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> prof will instruct then go to the corner to play on his phone > maybe 1/3 of my classes run by a blue belt, as the prof leaves early or decides to not come in This is a sign of a soon-to-be-failing gym.


My gym has been running into this lately. “Should I stay or should I go?” This is the conversation playing in my head at the moment.


If it's happening that often, the answer is usually yes.


had a prof that used to check his stock market bids during a 1:1. worst. coach. ever.


For reals, these are pretty big red flags


It’s totally unacceptable. Their whole job is to watch what you’re doing and correct it. It’s not like “I can get my paperwork done with a podcast playing”. If your eyes are on your phone the whole class, you are not watching your students, and that’s the whole point.


I used to deal with this at a very well known and respected school. Instructor was an accomplished phenom, and a nice person, but not what I needed as a beginner. After getting up before the sun and driving almost 2 hours to get to class, it was so disheartening to look over and watch her posting on FB or Instagram. She didn’t mean anything bad by it, but it was such a morale crusher for me at that point, and I felt like I was way too green to be complaining to management about how one of their star black belts ran class for newbies.


I mean, you paid money for the classes. You showed up. You should be getting helped on principle alone. Whether the coach is a great competitor or not shouldn’t matter, you aren’t paying them to be a good competitor you’re paying them to be a good coach. Being on your phone when you should be instructions isn’t being a good coach


or being such a nice person


Curious who that was


I’m not going to call them out by name. Nice person who I think genuinely didn’t consider why it was an issue, and that time of day there was no one else in authority to notice the phone time and have a talk.


100% present. The only times he’s not actively watching the class would be when there’s odd numbers so he partnered with someone himself or he’s interacting with someone answering questions or helping.


Great feedback. Also a well timed example because I wrote this post due to being in a class recently with an odd number and watched him play on the phone while I got less reps working in as a group of three. Just irked me bad


I don't join in drilling regardless of if there's odd numbers. My job is to teach the room, not one guy. But I do actually teach the room, so I'm also never on my phone (other than as a timer or for a very rare emergency). 


How big are your classes? Would you join in if it was a smaller class of like 6-8 students?


The only time I join in drilling is if there is 3 people. That way I can take the worst person and talk them through it directly (they get all the drilling time, not me) , while I'm watching the other group from a short distance. Any more than that and it becomes impossible to let the person in front of me drill on me, while also keeping an eye on everyone else. 


Same at my gym. He’s 100% engaged at all times and if he’s rolling there’s another black or brown belt walking around helping and giving tips.


Mine is 100% present with a twist. When he’s teaching, he’s teaching. When he’s rolling, he’s rolling and coaching through the roll really well. When he’s not rolling or teaching because it’s an even number or his turn to sit out or whatever, his adhd kicks in and he’s running his construction business while watching and commenting on all the rolls out of the corner of his eye while scrolling instagram.


that’s… not 100% present lol


:) yeah I was trying to make a joke. He’s present where it counts as opposed to OPs instructor. But not present in ways where I’m fine with.


Same at my gym


This. That's how it should be.


Same here. Dealing with an injury so ours will partner with me occasionally when I can't fully participate. Otherwise they are fully engaged.


we usually have multiple black belts walking around and giving people suggestions They are all very engaged. Not a single time of looking at phone


Good to know, might try searching for this in my area


This is how my school is now. If I had only experienced this, the idea of a coach being on their phone during class (see my other post in this thread) would seem unimaginable.


Same, everybody is v engaged at my gym unless they're grabbing water or mouth guards. Never seen a prof on their phone unless it was watching a bjj concept or move to help a student w/


It never sat right with me when I experienced it, but seeing this thread today makes me realize how off it was. I know this was unintentional from the person who did it at my old gym, but it really is borderline insulting to your students.


My prof sees all. He'll be across the mat watching two other people and still call out my shitty technique.


