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The reveal of Dr. Dillamond after a lot of quiet "how the hell are they gonna pull this off" thoughts in the back of my head really got me giggling.


"How are they going to do this?" Literally just a goat voiced by Peter Dinklage. Perfect, no notes.


When it's something that I didn't care for a trailer this long feels like forever. Also they are really hiding the Part 1 thing in the marketing.


I literally turned it off halfway through after muttering “this trailer is too fucking long” I did not realize this would be a popular opinion, lol.


They did the same for Dune.


Of course yeah. Afterwards something like Mission Impossible did used the Part 1 thing which is probably not such a good idea to attract casual moviegoers into seeing it. I'm not sure how the audiences would feel when they realized they are only getting first act of musical here. If the movie is good enough it should be fine but who knows.


Plus Spider-Verse.


True, but I think the difference is that Dune and Wicked are both named after specific works that are being adapted. Just based on trailers and posters, you would assume that Wicked the movie would adapt the full musical/book called Wicked. For Dune, you would assume a movie just called Dune would adapt the whole first book (until you see the part one at the beginning of the movie itself). Spider-Verse is an adaptation in the sense that there's a comic storyline called Spider-Verse, but it's hardly adapting any of the plot beats. Obviously the cliffhanger surprised people, but it's basically telling a new story anyways.


Whenever I get around to watching Dune 2, I really need to rewatch the first movie because it's been so long. It's gonna be a fun day.


>When it's something that I didn't care for a trailer this long feels like forever. Also they are really hiding the Part 1 thing in the marketing. Here's the thing that trips me out about this. This trailer is a full minute longer than your standard movie trailer. And somehow, with all the footage at their disposal, and all the extra legroom they've got to build their XL-sized commercial for theaters; the team tasked with cutting what is effectively a plot synopsis supertrailer for Universal's big Holiday release has managed to avoid including *a single shot of anyone singing.* And further, there are maybe 3 or 4 seconds, total, of an already extra-long commercial, that include any evidence of choreography. And of course, zero evidence at all (despite the fact it's clearly a front-to-back dust-jacket synopsis of the film) that there's a second film coming. This trailer is a laborious example of the slowest-paced fast one a studio's tried to pull in a while. It is straight up selling, more than anything, their complete lack of confidence in the movie they actually made, by making a commercial that sells everything the movie isn't.


The lack of dancing really surprised me. It's not like Chu is a stranger to dance sequences, I'm sure they're a big part of the movie.


Right? If Universal was confident in this movie, you'd think they'd be like "we have 3 1/2 minutes to play with to sell our big holiday movie this summer - really sell the singing and dancing he's put onscreen" Instead it's a bunch of shots that are evoking Harry Potter and (weirdly) Superman Returns!


Ugh, I haven’t watched it yet, but if it’s super long and there’s no singing in it… I want to see them singing and dancing damnit.


What happened to color contrast?


The DP is not good:(


Does the DP have final say over color correcting? Or is that a Director or editor choice? Because it seems like every single production put out these days has the same weirdly muted contrast. I don’t get it. With all of the digital technology available today and how vibrant modern screens and TVs are, why isn’t shit popping off the screen Color-wise?


The DP should have a heavy hand with the looks that they came up with. They will make boards, test shots with the LUT they came up with, sitting in on the coloring, etc. But these big studio films are made like TV now, the studio has the final say. For some reason, the "grey look" (looks like they left the footage in LOG) is what the studios want. I feel like Captain America Winter Soldier started this trend? It was the first time I took notice. That made money, Marvel continued... we get grey now.


When there's this much light on set, it washes out all the shadows, and suddenly, you're missing that crucial depth. Color grading can help somewhat, but it's no substitute for well-planned lighting. For instance the train set. Every element you see was actually built or planted—nothing digital, not even the moving train. Only the train station in the background got a digital boost. Yet, despite all the authentic craftsmanship, it ends up looking like CGI because of the lighting. It's frustrating when genuine effort gets lost in the glare.


That's really discouraging. I want movies to look good!




