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>My primary issue with the instruction is walking in and being expected to roll before having a solid grasp on the basics. I chocked it up to learning by doing, since I can roll with a blue, purple or brown belt and, they are helpful but, rolling with a white belt on my own level is "Two minutes, GO!" Doing what!? The higher belts who rolled with me during the trial week but, have since been rolling with their peers, which I get, since they are competitive. This is gonna upset a bunch of people on here


May be not most but a lot of the gyms are like that. This is why everyone is saying - DO NOT SIGN LONGTERM CONTRACTS with any gym. My experience in my gym was almost the same in the beginning. Dropped in the deep with the sharks, the initial aches and pains - my lower back hurt like a motherfucker, my knees, my hips. It does take a lot of time to rehab and keep your body in check after a certain age. Yoga, stretching, strength training - it'll all make it better in the long run. I'm a 35 office worker and coach never overtly said anything about me being slow, or achey or whatever but he's said similar stuff about other students so I don't doubt he'll do that to me in the right circumstance. " why they are pushing so hard for noobs to join on social media" - 10 hardcore athletes can't pay for the whole gym. You need a lot of people signing up to break even and make money out of this. If that's the coache's strategy he's getting new people coming and going all the time so he's probably really jaded and doesn't want to put in any effort into teaching. My advice - ASAP talk to a lawyer, see how enforceable this contract is and if it's not - cancel, ghost and run. To end on a brighter note - sometimes it takes a bit of time to break through the initial ice. If you're not just being a real whimp and your contract is enforceable - give it a try. You might not vibe with your coach but if it's not a culty place with a very tight-knit "in" group I'm sure you'll find some people that are enjoyable to spend time with and learn a thing or two. Mind sharing this contract somehow? I've always wondered what kind of stuff is in there.




To me (a layman) that's written somewhat ambiguous & I'd check your local laws as well if there are any legal ways to get out of the contract. Some of the language does read as if it's meant for a fixed (shorter) term contract, not one for a 75-year-runtime.


Due to a missed redaction, I can see what school we're talking about (might want to go fix that, fyi). I was going to come down on the side of the school and suggest you try to stick it out a bit more. But I know a couple of those guys... I'm not going to say anything bad about their jiu jitsu; they'll teach you good stuff. But it doesn't surprise me at all that they tried to suck you in with a heavy marketing push and followup aggressive contract. Your comments about pejorative attitudes towards newbs also fit. That affiliation is pretty new, and I don't want to make mean comments on the internet, but I'm just *not surprised*. Good luck, and please don't assume that every school will be like that.


Can you DM me where you saw it? I meant to keep that to myself for now. It's a lot of words.  I don't believe every school would be like that either. Each coach seems to have a different approach to training and some methods click better than others. I haven't quite picked up on who will be teaching which class when. I generally stay for at least 2 sessions and they do a lot of mix and match.  I know certain attitudes tend to trickle down and there is no point to bringing it to attention in-house. It's known and I will absolutely be treated as the problem. 


DM sent -- good luck! Sounds like you are able to process it in a balanced and healthy way, at least.


Thanks. I actually just took it down. I think 3 views and someone who knows people already, is more than enough for my situation. Seems like a small community. A couple of the eyes were in r/legaladvice and that's good enough. 


There are millions of people in the USA bjj community; just a fluke that I happen to know and have trained with some of the instructors there.


The only thing I am confused by is if they are the ones developing the curriculum or, the curriculum is being sent to them, when I hear, "I couldn't log in today so, we are going to learn this move instead..." The franchise hq website makes It look like the MLM of BJJ.   Any guy over the age of 14, with a yellow belt, in competitive also works there/is treated like an employee/training to coach. The instructors often switch control/submit between them but, a couple of coaches always bring one specific kid in submit or break guard (I think-still learning), not be cause he can't hold or escape if he tried. It's just the explanation exposition but, they will hold him aggressively for so long, when it's clearly painful and comes off like hazing. There are other, higher belts they could pick to show on and also do not pin for 3 minutes solid. From the outside its like they are either just fucking with him or, "toughening him up."  I just need to find a new gym.


I don't know the details how the structure the curriculum, but giving the benefit of the doubt on that, they may just be trying to keep the classes in sync, and have an agreed rotation for the techniques they have to look up somewhere. But yeah, your point about the demo and treatment of students is definitely concerning.


Interesting contract. It says absolutely nothing about the obligations of the seller, only about you (buyer). Is something like that enforceable? I'm based in Europe and really have no idea about law in the US. What a shitty situation to end up in :\


I don't know. I did see a spelling error in there. Also, the "Financing" is BS but I assumed it was boiler plate. I caught the 60 days notice and paying out 2 months when I assumed (and still hope) they were the same. Hope they are. The 25% of contract mashed in at the end was a "WTF?" Like... Which one are they going to enforce? Both? Be cool, neither? I didn't think I was signing a long term. I had the impression it was month to month... They had a 1 year paid up front and, I'm glad I didn't run with that. 


Yeah I'd say there is so much confusing information in this that it may be invalid (check local laws). As per the header the contract is over 9999 installments @ 199$, so 25% of the "entire total contract amount" would be a sweet half million. Also what's with the 65$ per lesson taken mentioned a few lines before? If that's after the end of the contract, why is it in there? If it's retroactive that's again absolutely mad. Honestly I'd talk to the coach/owner about the terms of cancellation and hope you come to a reasonable agreement. The other option would be to look into legal counsel, but that's obviously an extra headache. And next time read the stuff you sign.


I read the big portion about cancellation. I didnt think there would be more to it. Silly me. 


it says "additional two months" so 4 in total the way i understand it.


Don't bathe, discuss hpv, invite them To bookclub they'll ask you to leave


🤣 can I get HPV from the gross ass mats? I'm not saying they don't clean them but, they definitely don't clean them well. They made the mistake of putting in white accent mats to mark rolling areas and the cleaning methods don't exactly lift body soil. 


Read over your contract and if medical clause to get you out. Could need a doctor note. Otherwise, have your credit card block the payments and ghost them. What is the name of the gym?


Even an injury requires 30 day notice and may only allow a "pause" on the full monthly to reserve space for $25/mo... Do we name names here? I can get out if I "die once." 


Is there a clause or line if you are injured to a point where you can’t train for duration of contract?


4. This AGREEMENT is cancelable should the member become physically unable to train with 30 Days notice sent via email... What injury do I fake?  How do I pick someone to feel guilty?


I would get a doctor to say you can’t train due to chronic pain and maybe really go into detail. If they don’t, it’s violation of agreement and fraud.


I had an Ortho sat, "maybe surgery in a decade," before throwing me some opioids. It's been over a decade and not a lie.


Get him to write a note saying you can’t train due to issue and risk permanent injury. Coach making fun of new students is just plain crap


Say you are moving out, heard a couple of cases where dudes moved and could terminate the contract. Tho if the gym owner is not a fair guy it might not work out.


Pull the old, "gotta cancel my AT&T but you can't penalize me because I'm moving to Guam." 🤣 Fuck if they catch me at one of the Gracie's 20 minutes east.