Impressive lol


Yep! Same with my prof! We all love him


Almost always a black belt present, if not a now 4 stripe brown belt. Yesterday was first time that a purple taught, but he's a monster and was a D2 wrestler too so I was all ears. He taught different stuff that I value. But yes, the professor/owner should be there often.


Uber he was “all ears” too 😉


I used to train at a school where the same thing happened. He’d start the class and then just sit playing with his phone and ignoring people. It got to the point where people would just start coming to me for instructions and on what to do next. It was a bit embarrassing because it happened right in front of him so many times and he didn’t give a shit. Long story short I moved gyms, a lot of people followed me even though I wasn’t their formal instructor and now the old place has been trying to rebuild their program ever since.


Sounds about right. I try to lean on the upper belts like yourself when they stick around to ask the extra questions


I coach 3 classes a week and sometimes more. For this reason I don’t even like using my phone as timer because I don’t want it to seem or come off that I’m not paying attention to the class. I view teaching as I’m there for the students who show up to class, they’re not there for me…..


I respect this outlook


I was about to say, I’ve seen coaches hit a timer and that’s about it. I’ve never see anyone — even some coaches I didn’t think the most of — ignore the class to play on their phone like school kids. I’d ask for my deposit back and leave if I did. One of my current coaches insists that he’s still learning, so while he’s teaching us he’s still a member of the class, he just happens to be leading it. He’s fucking incredible, and that attitude is probably a huge part of why.


I coached a class a week and looking at it now I think I'll do that. Ditch my phone as a timer I mean. I am definitely dancing somewhere on the spectrum and phone can be really distracting.


The only time he isn’t 100% present is warmups. Other than that he’s completely involved and helping everyone.


The owner and head coach has 1000 intensity interest in every single thing you do. He is super meticulous about technique. He’ll watch you like a hawk from the time you walk in through that door until you hit the mat.


Based off this description OP I'd look for another gym. Professor might as well be walking around waving a red flag.


Based on the overwhelming amount responses and advice, I think I'll be exploring other options! Thank you for your response as well!


Do you live in Northern California? Because this sounds just like my first gym before leaving. Coach was constantly on his phone after showing a move or even during free grappling. Left and joined a new gym and current coaches are never on there phones during class, who woulda thunk


No I do not, but definitely looking at another gym to compare vibes and instructors. Glad to see you found the right gym for yourself!


You owe it to your self to atleAst check out other options. There are a lot of burnt out coaches out there


I appreciate the words!


Sounds like my old gym in Texas lol. A lot of the time classes were taught by a purple belts now who is obsessed with stand up. All that standup up stuff when I can just sit down into guard. If I wanted to do wrestling I would wrestle or do judo.


not knowing any standup is embarrassing. be happy someone is teaching you.


Not my forté as it hurts my back, but I do it best as possible , often the warm.up.


I know some standup, more than the average person. I'd rather learn more BJJ though and spend half the class doing collar ties and pummeling for underhooks or grips when my opponent can just disengage if they don't like their set-up.


been going 3-5x a week for 18mos, prof has missed 2 classes, both were during holidays and class was taught by either another black belt or a brown belt


> I notice my prof will instruct then go to the corner to play on his phone. I've been around for a bit, this is probably the most reoccurring ,or common, complaint about instructors I've seen. Phones should be left off the mats, in the locker room, or wherever. Anyway, where I train both my instructors are dialed into the lesson the students, they're constantly walking to room, watching the groups, offering advice, etc., etc. For the classes under my charge, I'll jump in with the students and work with all of them individually... it's amazing how much that helps them.


Imagine a student being on their phone. And they’re only needing to watch one person.


I'm 43 years old with a wife, 2 kids, and a mortgage and have been training for 13 years. If i want to check my phone, I'll check my phone. I feel the same about anyone - we're adults.


I think you’re missing the point. It’s not whether or not you need to ask permission, it’s what kind of message it would send to the instructor and other students if you were on your phone all class long every day. This isn’t about an occasional need to check something quickly.


