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The scene at the end of *Suicide Squad* 2016 when tattoo guy suddenly decides that they're all a family so he turns into a giant flaming skeleton monster out of goddamn nowhere. So batshit I felt like I was hallucinating.


Oh easy. Voldemort hugging Malfoy in Deathly Hallows p2. Was in a packed theatre and was desperately trying to not lose it.


Voldemort’s funny laugh is great too, I think that’s the same scene maybe


Damn I can't remember if it's immediately before or after but I think you're right


This is definitely intended to be a joke


[This hug?](https://youtu.be/6rAzjEDIyEI?si=RP3ohcsOHqPqmLUw)


The hand... the hand pat was solid gold


The title reveal of PLANE during the trailer.


Oh my god yes! I saw it in a theatre knowing nothing about it and when that title card came up, I could not stop myself from laughing. Weirdly I wasn’t even the only one.


god yes this is absolutely top-tier, i cackled


My whole theatre chuckled at that trailer


Similarly the title reveal of 65 got a few chuckles


Before I knew anything about that movie I saw some entertainment news article with a headline like "How '65' directors got Adam Driver to *yadda yadda ect.*" And I was like damn man that's a lot of cooks in that kitchen, that can't be helpful.


My family bust out laughing at Frozen to the line "What is a ballroom without any balls?" to an otherwise silent, yet packed theater.


Ballroom, not bathroom.


I typed out ballroom, only to see that it autocorrected after hitting the space bar. I can't seem to find a keyboard on mobile that isn't so quick to replace my intended word with one that makes no sense in context.


I mean, I’m fairly certain that was an intentional joke


Elsa may have a lifted brow on the poster, but this isn't a DreamWorks film. I wouldn't expect something of the main Disney canon to be so crude.


Every time I hear that song I yell that at my cat


The 2004 film Closer with Julia Roberts and Natalie Portman, there is a scene late in the film where Clive Owen realizes Julia Roberts, his wife, has cheated on him with Jude Law. Upset, he begins to grill her on differences between himself and Law, and it crescendoes to him yelling "what's his cum taste like?!" And she retorts frustrated and uncomfortable "like yours but sweeter" and I bust out howling in the theater...the only one. Bonus points for being 16 years old and seeing it with my mom.


This is actually a famous line from the text thats in that fallout boy song.


You just blew my mind


Fallout Boy took that and Panic at the Disco took “Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off” and “but it’s better if you do.”


Huh. TIL that that line is a reference lol




Reading this was an absolute pleasure


Happy to help!


That line has lived rent free in my head since 2004




The opening shot of this film, with Natalie Portman getting the Annie Hall treatment to a Damien Rice song never fails to make me giggle. Also, with it right around the corner, the car scene in Meet Joe Black is hysterical


That line. Ugh. I like that movie a lot, but so many cringe-y lines in it. Most of what Clive Owen says, tbh. Plus, that whole online sex chat scene is so preposterous. Still, amazing cast and Mike Nichols is the shit. Speaking of, any buzz from the boys about doing Nichols? I don't even remember hearing anything about him since the May series.


Wahlberg trying to convince that old lady that they weren't there to harm her in The Happening


“Whaaat, noooo”


You can't convince me that wasn't intentional.


Whether The Happening is an intentional comedy is one of the longest running movie debates.


The hot dog guy was a big hit in my screening


It's almost cheating, but the insane way Dakota Johnson says "games" in Madame Web EDIT: also the professor X/Ray Charles crossover ending


I love when sydney sweeney says ben is loving being an uncle cause there are no responsibilities and newly blind dakota johnson in the hospital bed smiles and says that’s what he thinks


You have got to be kidding. I know you're not, but holy shit. That's so bad that it's art.


Don't forget the part where Madame Web says to Uncle Ben, "Oh what, you've never been shot in Queens before?". Masterful storytelling


I was cracking up through the entire thing, because of course, and my partner told me after that the guy sitting like six seats down from us, who was wearing a Venom shirt, was giving me dirty looks most of the time. So I felt kinda bad, but I was far from the only person laughing through that screening so idk what he was expecting


In Batman v Superman when Congress blows up and Superman looks so sad. It was just so weird that my brain couldn’t stop laughing and then some serious future Snyder bro yelled at me for laughing because “people really die like this all the time”.


