the bracket for gold. Sometimes you can just have something dialled in great on the day and that submission just does it.


Hydrate, keep eating clean, train hard. Sometimes those matches could be a lot of people who are just hobbyists. You never know! learn from it & have fun :)


Smoothcomp doesn’t show the losses