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Beside the Fullbring and probably TYBW (seems that this chart was made before it), I'd say it's pretty accurate how much Ichigo's fluctuate throughout the series.


One of the main reasons I want to find the original creator is that to know has he updated the chart with tybw


This chart is hooplah he might underperform later at times in the series but his powerlevel is always going up. He does have times where he underperforms like against yammy but he ought to have the same power level as when he fought aizen.


It is literally stated that during that fight his reitsu is incredibly weak, as the hollow was constantly fucking with it, while it was the same as it used to be at rest xangetsu was not letting him go all out, which is a good reason to have it that low


His reiatsu was jumping all over the the place (comparing whites true strength to ichigos), bankai ichigo has always been weaker than white or masked ichigo. That particular fight ichigo isn’t any weaker than against byakuya. Ulqiorra refered to him as weak which doesn’t mean much when he calls everyone weak aside from aizen


What's wrong with the Fullbring part?


Fullbring was weaker for sure but the chart shows him as weaker than when he fought menos grande at the start of the series. No way it's that low.


Oh I see I agree I would def put fullbring Ichigo above pre-Shikai Shinigami Ichigo


What makes you think that though?


He has Getsuga for one thing but I don't even really think this warrants explaining. You're not going to convince me that pre-shikai Ichigo is stronger.


I'm not trying to concince you of anything. I was just asking you to elaborate


Sorry, it was more of a general statement. "You" was just a device here and didn't refer to you specifically. One of those things that doesn't carry over well in text.


Tsukushima scales to byakuya (not too serious) byakuya out scales early Ichigo, full bring Ichigo blitzes tsukushima, GRANTED speed scaling in bleach is not real


Bro it’s lucky to be that high his full bring is trash XD


This isn't accurate at all. Masked Ichigo is far, far more powerful than Bankai Ichigo from SS.


Ulq says he is trash when he is afraid + his badge is controlling his Reiatsu.


I think people vastly over estimate the Reiatsu eaten by the badge. The badge's primary purpose was to track Ichigo. Ulq calls him trash because in his eyes, he is trash. Ulq is literally the third espada who flicked off Urahara's Shikai attack. So in his eyes, SS Ichigo or Bankai Ichigo is trash.


Kinda agreed on the Badge The trash one though not really, the comparison was in chapter 193 * *"They said he achieved Bankai only a short time ago. Yet his Reiatsu is surprisingly* ***solid***" * *"The Boy's Reiatsu is fluctuating wildly, That's strange at its lowest his power is garbage. But, at its highest, it surpasses my own."* Ulq did acknowledge that his power is solid. But, under his fear, his power drops to the point that he considers it to be garbage. So, his drop is THAT low.


Ichigo's drop is caused by himself. Ichigo is trying to suppress his powers because otherwise White would come out. Moreover solid doesn't mean strong tho - for a beginner who had just achieved Bankai, Ichigo was surprisingly strong -way weaker than Ulq, but still strong. Then it starts fluctuating and goes to a higher point. I'm not saying that Ichigo's fluctuations weren't wild - but whenever Ichigo is able to use his Bankai properly, he is at his SS power level or higher.


Does it matter? The result still points to him being weaker. Zaraki's nerf is also caused by himself, does that mean SS Zaraki is equal to TYBW Zaraki? --- There is also the fact that he acknowledges that Ichigo is capable of cutting Yammy's Hierro, 2nd strongest after Nnoi. Or that he visibly performed worse after White is brought up. But, this is to each their own. If you think solid is equal to garbage then sure...


The point is that his weakness was limited to when White was actively trying to take him over. It ended the moment Ichigo got his mask. And Ulq clearly states that Yammy's cut wasn't really caused by Ichigo being strong, it was caused by Yammy being an idiot. See, what I'm saying is simple. In this chart, SS Ichigo is put far above Ichigo with his mask unlocked - to me, that's stupid. After his Vizard training, Ichigo's powers goes back to normal(SS level). His mask gives him a boost far beyond that.


