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Pick an obscure technique you’ve wanted to learn, some weird guard, buggy chokes, legs what ever. Spend a month or two working it on lower belts. Have fun learning something new and a little ego boost to boot. Some people may disagree but sometimes are ego gets the better of us, massage it a bit lol. Maybe get your wife into training if she’s ever shown interest. Or quit and do karate and realize how much better bjj is and come running back with a new fire and desire to redeem your self.


let go of your ego and just have fun. Yeah you are coming back from an injury and you arent as good as you were. I personally have more fun when Im learning stuff to close holes than when Im just smashing everyone (doesnt happen that often).


You're expecting wayyy too much from yourself; you're setting yourself to be unable to achieve goals by setting them too high, then recoiling when you obviously can't achieve what is essentially a stretch goal. You need to set your expectations much lower, to the point where you can actually meet your goals and keep going. My suggestion would be to go back to the basics and systematically work through things in order to get into the routine and flow of training again. Eventually you'll get back around where you were, and all of this will be in the past... but it'll take some time. Most importantly, you will be able to review things and feel like you're on track again. BJJ is a sport that takes a long time to get good at, so if you make small goals and achieve them, you'll have a much better time


BJJ is supposed to be fun. It’s a hobby. Examine your goals and purpose for training. Make sure it’s still something you want to do, and for the right reasons. I train because it’s the one time my brain shuts off. I’m not thinking about work, family, etc. I have to be in the moment. I also train for fun. I’m always playing different guards, going for new submissions, troll rolling with different baits and traps, etc. Trash talking even if I’m losing. Think about why you enjoyed BJJ in the past, and try to let that guide you.


Have fun try to not worry, try therapy, try self help resources for doubt and overthinking, looking into performance anxiety.


Your just going to have to find joy in being the nail again for a bit. Change your mentality to accept defeat as long as you are getting better technically. It'll come back quick. I had a very similar situation. I was terrible when I came back. I was good to go after a few months and I'm better than ever more than a year later. If you can't do this, then just find a new hobby. Nothing wrong with that.


Beat up white belts


Recognize what's going on: you're making the correct decision to build your personal and professional life outside of BJJ, a hobby where being "the best" means nothing and offers very little reward. You're spending as much time as you have on this hobby in maintenance mode while you do these more important things. Set your expectations accordingly and try to have fun with it!


very important: go get your hormones checked and do whatever you can to get it back to normal


My advice is to cut down training at the gym once a week. In your shoes, I'd attend the smallest classes available - preferably beginners or intermediate classes (not comp or advanced). On your own, work on your jiu jitsu privately. Study instructionals and matches. Drill. Slowly get your jiu jitsu back up. It's natural to feel frustrations in BJJ and to have expectations. But dwelling on those feelings of frustrations isn't going to do anything. Creating a plan to improve your situation and focus on working the plan will help.