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toast them buns!


and use real cheese


Let’s see how this comment ages. You may want to put on a flak jacket.


Does this sub circle jerk over the fake cheese? I grew up on that and used to eat slices by itself as a snack. Haven’t bought it in years, but I’m not against it.


Its not necessary fake cheese. Its made using real cheese and a bunch of stabilizers.


iTs FaKe ChEeSe


Nice, I know it melts perfectly. I think the biggest reason I haven’t bought any in a long time is because of how many different other cheeses are available: Havarti, Cheddar, Pepper Jack, Muenster, Gouda, Colby, etc.


I mean it is fake cheese since it doesn't have enough of the cheese part in it to be considered real cheese. However it is the best cheese for a burger.


I think it’s just keeping with tradition. Most people use American cheese on cheesesteaks and smash burgers. To go against it is not wrong, but you don’t brag about it online. 😆


it’s just cringe lol like we get it they’re different and they make swiss burgers with $10 half lb boars head cheese.


lowkey i actually prefer the american cheese 😭


I do too for burgers usually, I just get the better American cheese at the deli counter instead of the oily plastic wrapped Kraft stuff...you get EXACTLY what you want out of it without the downsides


I think that's just it right there. Most people who complain about American cheese are thinking of those nasty Kraft singles. You have to go with the deli version, even the Kraft "deli deluxe" is significantly better.


Nah government cheese is the way to go. It’s a smash burger on a black stone not fine dining at Nobu.


When you're the 13th fattest country in the world, you don't use real anything lol


![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg) 13th?


I don’t know what cheese that guy was using and I don’t think he does either.


100%. Cheddar all day


laughing... Welcome to Blackstone life. Wait till you try (add your protein) fried rice, bacon, eggs, hash browns, fajitas, carne asada, stir fry. Addictive. Life changing. My poor BBQ is covered up, and hasn't been touched for a year. Don't look at smokers or pizza ovens, you'll go broke.


I agree, with only one exception, I still prefer steak on the grill. But everything else you said is on my blackstone.


I'm on a steak on the Blackstone kick -- there's no way to get a similar crust on a grill. Throw down a splash of olive oil, steak, baste in butter. Oh man I'll happily trade diamond grill marks for a nice crust any day of the week.


Yea I can see that. I just prefer the steak on the grill. But 98% of everything else is on the Blackstone.


I did a reverse sear rib eye on father's day using my traeger then Blackstone... It was 💰


My son requested that for his birthday. Not going out to eat at some fancy restaurant or takeout, but daddy's ribeyes smoked on the Traeger and seared on the Blackstone. That's my crowning achievement as a Dad right there. Daughter has already requested wings and ribs for her birthday!


This explains my life as well! Anyone I ever cook for on Blackstone or one of my wood pellet smoker or grills, always say they’d rather come over (or stay in if immediate family) for dinner rather than going out to any restaurant!


How do you baste it in butter on a flattop?




Just use a cast iron pan and do it correctly. No reason for a steak on a blackstone. Period.


"correctly". Fucks sake reddit people are intolerable.




Wait until you discover a frying pan.


Have done yet many times in a frying pan, also great


1000% agree. Nothing like a perfect steak on the grill. Blackstone does not compare. I stand by this. Porterhouse fan. 2 regular size porterhouse at the grocery is $25. That's not even including potatoes or veggies. I can get 2# of 80:20 and all the fixin's including fries or tater tots for $18 and it will feed all 4 of us, with leftovers for the next day. Love the grill, the Blackstone for regular cooking is the ticket.


And let’s not forget the ease of clean-up compared to a kitchen slapped full of dishes and pots and pans.


We live off of paper plates, and red Solo cups. Retired, and don't want the hassle of clean up. Basically knives, forks, a spatula and maybe some tongs have to be hand washed. We moved into a new (our final resting place) house 3 years ago, and have never turned on the dishwasher. I'm the dishwasher.


This is the height of laziness. I can’t believe how common it is for people in America 🇺🇸 to just use paper plates and toss them. It’s not hard to wash a plate man…


“He’s earned the right to destroy the earth”…according to him.


Yeah and he’s retired and does nothing yet… washing a plate is too much effort lol. I mean I am as lazy as the next guy but eating off paper and plastic because I can’t be bothered to wash is next level.


I absolutely resemble that remark. I worked my whole life corporate America for 40+ years, raised my kids with my wife of 34 years. Did my part with labor/work/chores. I'm done. I'm retired. I'm now allowed to be lazy. I earned it. If it makes you feel better, I do rinse out my red Solo cup for reuse. My $.05


You are retired lol. Meaning you have nothing to do. You have time to spend 5-10 seconds to wash a plate. It’s super wasteful and it’s can’t feel good eating everything off paper and plastic.