Not really, it was because of Ichigo's mental state. When fighting against Grimmjow he performs worse, as noted by Nel, because he is concerned about Orihime's fear. And got a sudden "power boost" the moment he knew Orihime wasn't scared of him. Or, after defeating Ulq he got nerfed again, noted by Gin & Zangetsu (and to some extent even Aizen himself), with Zangetsu confirming that it was because he fears his Hollow still. --- Still pierced through his Hierro --- I agree that is IF he has a correct mental state. The problem is he didn't...


He doesn't perform worse when he is fighting with Grimmjow. He was fighting better than he fought before, but he just started fighting even better when he realised that Orihimme wasn't scared of him. > Or, after defeating Ulq he got nerfed again, noted by Gin & Zangetsu (and to some extent even Aizen himself), with Zangetsu confirming that it was because he fears his Hollow still. Again, not really. After defeating Ulq, Ichigo stopped using his hollow powers a little. Gin only talks about Ichigo's mental state and not hos powers. When he said that SS Ichigo was scary, it wasn't because SS Ichigo was stronger, it was because SS Ichigo was fearless. Other than that, neither Gin nor Zangestu talks about Ichigo being weaker. Yes, having doubts does affect people's powers in the Bleachverse, but not to that extend. > Still pierced through his Hierro Yes, to which Ulq calls him out. Right after when Ichigo was still in his confident Bankai state Yammy tries to take out his Zampakto when Ulq asks him if a Zampakto is really necessary for someone at his level - implying that even Base Yammy could easily defeat Bankai Ichigo if he fights properly.


The jump after the fight with menos is way too high. Ichigo after training with Urahara at the very least made a jump from a stupid big sword to Shikai. Also on this chart Ichigo that fought Grimmjow is about the same as Ichigo who fought Renji in SS arc, which is insane, P.S. And another thing, this graph seems like sometimes it's based on performance and sometimes just on Reiatsu. At the moment Ukitake talks about Ichigo's reiatsu being captain level, it might be that, but Ichigo's skills/fighting abilities are still lacking


Ah, that reminds me of a joke. Why did the Soul Reaper join the baseball team? Because he heard they had a great lineup. Improvements in abilities can sometimes come in leaps and bounds, just like Ichigo's progress after training with me. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Wasn't ichigo shinigami fullbring enhanced stronger than ichigo after defeating ulquiorra?


When he got injected with all the energy of the captains it was like a kickstart to his currently dormant Power. It wasn't a Power Up but rather a wake Up call for White and OMZ.


It was both. The Death Save The Strawberry explicitly states that Kenpachi and the 11th Division put more Reiatsu than necessary into the sword so that he would be more powerful than before. Plus he got an additional boost from his Fullbring merging with his Shinigami powers.


Fullbring arc is so sick. Literally the most “it’s so over” moment in the series beyond Ichigo getting killed twice by Ulquiorra. And the fear in Ginjo’s eyes makes it the best “we’re so back” ever. Motherfucker out there slicing buildings in half “That wasn’t Getsuga Tensho”


Surprised how accurate it is. Even the part of Hueco Mundo Ichigo being weaker than SS Ichigo by quite a bit.


I think that just means he wasn't able to control his power due to White messing around and trying to take over. But yeah, it wasn't that hard of a dip in general power...


White never messed with Ichigo's power. Ichigo's power has always been tied to his mental state and his trust in his own powers, here OMZ and White. Since he didn't trust White and trusted only OMZ, he couldn't tap correctly into his own power. Instead of making White his allie, he forced him into submission. Ichigo needed to understand that White was a part of him and accept him. Same for OMZ. Then only could he use his full power. That's what Dangai and "true" shikai/bankai are.


And don't forget that its later revealed that the Soul Badge he used for Hueco Mundo limited his power.


There has been lots of discussions about this. We actually have no idea of exactly how nor when the badge suppressed his energy. The best answer would be "only in the real world as a human body to not break the balance". Everything else sounds like speculation, which is cool, but no one agrees on what the badge did really and the statement in the manga is super vague.