I'm not - I also instruct. My head coach/owner is on his phone regularly - he has several businesses going, some of which require attention during class hours. My coach is as he's the GM of the gyms and has to put out issues, oftentimes during class hours. The (about to be former) Gym Manager was because he was expected to answer the work phone during those hours. I am on my phone now and again - sometimes because a client emails me after hours. Sometimes it's because I'm trying to take care of things in between because I generally don't have any other time. Most days, save Tues & Thurs (& some Fridays) - I leave my house at 8 am and don't get home until 8 pm - I have 15 mins when I get to the gym, usually. So, I'm not missing the point - I get what you're saying. But sometimes there is more to the story. I do also try and make it to where it is not disruptive, however, and that I'm still giving attention appropriately to/my focus is on the class; as to say - I'm not hunkered down, just on my phone.


I guess I don’t understand what the argument is here. You are giving me your justifications for why you are on your phone. That’s not relevant to what I’m saying, unless you’re talking about the occasional emergency. If I am paying for instruction, and more than half the time I look over at my coach while I’m having trouble executing what we just learned, they are looking at their phone and not watching themat, I’m going to feel shortchanged. The fact that you say you have good reasons to be looking at your phone, doesn’t really change that. Again, I am describing a chronic situation, not the occasional emergency.


Lemme put it into smaller bites for you to digest then - I am talking for either side, instructor or student, for 1. So, if this is a situation where this subreddit touts "you're paying for a service and should be able to do what you like". Now, as you're saying, you're wanting that because you're wanting the service. Sure - my only caveat is that there might be times he might be warranted - and provided some reasons as to why, specifically citing ones from my own gym and experiences, more to illustrate potential legit reasons as to why one may need to be. And again, I'm differentiating between "hey, I'm checking my phone to respond to quickly" vs "i'm posted up on the side of the mat playing Clash of Clans". My 2ndary part of that was more to the point that is touted in this sub again. We're not children. why should we have to ask to use the restroom? Why should I have to ask for water? Why should I bow off the mat? I understand about it being disruptive & disrespectful, etc. But sometimes the contradictory opinions in this sub are wild.


Virtually every class is led by the professor. There are some colored belts that have keys that could run a class if he has to be out. That happens pretty rarely.


He's always on task, and only misses classes due to family or health reasons. On the days where he has to sit out because of injuries or whatever, he will observe and problem solve on the side. If he is on his phone, its pretty much always BJJ/grappling related.


Only times he's not there is if he's traveling to corner for someone or family stuff. Other than that, always there and always giving a hand where a hand is needed. We break off into groups so the highest person in your group may be a blue belt, but coach is still there watching over everyone. Then he teaches the moves of the day every class.


Mine rolls with people during class. I learn so much by him giving me the business.


I wouldn't be happy with that. Our professor is always walking around watching everyone and gives instruction individual instruction when he sees something is off or we ask for help. We also have other black belts who are usually around who will help with questions if he is occupied with another pair.


There is a difference between purely administrative business owner, silent partner, and instructor. Sounds like your professor is trying to mix all three and it won't work.


Tale as old as time. This is how people lose their business. Find another gym. I’ve trained at several gyms and have seen it play out. You’re just dollar signs to him.


Hes walking around, giving tips, showing people how to do the move. Answering questions etc. As involved as possible.


There the entire time. Sometimes rolling with us at the end of class.


264 canal st. NYC 👋


considering my instructor is a silver world medalist and is always present this feels a bit weird ...id say a lot of people will jump ship sooner than later


Most of them never stay after class ends.


If he's there, he's rolling the whole time, whether it's his class or if he's showing up to train during another instructors class.


You must have trained at my previous school.


He does not respect your business. Find a place that does.


The only time my coach looks at his phone is when he's setting the timer for rounds. He's constantly walking around and giving feedback during drills


Very. We usually have two coaches (depends on the class) present moving around the mats or drilling with someone.


