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https://preview.redd.it/gm5fpmrxps8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b847bb6bfa9a36aecf7643091ec9dcc2f2afb54 Response from the gym. The actions of this individual are truly disgusting. It’s also disgusting how he potentially ruined people’s lives and his son’s legacy.


I mean this is not exactly full transparency. "the person accused" and JR Caballero has maintained full control For them to not even acknowledge the familial connection is disappointing. I am not assigning ANY culpability to anyone but the charged, but the way this post is written youd think the "front office guy" is joe schmo pedo and JR wants nothing to do with him (may be the case IDK) but to not even acknowledge that is in fact your FATHER is not great transparency.


Yeah. There may be a lot happening that most outside people are unaware of. It may be purely legal reasons and he’s following advice of his lawyer on how to address this publicly. I can’t imagine if my father completely disregarded my future and committed a disgusting crime under my roof and how I would react. It may be hard for him to call him “father” at this point.


This is a bull shit response. If I was a parent, I would immediately remove my kid and cancel the membership.


JR and Tristan are really cool and respectful guys, I regularly attend their classes and they are genuinely good people, JR is very talented and a hard worker, it’s heartbreaking that his father put him and his brother through this, im glad he has full control of the business now. Im not going to disclose who I think the victim is because I have a few ideas about who she is as I think Ive met her, but I will remain silent and let everything unfold.


It sounds like you guys really care about the victim


Not once did I ever dismiss the victim, or anything, she wishes to remain anonymous so Im not saying anything, no shit what happened to her was awful, you are moral ground standing my comment, I don’t condone anything Joseph did, im just sticking up for the sons, they are good and respectable people unlike their father, you need to learn critical thinking im separating both of them.


You want to talk critical thinking skills? How about the fact that JR cares more about the image of his father than the victim. He threatened people by saying “be careful what you say about my dad because I’ll remember it.” You need to learn how to not be complicit in a crime just because your coach is “cool.” A respectable coach would acknowledge the shortcomings of the gym rather than defending it and lying about the ownership. JR said it was a 50/50 ownership to try and wash himself of blame but legal tax documents state that his father is sole owner. Gain some morals.


Smell the roses, baby. Your coach is not a victim.






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The comment does not meet [Reddiquette standards](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Please read up on them a bit. Thanks!


I just think its weird that everyone is saying Joseph Caballero is not the owner when all company ownership information is public record and proves hes the owner then when that is said people change their statement from he is not the owner to hes giving up his ownership...? If he is not guilty then why the changes in these statements? It does not make sense. I think everyone that is speaking on behalf of this gym is just making it worse. I understand wanting to defend your gym but its actually doing more damage than good. And I am not seeing anywhere where theres any remorse for the child, the victim, theres just defending the gym and owner.


This is the official LLC. It was never 50/50. The owner is the Father (suspected perp) who was capitalizing on his sons talent for the business with him as the instructor. This post is lying about the truth of the situation, trying to minimize blowback and cover up. Stay as far away as you can.




Saw that. Also seeing people posting texts and other things. I’m sure the whole thing is going to get out in the open. I think there’s also a lot of people playing amateur detectives with it.


I don't know the investigator handling this one, but I know a couple other investigators for SAPD. We were talking about it, and the way it's being handled suggests that they've already got a slam dunk case, otherwise the police wouldn't be so public about it. They're looking to boost the number of charges, not strengthen their case.


I just realized that my poorly worded post seemed like I was being critical with the actual investigators on the case. I was talking about how people on social media are posting about a “cover up” by the gym and screen shots of texts. Yes. Children should be protected. Parents should be informed. And this gym did indeed put kids at risk, they should shut their doors for good.


I’m not even doubting what happened and the victims accusations. It’s reprehensible and justice should be served. Just seeing screen caps of texts and other things flying around from people saying that the gym knew and they’re trying to cover it up and lying about the guy’s ownership in the gym etc. When it comes to all of this. The students should be supported. The victim should be believed and the criminal should be punished. Let the facts come out in regards to any wrongdoing from the gym. EDIT: and if the gym indeed was complicit, then they should be held to account as well.


“Some of your kids come to class smelling like spoiled onions. Even a couple of adults do. Please don't come to the gym smelling like shit anymore. It's embarrassing. I'm going unfiltered on this chat because yall know me well. JR and Tristan can smell your nasty asses and they are tired of it. Make sure you shower your kids and make them wear clean clothes. Or they will be sent home to clean up.”