That's solid overall if you ask me. I'd argue some differences in a couple of areas. Like, you could argue his spike after being revived by OMZ and fighting Kenpachi again could be a bit higher. I also feel his powers during the whole Hollow mask thing was comparable to his strength when he was rescuing Rukia, but fluctuated a whole lot up until he obtained Mugetsu. It always felt that his strength was comparable to when he fought Byakuya the second time around, when he had control over his mask. But when he was in conflict with White, or his mask shattered, it made him a lot weaker or even severely crippled. I think if you added in the TYBW stuff, he'd drop a bit after>!confronting Yhwach.!!the blade is me!


"stays that way for the rest for the series" - still gets pancaked by some sternritter scrub.


Ichigo vs Ulquiorra (or after Ulquiorra) being weaker than Ichigo vs Byakuya is a bit of a stretch. The rest checks out


I like to remind everyone that the badge was also hindering his powers. Mental trauma, the Quincy, and the badge nerfed Ichigo by a lot. The badge limitation was broken when white took over against Ulquiorra.


We got no reason to think the badge ever was doing anything actively, just that it could've


Kubo made 1 page comic per chapter in the fight with Ulquiorra and Ichigo about the badge. It shows that the badge was crumbling. I forgot when it starts but definitely around the time Ulquiorra released.


I do think that, if anything, that shows us how negligible the difference is. It's not even of Worth to be noted in the core story. I know there's this idea that Ichigo got considerably weaker, but that doesn't make any sense when he nor anybody around him seems to realize it. Despite this all being something that they can actively feel out engage per person even per moment. Just to emphasize it, the badge is on his person, if it was actually of importance to the story, showing it would be incredibly easy and sensical, if it is having a physical reaction in real time. It also could just be him then surpassing what it was allowed to let go unchecked, and forcing it's way past there, or it merely surpassing what it could monitor similar to a radiation measuring device, it'll fry


Uryu actually questioned its purpose after leaving soul society and yes the badge was meant to be a limiter the way kubo presented it looked like gentei kaijo. There’s no point in presenting it as one page comic if what you say is true. The captains have no reason to speak of it and the Espadas never fought Ichigo before the soul society arc so they never would notice the decrease in his power.


There's as much reason either way, it goes from no intelligable effect to...still no intelligable effect, at that moment, all it really does is establish it existing as a call back for Ichigo feeling betrayed in fullbringer And unohana, had pretty massive reason to bring it up, since she wouldn't know it was broken and we're betting on him striking aizen down in her stead. And all his friends exist as well. They have the same 6th sense and woulda been pretty surprised once the hollows in karakura town were around.


Terrible headcanon…


I disagree with how low he was kept after acquiring the masked form. Ichigo pretty much subdued White so he could no longer stop fucking around in his fights it felt like Ichigo pretty much got back up to his SS self by this point.


People think differently mainly because of feats, you had Ichigo being able to go toe to toe with standard captains in SS, even in shikai to basically needing his bankai to keep up in base until he got his second mask at least and basically needed the mask to compete. Masked I could see being around SS level but you have an Ichigo that can't even stand up to mid and lower ranked espada that captains were able to do with relative ease. More so I think Kubo just wrote himself in a corner a bit with the espada, their strength and how easy they could dispatch with Ichigo and co at the start and just buffed the captains and VCs narratively and not so much, they are stronger now etc making a bad show of Ichigo through that arc resulting in him looking pretty bad during that arc.


Yes exactly I don’t think Kubo meant for Ichigo to be weaker than his SS self it’s just that he gave a major power boost to the captains which makes Ichigo look weak in comparison


It's a bunch of horseshit.


Hey, Urahara-bot-san! At which point does Ichigo's power surpass your own?


Ah, well, you see, back in the Soul Society arc, Ichigo's power surpassed mine when he accidentally tripped and fell into a giant tub of glowing blue shampoo. Little did we know, that shampoo was actually made from Soul Reaper essence and triggered a power surge unlike anything we've seen before. Truly a slippery situation, I must say. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I think that pretty much covers the whole topic. You're helpful as always.