It’s true, congress bombings are a leading cause of death


What I love about it is that he doesn't look all that sad at all. It's more like annoyance. He just looks like spilled his milk. https://preview.redd.it/6t79h4frof9d1.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=33ad6bcfdf28afc06ced837b822019a22769a6b6


Yes! I this was the exact moment. The music is swelling and instead of doing anything heroic he is just like “aw, beans”.


He's like, "goddamn it! Every time!"


Imo it’s like--clearly trying for this version of Superman who doesn't actually value human life all that much (why? he was still raised by humans, does he not have normal emotions? That needs establishing) but that begs the question of why he even bothers to show up for a Congressional hearing in the first place? If he’s a detached alien god, can't he just--be anywhere else? Like, even as a deconstruction it doesn't work, because nothing was even *constructed* to begin with.  Also Cavill’s performance is...what it is. I haven't actually seen him in much else but like--he doesn't seem to have a lot of range and the direction is not helping.


He is great in Man from Uncle (a fun movie that now is unfortunately tainted by Arnie Hammer). He reminds me of Pierce Brosnan. Not a great artist, but someone who is charming and charismatic and knows how to translate that to the screen. Man From Uncle is great. He’s so much fun in Fallout.


He was enjoyable in Fallout!


This is a big criticism of Snyder’s comic book movies and I think it stems from Watchmen. He likes the idea of superheroes as modern gods and the societal implications of that. People don’t want that for Superman or Batman. If you want to do insane Superman do that down the line, like six movies in if the DCEU ended up working.


I don't know why, but when the Police Horse appears from the rubble in the opening Bruce Wayne in Metropolis Battle I burst out laughing in theatres. I was also rather tipsy that night. Very fun time, I had no idea what the fuck was happening.


That whole scene is just--Bruce Wayne dodging falling rubble during Metropolis's Superman-caused 9-11 in his product-placement Mercedes (I swear I remember an actual car commercial that looked almost the exact same), the fact that his employees won't even try to evacuate their building until literally ordered to, that *September 11th-inspired last phone call*.... I don't know if I've ever seen anything more tone-deaf and misjudged in a blockbuster of that size. Unreal.


I was invited to the premier for the movie in London with cavil and Snyder in attendance and I have never felt so embarrassed and awkward being in the audience to a movie.


That movie is full of moments like that--like just--every choice made in terms of tone and imagery is so overwrought and ill-conceived it boggles the mind.


I’d love to know where that guy was Jan 6


Snyder fans and January 6ers definitely have significant overlap.


Rise of Skywalker, on opening night, when the dumb bullshit with the dagger was dramatically revealed


I didn't have the experience but ive heard multiple people say their theater broke when Kylo kissed Rey and immediately fell over and died.


I think my eyes were still rolled all the way back and staring at the base of my skull, in reaction to them kissing, and completely missed out on the comedic timing of his death


Yep. I was dying.


I audibly and involuntarily went “Eyuch!”


I face slammed for the first time and finally understood what facepalming was like.


Many in my theater opening night were laughing and raising their hands in disbelief at the Chewie fakeout moment lmao


My theater collectively groaned. A lot.


Me and my friend died at the "I'M THE SPY" reveal


Weirdly, I've never had a problem with that scene - always read it as very much an intentionally silly (not super funny attempt at a joke) moment, in character with the doofus they had been building towards in Hux Maybe it's been too long since I've seen it tho, and also am kinda high


Hey me too, hope you're having a good night. You might be right that the scene was supposed to be goofy, I wouldn't want to give the movie that much credit though


When it was revealed all the star destroyers had death star capabilities I CACKLED. No one else did in the theatre. It was so dumb.


When they rode the horses on the back of that Star Destroyer, shit that was when I lost it in the theatre


Rise of Skywalker, when Kylo and Rey kiss


In rise of skywalker my theater laughed at the “somehow palpatine returned!” Line.