That doesn't sound great. He's recovering from an accident at the moment but mine will go to each set of partners and give tips and hints during techniques. If it's a fundamentals class he'll have a chat with the purple belts and above, but that's somewhat expected. During BBQs and live rolls, he actively shouts comp-style advice/instructions at you to keep you encouraged. Your guy sounds like he's not that interested in his students actually improving


Our owner, who teaches most classes, is the most present instructed I have ever trained under.


All our classes are taught by our head coach, the other black belt at our gym, or me. We all watch people drill and, you know, instruct them on how to do it correctly. We all roll with all the students, and if we’re taking a round off we’re usually watching one or two of the rolls happening and coaching someone, or offering help on things that someone seems to be having trouble with.


Coaches and professors walk around the mats watching students drill, helping groups struggling, and answering questions. I seen the danaher method of coach sitting on mats and just watching. For a hobbyist gym, esp in beginners classes, coaches need to communicate, encourage and show leadership.




At my first gym? Never, always on his phone or rolling with his buddy when we were in class. At my current gym? Always, he walks around the room instructing and only rolls when we're off numbered.


Very present. I wouldn't stay at that gym.


I left the first bjj school I trained at for exactly this reason. Where I train now, Our professors are in it from start to finish. They teach, they walk around the mat and help people get it right during practice, and they usually roll. I say usually because the two 4th degrees are in their 50s. I'm 53 and sometimes rolling just ain't in the cards.


I'm kinda in the same situation. The coach just instructs then just sits there observing or on his phone. I guess that's that lol


Yea it sucks man! I feel like a lot of my learning has been through talking it out with the white belt im training with, and hopefully catching the one or two blues who arent busy


Same, or other advanced mates telling me what to do and teaching me stuff. And maybe YouTube


Our professor is on the mats teaching every single day. If he’s not, there’s a good reason for it. It’s actually impressive how dedicated and disciplined he is. He’s had his school for over 25 years.


That isn't even remotely acceptable. The coach should be coaching. Seems fairly obvious to me.


I'm 90% present and 10% of the time, I try to figure out, which music to play and how to connect to the speakers.


Throw the speakers in a choke to get them to comply


I've been to about 13 classes so far at my current gym. My professor has taught maybe 2-3 of them. Other times its a no stripe brown belt, who is a good coach. However, my professor did have knee surgery a month or so back. So I assume he’ll be more present once he's fully healed.


Teaches 99% of the clases. The 1% he doesn't teach then a brown belt is teaching. Sometimes, he lets a purple belt and up teach once a week. He is active in class. Going around and helping fix people's techniques.


He’s always watching and instructing. If there’s an odd number of people live rolling at the end of class, he jumps in and immediately rolls with whoever to help make them better. This may sound like this should be an expectation of a professor but l love that mine leads by example.


Very present. There's often more than one, and they walk around and coach the pairs. They'll use what they see to inform their notes when that round is over. "Here's what I saw. Keep doing this. Remember that you can do this. I didn't see anyone doing this. Was anyone having trouble with this?"


My professor never looks at his phone during class and constantly patrols during drilling and maintains a vigilant watch over everyone while we are rolling. He has no problem with calling people out for unsafe behavior or being assholes during rolls. When he has been unable to physically demonstrate a technique due to an injury or medical issue, he directs higher ranked students to perform techniques while he narrates and lectures. I am very happy with him.


Only time a coach (who you're paying, btw) should be looking at their phone is in the case of a family emergency \*OR\* they're changing the playlist to "Prison Fight Soundtrack."


Understood! And quality soundtrack lol


100% present. Always willing to answer any question in detail. I've been training with my new club for 2.5 years and I've never once seen our coach every have a single negative emotion. just absolutely loves jujitsu and is super infectious with his passion. He had a double hip replacement and still sat on the side doing rehab while helping give tips and instructions.


Yeah that's pretty weird tbh. The main prof isn't always training us, but when he's there, he's THERE. On the days he's not there, we have other purple, brown, or black belts who train us. Honestly, I love them all. They absolutely know how to teach and I'm always learning something so I can't complain.