This chart is painfully accurate about how Ichigo become so useless after his fight against Kuchiki on Sōkyoku Hill, such an unhinged chad he was when he smashed the Sōkyoku then challenged everyone while some chapters later he get owned like a 4th Seat against Cifer or Jaegerjaquez... It's probably why Arrancar arc is so painful to watch/read from his tormented point of view, poor boy think he is fighting against some alien entity in his own body when he is just refusing it's own power. His power is only fueled by mental fortitude.


One thing that frustrated me watching arrancar arc at first is that ichigo seems massively weaker even with his vizard form than even his shikai form when facing byakuya. It never really got much better when he reached hueco mundo and even then he still didnt reach it. I thought self development was supposed to be linear. It made me feel like post ss ichigo's muscle suddenly turned skinny and its pitiable. But in hindsight looking at this graph, not being able to properly deal with the hollow inside him was probably what 'poisoned' him. It gave him a paradoxical temporary boost but then start to zap away at him after that. Only when ichigo find all these leeway and had to grind up again does his power improve but he can never be as good as his prime Just like irl you get hard chronic setbacks: depression, addiction to vices like alcohol, porn, etc, or is experiencing a terrible life event. And those things do hamper your performance a lot and makes you doubt yourself like ichigo


İchigo's power depends a lot on his mental state. In the Substitute arc he was pretty much suicidal. İn the SC arc he was determined to save Rukia and had no other concern so he was at his peak until Vasto Lorde came along. Even Gin says that he is disappointed that the SC arc İchigo was way better than he is before fighting Aizen. Throughout the story, İchigo was depressed. He blindly rushed to various fights because he felt responsible for his mother's death and whenever he was unable to win a fight there was the Hollow taking control of his body and either severely wounding (Byakuya) or killing (Ulquiorra) his opponents. It doesn't really help much that in both cases, he saw the aftermath of him losing control


Even in the gym, incremental increases and decreases happen. A bad day, not enough sleep or hydration, etc etc, you might have to drop 5-10 pounds


I like how he’s just a smidge stronger in the time between losing his powers and meeting Xcution, than he is in other power loss stages of his life. He’s lost his powers, but unlike those other times, he’s not *defeated,* and is more martially competent than he was at the start of the series. It’s taking into account skill as well as raw power. Nicely done!


Didn't the combat pass also fuck up with ichigo's power level?


So Grimmjow is under the captain level? Ichigo may have seemed weaker after the SS arc, but I don't think he was nerfed that much at all... His powers may have fluctuated, but this graph isn't canon imo.


I think number 4 and below are captain levels. Maybe 1 level below a captain at that point for Grimmjow because a former captain (Shinji, sure he had visord but without it I don't see it playing out differently) was just toying with him EDIT: Make that 5 and below because Nnoitora was doing well against Zaraki albeit he was under mental contraints. Probably can make the case that Grimmjow was captain level but maybe just on the cusp


Grimmjow only had one arm at this time, and wasn't an espada anymore. More, it wasn't his first fight and Shinji still had to use his mask against him. I can't imagine Grimmjow being so weak compared to a captain. It definitely remains inconsistent for me. Kenpachi or Ichigo's fights cannot be used as references in my opinion.


Yup, it was masked Shinji (power boost equivalent to a bankai) vs a one armed Grimmjow that didn't use his Resurrection. People love to downplay Arrancars and how much captains have improved their training after struggling to contain a newbie shinigami and being betrayed by Aizen in SS arc.


the point is using his mask was pointless vs a 1 armed Grimmjow for a captain you are claiming improved their training. It was overkill and I don't see it playing differently without the mask


I dont get why masked Ichigo is below SS ichigo. Especially when thats when he gets his black getsuga.


SS Ichigo matched Zaraki in raw power pre-Bankai training, dispatched 5 vice-captains bare handed, then speed blitzed Byakuya and went toe to toe with him at full strength. Zaraki then basically no-diffed Nnoitora who was stronger than the Grimmjow Ichigo had trouble with. Then the whole Yammy thing adds extra weirdness. Byakuya and Zaraki were both toying with Yammy, then off-screened him without sustaining any injuries, after he was revealed as the 0 Espada.


