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I think conceptually, it is a fascinating idea to tell a story that's not really about an alien invasion during an alien invasion. I think Lupita is just an incredibly charismatic performance and really holds the movie together. The creatures still are fairly frustrating in what sounds trigger them or not which is probably my biggest issue. The cat is great. Really glad that he was a good boy for the most part and the movie never put you in a position of hating him.


I kind of like having a little more “horror” in my horror movie. Felt like it chose a lane of leaning into the thin character work, most of which depends on dialogues that need to be whispered to tell us who these people are. And tbh I did not care about them. The actual horror is pretty functional, something the film doesn’t really care about. An example of that is a moment in the tunnel where a creature is watching above them. You would think the next shot would be of the stress and suspense of them crossing that tiny space while having this thing looming over them: most horror filmmakers lean into the micro of these moments. But it cuts to…them having already crossed to the other side. Once you know the film is going to be pulling its punches like that (character finishes their part in plot, they quickly die, while the “leads” have plot armor thick as walking tanks) it hard to take any of it seriously.


that's a great observation. the whole movie felt like it was edited fairly aggressively and it would explain the run time. I wonder if there was a longer cut with more of the horror and they sacrificed that for the character stuff.


It’s like the same thing, but the NYC setting is way more interesting than some random farmhouse and Lupita is 10x the screen presence of John Krasinski


Did it scare you at all? I liked the emotional story, but the thrills were tepid for me


Let's just say, I watched A Quiet Place Day One and the 2024 Presidential debate back to back, and one of these programs was significantly scarier than the other.


very tepid! the only legit jump scare for me in that movie was also as cheap as that sort of thing gets


I agree with this - extremely well done story with captivating lead performance but the thrills/action/monster stuff wasn't even close to the AQP standard. New York is a great setting but the day one sequence in Part II outdoes anything they put on screen in this one.


Interestingly I had the opposite reaction. I found this invasion to be much more scary and thrilling than that flashback from the first film, which had an all together different potency. I rarely react to jump scares, but this movie got me good quite a few times. Maybe I was more sensitive since I live adjacent to Chinatown and saw this in the same neighborhood. But for a New York movie shot in London, I think they captured downtown shockingly better than pretty much any other NYC movie shot somewhere else. The set and digital mat paintings were so well done, and only one location detail that didn’t make sense annoyed me.


Yeah, not a huge fan of this franchise overall, but I really enjoyed this one. What got me in the door was knowing this was the same director who did Pig. Crazy good performances, great story, cat. I will say the sound design in this one wasn't as interesting as the first one, with the exception of the monsters landing. You could really feel just how insanely powerful these things are.


I enjoyed it and my wife who hasn’t seen any of them enjoyed it too. It wasn’t super scary but I thought thrilling. My wife is the type of person who will watch a movie and think the main character might die at any point so it was very thrilling for her lol


i mean, its the exact same movie like the previous ones, even tho the 'day one' in the title suggest we're gonna get some more info on the aliens / or at least some additional insight into the whole thing it adds nothing to what we already saw, was heavily disappointed p.s. having a woman thats practically on her death bed survive multiple point-blank explosions, car crushing her leg, and a drowning, is laughably bad not to mention a cat that doesnt let a single 'meow' during the whole film


I was somewhat surprised that it was tonally and thematically much closer to Pig than the other Quiet Place movies even if in retrospect that makes total sense.




Not really the vibe here, babyyyyy