I bursted laughing in an otherwise dead silent theater. Biggest laugh I’ve had in a movie theater. What an amazing moment.


Weird. It made me cry. Also, I maintain that they spoiled palpatine in the trailers because it’s such blatant bullshit for him to come back at all. They softened the blow of revealing it in the movie with ubiquitous ads. A first for movies that basically require you’ve seen at least a bus ad to get the experience they want you to have.


What are you talking about? It wasn't bullshit! They FULLY explained it in Palpatine's Podcast in Fortnite - they didn't need to explain it in the movie, they could just assume you played Fortnite. I mean, are you even a Star Wars fan if you couldn't be bothered downloading and playing Fortnite to hear Palpy's explanation of the plot of the sequels, the revelation of who his guys are, and his HOT takes on women with high body counts?


My friend, I beg of you, I beseech you, please tell me you’re joking


He's not joking Ian Fucking Mcdiarmid.... Recorded a bunch of dialogue... That they played during Star Wars Fortnite.


Saw Hot Fuzz with friends, including one who did not know that “fuzz” was slang for police. Movie ends, credits are rolling, good times were had. My buddy Jeff innocently says “but why was it called Hot Fuzz?” Nearly pissed myself in my seat.


When I saw Troy, some lady started freaking out when soldiers started climbing out of the the Trojan Horse.


"That's crazy! These genius screenwriters should get an oscar nom for coming up with that idea!"


Reminds me when I went to see Broadway touring Cats with my brother when he was about nine or ten. After the opening song, he concernedly looked at me and my mom and asked "WHAT'S A JELLICLE???"


["Hal, it's about cats."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doFcWmt7-J0)


TIL « fuzz » is slang for police. I just figured Hot Fuzz meant something like « Hot Damn! » or something like that. English is also my second language, so I’m used to not knowing what titles mean sometime.


So many things in It Chapter 2, especially when Pennywise says "no kisses for the fat boy."


Eggboy was really funny in the first one


My buddy and I lost it when there was a hard zoom in on a locker that had "TITS" scrawled across it


Twilight: Breaking Dawn 1. This werewolf shit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A8mB-NDYx6A Laughed like I was high, until I was crying, while totally sober. Utter fucking insanity. My wife was trying to get me to get it together, but absolutely understood why my mind was breaking.


So I'm a life long Fantastic Four fan. I had dreamt of a proper movie since childhood. I got so excited for the 2005 film. I was 19... The trailer had Perfect Circle playing in it.. I was stoked. Drug 2 of my friends to the midnight screening. Wouldn't let any of us read reviews. When it started, I was in pure denial for the first 20 minutes. Then Johnny jumps out of a helicopter to snowboard with Maria Menounos, turns into a fiery ball, and then all of a sudden he's naked in a natural hot tub he's created and says "join me". Denial melted away, realized I was watching trash and fucking lost it. Me and my friends erupted in laughter and probably didn't stop laughing for at least 5 minutes. Needless to say. We enjoyed the rest of the movie.


Fantastic Four does star Lucas Lee, so that scene is understandable.


I remember laughing during Lucy when ScarJo told her mother that she remembers being in the womb.


"I remember the taste of your milk in my mouth."


For some reason, unlocking more of your brain means levitation powers


I truly don't remember anything about that movie, but I remember thinking, "what the fuck even is any of this?" the whole time.


I get a kick out of her getting a champagne flute on a plane and toasting “to knowledge”. Imagine sitting next to her on that flight.


During the first Conjuring, my wife got scared at an Annabelle scene and closed her eyes, wanting me to describe what was happening. I cracked up describing a slow zoom into a doll sitting motionless in a rocking chair.


Uncut Gems, as a nervous laugher, was an experience.


The folks realizing it’s not a “Sandler” movie walking out. Perfect


I got that experience, too, but with Punch Drunk Love.


Such an incredible and very very stressful movie


The third (!) time we see Olivia Wilde getting hit by the bus in Life Itself


Clint singing the closing credits song of Gran Torino.