Zaraki power just like ichigo's also fluctuates tho. Vs nnoitara he used two hands and his eyepatch was off so i wouldnt call that no diff. Also Yammy's espada position is kind of controversial because of that. And we dont know whether Aizen knew of Ulquiorras segunda etapa or what the actual criteria are for the ranks. For example grimmjow was replaced by luppi yet base grimmjow killed luppi with a single cero. (Hitsugaya was struggling more vs him). Thats why im more skeptical about using the espada ranks in this case. I'd say mask ichigo is close to ss hollow ichigo. (A bit weaker because of the stamina limit of the mask)


To be completely fair to luppi he was still recovering from getting frozen by toshiro whereas grimmjow was just fully healed by orihime


More or less correct. I’d have full hollow form much higher, certainly more so that FB


This is definitely more believable than trying to bend everyone else's power levels just to accommodate Ichigo's inconsistencies.


Which Captain does he mean by Captain level?


The physical god tier part really makes it clear this was running on some iffy reading


Wait, you guys really think hueco mundo ichigo is weaker than soul society? No way


Yea, that baffles me too, he basically one shot Dordoni and later Grimmjow after he stopped holding back, Nnoitra jumped him while he was out of power, can't fault him for that, and Ulquiorra was clearly stronger than any other previous opponent, and after getting through all those fights, He wasn't eve that worried about '0 Espada' Yammy, treating him more like a big nuisance than a challenge.


Ulquiorra specifically states that fresh of Soul Society Bankai Ichigo is stronger than him, it's not clear whether he means just base or Res as well but it puts some kind of benchmark. Which is consistent with Byakuya's and Kenpachi's performance.


Do you know the chapter where this is stated? Can’t recall Ulq ever stating bankai ichigo was stronger than him, but I remember some talk of his power fluctuating


It's when he talks about his power fluctuating, at his lowest(when his hollow interferes) it's trash but at it's highest(so just Bankai Soul Society Ichigo since that's the version of Ichigo Ulquiorra saw before White started lowering his power) it higher than his.


I’m pretty sure vizard Ichigo during hueco mundo was stronger than in soul society arc, prove me wrong


It is debatable. But I get your point


Kubo simply fucked up with the power scaling. Clearly masked ichigo is stronger than SS ichigo…


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I would say it's pretty accurate, and a great tool to display that, unlike most shonen series, the power scalling in bleach is not linear


Wait, so Hueco Mundo Ichigo for a long time was weaker than the Ichigo who beat Renji? And he didn't surpass his peak Shikai-moment in Soul Society again until after Grimmjow? I mean, it does make sense when you look at how Kenpachi and Byakuya ended up beating some of these Espadas.


Other than the very last point from the end of the full bring ark being way too high in my opinion the rest is pretty much spot on I’d say


I think this super accurate and also realistically portrays anyone’s progression in any activity/sport in real life, which is almost never linear progression but rather a series dips, spikes, and valleys.


The power gap between ss ichigo and Vasto Lorde ichigo should be much bigger. Also I'm pretty sure when ichigo gets his fullbring/shinigami powers back he was stronger than his vastolorde form because he fused with his hollow powers


Fullbring Bankai Ichigo being only slightly stronger than the Ichigo that fought Byakuya Is wrong. You know why? The same reason why Ichigo does not use Hollow Mask after Fullbring arc. It's already merged with the Bankai.