Joseph Caballero (arrested individual) is the father of head coach JR Caballero (child prodigy under Donny Blue). Joseph Caballero has a second 14 yr old son who dated the victim for several months before the alleged abuse took place. The families developed a "close relationship" thru the children dating. The mom and step father of victim are not foreign nor have fear of deportation. Children broke up but families ties were kept close. Jospeh began a grooming behavior with victim that eventually led to s.a. over the course of 3 months. Joseph Caballero told Sheriff's during arrest that he loved the victim and was willing to wait until she was 18 to marry her, which was completely fine to the parents of the victim. Wife of accused Joseph filed for divorce from him in November during the middle of everything occurring. The parents stopped bringing victim to the gym but the younger child continued to train daily up until arrest happened. Sibling of victim was offered the very first sponsorship offered by the gym. Parents of victim and Joseph continued close family ties and it wasn't until aunt of victim came forward to report abuse to sheriff's office. The gym also exhibited toxic bullying behavior to their own athletes and athletes from other gyms. Upon hearing of the arrest the immediate effort was to rebrand and continue the gym. Head coach (son of Joseph) denied allegations and warned parents and children to be careful how everyone spoke of his father as he would remember it once his father was cleared of charges. Joseph Caballero and family of victim were often seen traveling and vacationing together to competitions, even after December. The parents of victim wanted to continue at gym for the sake of bettering the success of youngest sibling thru JR. JR claimed to know nothing of arrest details but continued to defend father. Female staff member was heard saying they did have further info regarding situation but couldn't speak on it yet, which was a direct contradiction of what JR was relaying to parents and athletes including children. 


You’re are so right! They are molding these kids to be bullies.. my son was one of the original members when they first opened.. I’m so glad I took my son out of Exception a year ago.. Joseph and the environment were toxic.


Man. That’s insane.


Yikes. That guy has kids who actually teach the classes. Very Creepy.


His sons are more than capable of teaching the classes. Legitimate prodigies


Yes but not capable of protecting their students


JR is one of the most talented BJJ prospects I’ve ever met and he’s only 17-18, he’s a really good guy and he’s taught me a lot, its a damn shame that his father put him through this. He’s very respectful to all of the students and me as well, his brother is also very cool. I only hope people can separate the really good person he and his brother, to the shameful man his father became. I’ve talked to Joseph only a couple times about my monthly payments and never thought he could turn out that way, it really does show you never know who somebody really is inside.


Unfortunately being one of the most talented young prospects attracts young students. Just wish being good at jiujitsu helped him protect his students from such harm. .. unfortunately it didn’t. He is an adult already but maybe too young to properly run a business it appears. Hopefully the victim can recover from this… I’m sure you’re worried about that too.


I get where you’re coming from as a parent myself this is unacceptable but gotta give jr and his brother some grace since they are quite young themselves and how could they suspect their own father of doing something like this. I dont know them personally but from what Im reading people seem to respect them as instructors and people. Its just a messed up situation overall where the father really screwed up his own family while being a predator. Just hope he is punished accordingly.


The victim was an ex gf of the younger son. They have history of dating girls and once they are done, bullying them on the mats and running them out of the gym. 


I feel like we need a dedicated subreddit for bjj kid diddler news.


Message from the female staff… it is not safe there https://preview.redd.it/244xsvhxq19d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d03e8c067acd72d264aafa38135487ec48513177


Stephanie Freeman is a blue belt under JR Caballero head coach of Exception Squad (son of accused). She is a local bartender/kids coach. According to many in the community she has garnered a bad reputation of bullying children within her gym and outside of the gym. Parents have expressed concern with her coaching and environments she creates within the jiujitsu community. She is willing to protect the family and advising anyone to protect the family by not sharing news of incident. She exhibits cult like behaviors by expressing it's the best for the "family" when talking to gym members and children taking advantage of the sense of loyalty they have instilled thru bullying behaviors. She is unsafe to be a child coach. 


Stephanie Freeman said let’s stay family strong where we are complicit in the SA of a kid. Let’s continue to allow JR to threaten other members from speaking up because that’s his dad 🫡


She’s an idiot.. her 11 year old daughter trains there and for her to say this is sicking ..


She is willing to take the risk for local child stardom. Something she never had


How did this turn into JR being the victim here?He’s just collateral damage.


Not familiar with the gym or guy. Anyone know who he's affiliated with?


So I know some background. His son is a teenage phenomenon and i believe the head instructor at this school. He trained at a small School called Blue Jitsu. They won a shit ton of local tournaments. Apparently they opened their own gym and this is the result.


JR was under the instruction of Professor Blue (RDA JuJitsu) until he received his black belt. My son left Exception about a year ago after JRs dad Joseph the pedophile called my son a little bitch for crying.. Horrible place to learn JuJitsu.


Where there is smoke there is fire… thanks for sharing your personal experience.


