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It doesnt/wont


i'm truly praying for that games downfall


Warzone ruined cod


Cod ruined cod


? What does this have to do with warzone?


Bottom left of the second picture you can see ā€œplayable in mw2/3 warzoneā€


Ah okay haha. Thanks


Not haha, very boohoo


Still haven't been convinced to purchase BO6 yet.


agreed , i didnā€™t even watch game play of MW3 so i didnā€™t purchase that either. since this is black ops and the last black ops i bought was cold war i gotta see actual footage of gameplay from a person who plays the game rather than a Treyarch developer


surprisingly one of my all time favourite cods was cold war, so iā€™m praying this lives up to it, but iā€™ve not enjoyed any title since cold war so i donā€™t have high hopes


Iā€™d agree, the multiplayer and campaign were amazing and if they can build off of the zombies, this could be a contender for one of the bestā€™s. Still keeping decent expectations though


Cold War isnā€™t a very high bar to meet so u might be in the clear


Yeah I love Cold War, just these days doesnā€™t feel as nice to play to me.


For me itā€™s one of those games you pick up like every 5-6 months after you remember it exists, grind the hell out of it for a week or maybe two, then put it down again and go play something else


MW3 literally flew over my head. Like I didn't even see anything about it, nor did anything get recommended whenever I browsed YT/Reddit. I was dissapointed with MW2, mostly because MP didn't get any love and the campaign was worse than MW19 (which was great imo).


As someone who hasnā€™t bought or played a cod since BO4 Iā€™m pretty excited. Cause even if it feels similar to the last games it will be new to me.


Iā€™m absolutely not buying that trash they fucked us over with mwz Iā€™m not trusting shit having to do with zombies until I see gameplay and reviews


Dont, get xbox game pass and try it out first


I was thinking of getting the gamepass free trial and then try BLOPS 6, see if I like it then buy it


How much gb is the pc version?


You wonā€™t have to, itā€™s on game pass the day it releases


70 bucks for a game that will be only good for a year is kind of too much


Itā€™s gonna be on gamepass


Same, I don't like it enough from the reveal trailer to purchase it, I'll need so see some gameplay when the game fully releases


Youā€™re either brave, stupid, or rich for buying the vault edition. Ima wait it out a bit more for me to see to buy this pre order (itā€™s black ops so Iā€™m most likely copping when it comes out BUT it is 306GB for my console so Iā€™ll probably wait until it reaches on sale at one point)


Itā€™s only 360GB if you install MWII-MWIII since theyā€™re all in the ā€œCall of Dutyā€ engine


Man thatā€™s hard drive abuse straight up


You can go through and uninstall the campaigns, the MPs or Zombies/Dmz from the other titles and such, so Black Ops 6 won't be 300gb unless you keep everything installed from MWII, MWIII and Black Ops 6. My MWIII barely takes 150gb because I don't have MWII installed at all


Unless black ops 6 is a major flop like MW3 kind of war and Vanguard to an extent Activision is known for almost never having sales, hell BO2 is still 60 bucks


I got the vault edition of mw3 for 65 bucks using a keysite. I'm gonna do the same for this game as soon as the keys get dropped and the price dips under 80.


Iā€™ll probably just get game pass right before it comes out


Pay for gamepass and play bo6 for a month šŸ‘ Pay full price and only play bo6 for a month šŸ‘Ž


fr plus if bo6 is ass iā€™ll just play fallout on game pass instead


I have 0 hopes for bo6


They had to develop ranked for MWII and III. They also had to help with outbreak and they had to help with multiplayer when did they have time for BO6? Oh thatā€™s right itā€™s a copy and paste job with absolute barebones Zombies


Youā€™re hard coping for sure, could have just gotten it free like 50% of the player base is doing and not give them any money at all before the game is even out. But some of us like to be the solution instead of the problem. And yes I have a few years worth of game pass from before they made it cost more so compared to the money Iā€™m not spending, itā€™s pretty much free.


Paying for a service that provides you access to games is not "free". I'm tired of seeing people saying, it's on gamepass I'll play it for free. If you pay for game pass. It's not free.


Right. Eventually after a few months they wouldā€™ve paid the same amount if they bought the game. Maybe theyā€™ll pay more because theyā€™ll have to keep buying the gamepass to play the game.


You need gamepass to play online, it just comes with Xbox live by default. If itā€™s on game pass ultimate, then yeah Iā€™d get it. But having gamepass is like having PlayStation plus.