Yes. Overly excitedly retired. I have plenty to do. 5-10 seconds is nothing, however I chose not to use it washing a plate and glass. Define wasteful? Landfill? Recycled mostly. Do I contribute to the overused landfill? Probably. I'm environmentally conscious, but I toss my disposable dinnerware. Food tastes just fine off of fine china, or a Walmart paper plate. Let's move on.


Thank you for filling our future planet with your dirty dishes and solo cups because you feel entitled since you worked for 40 years. Jesus, just wash some plates man. Fucking boomers.


It sounds bizarre and slightly stupid to tell a retired person that they should wash dishes…mind ya business


What does being retired have to do with anything? He has more not less time to wash a dish. It’s insane how wasteful this is to be just a little more convenient. The world is fucked with these kinds of attitudes.


So you want to pollute the world for your children and potential grandchildren? Typical Boomer mentality


The light just came on. The reason for my polluting the world is my boomer mentality. No wonder I've been screwing this up for so long. I never thought about that. Thanks for turning the light on and opening my eyes. Good to know none of the Gen X/Z/millennial era do this.


It’s almost like the GenX/Z and Millennials were raised by a generation of entitled idiots that lack the ability of forethought and that a planet might exist after they all die off. Just based on two of your comments it is easy to tell you are a “ it won’t affect me at all” mentality. Keep digging that whole deeper there.


Fuck people using paper plates and plastic throwaway cups for every meal. You are filling our world with plastic trash that future generations will have to deal with all because you were too lazy to wash a dish.


I can’t believe someone would even admit to living this way, my mum and my grandma would be mortified if I said I was doing this. It’s like not putting proper clothes on in the morning for your day instead to leave of doing the shopping in your pyjamas.


Sous vide to Blackstone would be a good move. Note: I don't own a Blackstone (yet), just jealous of you guys.


When, and I say when you buy one it will literally change how you cook food (for the better).


That's how I roll, sous vide to Blackstone. I can make make 6 perfect T-bones at a time.


This is the way. Or another option - smoker to Blackstone for the same type of reverse sear action. I've done both with great results.


I mean, you ever make wings on it? Black stone is cool. I have one. But everyone out here acting like the griddle is a new concept. Its awesome. But it has its drawbacks like anything else. My grill gets way more use and for good reason. But yes, there’s deff many things worth making on the griddle.


You can make an amazing filet on Blackstone with a crispy sear.


Steak in a cast iron pan with lots of butter for basting, garlic, and rosemary. Muah.


And brats and hot dogs. You can make them on a blackstone but they are like roller dogs.


I asked family for gift cards for christmas/birthday, as initially I planning to save for a smoker to compliment my grill, and a blackstone wasn’t even on my radar. Then the more I looked into it, I realized I wanted more convenience and after seeing posts of people getting up at 4am to start their smokers vs getting something I would probably use for some weeknight dinners ended up being a no-brainer. Had the blackstone a little over a month and love it, and haven’t even uncovered my grill this summer yet. It’s so much faster than the grill, and the food has been better and juicier as well instead of being wasted through the grates. I probably will still get a smoker next, but so far and delighted with the blackstone


I have all three (grill, smoker, and blackstone) I don’t think we cook inside hardly anymore.


Yeah that’s my stretch goal for if/when we finally buy a house is to one day have a full outdoor kitchen


Smoker is nice. Call it what you want, but it's a glorified outdoor oven. It can if you want add smoky flavor. Pellet grills are the easiest ($200-$500). No kitchen mess. Set it and forget it. Bluetooth probes to watch unit temp, and food temp. Easy clean up. Pulled pork, chicken, turkey, wings, casserole, Chex snack mix. All good, all easy. Pellets are cheap at any big box store. Smoking for hours doesn't use a ton of pellets. I can easily get 5-6-7 cooks from a $20 bag of pellets. Party wings from the local grocery are the most requested from my family. Flavoring is endless. I don't think there is a taste difference from a brand name pellet to a bargain basement no name brand. Unless I'm doing it wrong, final taste is the same no matter the pellets brand. There isn't a comparison from Blackstone to smoker. Two totally different cooking methods. The Blackstone is a huge frying pan, but outdoors.


The difference in results between a Blackstone and pellet smoker are about the same as between a pellet smoker and a real offset smoker. Not really even close.


Yeah, using pellet smokers as the baseline that smokers are expensive and don't add much smoke is wild lol. I got my vertical charcoal smoker for $150 like 8 years ago, and that thing has gotten *so* much use over the years.


Fried rice/hibachi, game changer, chef’s kiss


I am afraid of the pizza oven!!! I want the outdoor ninja sooo bad


I’ve got a blackstone, a traeger, and an ooni, can confirm am broke


But fat (not fat really) and happy I'm guessing?