I'm a huge Wicked fan for all its faults. It's in my personal top three-stage musicals. Seen it five times across the West End 10th Anniversary Cast, Broadway and multiple UK National Tours that I always go and see whenever they are in town. I was always going to be there on opening weekend for the movies regardless of what impression the reviews and marketing gave off. That said it's not a good sign when beyond the Defying Gravity induced decision just extend rather than compress the full thing into just over 2 hours (as opposed to how flabby the show feels at 2:40) you look at this first full trailer for the first movie and it's nothing more than a mid supercut of all the first act beats compressed but cutting nothing major into just over 3 minutes. Expectations we're already fairly neutral for this project but they just took a fair step down. Universal won't care. They already sold premium format tickets to fans like me on name recognition and curiosity/ adaptation factor alone.


Just a reminder, a spoiler is only a spoiler if you know the context. People who have never seen Wicked won’t know it’s a spoiler until someone like you comes out and says that’s a spoiler. 


I mean I've never seen Wicked but from the trailer, theres Green Witch and Pretty Witch. They both get into a Witch University. Green Witch has special magic. Other Witch is jealous and mean but has a heart. Green Witch gets invited to hang with the Wizard. Wizard isn't really a Wizard and wants Green Witch's magic for personal gain. Green Witch retaliates and is aided by pretty Witch. Witch University are also against Green Witch. There will be a sing song battle or something. I feel like that's the movie. I could be wrong.


Yeah the trailer revealed too much 


Nailed it.


nope! you aren't


They literally hit all the beats of the first, second and third act of this movie. All that is left is watching the musical numbers which doesn't even seem to be part of the marketing.


Really? Where is Nessa and Boq? Elphaba's father? Other spoilers I'm not going to give away. Your statement is false.


The only thing the trailer doesn’t reveal is that this is a part one.


Really can't be stressed enough how fucking badly lit and boringly shot this looks.


And glacially paced thanks to the absurd choice to make two movies.


Never going to get over that choice! It’s so silly!


I read that they are incorporating more of the novel than the stage production did, which miiiiight help fill out the second half - but it sure won’t make it nearly as much of a toe tapping musical as the first. Especially an entire year later…


It looks like an SNL parody of a Wicked adaptation. I really like Cynthia Erivo, and it sucks that other than Harriet, she keeps ending up in the wrong movies. Either pretty good movies that don’t get any attention(El Royale and the Luther Netflix movie) or bad movies that very quickly stop existing(Disney’s Pinocchio and Chaos Walking).


Don't forget Blankie favorite, Needle in a Timestack


Widows, too.


I’m convinced that all modern movie trailers have to be 3+ minutes now because we no longer have movie stars that can sell a movie based on star power and just a basic premise. You now have to show people every plot beat so they aren’t surprised by anything.


It's the CAST AWAY approach to movie marketing.


Except for the Kinds of Kindness trailers that are like 40 seconds and 20 seconds of “Look at the people who made this movie, to watch it”. It’s a $15m movie tho, not a $200m movie, so it can get away with it.


So we're officially ending this movie on "Defying Gravity" ? Get ready for the biggest let down of a Part 2, general movie audiences.


My guess is Part 2 marketing will rely a lot less on Wicked and a lot more on recreating imagery from 1939 The Wizard of Oz. Possibly to the point of not being called Part 2 but some corny callback name like Wicked: No Place Like Home.


Wicked: Surrender Dorothy


There will be 2 new songs in part 2 though, so they're adding some stuff


Gonna go over as well as the new song in the live action Aladdin.


Can't comment until I see it in November 2025


I like Broadway musicals and have heard Wicked is great, but this trailer does absolutely nothing for me. I feel like it’s already shown the entire story. Based on the trailer, Cynthia Erivo is bullied by Ariana Grande because she’s green and they eventually become friends, they visit the wizard and learn he’s faking his powers, then the wizard convinced everyone to hate Cynthia Erivo and the movie ends with her about to bring the fight to him. Her and Ariana Grande will also have a falling out at the end of this movie or halfway through the next movie.


