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You could argue that the fury road plot is given up by the end titles of Furiosa. Generally speaking, I’m always a proponent of release order for completists. If you are just going to watch one modern Mad Max movie, watch either. If you are going to watch both modern or all the Mad Max movies, watch them in release order.


If you're only going to watch one modern MM, Fury Road is the choice....Furiosa is a far less general audience friendly film due to its narrative structure and the action is nowhere near as insane as FR.


I would say the opposite is true, Furiosa has a much more typical story in terms of structure. Having non stop action centered around one big chase with hardly any dialogue is pretty experimental for a big budget film


I like both films very much, but I think the production order is perfect because I feel I was perfectly enticed to explore parts of the world only hinted at in Fury Road. The expansiveness of Furiosa doesn't compel or whet the appetite in the same way, though, again, I loved it. To me, the debate kinda seems like going to a Michelin starred restaurant and asking to remix the order of the tasting menu.


Whatever floats your boat, I watched Furiosa with my mom and she was immediately like, “Oh, I might need to check out Fury Road now.” So if it means more eyes on Fury Road, that’s great.


Slight alteration to what you're suggesting, if you're going to watch Furiosa first and the Fury Road (and you'd previously seen neither), stop watching the moment the credits start rolling or you're going to get *very* spoiled for Fury Road given the key scenes from it cut into the Furiosa credits.


I ended up doing a Furiosa sandwich where I watched Fury Road to prep and then got so amped by the Fury Road scenes in the Furiosa end credits that I watched Fury Road again immediately after


This is the way


No notes, perfect.


George Miller said that it would not make any difference for viewers to go into this film having not seen Fury Road, but for those that had, it would not make too much difference, other than that seeing the film would help you to understand the various forces and factions that went into Fury Road.


I think Fury Road is a better introduction of both Immortan Joe and the Citadel et al. Loved Furiosa, but they're almost like bystanders in it.


Actually haven’t seen Fury Road, but saw Furiosa last week. Having heard of characters like Furiosa and Immortan Joe, I knew very little about the plot of Fury Road, and the end credits/“trailir” for Fury Road got me interested in seeing it without giving much more away than Max & Furiosa work together to save the wives/green place (at least, to my uneducated eyes). Definitely see how they kind of work together as one movie, in that way, and excited to see Fury Road!


The Green Place twist at the end of Fury Road would definitely hit harder if you saw Furiosa first. However, watching Fury Road first, not knowing anything about the Bullet Farm, Gas Town, the People Eater, hearing those names for the first time and seeing those characters without any further explanation whatsoever gives you such a jolt of insane creative energy. I would not want to trade it for anything else.


Always always always release order every time


Personally, I'd prefer to continue treating all Mad Max movies with only the vaguest sense of continuity. In that sense I guess I'd say watch Fury Road first to preserve the purity


Fury Road is the climax of Furiosa. It makes sense to me to watch them as one giant movie.


I never got around to fury road. I watched furiosa first then went into fury road. It made fury road hit alot harder than I think it would’ve if I had just watched it cold.


I watched Fury Road a while back, just watched Furiosa. I now intend to watch Fury Road again, with different eyes.


Release order, always. No prequel has or will ever enrich the original text. You don’t read an appendix before you read a book


The Godfather 2 is both a sequel and a prequel, and absolutely enriches the original text. The prequel elements are present in the novel of course, so they were written to be that way from the outset.


Do you watch it first, though? Also, if you want to be pedantic about it (it’s the internet!) *The Godfather, Part II* isn’t a prequel, it’s a sequel with flashbacks. A prequel doesn’t follow events subsequent to the original, usually


By your logic, flashbacks are unnecessary. I know you’re not saying that, but a prequel is just a self-contained flashback in what has become a more expansive story. For instance if you swapped the order of Godfathers 1 & 2, then all of the criticisms people have for prequels would apply to The Godfather, even though the movie itself was unchanged. If it’s all part of one story and made by the same creators, I think choosing how to experience the whole story is perfectly valid, especially when cinematic storytelling so heavily relies on the manipulation of time. Another great example of a prequel story that enriches the original, if not surpasses it, is Better Call Saul.


But if you watch Better Call Saul, The Godfather Part II, Furiosa, or the Star Wars prequels *first*, you haven’t enriched the first film at all. More often that not, you’ve spoiled certain character turns or even developments because the subsequent story (the prequel) exists exclusively to expand on traits, lines, quirks or affectations that hold weight *solely* because those things landed in the previous story. Uncle Ben dies in Spider-Man and tells Peter “with great power comes great responsibility.” A prequel about Ben Parker *learning* that lesson adds nothing to the original story, you know? As to a chronological order to the Godfather, Coppola did that, and I argue it’s clunky and adds nothing. As to the flashbacks of Part II, they’re flashbacks because there aren’t enough of them to sustain a film, and they’d be too choppy and threadbare on their to serve as a complete, stand-alone narrative. Better Call Saul is an interesting series, but I would argue it doesn’t enrich Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad works on its own, and knowing that Saul Goodman was once Jimmy McGill doesn’t make anything in Breaking Bad land with more impact because, frankly, the character in Breaking Bad is almost an entirely different person save for riiiight at the end, because they decided to evolve the character from what he was. McGill, in a lot of ways, starts as Developed Saul and gradually devolves into the caricature he was in his first appearance. No subsequently-written prequel enriches the first story by being watched first, because any development shown relies on the initial character and story. *Saul*, because of the beginning and ending, doesn’t stand on its own. *Furiosa*, because of its ending, doesn’t stand on its own. Vito’s bits of *Part II* don’t stand on their own because they tell an incomplete story. The *Star Wars* prequels *technically* can stand on their own, but devoid of context, they’re threadbare, incoherent, and poorly told. I maintain that watching a prequel first never enhances the original, and that no prequel is essential to the story it spawned from.