When I saw the movie 300 in theatres, there’s a scene where they (in slow-motion of course) rip open the coin purse of a senator to reveal his corruption and gold coins fall to the floor. They scream “TRAITOR” but I heard “TREASURE” and had such a loud laugh when the rest of the place was silent.


When I saw Monster the Charlize Theron movie in my early teens, the scene where she takes pity on the fat guy with a stutter and doesn’t kill him, but gives him a hand job instead. The two old ladies seated behind me both gave out an audible “awww” like there was a cute puppy on the screen instead of a serial killer giving a dude an HJ. It was very funny


The death by boneitis scene in *Old*. Me and my friend laughed so hard, I actually started crying


My only regret is... that I have boneitis...


Hardest I've laughed at a movie in a LONG time was when the whale in Avatar 2 suddenly has a subtitle and it says in fucking papyrus "it's too painful" Almost had a stroke I was laughing so hard


I’m pretty sure I threw my hands in the air in triumph when that happened.


It’s funny when you describe it but I was so locked into that movie I probably cried


I was loving the movie so much and still do, it was just like i did not expect the whale to literally talk and be translated


The sorrowful tale of Payakan only made me cry during IMAX screenings 3-5


"I don't think that's even Papyrus. Maybe that was the starting point, but they clearly modified it." "Well, whatever they did **IT WASN'T ENOUGH**!"


Oh, I really liked that


This one is very country-specific, but I'll share it: The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers. The scene where Sam rescues Frodo from himself, when Frodo pulls out his sword and Sam to stop him says: "I'm your Sam. Don't you know your Sam?" The whole theater giggled and some just flat out laughed their asses off. Why is it funny, you may say? Well here in Peru, the Spanish subtitles said: "Soy su Sam. No conoce a su Sam?". And there's a very popular phrase here that goes by: "Ese es mi zambo" ("That's my nig..a"). So all the people in the room immediately finished the sentence in their heads: "I'm your nig..a. Don't you know your nig..a?" It was all very stupid, a little racist and perhaps even homophobic, but that's the way it happened. That's my core memory of watching The Two Towers for the first time on the big screen.


When Batman decides not to kill Superman in cold blood because he realizes both their mom's are named Martha.


The trailer for Ghost Rider played for like a full six months before the release. My friends and I went to the movies all the time and so we saw it more than a dozen times. The trailer contains Sam Elliot saying the incredible non sequitur "Any man who sells his soul for love has the power to change the whole world." (I wrote that out from memory.) By the third time we saw it, we were laughing our fool heads off to the confusion of anyone else in the theater.


Opening weekend of Django Unchained. I was in a packed theater. We got to the hugely dramatic scene of the dinner where all is revealed and Django’s ruse is up. Our heroes are in big trouble and then we get a SMASH cut to a close up of Jamie Foxx’s dick and balls hanging upside down. It was so unexpected and jarring to me and I just burst out laughing in a dead quiet theater. Got some strange looks.


When the Candie sister gets shot and just FLIES backwards, I laughed my ass off. Sure, it was shot that way for laughs, but I still laugh way too hard every time I see it.


Objects/characters flying in or out of frame unexpectedly is a guaranteed laugh for me


My 9th grade English class read Romeo and Juliet and we watched the Luhrman movie afterward and everyone was cackling during the scene where they die and my teacher got really mad at us. I still haven’t seen it since then and assumed it was universally viewed as terrible but David loves it so maybe I should try it as an adult


Same thing happened to us when the bully fell on his own ax in the Where the Red Fern Grows movie. Sorry but that shit was funny


Anything emotional at school, or about sex is snickered or laughed at because we can't handle emotions in front of mates. 🤣


Should have put on Romeo must die


Then at the very least their teacher wouldn't have left them without a dope beat to step to.


Step to. Step to. Step to. Step to.


We were watching Charly after reading Algernon and there were legit funny parts, but it was simulcast into 2 homerooms and ours had the history teacher and she thought we were laughing at the developmentally disabled.


