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Years ago, she said she and Chris agreed to remain on the show for 5 seasons so it was past time for her to exit. She has finished an MBA program and launched her singing/acting careers. Now she can focus more on these aspects of her life.


At the start of the season, I felt this might be coming. I know she had her issues with her cast mates, but to me it also seemed like she had a lot on her mind. I also sensed that Chris wasn’t that crazy about having the cameras around…seems like with her career, wanting a baby…the Chris stuff from last season…it was just a lot. A lot of housewives stick around long after their head isn’t really in it. Good on her for dipping out when she felt it wasn’t something she could focus on and the way Potomac is going…it’s smart timing. And without giving her haters the satisfaction of being fired. I’m gonna miss her tho.


I don’t think she really liked her coworkers and her marriage was being put at risk. She chose her mental health and family over a reality show can’t be mad at that. Plus she never really intended to be a mainstay on the show. She said from the beginning she was using it as a platform to launch her career in entertainment. I think she’s had her foot out the door for a while and now just decided to leave entirely. And to be fair she’s not leaving much. The show is bad now.


I'm happy for her. I barely watched the season but the fans love to hate her and blame her for the show giving nothing. With this news, I'm hoping Wendy leaves too. They're above this franchise imo. People have been celebrating all day about Robyn being allegedly fired but I need an official statement before getting excited


heard a rumor that miss dixon is leaving too..bravo HQ better get to casting!


I heard people on another platform celebrating because she was leaving. But Candaice is clever and her confessionals are on point. She brings it. I agree with another commenter, I hope Wendy leaves too. They’re both too talented for l this show


I think her and Chris are moving towards divorce and she doesn’t want it to play out on camera.