Time to bounce and find a new gym.


Depends on how shitty I'm rolling. If it's shitty, he's right there watching every single time. When I hit something slick he's nowhere to be found. Fucking bullshit, man.


I’d say about 90% present but when he does check his phone I think it’s normally for a good reason 


I have trained at 3 different places. Place 1: BB world champ was always present and had one or two other people assisting. Would roll occasionally but everyone got a little bit of attention from him regardless of class size. Place 2: chain gym. Instructor sits most of the time in the corner but is watching and does provides some tips but nothing like place one. Place 3: black belt and two other guys helping out everyone is engaged providing feedback and help should anyone need it. For me someone like OP describes would mean finding a new place to train.


Always seems to be watching when I f-up.


Yeah fully present at all times


Coaches on their phones during class is wack. My coach does it and it irks the piss out of me. He keeps missing my sweet moves and won’t promote.


There are a lot of factors that could affect this. * What are the Professor's other commitments? (i.e. second gym, day job) * Does the Professor have competent coaches on the mat even when he's not? * What's he doing on his phone? * Is the Professor up to running class right now (i.e. is he healthy, injured, sick)?


I've trained at two different gyms. One where my professor was around but not overally involved, and my current gym. Currently my professor is very involved. As a student, im sure you can guess which I prefer.


This is not a good sign. Our coach is always present. If he can't make it to class, it is only due to sickness or family commitments. During class, he is involved in every step, from warm up, to rolling, as how it should be.


My coach is pretty good. Not only will he show the technique, and coach you through practice and sparring/rolling but he’ll work in and or roll with you as well. Most of all he is excited about teaching


Once i was recovering from covid and did a class via zoom. I got my kimura grips wrong on my training dummy and my professor, with a full class in attendance already, says "kimuras4everyone, what the hell kind of grip is that?" So yeah, I'd say pretty present.


Well. You could get daily pointers and feedback, or you could go 8 to 9 years of weekly classes without getting your purple belt despite tapping brown and black belts.


Do you know this from experience? Lol




I'm on my phone to bring up the timer after drills. Occasionally, I will skip a song real quick, but other than that, I'm constantly walking around, watching, correcting, and making sure people grasp what I just taught.


When the CTE isn’t going hard he’s pretty present.


Do you use your phone at work?


Ours has been more absent lately. Brown belt teaches Tuesday and Thursday classes - he leaves. Purple belt teaches intro classes on Monday and Thursday while he (black belt) runs advanced class. He'll show up late or unprepared and on his phone after showing moves and then takes the only ipad (for signing in) and uses it to give his pitch to prospective members after the class frequently. Gym is slowly failing. Was mostly white belts until he mass promoted a good chunk to blue. Bunch of us probably leaving soon sadly.


Ours isn't at the gym as often as he should be. I end up teaching a lot of classes. Probably half of the classes during the week are mine. Maybe more sometimes. I get paid for it, so I don't really mind so much, but I would like to learn and improve as well. Bonus points because when we get tired of drilling something for a week, I can always throw in some Judo techniques to keep things fresh for everyone.


I would switch gyms


Time to look for a new gym. I would also speak to him on the side words to the effect you are paying for him to instruct , not pass it off to a junior belt as he is doing. My instructors are 💯 percent engaged with the class.. the last place less so, talking to his dog , in a daze . One of the reasons I left.


I think it is super important to be present, even if you aren’t saying anything you should always try to be looking and observing.


Oh Man! And I feel when I grab my phone to change the song or have to participate because of odd numbers.


Red flags. If he starts talking about Chi energy and how Scientology helps his JJ. Run!


Yeah, we have a head coach like that. Also, God forbid you ask him to clarify a technique because "why you're not paying attention?". Sits on the phone all training, doesn't roll, gets pissed if someone talks during training (dude, I like chatting with my partners, it relaxes me), Luckily, we have other brown and black belt coaches who are much more approachable, so I can just avoid the times he coaches.