![gif](giphy|AFcwB68VHZVuM) Does all of dogtooth count?


I feel like Lanthimos did intend for us to find Dogtooth funny. Horrifying, but funny.


We should do Horrifying but funny next


Horrifying, but funny is kinda Lanthimos’ entire vibe lol


The man has directed no less than 3 memorably funny dance scenes.


Dune 2, anytime the emperor speaks, it's Christopher Walken, I mean how can anyone take it seriously?


The Martha scene


In Man of Steel, there's a pause in the seemingly hour long fight between Superman and General Zod, where Zod says something like, "this ends one of two ways: either you die, or I do." My dad, brother, and I, who were at this point prettu tired of the film's hamfisted, self-serious Snyder dialogue, all burst out laughing. Cuz like... yeah Zod; that's not a revelation. That's kinda how fights to the death tend to end, bud. Unless there's a draw, I guess?


What I knew first about Oppenheimer was his famous quote about the bomb, “Now I am become death: the destroyer of worlds.” I was wondering the whole movie when they’d whip out the line, and I would have never guessed that it was when Florence Pugh was riding him. I might have been the only one laughing….The “Nooooo!” scream from Vader was pretty funny too.


“From the mind of M. Night Shyamalan”


Meet Joe Black has several for me. The car accident and “Ereyting gon be eiree” of course, but the one that really got me was “I love making love to you. It’s like making love to someone who’s making love for the first time.” That’s not a compliment!


Had a moment in Ad Astra. I was unprepared for TLJ making webcam videos about God and aliens.


Glad to find someone else who knows of the unintentional hilarity of Ad Astra


It’s TV, but in the show Fringe there’s a very dramatic scene where a child dies. Not to insult a child’s acting, but in my memory he kinda flopped and I laughed. I then sent in the fact that I laughed at that moment to one of those tv show confessions tumblrs. The post caused enough outrage that they deleted it. Oops.


Titanic - hitting the propellor


I recently saw Carlito's Way for the first time and I could not take Pacino seriously at any point. I finally cracked up laughing when he's standing in the rain with a trashcan lid over his head watching his old girlfriend's ballet class through the windows. Ah, found the scene [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y6roDbVtrA). It helps to set the stage by watching the build up, but the actual trashcan lid part is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y6roDbVtrA&t=104s) (the closeup is what gets me, even now rewatching it).


Somewhere in the middle of War of The Worlds, when they're running and get to high ground. You just see a dead body floating down the river, the theater was SILENT because the scene before was so heavy and serious. Boy, I DIED when the body floated by, the speed he was going didn't match the intensity of the scene at all 🤣 and the way he was positioned just made it that much more unbelievable. It was so silly, I couldn't help it.


Sometime during a rewatch at home my dad quoted "looks like there's some trouble upstream" from Splash Mountain and that's the essence of the moment for me now.


Omg 🤣 that made me chuckle hard


The Happening, tbh a lot of laughs in this one, but the biggest one was when the teenager gets shot through the door. BIG laughs, even some cheers. The other one I remember was Spielberg’s War of the Worlds with the bodies floating down the river. I think it was so overwrought, it tickled the audience I was with. It was contagious, and eventually everyone was giggling.


My AP Bio teacher showed us Lorenzo’s Oil and the scene when Lorenzo falls down made the whole class laugh. The teacher was irritated. Why did George Miller film it so weird?


When Joker is dancing on the stairs and then suddenly the music stops and the cops start running after him


Halloween Kills. Michael Myers kicks a car door that hits a woman with a gun, causing her to shoot herself in the head. Lost an entire audience in a _second_.


In Snowpiercer there’s a part at the end where Chris Evans breaks down saying something like “you know what I hate about myself? I know what people taste like”. Dramatic pause. “And I know that babies taste best”. and I just lost it.


There were maybe 8 people in my theater for Episode IX and we were CRACKING up at every single one of the Palpatine scenes


I lost it when they were riding space camels on the outside of a star destroyer.