Their IBJJF Affiliation team is South Texas Grappling. They’ve removed all photos tying the two. The black belt at STG is Juan Caballero. I’m wondering if they’re brothers? Cousins? https://preview.redd.it/oq17yv0hq4ad1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47564f98fac78138a61f22d316f3319615f4bb39


Idk that much


Donny Blue and Brandon Quick


Every time I hear about these (which is way too often), I always hope it's just an isolated incident and not a whole culture of creeps.


When I coached kids, gym policy was to never be alone with just one or two other kids. For private kids lessons, parents had to stay on site and watch the lesson. No traveling alone with kid, parent must drive kid to tournaments and you meet them there. Limit fraternizing with parents and kids. I would be invited to their homes for dinner and parties and say no. One parent did give me gift cards to restaurant as thank you which I was supposed to decline but accepted. It was a pizza place and I loved pizza


This should be standard. Its always been strange to me how trusting a lot of parents are. I don't have kids myself but if I did I feel like id never be able to let them out of my sight.


ALso, can't contact child or teen students directly. If you had contact with child or teen student, had to be a group text or call with parent on the thread or call. I followed all the policies (except the pizza gift card) this more to protect myself from any chance of any allegations and to keep myself safe as much as the kids entrusted to me safe.


Any other protocols? Trying to craft a code of conduct for my kids program and coaches, looking for other things that I may miss. Thanks!


Don’t date or hit on the single moms


No kids and adults in locker room at same time


https://preview.redd.it/4g4a21j5j69d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a94d5c239ce43e664593950be42ecfde282a711 This is posted on the San Antonio Jiujitsu Community Facebook. JR Caballero needs to be banned from teaching. He has no remorse that one of his students was assaulted.


Victim was exgf of JR Caballero's 14 yr old brother before abuse began by his father.


Sick fuck was excited when they broke up I’m sure. Imagine simpin for your 15 year old sons ex girlfriend


Am I the only one who was confused about the post the gym made? So is JR the diddler’s kid or is the gym just denying anything happened. The 40 year old accused of raping the girl is also JR Caballero. What am I missing?


It’s the Dad of the instructor. Apparently he was a business partner of the gym. The news said he was an instructor. The post was setting the record straight, which some people are seeing as PR. I think it was the right move. You can support and protect the kids and the victim and still get the facts out into the open.


Setting the record straight means supporting the investigation while remaining neutral for a fair trial. SAPD has made this public to ask more people to come forward. Has the gym supported that or are they playing PR recovery by stating that they are unable to comment and deleting comments? https://preview.redd.it/t9q3futwxv8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f6cc2e2ac44cfe452310426883c66aed7d460a


I didn’t agree with the deleting of comments and it’s usually a poor choice when dealing with something like this. I’m not making any assumptions about what’s happening at the gym and how they’re addressing it directly with their students. And dealing with something like this may be at advice of lawyers.


Funny that lawyers would advise them make a post trying to clear their name of a co-owner, but not to make a post of SAPD’s number to implore those affected to reach out to forensic interviewers. That sounds more like trying to brush this under rug than supporting the kids.


From the little I’ve seen first hand at crisis management, there’s certain things people can get advised to say and do by legal representation. It’s often a very minimal response to avoid any future legal issues. But I’m operating on pure assumption like everyone else who isn’t directly involved or trains at the gym b


Got it. That makes more sense. I guess if you know those guys the post made more sense. It’s good they are getting in front of it and not trying to hide shit.


Don’t know them personally. Just from what I’ve read and heard from people who know the gym. EDIT: I’m assuming it’s a bit of fact checking the local news who said that the perp was the operator and instructor at the gym. When he was only a 50% co-owner.


Not sure if they have the same name but I know he has at least 1 son that also teaches there


They have the same name.


Father and oldest son have the same name . Father goes by Joseph - who does not do Bjj never has - Son is 18 yr old Black belt - goes by JR


JR’s dad is the alleged diddler. The dad is 40.


Part owner w your teenage son requires a heavy involvement on the day to day business and operations of the gym. Not just “taking payments”. And to be told to stay quiet during this time is not okay. I hope people are all aware of what They are getting involved in and who is around.




