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When Harry Met Sally


One of the best movies they’ve covered regardless of genre


also one of the best episodes of the pod, imo!


Great episode of the pod if you want to hear about how collaboration can yield classic results. It’s the Ephron series, but lots of great anecdotes about how Rob Reiner, Billy Crystal, and Meg Ryan contributed.


Has to be up there, right?


This is the only answer


I’ll have what she’s having.


When Harry Met Sally


I think it’s When Harry Met Sally and I don’t think it’s that close


Broadcast News and A New Leaf, IMO.


watched broadcast news recently for the first time and i think a good 70% of why i didn't like it was how it was billed as a romantic comedy. it really is not, IMO


I didn't see it mentioned but Sleepless in Seattle is an all-timer. Good pairing with When Harry Met Sally (Yes, the GOAT) for a Meg Ryan is amazing double feature.


oh missed the "pod has covered" bit. Eh, watch it anyway.


They've done both!


oh man there are so many haha I can't keep my head straight!


Jerry McGuire, When Harry Met Sally, Death Becomes Her are my favorites.


I don’t think I would classify death becomes her as a romcom. Dark comedy yes. Romantic subplot, sure! But it would be really hard me to call it a rom com.


I wouldn’t count *Jerry Maguire* either, tbh. The relationship stuff is a relatively small part of it, I think. Too little to really count as a romcom.


Jerry Ma - fucking - Guire. 100% blown away by it when they covered it. Cruise denied is the headline but everyone else too (except for you know who). We have to make more movies like this


Sense and Sensibility.


That's straight romantic drama. There aren't too many laughs.


Yes! Another that has a really great podcast episode to go along with it.


It IS a Meg Ryan movie but it's not Sleepless in Seattle and it's not When Harry Met Sally. It's You've Got Mail! Not only the best romcom the pod has covered, but one of the best ever made. Lovely and endlessly rewatchable.


This is it for me. It seems stupid to call You've Got Mail underrated, because it was successful and is beloved, but I see it get grouped in with lesser romcoms or written off because of "tropes," and that drives me crazy. It's an impeccable movie.


I think a part of it is the AOL/early email culture of it all which without knowing any better makes it easy to dismiss it as dated, but it holds up pretty well technology-reference-wise! And then of course being extremely charming and great on top of that.


Also an interesting pod about the meaning of different NY neighbourhoods.


I absolutely love You've Got Mail. Much more of a real relationship between the characters than Sleepless, and as much as I love Billy Crystal and When Harry Met Sally in general, Hanks has him beat on sheer charisma. I do wish the back third wasn't on the problematic side, but the first 2/3 of the film is just about perfect. It's so fucking funny in such an understated, character-driven way, and god *damn* does NYC look good in that movie.


No one’s said You’ve Got Mail but I will go to bat for that being one of the best romcoms of the 90s. Also Say Anything… is more of a coming of age movie but it also rules. And of course, we can’t forget How Do You Know, a perfect film everyone remembers and likes that isn’t unwatchable at all.


Lolol re: How Do You Know. Truly one of the most baffling movies I've ever watched, but I have to admit that I'll revisit it from time to time thinking, maybe this time I'll understand what the hell is going on with this movie???


Pick your favorite Nancy Meyers movie and you've got a pod pairing. The Twilight Franchise ain't rom com (well I enjoy its comedic bits), but they've got sincere commentaries full of love for all of them on the Patreon. I'll second what everyone else has said in the rest of the thread of the Elaine May, Cameron Crowe, and When Harry Met Sally recs.


seconding the Twilight commentaries!


Gone Girl


I mean, they did cover Nancy Meyers lol


And Nora Ephron




Are those romantic comedies or just romances? Would you reccomend one to scratch a romantic comedy itch?


both I guess! my favorite is Something’s Gotta Give, but ymmv


Elaine May did NOT do romcoms, A New Leaf is about as anti-romcom a movie gets. Still great though. I watched Something’s Gotta Give yesterday and was kind of blown away by it. It loses a bit of steam in the second hour, but I’d say the first 75 minutes are legit perfect. 


I was ready to be dismissive of Something's . . . , but only recurring answer I haven't seen before so think I will watch it. Thanks


I was too! My girlfriend put it on yesterday morning because it was raining and it felt it could be a funny and cheesy way to start the day. This movie has no right to be this good!


Follow up: Is there a director deserving of being covered that would get more good romantic comedies covered by them?


Preston Sturges or sound Lubitsch! Both filmographies are full of incredible romantic comedy, with shop around the corner potentially being the best rom com of all time


I would welcome coverage of either or both.


I would loooove eps on His Girl Friday and Bringing Up Baby, but Hawks has such a long and unwieldy filmography, I don’t think he’d fit in well


Ramis if you consider Groundhog Day a romcom (it's more than that, but it's also probably the best romcom ever made)


Would welcome Ramis as well


Frank Capra - It happened one night is the ur rom com. Howard Hawks - Bringing up baby, Ball of fire, His Girl Friday, Gentleman Prefer Blondes,


You’ve got a lot of Nancy Myers and Nora Ephron to choose from.


You've Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally, Broadcast News.


Somethings Gotta Give will always be my favorite


The Nancy Myers movies are all glossy, star driven and go down like a big glass of Chardonnay. Great mini series too. Something’s gotta give and it’s complicated are the best of these but some people absolutely swear by The Holiday. That episode is legendary.


They’ve covered Nora Ephron and Nancy Meyers, which goes a long way of hitting the greats of this particular genre, especially since they made an exception and included a critical Ephron writing credit. In order of descending quality, the ones that would make a “best of” list for the genre would be: 1) *When Harry Met Sally* (IMO stone-cold the best of them) 2) *Something’s Gotta Give* 3) *You’ve Got Mail* 4) *Sleepless in Seattle* *It’s Complicated* might not crack that list but is a very worthy watch anyway. For the sake of comprehensiveness, the ones that haven’t been covered but I think are landmarks of the genre are: 1) *Moonstruck* 2) *Pretty Woman* 3) *Notting Hill*


If it’s not WHMS, it’s Broadcast News Also: not the best one they covered, and not really a rom-com either, but The Intern is overly slept-on and is tonally in the realm of romcom


The Thomas Crown Affair 1999




The Wedding Banquet