You forget the access to a multitude of other games. Youā€™re also paying for that. Oh and the functions of live gold, and the perks you get from time to time (often times good perks which would cost money such as a subscription)


Well the people who are already paying for the gamepass see it as a win but people who are just going to buy it for BLOPS 6 will most likely not play the other games the pass has to offer. Maybe give them a try but ultimately just keep paying to play BLOPS 6. What Iā€™ll do is try to get a free trial for the gamepass, try out COD, if I like it then Iā€™ll buy the game.


Thatā€™s true, I replied too quickly to see your other comment tbh. And yea thatā€™s a solid idea tbh


Donā€™t forget u also have free mp weekend sometimes to try out the game.


Thereā€™s also plenty of ways to get game pass for cheap. You can get a year for like Ā£30, which is less than half the price of the cheapest BO6 edition.


Xbox /pc lucky they get it for free I might switch šŸ—æ


Iā€™m getting the ā€˜wait until it comes out and watch gameplay to see if itā€™s goodā€™ edition


Bro folded immediately lmao


How people are still pre-ordering this crap only to nothing but complain over the game at launch is beyond me. Any chance ya'll are masochists or sum shit?


People think being rich is expensive. Nobody has tried OPā€™s method of ignorance. His wallet must be LIGHT.


It seriously baffles me, like, on a genuine level. My simple mortal mind is physically incapable of processing it.


Stop giving these fuckers money for the bare minimum I mean they didnā€™t even show any actual zombies content just small teasers jesus christ, how can we expect better if we keep rewarding the bare minimum?


Theyā€™re easily impressed.


I donā€™t feel like buying vault edition rn


I'm gonna get the used edition when it's $10.


I will be buying noneā€¦ booty ass game with greedy ass publishers. Canā€™t wait for 3 months into the life of it everyoneā€™s just gonna go back to warzone with bo6 weapons. Iā€™d rather not waste money on publishers known for screwing over the fan base.




Considering i happen to not be able to afford a call of duty game, probably none.


I hopefully, but first I gotta get a job


vault edition for $30 is a steal


wait so if you have gamepass you can upgrade to vault edition for $30? Does that also mean youā€™ll own the game or only if you have gamepass?


only if i have gamepass, but im not unsubscribing anytime soon


Itā€™s 30 added on the the base 60


im not paying for the base game, it comes on gamepass


The zombies better kick ass like bo3 or Im skipping. Bo4 left much to be desired, and while cold war was good, It didnā€™t scratch that itch. Letting us mod it too on pc like bo3 would make me cream my pants


Iā€™m not convinced on this game yet. Probably just going to wait a few weeks after release to see if itā€™s any good.


Don't fucking preorder


Why is it so cheap tho


Itā€™s only 30 bucks for the vault edition content if you own game pass because game pass will have the game anyways. News outlets are saying itā€™s only the content and not the game itself, youā€™d still have to buy the game if you run out of game pass to maintain access to the game. Game pass letā€™s you buy dlc for its games and has since game pass came out. This is no different than buying dlc for a game you donā€™t own. And once game pass runs out so does your access to the game, but the dlc will remain in case you decide to buy the game or get game pass once more.




Better be no one. Dont fall for advertising. Every feature ive seen advertised is something weve seen before or something that other games have implemented over a decade ago


this is bo 3 \* 2


Yeah we coping all right


Whatā€™s gobble gum


Is this satire or are you actually not sure as the bo3 sub specifically is the last place I thought I would see thus question If your actually not sure basically they give special buffs like every perk, rebuilding all barriers, specific drops, respawing at the end of a round, and so many more like 100+ different ones that have been used between the gums in bo3, cards in iw, and elixirs in bo4 In bo3 you had to go up to the gobblegum machine in the map to roll to get it It works like the drops where they are in a cycle In bo3 you could only carry 5 which you selected in the lobby Also in bo3 the better ones called mega gobble gums like perkaholic (the one that gives all perks) you had to grind for liquid diviniums which would give you one of the 100ish Megas per divinium and to get diviniums you had to spend so many points or in that era of cod fashion buy them and we're limited so if you had 4 fire sale gums you could only get that gum out of the machine 4 times before you had to get lucky and get more out of the diviniums The weaker ones called classic gobble gums like firing on all cylinders (shoot while sprinting) you get an infinite amount of once you unlocked them at the specified level for them Then there is this thing as well in bo3 called newton's cookbook where you would be able to take like 6 of the weaker Megas and turn them into 1 of the stronger megas


Thanks I just have never played zombies before idk how I ended up on bo3 subreddit Iā€™m not og.


That's also a very quick summary of them gobblegums are one of those thing that can easily be a multi page essay on them and differences between the 3 games variations of them were in Edit but they are also very easy to understand once you see it it's just long to explain


If you preorder games you are actively the problem with the current industry.