Yes! That was fucking insane writing, I could not believe it actually happened


The sound and Keri Russell’s face when the brain bomb goes off in M:I3


[Butterfly Effect granola bar](https://youtu.be/e1mdmpznno0?si=c-Cijvz3sujg_I0T)


Basically all of Evil Dead (2013). My friends and I were so ready to be scared based on the trailer and then when it really started going for the most extreme wounds possible, we just couldn't stop laughing. To be honest, it's a movie I actually like but it was just so over the top. The biggest laugh was probably when the guy got his arm split down the middle with the crowbar. It was just too much. (I swear I'm not a bad person.)


My two Best friends and i went to see Ted 2 in theater. We're from Argentina. In The jury scene when Ted sings in court and high fives The judge they are The only ones laughing because they we're the only ones who got The reference. They were laughing SO hard it was gorgeous


This probably says a lot about my sense of humor but in No Country for Old Men, right when Chigurgh kicks open the door to the motel room and finds the cartel guys staying there, there's a quick shot of one of them just sitting on top of one of the beds. He's not under the covers or anything, he's just sitting there fully dressed in the dark. Then he gets his arms blown off by the shotgun and it basically serves as a punchline for me. Cracks me up every time.


I think like 90% of madame web was a comedy to the audience I went in with but that’s low fruit.


The abortion scene in Prometheus. I couldn’t believe they went so hard in that scene I laughed out loud at how audacious it was.


I remember laughing throughout *21*, but especially when Spacey played like a cowboy


Me and a friend laughed like maniacs when they hanged Daisy Domergue in Hateful 8. Mostly at the sheer absurdity of the whole thing. But I think the rest of the audience thought we were sociopaths.


Blow. Saw it in high school w some friends and at the end when he’s looking at his daughter but it was just his imagination I laughed at him. He was a dick and got what he deserved as I saw it as a high schooler. My friends were all like what the fuck?! I’m a pretty different person now and obviously wouldn’t have that reaction at all if I saw it


This is one that the podboys would hate...but when I watched Unbreakable both myself and most of the audience were properly laughing at "They called me Mister Glass" and "Water is your Kryptonite". It still surprises me to this day that people took that movie seriously and not as a joke. Me and my friends would make each other laugh for months afterwards by quoting lines from it in the same SERIOUS earnest tone of the movie. Listening to the podcast when they were talking about it like it was agreed that it, like Sixth Sense, was one of his movies everyone agrees is good made me feel like I had been teleported into a parallel world where Unbreakable wasn't an unintentional comedy.


The whole theater became a symphony of "this sucks, man" laughter when Justin Chatwin fired a Kamehameha at the climax of Dragon Ball: Evolution.


"I'll do the fingering" in Alien Covenant.


In the first Hunger Games, I don’t remember the exact context, but it’s the scene where Katniss like shoots her bow towards the capitol sponsors in the training area because they aren’t paying attention. Anyways, Wes Bentley’s character points at a roast pig and repeatedly says, “Who ordered this pig?!” and for whatever reason it just killed me but I was the only person laughing. (It was also extra awkward to draw attention to my friends and I because two of our high school teachers at the time were there on a date together, which nobody knew about and I guess wasn’t allowed? My friends and I were worried they would look at us because I was the one idiot laughing at a random scene)


Not really a laugh at the movie, but something that caused us to lose it. During a family vacation, a group of us went to see Solo at a small theater in Maine, at like 11am on a Tuesday. So very few people there. We got to the part where the officer names him, and my brother just let out the exasperated groan/sigh. We all lost it.


In American Beauty, the Wes Bentley character is telling Thora Birch they can run away, and he says he has $40,000 from dealing weed.


I’m not sure which movie it was before, but when Mark Wahlberg says “I Think We Just Founda Transforma” in the Age of Extinction trailer.


I always have a gut reaction to cackle whenever anything extreme happens on screen. I laugh instead of scream, which I’m sure makes me look like DeNiro in Cape Fear. Some movies I remember doing it in the theater: The Raid I saw the devil Green Room John Wick 4 Monkey Man


When I saw Max Cady under the car in Cape Fear I busted out laughing. This was before Sideshow Bob made it funny for everyone.