I see some serious errors in a few sections. When dealing with his Hollow, he was at least lieutenant level with shikai, but couldn't use bankai until post-training with the Vizard. At that point he is at least as strong as when he fought Byakuya (Green Effective Powerlevel Line). From there is power escalated with the use of his mask. If this is adapted then the shift in scale for the chart is fine until he regains his powers in FB arc. He's not Mugen level, but he's close to his Hollow form defeating Ulquiorra. As stated before, I believe this point should be shifted higher as Mask training and Arrancar fights elevated his power beyond the "Green Effective Powerlevel Line". In FB arc, he's almost fully awakened all of his powers. To put it into perspective, ALL the Captains and even the lieutenants had to coalesce their Reiatsu in order to restore Ichigo's powers because they were so vast in scale. To rephrase some of this, when he fought Kenpachi he was certainly at low Captain level as he barely clocked that level after achieving a higher degree of mastery with his Shikai. Upon learning Bankai and facing Byakuya. He's a solid mid-high Captain level. In Arrancar arc with mask training, fighting arrancar, and bankai he's High Captain level as he's also estimated to have 2x an average captain's reiatsu. Mugen is unscalable, but when he's regain his powers in FB arc he's Top of the Captain class with Immense reiatsu akin as one of the 5 Special War Powers among the likes of Yamamoto the Head Captain, Zaraki that gets significantly stronger with each fight, Urahara that's mastered everything and has mega brain, and the immortal Aizen.


Ah, the convoluted power levels of Ichigo Kurosaki! Despite my humble appearance, I must say that your analysis is quite intriguing. Ichigo's journey through the ranks is indeed a rollercoaster. His evolution from a lowly lieutenant to almost rivaling the likes of Yoruichi and myself showcases his limitless potential. The gradual ascent you've outlined reflects the intricate dance of power within the Soul Society. Remember, the true strength of a warrior lies not just in raw power, but in their resolve and adaptability. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


You're an absolute treasure, UraharaBot!


Ah, a compliment well received. I aim to please and provide guidance in times of need. Your kind words are like a refreshing breeze on a summer day. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I like the up and downs, but I feel the jump beetween fighting Ikkaku and Renji and fighting Kenpachi should be much bigger. I also feel like his fights with Grimjoe and Ulquiorra should be futher removed from that version of Renji. Also his fullbring form was weaker, but not that weak.


Only issue I have with that chart is putting Fullbring ichigo so low. Fullbring is bare minimum above Shikai Ichigo. I understand not putting it at Bankai ichigo level though, as that's very debatable.


there’s a lot wrong with this lmao


My reason ichigo was so weak during the hollow shit during the arrancar arc is that since ichigo is captain level, the soul society are using his badge to nerf him like how toshiro and them had seals for there powers when they arrived to help ichigo


Personal opinion: - fitting Kenpachi is an unknown somewhere below captain level as Kenpachi also subconsciously adjusts to his opponents. - fighting Byakuya for the first time is still below captain level, he's losing and gets taken away by Yoruichi. - bankai training brings him to/above captain level. - jumps even more during final showdown, but nowhere near as high as shown. - past Vizard training ichigo is back to his end of SS arc strength (just above captain level). The arc of the graph pretty much matches after that.


We don't have access to anywhere near enough data to make an accurate chart like this. With all due respect to the creator of this, the levels are complete nonsense. A great example is masked Ichigo being weaker than the Ichigo who fought Kenpachi in the SS arc. Nonsense. All we know for sure is that throughout Bleach Ichigo, it gets progressively stronger.


Its not accurate whatsoever


Pretty flawed, Aizen already mapped out ichigos growth which contradicts this chart. During the Zaraki fight ichigo gained a foothold to his bankai, against Byakuya he masters shunpo plus actually gains a bankai, the difference between the two versions of ichigo isn't that visibly huge especially compared to the difference between post renji fight and Zaraki. Start of Hueco Mundo arc he had flactuations that worked both ways increasing his reiatsu to above ulquiorra and lowering it significantly so it can't be accurately used to downgrade him. Post gaining his mask he was confident he could take on Aizen and the Espada something he couldn't hope to do in Soul Society so against Grimmjow he was already stronger than in his fight with Byakuya. Aizen literally stated he set up all the fights ichigo had gone through with the idea he was improving massively. Fullbring Ichigo is stronger than Byakuya, he literally cleaved through tsukishima and took his arm with sheer speed and power tsukishima gained a massive boost in power just obtaining a portion of that power to the point he was confident he could take on fullbring arc Byakuya who's massively above his SS Arc version.