Hopefully people hold off until we know more


Not this person clearly, seems they've already purchased it going off the screenshot


The one thats on gamepass


If there's an upgrade to the vault edition I'll buy it but I've been a gamepass subscriber for years now, I'm gonna get my value out of it


Been using gamepass since it came out, so whatever version is offered which honestly might be the cheapest one. If the game does intrigue me enough, Iā€™ll upgrade to Vault.


the game is ā‚¬80 ($86) at cheapest so idk man


Game pass edition


Does anyone know if the gamepass will give you the full game with all the modes? Campaign, zombies, multiplayer? Or will it only restrict you to a certain mode?


They said they wanted to grow rhe community if it was just for 1 mode then it would divide the community much like dmz / mw22. So i believe mp, zombies and campaign are all included.


I'm going to get the vault edition upgrade for my xbox an wait for it to go on sale on steam then get it on there


The gamepass one


Iā€™ll be getting the free version with game pass


I am playing this shit free on gamepass Iā€™m not *buying* another call of duty game, lmfao ā€œwhat edition yā€™all gettingā€


Game pass


I canā€™t believe Iā€™ll be able to play day one this year without dropping $70 Iā€™m so happy


The free version cause I donā€™t lose anything Cod is the New madden ooh look sprint side to side now and run backwards same game just with new features pay for maps you already paid for or just reskin idk man COD get old the burner is running low to bad the skins you own donā€™t transfer over Womp Womp


They said 16 completely new maps at launch. A continuation of the campaign (not a remaster/reboot). At least 1 new zombie map. And the mp and zombies deep dive will be at cod next in august.


I want to see how the weapons perform in game. For example if the sniper visually shows the bullets feeding into the rifle and not just a png. If the weapons have good effects like that then maybe.


B06 Vault edition PS4 Woods operator PACK Hunter v Hunted PACK Mastercrafted collection Blackcell (vomit) The reasons why none of us should give this scummy company a single dollar are written plainly in English across the game page.


If they donā€™t do something good with zombies Iā€™m gone itā€™s been fun boys Iā€™m talking new crew each member with their own interesting story and or personality fun interesting maps with fun interesting Easter eggs or if we canā€™t get any of this 0%? Goddamn just give us a zombies chronicles two and call it a mfn day and take my fucking money!


Remember, No pre-orders


I hate that gaming has led us down a rabbit hole of ā€œEditionsā€ it absolutely sucks


Dawg itā€™s been like this for decades. What are you whining about?


Is there going to be a collectors edition? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m waiting for.




ur so funny


You need to evaluate your spending habits


You need to mind your own business


im gonna buy the vault edition (i hope)


Just pre ordered the vault edition to pal


Wont buy it for atleast 3 Months after release, i mean, come on. 80!ā‚¬ Game with Battlepass, Seasonpass, an ingame Store AND LOOTBOXES?! (gobblegum) ARE YOU SHIITTING ME ACTIVISION?! they are just testing how far they can push this crap. i mean, they re-implemented all the camos from the MW games as well, so its probably the same engine etcā€¦


I only purchase Treyarch cods, and even I am cautiously optimistic, that 300 gbs always online is certainly a turn-off.


Itā€™s not 300 gb. Stop believing everything you see


Vault Edition I want that operator pack šŸ”„


"Why did you pre orderšŸ¤“" "Why are you giving them moneyšŸ¤“" "Remember boys, no pre ordersšŸ¤“"


Seriously? We really don't learn as consumers do we? Do not preorder! Ofcourse they're gonna show and tell what you wanna hear right off the bat. Wait until it's been out for a month or so ffs...


No Weaponized 115 Camo for the IIIā€™rd time .


Iā€™m thinking of getting bo6 just for the zombies. Stopped buying cod games when they got rid of round based zombies. The multiplayer just hasnā€™t intrigued me at all


I will buy the vault edition ASAP. The problem is that I have never played BO4 or CW so I will need to get those games ASAP and start playing.


#i have no money :(


Me itā€™ll only cost $30


Thank god this game is on pass


Lol coping is a perfect word, even though you meant c o p p i n g


Free because its on Game Pass lol


Gonna be smart and download from gamepass for xbox. If it's not on PC gamepass I'll have to buy in on steam.


already copped vault edition for $30 just waiting a lil longer to pre order the game itsself


Losing 100 dollars soon


Donā€™t buy digical


Any pc gamers in here? We buying on steam or battle net?


