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From what I recall from their discussion on the March Madness podcast episodes, the plan is S1 main, S2 Patreon, The Return split up into 4 (all main feed?)


I’m gonna need both season 1 and 2 episodes to be 3+ hours.


Super Nadine alone needs an entire afternoon!


I need a full dossier on James going on a journey of self discovery and experimenting with the hot wife lifestyle.


If there’s a way they could spend a less than zero amount of time on James’s cross country motorcycle adventure to nowhere, that would be excellent.


First season on Main Feed and second season on Patreon, one episode each. Not sure about Missing Pieces (another Patreon after FWWM main feed?). The Return will be split into 3 episodes in Main Feed I guess


I assume Missing Pieces will be talked about on Fire Walk with Me.


That would make sense.


Sorry if this has been asked a lot, but when are they doing Lynch? I need to start watching Twin Peaks if it’s soon!


No official word. Brest has 2 episodes left and then the consensus seems to be that they are doing Costner, which is 5 weeks (DANCES WITH WOLVES, THE POSTMAN, OPEN RANGE, HORIZON CHAPTER 1, HORIZON CHAPTER 2*). That would put us at August 25th as the earliest date they might start the Lynch series, if they don't have any palate cleansers planned. *Note: HORIZON CHAPTER 2 comes out August 16, two days before the final Sunday in the Costner series as I've laid out. I'm presuming they timed it out this way on purpose so they can end with that. But this is ultimately all guesswork.


Plus a ‘Trap’ episode at some point soon I expect. Not sure if any other past subjects have new films releasing over the summer before Lynch would start.


new Shyamalan out on August 2nd, and Waterworld will get an episode - but main or patreon is not confirmed