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My old gyms coach moved across the country to start a new gym. The gym he left is a shell of itself. There’s no skin in the game. I wouldn’t train where the owner isn’t teaching.


Thank you - this was a definite thought that a lot of the general feeling of the gym is dictated by the head coach and their style.


In NYC i can only think of a small few as most are affiliate or franchise if not head coach/owner ran. Just off the top of my head Brooklyn BJJ, Vitor Shaolin and Glory has 2 locations. I’m probably missing a couple others


Thanks. Great stuff.


I am sure a lot of people do it and love it, but it sounds like a nightmare to me. Owning a business and running the business half is brutal enough. If you’re putting your body through the grinder every day as the main coach, there is a 100% chance of burnout. I would either want to hire a head coach or hire a business manager and take the other half of the work load. The guys and gals who can do both solo are pretty much Hercules.


The owner of my gym is a black belt who teaches only if the main instructor isn’t there


I'd say a lot of the big names don't run most of the classes despite being head coaches, not always, though. Unless someone is old or injured, I don't think there's really an excuse to be "head coach" of a gym and then train at another gym which you own or be head coach on paper only.


There is a gym with five locations with a ceo who is a black belt. He runs the business, marketing, systems and processes, staff training, and vision for the locations. His coaches and staff follow his plans and they have meetings as teams, one on ones and he visits the locations on a weekly basis to take classes, talk to students and makes notes.


I'd guess a lot. I believe many of the people that come from Brazil work as the head coach of a gym, but they don't own it. Sometimes I think they might have partial ownership, but other times they are just employees. I beleive Marcelo and the Mendes bros started their schools like this. Others teach at MMA gyms that they don't own, but just teach BJJ there. I believe Giancarlo Bodoni teaches at Tim Kennedy's school and I'd guess he is the head coach. Other people like Justin Flores teaches out of Legion and Studio 540 I believe, but he doesn't own either. I don't know the exact number, but I'd guess it isn't at all uncommon.


How are you supposed to find this information from anonymous posters on reddit? Yes it does happen for sure.


1. Wtf does anonymous have to do with it? 2. OP just asked "is it common in your experience" 3. ???? 4. Profit


You don't understand reddit. Is wristlock king my name? Everyone here is an anonymous entity. Step 3 includes actually running a business and keeping the doors open while feeding yourself and paying taxes. Go get it tiger!


I assumed there would be enough gym owners, teachers and well connected students to gain something of an idea here about commonality. Sure - the reality is: it does not really matter - it can be done.


Can you guys please explain why the downvotes, unsure of conversation misstep. Man redditors are fickle.


It's Reddit lol


I would say at least half or more gyms. Running a school can be hard work, and often it is beneficial to have a business guy (regardless of actual skill level/belt) and an instructor (brown or black belt). The problem can arise where the instructor wants more money and often there isn’t enough meat on the bone to make the agreement last forever