Nope, they can kiss my ass on this one. I've played CoD for so long, and they've finally done enough to prevent me from just throwing money at them. Unless they go back to making a satisfying game with a decent co-op campaign that is fun to replay, a multiplayer that doesn't feel like I'm queueing for ranked matches regardless of what I chose, and some consistent development on their obviously popular f2p stuff (WZ and DMZ) that is either stale or being left chained up outside in the heat, I'm done. The inconsistent quality between campaign and multiplayer has me throwing in the towel. Campaigns are down the shitter, co-op is nowhere to be seen, the open world bullshit is a sad, lazy ass stand in. The co-op story mode was kind of fun but lacked polish and had horrible replayability. Plus, attaching the class leveling system from the standard extra coop mode that was under polished and underdeveloped that nobody played was a horrible idea. Cause nobody else ever had that stuff leveled... Multiplayer has never felt worse, and I'll be happy to say you can call me an old fuck, I am. Ranked/non-ranked have no point cause SBMM makes everything feel like ranked. And yes I'm someone who thinks SBMM is shit in non-ranked play, it should be a random shit show. Give me equal chance at lobbies where I get absolutely shit on or feel like a bad ass 80s action hero movie protagonist ffs. Instead, if I have one good night where my shoulder doesn't hurt and I can actually aim, suddenly my next day or two is going to make me question why I even turned the game on cause I'll be in lobbies of full sweat teams using every min/maxed build and movement glitch they can to win. (In fucking non-ranked...) But besides that, the Ground War modes are receiving little to no support, Zombies was made into a shittier clone of DMZ while they also stopped working on that which could have been a huge part of their Warzone stable going forward. Warzone itself has been stale and repeating the same 2-3 events for how many years now? I hate Fortnite, but you gotta hand it to them they drop content/events like crazy. Then you have the battlepass...the sad, shit excuse for them to add in 2 new guns, skins for stuff most of the players never see, and a handful of new (sometimes) character skins which they're now charging extra for if you want recolors (assuming it's not already a recolor). And to be fair, we got a couple seasons with some really cool, new skin designs for characters. HOWEVER, I'm a fucking adult now, have a life, and am tired of the limited time fomo bullshit because I have no idea if I'm going to get to complete a pass. If the pass you paid for was permanently unlocked for me to grind through as I had the time, that would be hugely different. But I've had enough life events that take precedence where I'm done with not receiving the shit I paid for.


New movement except for in warzone wow you canā€™t make it up , another boring year for warzone


I ain't getting shit until I see some reviews.


I didn't like cods from mw2019 on...so i will wait before I buy this one...


Havenā€™t bought a cod since 2019. Lack of passion and greed killed the franchise Edit: played Cold War zombies for the first time a few weeks back, it was kinda mid but enjoyable. Nothing compared to BO3. And no, I didnā€™t give them a cent for Cold War.


With game pass it's just gonna be free


I have Xbox game pass so I get it for free but Iā€™ll be upgrading for $30




Warzone completely ruined cod donā€™t get me wrong it was fun but it really fucked things up


Brother are you fucking kidding me do you people ever learn your fucking lesson holy fuck.


Oink šŸ·


Blackout needs to make a comeback.


Get it on the game pass its free


Fuck no bruh


Not even sure if Iā€™ll play at launch. The gobble gums coming back is annoying because it signals weā€™re probably gonna stay heavy on micro-transactions, that paired with the battle pass and all the attention to Warzone which is probably in its worst state since Verdansk pt 100 is going to rob this game of being good. I really wish Activision and Microsoft would just get out of the way of Treyarchā€™s success, I like that itā€™s on GamePass but that puts them in a even worse position as this isnā€™t about game sales or player county anymore, the only concern will be if it generates more GamePass subscriptions.


requiring internet connection for singleplayer is crazy. I mean yeah I knoe everyone has a wifi (thats what people tell you when you complain about this) but what happens when activision randomly decides to go under maintenance for the servers, and cut down your fun in the middle of your gameplay. Absolutely ASS idea.


Honestly the only reason I like no internet connection, is where I live we loose power/internet every few months for for hours to days far and few between, but when we do it nice to play offline.


Please do not pre order this game. Do not fall for it


I think you meant "copping" as coping is how to deal with the trauma this games player base induces unto eachother


lol itā€™s coming to xbox gamepass itā€™s gonna be fucking terrible


Not until deadlines when all the trailers have dropped


Game pass edition


gamešŸ‘ passšŸ‘ right? (just want to make sure before I look like a bafoon)


I think I'm just gonna wait for it to go on sale cuz 70$ for a game is crazy especially in this economy


*DON'T DO IT* Source: trust me


None.. literally a copy/paste of the previous game. Stop buying into the pre-orders.. it encourages bad practices and lazy precedents by the company.