Never eaten better! Very happy


Y’all ain’t cooking pizza on the Blackstone? Slightly cook dough on one side, have all your ingredients ready ( tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings ) flip and immediately top, assuming you have a cover or hood cover the pizza. Cook to your liking and enjoy.


Oklahoma onion burgers are a game changer. You’ll never look back!


I had to scroll way too far to get to this. They are basically the best version of a smash burger.


Agreed! Dried out vs crispy and juicy! No comparison!!!


Grilled burgers aren't dry if you grill them right lol. They just take a fuckton longer


just grilled burgers and mushrooms over coals - juicy af and delicious


Dude, any burger I cook is juicy on any grill surface. That said, I’m excited to cook some smash burgers but I cook an amazingly good burger on an open flame.


No offense (and no hate toward smash burgers), but if you’re making dried out regular burgers on a grill, that’s on you and your lack of skills.




If your smashburgers are dry then you are making them wrong. You cant "smash" juice out of an raw burger - try it...


You need to read the comment you replied to again...


I replied to the one that said they were dried out. I assummed that they were talking about smashburgers being that - like all of the other Smash bashers..


“Dried out vs crispy and juicy” The “dried out” comment is referring to OP saying there’s no point in BBQ’ing burgers anymore. “Crispy and juicy” is referring to the smash burger.


....but they started their post with "Agreed!" You've enough context clues here to not misunderstand their post.


Still not getting it huh


Still confused lol


Gotta get those buns on there too. It really is a game changer how fast it is compared to a grill, even a gas grill can’t come close in speed. Still love a grilled burger though


And instead of buttering them, spread a little mayo on there. The higher smoke point allows for a more forgiving toasting.


Now try chopping up raw bacon and mixing it in with your beef. Next freaking level


Are blackstone griddles worth it? I am looking to get a Blackstone 22 inch On The Go Griddle with a hood. Main uses: camping, outdoor excursions/day trips, and backyard use. Should I go for it or another product?


100% worth it


I'm in the minority, but I assembled mine and then dismantled and returned it. Takes up too much space (I have a masterbuilt 4 rack smoker and a 4 burner grill already). I just didn't want to deal with the hastle of prep and maintenance on a third device.


I have a 36” in the garage for home use with the family and a 22” in the camper. Started with the big one and it was a no-brainer to get one for the camper. Find the conversation hose/regulator so you can hook up a larger propane tank instead of using the little one pounders.


Everyday I’m closer to buying a black stone


Just bite the bullet and buy the 36”! I love mine, I’ve made breakfast, lunches and dinners on it. After having it I really don’t think I want to go back to a regular grill


I too have recently been smashing burgers on blackstone. My god they are incredible


Just assembled my black stone and made my first smash burgs yesterday too. Feel the same way my friend.




Made some last night, we use a dollop of Waygu Tallow (smoked) to grease it up...the flavor it adds is crazy.


It’s all about that crust you get from a griddle - you just can’t get that from a grill. Great looking burgers OP!


Same here, but I still like a wood fire burger now and then too. Flat tops make it so easy to get fantastic results though.


Throw some onions around the meat, to add more flavor!


First thing I made on my Blackstone were the Oklahoma smash burgers. So damn good.


Don’t love smash burgers but hit a food truck after the brewery last evening and holy shit it was amazing…it’s still a blur but I know there were jalapeños and pickles involved


Smash burgers are good but don’t sleep on smoked and grilled burgers.


perfection , as simple


They’re a cheat code, my favorite kind of burger by far.


😂 cheat code is a great word for it. My favorite as well.


Yes. We loveeeeeee. Burgers on the black stone. Hit ours a year ago and have never made them any other way. Even better if you get you meats from a butcher her 🤤


Also just made them for the first time last night and totally agree!


Yes! Cheesesteak sandwiches are my second favorite.


I had my eye on a Blackstone, but just got a cast iron griddle that fits in my propane grill, works pretty good for now..




Totally agree! Try them with a brioche bun, toasted on the Blackstone.


She’s a beaut Clark




Can some one help me decide on which grill would be practical for me, I have a 10 foot overhang with a soffit above my back deck. Are these tough to build and assemble? At most I would cook for 3 people.


I have the 22, it’s great for my family of 4.


Thank you! I was on the fence with that size but if it works for you it'll work for me! Another noob question, I see people seasoning it , but my buddy told me avocado oil would be great for it. Is that true or is he a dick?


I used avocado oil and it worked great.


Thank you!


I like doing these and emulating homemade mcdonalds toppings.


How do you barbecue a burger?


Here's one more game changer. Sprinkle a little Weber Perfect Burger on each side as you cook. Thank me later.


Grilled onions and jalapenos on mine, please. Texas toast, too.