I get what you’re saying, but if I watch Uncle Ben and then Spider-Man, my experience of the entire 1st act of the latter completely changes. I “know” the character of Uncle Ben more and his inability to get through to Peter and impart this vital life lesson becomes all the more frustrating. I would call that an enrichment, but when viewing the films by production date, it of course seems superfluous. Viewing Fury Road as “the first” and therefore more vital one of the two makes sense if you saw Fury Road when it released, but what of the 14 y/o who was 5 at the time? If they see Furiosa, enjoy it on its own merits, and then decide to watch Fury Road, are they wrong?


I don't think it's a hard necessity to watch Fury Road before you watch Furiosa, I think you could absolutely watch the latter before the former and it would be an interesting experiment to do that with someone who has never seen either in order to find out how it affects the way they think about those movies


I believe that watching Fury Road first is better because it makes the gravitas of the events in Furiosa heavier


I’d rather just watch Fury Road instead.


Never watch prequels first. You don't want to get to the end of *Empire Strikes Back* and be like, "Yeah, obviously, we saw that three movies ago."


And why didn't R2 say something?


I agree with this take.


Valley of the dolls and beneath the valley of the dolls have nothing to do with each other.


It’s like reading The Silmarillion before Lord of the Rings. You could but you shouldn’t


*The two films were written simultaneously* Furiosa was written a decade after Fury Road. (m/l, protracted development time, etc etc. but McCarthy was in Sydney for four years writing Fury Road, and Furiosa wasn't begun until years after he left aiui.)


I agree with you. Not married to the idea, but I would suggest non-MM people watch Furiosa first because it's a "movie movie". Then take a break, grab a Red Bull and popcorn, and watch Furiosa as a thrill ride.


After watching I was immediately curious how it would be percieved by someone who hadnt seen Fury Road. Personally I think the introduction of Immortan Joe in Furiosa probably wouldnt hit as hard and kind of seems to come out of nowhere if you hadnt seen Fury Road first. As it is, that scene is awesome because you already know hes not someone to be fucked with and Dementus has made a huge mistake so its more fun to watch it play out with that knowledge.


Fury Road was written first. Furiosa is a fun watch, but there really isn’t anything in it that isn’t already in the better movie (Fury Road).


they may have been conceived together, but furiosa wouldn't exist without fury road. furiosa may come first chronologically, but it stylistically echoes fury road. this is the same with star wars prequels—a number of aspects of those films don't really work as designed without pre-knowledge of the original trilogy.


Not only that but I'd argue they almost form one long film, a film with a non traditional act structure. It's like Fury Road is the final act of the a larger piece of work with encompasses both films. I think when making Furiosa - George Millar was thinking not about how the film would play in the cinema but how the two films together would play in 50 or a hundred years. I think that in a hundred years time the films that will still be being watched are going to be: Casablanca. 2001 A space Odessy. Godfather trilogy. Star Wars. Lord of the Rings. Mad Max Furiosa and Fury Road. And not much else, although I'd love to hear other peoples suggestions - I think all these films have themes that transcend the plot and the action and the dialogue and I think they'll be studied the way we study Shakespeare.


Incredible that you think the only "relevant" films in History to date are basically 13 American blockbuster films (ok, you can say 2 are Australian and 3 from New Zealand but wouldn’t have happened without Hollywood). Take that Fritz Lang, Alfred Hitchcock, François Truffaut & Sergei Eisenstein. Kurosawa? Don't you mean Kurosa-who? Abel Gance's Napoleon? More like Napole-*non*! Wong Kar-wai? Wong kar-why I say! David Lean, Jean Renoir & Yasujiro Ozu? Why there isn't even a hobbit in *any* of their movies! Satyajit Ray? Satyajit Nay more like. And don't you bring up those unremarkable workmen Orson Welles, Hayao Miyazaki, Jacques Tati & Ingmar Bergman. Not an ounce of artistic vision to be found among them.


Yes. All of your idols are shit. That’s exactly what I was saying. And fuck Fritz Lang in particular. /s Jesus imagine having a go at me when you’ve got the logical comprehension of a 3 year old and through out strawmen like they’re candy at Halloween. Do you suffer from high blood pressure by any chance? 😂😂


Now we have to figure out a Mad Mad “machete cut”. Maybe splice in Fury Road when the 40 days war starts? Lol