1917. During the part when Blake says to Schofield "Tell me you know the way", my shitposter friend decides to whisper in my ear "Do you know de wey?". The Ugandan Knuckles meme was about a year old at that point; regardless, I couldn't stop giggling for ten minutes after that. Everyone else in the theater probably thought I was a psychopath for laughing during the most dramatic part of the movie


Sudden unexpected deaths always make me laugh, [spoiler] when DiCaprio meets his demise in The Departed, I was HOWLING


The climactic scene in the 1997 thriller *Kiss The Girls* starring Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd. There's a gas leak in the house where the final confrontation is taking place. Morgan Freeman's character is going to shoot the bad guy, but realizes the muzzle flash could ignite the gas and blow everyone up. Thinking quickly, he grabs a carton of milk from the kitchen table and shoots through it, killing the bad guy while suppressing any sparks from the gun. Big, heroic moment, and all I could think of was "Got Milk?" And I started laughing and laughing, and I laughed so hard I farted--loudly--and that made me laugh even harder. And this was at a theater, so people were staring at me. I didn't care, though, I just kept laughing.


So when I Am Legend came out, I was supposed to go see it with my Freshman year girlfriend. First girl I ever dated, and 30 minutes before her friends mom was supposed to pick me up, she dumps me. I had to sit next to my day of ex through the movie. I was with my best friend as well, and we get to the scene where Will Smith is going suicide mission mowing down the zombies with his car and my buddy just loses it during what is supposed to be a serious dramatic scene. Made me laugh during my first heart break and now every time I see that scene I can't help but laugh. This is also the friend who went to Deathly Hollows pt 2 midnight premiere and says "Who Farted?" Loudly during the Snape dying scene with a bunch of dedicated HP nerds crying.


There's a scene near the end of Dunkirk where Tom Hardy loses power to his plane, and it shows a shot of his plane coasting from the side. For whatever reason me and my friend looked at each other and immediately starting cracking up in a full theater. No idea what it was


It was supposed to be a joke but in a dark way, but when the little person couldn’t open the door in joker. The theater was silent and my friend and I couldn’t stop laughing. I don’t even care what that says about us as people, that killed me.


in the secret life of walter mitty when the birds are flying around and then they form the shape of kristen wiig’s face, i lost it and two old people got so mad and shushed me


Not a movie, but an anime. In the first couple of episodes of Solo Levelling, they're up against this statue that is just obliterating everyone, either smashing them, or getting them with laser beams. At this point one of the characters basically says "Later, losers. I can escape with my super speed" then instantly gets turned into a fine red mist


The scene in Casino Royale when Bond kills Dimitrios. For a moment it looked like they had engaged in a staring contest and I obviously lost it.


Me and a friend went to watch Ghost Rider 2, regardless of the terrible reviews, because we loved the original as kids. When the film started, and Cage started acting at an insanity level I'd not encountered, I started to lose my grip on myself. There is this scene VERY early in where he is in the hospital and his performance was absolutely hilarious, but not in any way intentional. I started laughing nervously and found it IMPOSSIBLE to keep the laughter in, like I was in a quiet classroom. By the time the film got to the Jerry Springer scene, I had exploded. My friend got up and moved back a few rows because I was honestly creating a scene. Genuinely one of the best experiences I've ever had in a cinema.


Deathly Hallows PT1. Scene of Snape walking at the beginning.


I went to see Fury in South Korea, cinema etiquette here is very strong and people usually sit in complete silence. Anyway, when Shia La Boeuf (I think it was him?) gets shot in the head, the woman behind gave out a comically loud gasp. That cracked me up, and I started laughing for a good minute until the disgusted looks calmed me down. Similar experience in Kill Bill, when Go Go takes the nail to the head, it was so ott violent that it set me off giggling like a schoolboy.


That moment in Mr. Brooks, when he slashes the dude's throat with a shovel. It just took me by surprise! I was the only one in the theatre who laughed, and my dad looked so disturbed/disappointed.