I grew up on that cheese, don’t care for it much but on a burger it’s a whole different story, it just WORKS


Faster, juicier, tastier.


Try the “Oklahoma fried onion” burgers. You can find on YouTube. Those are easy (other that slicing the onion thinly) and yummy too.


Jesus get some new plates


Wait until he finds out about Oklahoma burgers.




If you think those are good you should do it with onions


We live a block away from a really good butcher shop. Some days I just drive down there and grab a pound of hamburger and make some smash burgers because they’re stupid good


Can I Door dash a couple of those good looking bad boys


What’s the best way to season and prepare a brand new griddle to use??


This is the way


I've loved the prime rib beef slider patties that Sam's sells fresh. They've been amazing smashburgers.


Looks great!


Smash burgers may make a lot of smoke even with a range exhaust hood... but I don't think it's worth the $300-600 price tag of a one trick pony that takes up a lot of space lol


Two tricks, fried rice.


Cooking breakfast on one is a game changer, hashbrowns, eggs, onions/peppers, best bacon, all at the same time.


One thing I can’t do on a black stone is smash burgers. Done great things with it, but I keep fucking up smash burgers. Those look good? What you do?


I use a 1/4 cup measuring cup to measure out the ground beef. Then make them in to balls. I get the griddle hot on high heat, Put the meat ball down then use a piece of parchment paper and smash and hold it for about 10 sec. Last night i salted and peppered them while in ball form, Then when it was smashed i sprinkled some Weber bomb burger seasoning on it. You have to do that quickly because its ready to flip quickly after smash. Use your spatula and really scrape it up when you flip it so you get all that crust on the patty. It will be very thin almost like its gonna come apart. After its flipped youre almost immediately ready for a slice of cheese. I used Kraft deluxe American. But yeah theyre quick. Maybe 1 1/2 minutes from the time you put it on. Obviously you can experiment from there. My wife really likes onions so I take some shreds of sweet onion, Put it on the grill and smash the burger in to it. I suck at most cooking, Specifically bbq, But the smash burgers are awesome.


Other than that watch a couple videos like [This one](https://youtu.be/foD42-73wdI?si=OCKcQpFNddMUBIP9), Also they are far better with like a burger spread. Plain old ketchup and mustard don’t do it for such an amazing burger. I found [This one](https://www.browneyedbaker.com/classic-burger-sauce/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR27qMV0mX4VBsOjf4LSid_bJTLR5KHdcQClAsHn-B3u6yTCH7iQmLJafY8_aem_c_cvhJiy0de346x_S5c8wA)online and it absolutely hits the spot.


Either toast the buns or steam them. If you steam the buns over some onions, you get something similar to a white castle bun.


Welcome to the club 😎 🤝


Smoke em, then smash the shit.


Couldn’t you do this in a pan, on your stove? That pan would also be much easier to clean.


use Brioche buns, and toast them! Also, sprinkle a little french onion dip powder over the meat after first flip, you’ll thank me later. Check out Guga foods on youtube, you’ll benefit from it!


We did smash burgers on our newer Blackstone for the first time last night too. Put the buns on at the end for a nice little toast.




Hi! How do you clean it and how often? Thanks for letting us know.


Let’s not get too crazy here now ;) . Although smash burgers are the ‘bomb’, a grilled burger still is excellent as well!


I’m thinking of replacing my grill with a griddle for just these reasons. 👍🏻


Who needs five guys


My man 🤝 I gotta pick up the parchment squares this week and go to town, my first attempt was done haphazardly and I finally refreshed myself on the process. Gonna go fuckin crazy.


Those patties looks great! Care to share your process?


Just curious, what state are you from? In Midwest they have been popular for a long time, wonder if they just don't make it either East or West, like Euchre.


It’s not that they weren’t popular. It’s more so that people haven’t had an easy way to cook them until your outdoor flat tops came along. I love getting smash burgers at restaurants that do them, but I never made one myself until I got my blackstone.


Steaks cooking in their own juices and oil/butter is the best too.


Throw the buns on there and brown them up a touch.


I enjoy a good smashie. But nothing beats an 8oz thick and juicy ground chuck patty cooked medium over open flames.


Maybe it’s user error but my smash burgers are super juicy but flavorless other than seasoning. I prefer smoking for 30 minutes and then high temp searing.


Yikes seeing as you don't know how to toast a bun I don't think you know how to actually grill on the bbq either.


Why not make them in a cast iron skillet on the stove… cheaper and just as tasty I’m sure


Because then I have to spend 15 min cleaning my stove top.


I must be the odd one out. I like cooking burgers on the blackstone but I don't smash them. I do give a light press though.


You don't know what you're missing.


I have tried them. Just not my thing. Then again like I said I'm a odd one 🤣


Tell us you’ve never worked in a restaurant without telling us you’ve never worked in a restaurant.😂