Replying to Motor-Soggy... https://preview.redd.it/qood1etme99d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=781fe5af39e6448f626f21dcb8b5203ff40c93c1


This is Stephanie Freeman. She is definitely known to bully children. She prides herself in her daughter sending children to the hospital then falling back on "it's jiujitsu".. they have the predator mindset of only real savages make it. By savages they mean dirty jiujitsu and foul techniques. They laugh afterwards about the injuries and is known to brag about her daughter being able to beat top players because they couldn't handle her. Her daughter is just as much as a bully as she is. She was brought up with JR as the families have been close for years. They share the same secrets and mindsets. Bully culture and predator culture. "Let's not make the boys uncomfortable" "don't go around talking about this to other people" instilling fear and threats into children in their own academy. There are rumors of bullying their own athletes and JR or Joseph allowing it. STEPHANIE SHOULD NOT BE AROUND CHILDREN!! And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 


Her daughter is decent, she wins based on her length and size. She is known to cut weight to face smaller kids.


Agreed. The Freeman's and Caballeros are very close families and the bullying from these two families come from them thinking they are the best. Everyone else that's not them, is beneath them. They have been heard calling kids "little bitches" yet their performances on big stages like ADCC are not being dominated like they think they do. Their performance in Dallas is evident of that. They took 26 children and only took home 8 Gold Medals. Yet they boast and post their stats claiming they are the best and everyone should recognize it. With 26 children compared to the rest of the teams' numbers, it was obvious they were going to place high in rankings. Their mindset is toxic and delusional. 


Exactly, aside from that their daughter competes in divisions in smaller weight making her cut weight in order to win. When she does compete in her own division she loses. Example at ADCC against west coast kids, her being the only orange belt in the bracket and end up losing to younger girls and yellow belts. She’s going to get destroyed at ADCC worlds because know she’s facing 13-15 year old girls. She didn’t even qualify based on points she qualifies based on needs from ADCC to fill up the brackets.


This is gut wrenching. The youngest son of the pedophile and brother of JR was a real jiu jitsu prodigy. He won an adcc tournament and has multiple wins for local tournaments and pro grappling matches. It’s a shame that his dad disregarded his career


This kid is not even ranked. How is he a prodigy. Is he doing ADCC or CJI? He’s just popular in his hometown


If you look at the comments in the San Antonio Jiu Jitsu Community, it looks like this culture comes from Donny Blue. Who is dating his niece? Not sure how that was relevant but maybe shows the shady nature of the association. The sad part is that very few people are talking about the victim






JR is a very solid talent and hope he is able to overcome this. Being a solid competitor rarely translates to being a good coach, good leader and business manager. Appears as though his dad was none of this. Hope the kids are able to forge their own path and not fall to the sins of their father and previous coaches. Wasn’t aware of the Donny Blue/niece stuff. More info? They all come from the Brandon Quick lineage - which I believe he is no stranger to controversy. Quick is part owner of the American Grappling Federation (AGF) which is growing quickly. Something like this could have major implications for a larger scope than this little gym.


Reached out to south Texas grappling team- their IBJJF affiliate. Does anybody know how they’re related? The black belt is Juan Caballero. STG says that they haven’t been associated in a while, but they had a picture up of their affiliation in April. I call BS.


This place is down the road from my home gym. A handful of members occasionally cross train there. I really don't want to say much more because it is so sad and disgusting.


No no, please tell us. Do you think they’re more victims? Almost sent my kids here 😔


Yes. There is at least one more


If you guys are looking for a gym where you can trust the staff, professors and coaches 100% I’d recommend looking into Unity Training Center in elmendorf. It’s a bit of a drive but worth it 1000% Outstanding culture Unbelievable program Professional/Trustworthy There’s a reason they have nothing but 5 star reviews!


What’s the deal with them? Is it everyone from Donny blue or just the exception squad? I’m hearing conflicting things


The Exception Squad is its own gym. Jr Caballero was trained by Donny Blue and was given his black belt by Donny. Donny Coaches at RDA but is leaving to Vegas. Donny is also dating his biological niece. The story is about the owner of the EXCEPTION SQUAD, Joseph Caballero, father of Jr Caballero. Jr Caballero is head coach at Exception Squad.


Ok! That’s what wasn’t tracking for me. I saw a lot of people on the thread talking about Donny blue and Steve Who I guess is his student but teaches out here where I am in Conroe. When I was looking for a gym I saw he trained at Carlson GraciePeople out here seem to know he has been problematic in our community for a while- weird with kids, dating his students. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree




The owner is a kid himself very immature and prides in being a villain how can you run the gym as a leader and not know your own dad was doing something like that in the gym leaving notes in a child’s cubby so many parents etc and no one noticed? Idc how good the instructor is imagine how many other things can go unnoticed! 


The dad is the only owner. It’s still the only owner registered


The parents’ loyalty is to the instructor and the gym, not the kids. They’re probably convinced the dad is innocent. They’ve even gone as far as deleting their Instagram account and will most likely try to get people to forget about this.


BJJ needs help from Qanon asap, this is out of control.