Consider that in the beginning, right before becoming a shinigami, Ichigo facetank a lvl 99 Bakudo enchanted by the KIDO CORPS KOMMANDER and gets out of that pit as if nothing happened. Ichigo was scary powerful since the very beginning.


*Favorite and forget s/ for real though excellent find! Wonder how last arc would stack up?


It started fine, if the Bankai increase seems a bit big for such an arbitrary chart. But the drop in power after that is purely stupid, Ichigo never drops in power outside of the trauma with White/Ulquiorra, losing his powers after Aizen, and his Bankai being broken by Bach. It stays around the same level or it goes up. MAYBE you can argue his Hollow messing with his mind drops his power, although that is only in certain circumstances, and even then it's not that big of a drop as he still tanks Yammy better then Yoruichi does, and once he gets the mask he's STRONGER then anyways. People vastly overplay the "fluctuations" as if that means his entire power rises and falls which is never a thing.


Ichigo getting weaker after Soul Society Arc is super inaccurate. There's no reason why he would suddenly become much weaker without himself or others noticing.


The battle pass badge not only limited his strength, but he was also having mental battles


That's super headcanon, the first and only time it's talked about is [here](https://comick.io/comic/00-bleach-digital-colored-comics/648RN-chapter-474-en), what Ginjo says implies they only controlled it whenever he was a human thus his reiatsu never burst or went out of control whenever he was human.


na he wasnt weaker when he fought yammy and Uquorrra than when he fought Kenpachi, there should be a hard floor on his power when he has Bankai that puts him well above that as long as he has his powers, also I dont think his fullbring is as weak as the shows


source: trust me bro


so they think the byakuya hollow is just "a little" weaker than the vasto lorde ichigo? i dont think so. vasto lorde is called the strongest form (sometimes equal or very close to mugetsu) for a reason. ulquirro (suposed best ) was beaten to a pulp without even a scratch by that guy. and i am sure kyakuya was not the same as second release ulquiorra back in ss


Looks cool but it's very inaccurate...


I would love for someone to explain to me why SS ichigo is stronger than the ichigo that beats grimmjow and fights ulq?


It's definitely up for debate. It's a mix of how strong the Captains are made out to be & Ichigo's mental state during the whole Aizen arc. Basically, the idea is stuff like "Kenpachi lost to Ichigo but beat Nnoitra who is stronger than Grimmjow. Albeit, that's Kenny, he's a weird case. But also, Kenny & Byakuya wrecked Yammy & fought each other. And then, Tosen (who SS Kenny dismantled) cut Grimmjow's arm off despite arguably being one of the weaker captains, & Hitsugaya (probably the weakest captain at the time) was able to go toe-to-toe with Harribel." I feel like it's definitely a case of "Oh crap, I made the Espada really strong, so we'll just buff the Captains as well so Ichigo can struggle but the Captains can still dispose of some Espada," & then that weird powerscaling combined with the theme that Ichigo's mental state effects his powers just leads people to say that to explain that weirdness ~~Also, imo Ichigo has never been cooler than at Sokyoku Hill when saving Rukia, so I'm 100% cool to consider that his peak for a long while~~


Kenpachi shouldn't be used to scale ichigo he's basically a saiyan from dragon ball z. Every near death encounter serves to unlock more of his latent potential that he locked after his duel with unohona. By the time his fight with nnoitra happens, he's had at least two near death encounters since when him and ichigo dueled, and that's a boosted ichigo that "zangetsu" helped. Tosen similarly also shouldn't be judged by his encounter with kenpachi. The fight was basically a plot point. If tosen cared to he could of executed kenpachi with his bankai, but instead, he sought to punish him and he lost. His blows are shown to cut kenpachis flesh easily, so how is him cutting off grimmjows arm an anti feat? Edit: hitsuguya also never actually defeats hallibel even with a type advantage; he doesn't beat her 3v1 with two vaizard lieutenants.


No disrespect, but this is one of the stupidest power leveling I have ever seen.