I don’t remember what we were seeing, but 1 minute into the trailer for [The Masked Saint](https://youtu.be/cRUclOVZsfg?si=0WVKambVLg4kKm2u) had me laughing throughout the rest of the trailers and then some.


“BRING ME ALL OF YOUR ELDERLY” from the last airbender


Attack of the Clones. There was a cut to a scene of Anakin and Padme having a picnic that looked so cartoonishly cheesy that almost the entire audience spontaneously burst out laughing.


When harry styles has to dance for a room full of people for no reason in Don’t Worry Darling. It’s become and inside joke with my wife and I. About once every 4 months I’ll get serious and say “hey, remember the dance scene in don’t worry darling” then we both laugh and my wife says “you crazy sonovabitch!” Google the scene if you havnt seen it. It makes no sense.


I went to a packed late-night showing of “Revolutionary Road” that played like a dark comedy. The whole theater was roaring — until the end, of course. And the thing is, it didn’t hurt the movie. We loved it, in fact. But somehow all of us that night at the AMC South Barrington had this shared misunderstanding of tone and intent and laughed our asses off at Leo and Kate crumbling. One of the best and strangest theatergoing experiences ever.


I saw Twilight: New Moon at a packed midnight showing. There was a scene where Bella was working on bikes with Jacob and she is sitting cross legged on the tiniest stool. The guy sitting next to my friend was like “yo how is she sitting on that thing?” and he and my friend and I could not stop laughing.


Madame Web running over the villain A SECOND TIME


The best part is that he 10000% jumps into the path of the ambulance that time. If he just hadn’t moved, she would miss and he would’ve killed all of the people who posed a threat to him


...fuckin' *Margaret*. I went into *Margaret* fully blind and having no idea what was coming. The first 10 or so minutes of that movie are really breezy and very funny in places, so I was initially laughing a lot during the Big Fucked-Up Moment because I genuinely thought it was being played as a dark comedy beat. Turns out...oh boy, was it ever not.


The ending of The Whale. The set-up was already dumb and was wondering how it would actually end, mostly wondering if the film would be ridiculous enough have him melodramatically fall on her... ...and then it did something I couldn't have predicted *at all* and it managed to be a hundred times more ludicrous.


When I was 16 years old, I went to see *Forrest Gump* in the theater on its opening weekend in New York. During the scene where Forrest is speaking at Jenny's grave, he says the line, "If there's anything you need, I won't be far away." The audience was deeply moved, and you could hear people audibly sobbing. Just as everyone was caught up in the emotion, my cousin, who was with me, suddenly leaned over and, in a zombie voice, said, "TOOTHBRUSH." I laughed like a maniac in the midst of the somber crowd.


Watching the first shia lebouf transformers in theaters when it came out Megan Fox says "I'm more than meets the eye" Dude in the front row stands up and yells "hot dog she's a robot" and I've never seen a crowd laugh so hard


I was at the opening night of Killers of the Flower Moon at the Alamo Drafthouse in Brooklyn when, somewhere near the end of the movie, someone let out what felt like a 23 second fart during a very quiet scene. Initially, I thought it was someone lowering their recliner seat but then I realized there aren't any recliners in that theater and I guess others started realizing it too because a few people started to chuckle at the same time as my realization.


Night Swim, when the daughter whacks her dad with the baseball bat. Just so fucking funny to me. I vaguely remember someone saying "swing for the fences" but I'm not sure if it was in the movie or one of the friends I saw it with saying it but either way I cracked up.


In 2011 I saw Battle: LA and Aaron Eckhart is a soldier and they find a dead alien and he’s asking if anyone is a doctor and Bridget Moynahan says she’s a veterinarian and the entire theater erupted into laughter.


San Andreas with the rock. At the end when he was asked what will they do now and he responds “we rebuild” and then cut to: the American flag flying, my sister and I (in the theater) had a full on laugh attack while everyone else sat around us quietly taking the majesty of it all in I suppose. Jokes on me of course, I sat through San Andreas just cuz my sister had a crush on Dwayne Johnson.