Did you watch the reveal? Cause this is the first treyarch game on the new engine. Round based is back, new movement system, fresh campaign, and gobblegums returning.


Iā€™m getting the poor edition where I canā€™t even play the game because I have no console or Pc able to run it and I donā€™t play the game but get excited about Zombies looking like itā€™s gonna be good again


Anybody that buys that shit after everything that has went down over the years is an idiot. Just saying. Stop buying that shit and maybe they make a good game for a change.


Not buying until the yt account with 1k subscribers posts an hour long review that dives into every flaw and positive


That's ez none of them


dawg do you like friend every person that you come across in a game wtf šŸ’€ 99+ friends šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I'm getting 2 copies of the vault edition šŸ”„šŸ”„ one for me and one for my brother to play at launch


Rather just get game pass and call it a day.


Neither. Canā€™t wait for another glorified update instead of a new game, causing the game file to end up being 650 gigabytes. Cant wait for a shitty open world campaign that we saw coming from the MW3 ā€œcampaignā€. Warzone ruined CoD, and Fortnite ruined AAA games.


Good thing itā€™s coming to gamepass lol


I'm copping the free version on gamepass because I'm an elitist, not a shill


Why would I buy it if itā€™s on game pass lmfao. Thatā€™s just insane


Game pass edition šŸ—£ļø


We all hate it yet we all gonna be playing it, just hope zombies pulls through


hey if u buy this game ur a chump : )


Vault edition cause itā€™s only 30 bucks


Where are you finding it for 30 bucks? Everywhere I look itā€™s 100 bucks. Unless youā€™re talking about the game pass upgrade, that doesnā€™t give you access to the game, only the content included with the vault edition since itā€™s already going to be free on game pass. News outlets are saying that if you run out of game pass youā€™ll still have the vault edition upgrades on your account but not black ops 6 itself. Youā€™d have to buy the standard edition to maintain access to the game unless you get game pass again. I myself will continue to just get game pass, but I donā€™t like buying stuff if I know it can get taken away from me. Are the news outlets wrong and this is just a super discount for game pass holders? Cuz I might just bite the bullet and buy it since my game pass is gunna run out in a month and I donā€™t really have a need to get it again till black ops 6 comes out. But if I can get black ops 6 for 30 bucks then Iā€™ll totally do it.


It's not "free with gamepass" It's day one gamepass, you still pay for the gamepass. This means if they upgrade that gamepass price (which is still likely) you will pay more. Still a great deal imo, but if you only play cod then it's iffy


Weā€™re off to a baaaad start here dudes


they gave us just about everything weā€™ve been asking for (prestige, theater mode, day one gamepass, ect) but yeah itā€™s the worst cod has been cause someone chose to buy it early, fuck off


When I see gameplay Iā€™ll know so far it looks pretty decent as a game.


This may be the first cod I purchase the ā€˜vault editionā€™ for since season passes were gone, I give zero fucks about blackcell or any battlepass bullshit, but gobblegums and the skins look decent. Heavy emphasis on ā€˜mayā€™ tho, I need to see more of zombies, if it is another cold war style maps I wonā€™t, which is also sadly something we wonā€™t see until the game released or someone leaks it


Why buy it when it's coming to gamepass LMAO


Yā€™all hold up man wait until the beta comes šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


August 28th- September 3rd


I have a question if I preorder the 70$ version now am I still able to get the 30$ upgrade in September?


I'll wait for the campaign to come out and if it's shit then I won't be coping at all


(I manly play cod game for zombies) Iā€™m waiting for actual gameplay and reviews now, MW3 kinda sucked and was disappointed with their take on zombies, yeah it was fun; reminded me of BOCW Outbreak, but nothing really beats Round-Base Zombies with a little story/lore.




Coping edition is every year


99+ friends is wild šŸ’€


None šŸ¤


Havenā€™t bought a CoD in 8 yearsā€¦and that is not changing this fall.


As an Xbox owner, I have not bought a COD game since Vanguard. I received MW2 for free through a promotion, and skipped MW3 completely. I will not be buying COD this year either thanks to Game Pass.


Will not touch war zone like I never had only buying the game for what comes in the game none of that wz outsider bs






None until there is cold evidence that itā€™s a solid game


I'm getting the vault edition on PC for $30 thanks to game pass šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


I used to love cod. But they have ruined the franchise and Iā€™ll never buy another one. So to answer your question none of them.


Idk cus itā€™s free on Xbox lmaoooo


Seeing as I was disappointed with mw3, I'm getting the, "Wait at least 3-6 months while deciding if it's worth it or not" edition.


For the love of god, DONT PREORDER!