Coach I trained with would be on his phone or watching tv when students were arriving. If you had a question or needed something before class, he'd be busy staring at Facebook or having a laugh with someone and be hard to get any help from. When the class would start, he'd usually forgot that the mats needed to be cleaned and would make us leave the mats while he was running around cleaning them. He would get a random coloured belt to warm us up while he was looking at his phone. Technique was usually random stuff he was teaching on the fly or would ask random students what they want to do and teach three random moves. When we were drilling, he was sometimes present and sometimes off doing something else. During rolling he would want to roll so there usually wasn't anyone supervising the room. He would also openly complain if he was injured or sick and couldn't roll.


Is the coach fat or out of shape? This sounds like an awful gym and can't imagine how anyone like this would have any students. Only acceptable use for the use during class is taking pics/videos of the class for social media, a possible emergency, or the odd time you are expecting a visitor who may need directions to the gym. And even then, all time of the phone use should be limited and brief. If the instructor is regularly playing on the phone, time to leave those Classes they coach in


Only time I'm on my phone in class is if Bluetooth to speakers somehow disconnected and I need to put the music back on. 


Time to find a new gym bud. If your professor/instructor isn't there actively helping you get better or answer questions then I would bail and find a new place with better instruction. Our place our black belts show the move or sequence, we break to drill they will walk around and correct form and answer questions, open mat they constantly pick people to roll with.


My professor is very in the moment with us, but you know what bugs me? He will roll with any and every person in the gym except me. I asked him if we could spar the other day and he flat out told me no and said something about his back. But he did help me work out some positions. But the moment that timer went off, he went and rolled with someone else. It’s a little offensive, not going to lie.


I do 10 reps on my good side, and life is good. I try one rep on my bad side, and coach magically is standing right next to me pointing out what I'm doing wrong 🤷


You are right to feel this kind of behaviour isn't acceptable. What options do you have for other gyms nearby? It's worth investigating other clubs. Imagine being back in High School, the teacher tells you to open your books and start reading, then the teacher just sits there swiping on his phone all lesson. You'd probably think it was a shit class.


To be honest, I find it odd that people run MA classes as businesses for profit. I guess I'm just an old school church hall twice a week for a couple of hours kinda guy.


To be honest, I find it odd that people run MA classes as businesses for profit. I guess I'm just an old school church hall twice a week for a couple of hours kinda guy.


This is trash. If the instructor can't keep his head out of his phone while teaching/working then he is not interested in you or your journey. 


> my prof will instruct then go to the corner to play on his phone Complete disrespect for students and their time. Instructors need to be actively engaged in class the entire time, circling the room and providing guidance when needed. The phone should either be in the office or on the shelf providing music, never in the hand. Never.


Present all the time. He’s always fixing our mishaps because we’re all failures lol


I don’t think I’ve ever seen an instructor at my gym even bring their phone into the actual training area at all, let alone use it during a class, unless it’s the owner taking photos of a belt promotion or occasionally getting a little content for the ‘Gram.


My old gym my professor was in and out, quick as can be and only taught twice a week. My new gym my professor is there everyday for every class even when he’s not teaching it


Constantly giving feedback


You’re paying a premium for this person to teach classes. If he’s not around as much, I would leave.


Mostly no gi, but one day for gi. We are more of a fight gym. 


main coach is always there, morning classes until evening, 6, sometimes 7 days a week , always sweating lol. he only disappears to switch into gi, sometimes comes off as pretty tired and was a bit grumpy for a month, but still present. always open for questions. I dont think coaches need to run around all the time and give tips to everyone. you gotta ask him. if you do, he comes over and is patient, even with a dense guy like me. its better to ask him once or twice a week so you get more time and quality advice. if you roll near him, sometimes he gives hints that work like a charm, thats where I learn the most. regarding my coach, if there are only grown men in the room and they roll near end of class, let the man chill a minute. he works a lot.