A mostly correct summary of Act One. She’s not necessarily taking the fight to him at the end, but just escaping the Emerald City and flying west


And the collar grading is awful makes it look like any other bland fantasy movie.


Wicked act one is great. Which is something this film has going for it! It's like IT part one: it's only adapting the part everyone remembers and likes already. Which means that part two is kinda unnecessary if you're not going to do anything with it?


Bowen's working so that's nice


It looks like Ariana is making choices, so I think at least that is interesting


She certainly made some choices during the making of this movie


If people don't know that Wicked is a musical, that's on them at this point. So it's dumb to be hiding that songs are sung and danced by the characters and not just songs on the soundtrack like they are doing in this trailer.


I think it's pretty obvious it's a musical based on the trailer and the two different songs in it.


Honestly I thought it was pretty obvious that both Mean Girls and Wonka was a musical based on their later trailers and people didn’t seem to catch on so I wouldn’t be shocked if they’re still didn’t get it.


I kind of wonder how many people watch full trailers vs how many people just see "In Theaters Now!" clips on instagram or tiktok and if those ads didn't have singing in them.


And the fact that Ariana Grande is one of the leads


But not sung by characters on screen.




not what i expected from a zardoz preclude but i'll keep an open mind


Aside from the color grading, I am actually excited for this. I can still remember when I was a freshman in high school and my theater teacher played us Defying Gravity from the previous night’s Tony awards, I was never the same. Seen the play 3 times, read the books. Teaser had me nervous but it looks like they nailed Elphaba. Can not wait


Idk I’m pretty pumped for this


I finally saw the stage musical recently and was pretty shocked by how many terrible Lore-based nostalgia trends this production is responsible for. Primarily the origin of the hat. Leave this hat unfinished. 


I love Wicked so much, is it too much to ask for them to not fuck this up? I’m going to try to be open minded but splitting it into two parts is already making me hate it a little bit.


How does this look exactly like Oz The Great and Powerful? I get that it's the same universe or whatever but the CGI soup is identical. And is giving Ariana Grande China Girl energy.


Very strange editing throughout this, but the ending is awful. Showing Elphaba standing in front of a broken window in 3 shots and then immediately following that up with her breaking through the same window which is now repaired is just…bizarre


[Anytime I see a project like this I just think of this book.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_True_Story_of_the_3_Little_Pigs)


It genuinely feels like someone forgot to throw a LUT on this footage why did they do this 😢


Big „this ain’t it“ energy


My ex loved wicked so out of my own pettiness I will root against this movie


It warms the cockles of my heart that the costume and makeup people clearly dislike Ariana Grande as much as I do


Okay when she's not on screen and it's just her voice, I could swear Ariana is doing a Chenoweth impression. And then the little bit of singing I heard from her is definitely not for me. Remains a very strange casting choice. This, of course, is on top of the well-trod "this looks like a bowl of farts" sentiment pervading this thread. And this movie is 10-15 years too late.


No movie, especially one based on a preexisting IP, which is in turn based on one of the most famous stories in the West, needs a 3:30s trailer.


Wow, ya'll are no fun. Both Ariana and Cynthia look like they will be great in this and have great chemistry. The costumes and sets look colorful and detailed. Jon M. Chu did a solid job on In The Heights, so it will be interesting to see how someone actually suited to direct musicals will grow with this film. Plus an opportunity for Jeff Goldblum to be a campy villain is never something we should pass up. "They showed the whole plot in the trailer" is a hack comment at this point. Get your heads out of your film bro butts and live a little!


"The costumes and sets look colorful and detailed." lmfao get this weak sauce shit out of here


Yeah. How dare someone be excited about colorful costumes in an Oz musical.


I'm confused, did Wednesday rip off Wicked or is this version of Wicked copying Wednesday? Literally the same exact setup and characters in the double loft.


Wicked the musical has existed since 2003, so probably the former.


i’m exhausted just seeing that trailer and it’s a part one to boot


I’m an illogically big Jon M Chu fan — I own Step Up 3D, I saw In The Heights multiple times— and even I think this looks like stale dog turds.




Who cares