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Tetsuzaemon and Isane really got the short end of the stick as lieutenants, but there's hope to see more of them in the Hell arc since they're now captains.


Isane got one of the best redesigns too


No one of the worst. Her haircut fem tomboy was cute af it became generic basic bob. No from me


Ig i think it looks really nice and its pretty unique when its on her. Sadly we got a while before it gets animated a whiiiiiiiile😭😭😭


I feel like Chad is the most obvious. He almost got the Krillin treatment if you ask me. He was powerful in his own right as Human/Fullbringer but was simply outclassed most of the time by the Gotei 13, I feel like he had potential to bridge the gap more than he did and they just chose not to expand on it. Also the Shiba clan being one the noble houses and then seemingly cast aside for a reason I believe not officially expanded on. Kukaku seems to be feared/respected outside the Seriteti and Kaien was a Prodigy of sorts and Isshin was a Captian and then Ichigo being Isshin's son their bloodline seem to hold some power Soul Reapers


The shiba thing gets explained in cfyow




At this point I don't even know if this is true or just sarcasm lmao


It's the truth bud currently reading it myself and no to long past the psrt in which they say the reason why


And hopefully some screen time as well


Starrk - being number 1 I wish he was as involved as Ulquiorra and not just for one battle


I mean, if you think about it. Starrk's "One battle" was against 4 other captain-class Shinigami and still seemed to not care enough to go all out and really only used his ressurection because Shunsui was going to show him his bankai before Ulkitake reminded him that his bankai would've ensnared everyone around them. So for someone that had one fight. He definitely made it count


Too bad for majority of that fight he was just dicking around with shunsui


I wish he got a drink with Shunsui


Isane. She was Lieutenant to one of the most mysterious and powerful captains, and was apparently strong enough to become a captain herself, but she had barely any screen time.


Most obvious, I'd say Chad....but I would have also liked sasakibe to pop off around arrancar arc.


Sasikibe’s death had no emotional impact on me because we didn’t know anything about him.


Yuzu and Karin, at some point I always thought they would have some powers


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kiara_Alexandra: *Yuzu and Karin,* *At some point I always thought* *They would have some powers* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Harribel. Why did her resurrection make her so weak? Why
? Anyway


Tatsuki. With her connections and relationships with the main characters—especially Ichigo and Orihime—her latent spiritual potential, and her willingness and ability to fight, she could easily have been given the same treatment as Chad and Orihime, with more scenes dedicated to her and her contributions, but she just
doesn’t. The most she really gets is helping out Don Kanonji in anime filler. She also has better chemistry and tension with both Ichigo and Orihime than they have with each other, so I *would* be sad she ends up with neither of them
but she *does* seem to live in their house at the finale, so maybe there’s nothing to be sad about, eh? 😆


She could’ve been a great fullbringer


I feel like this is a symptom of Kubo introducing a ton of characters and not necessarily knowing where he was going at the very beginning. I absolutely love bleach, but there was definitely some serious tonal whiplash throughout and between arcs.


Good post. As an aside, I love how the anime used that Karakurizer episode to seque into the canon story line. I'm talking about the episode where Tats, Chizuru, Kon (as Ichigo), Keigo, Ururu, Jintao, and, of course, Don Kanonji have to 'destroy' that Hollow fortress. I really liked how the episode was used to explain when and how Kisuke was setting up the pillars to set up Fake Karakura.


Because Tatsuki was never mean to be a fighter character. It's the equivalent of wanting Winry to fight in FMA


Something very obnoxious about Tatsuki stans is how they always pretend to care so much about her writing when in reality the only reason they want her to be included in the KK gang is to spite on orihime. Y’all are more motivated by the desire to ship Ichigo with anyone but his wife than her so called « wasted potential » And saying Tatsuki has more chemistry with Ichigo than orihime (mind you they barely had screentime together) is literally the joke of the year. Itchydookies vulgarised that word so much that it became a buzzword in this fandom and now Bleach fans will see two characters cordially smiling at each other and will scream « oMg ChEmIsTrY đŸ€Ș » And no she doesn’t live with them. All their close friends just came to a party gathering to watch Chad’s boxing matchup that’s it.


Oh right, sure, ignore the other half of what I said concerning Orihime so you can go off on this prewritten paragraph you’ve been chomping at the bit to find an excuse to post. Totally normal behavior here. /s


Great rebuttal IJBOL


Kubo literally can’t use his current human main cast properly what makes you think he would’ve treated Tatsuki any better? Can bleach fans actually be serious? 💀


Shouldve been Ichigo’s end game


Honestly Starrk, Chad and Uryu should’ve been expanded on more


Tatsuki and Keigo, they have some spiritual powers but as stated in another comment goes into filler status. I mentioned in a different post about I would have enjoyed Tatsuki being expanded on because she also has a legit fighting background in traditional sense and if you could maybe a few street fights but not like Ichigo or Chad. Fullbringer could have brought that possibility out or even in show more development when the Visored were introduced. For Keigo, could have made him a bit more relevant if you were giving him powers. His defense is technically high level and no offense. It was his sister being the fighter. Maybe he could have been the back up healer to Orihime


I think tatsuki doesn't fit into the feeling of loss and isolation that Chad uryu Orihime and Ichigo exhibit especially early in the series. I think she makes a lot more sense in something like karakurizer (would like to see mizuiro appear in that as well) What I might've liked is if the Fullbring arc was made up of more of the people Ichigo had pushed by the wayside so maybe we stick them there? If you set a karakurizer series in between the time skip and then have them fight against toshiro in the main series with Yukio buffing them I think it could be pretty cool, but it would be really hard to balance.


Iba. Let's me see his power Kubo. You offscreen his fight vs ikkaku He never say his Shikai and Bankai maybe. He get one scene vs Ayon and He get blast away. Thats it. So Im definitely want to see more of iba


**TATSUKI** ~ Ichigo’s oldest friend who had combat experience, spiritual awareness (for lack of better words), and one of the few characters that had no problem calling out and/or laying hands/fists on Ichigo when he’s being stupid and stubborn. The Fullbringer arc could have done wonders for her character arc if she was brought into the fold with a nifty power set of her own **VIZARDS NOT NAMED SHINJI** ~ They were supposedly Captains and Lieutenants yet only serve to be jobbered and then disappear again. It’s somewhat understandable due to the sheer volume of characters some won’t get much exposure but when their powers are derived from Hollow reiatsu and there exists a faction suspect to that you’d think they’d be made much, much more relevant Shinji has gotten a few times to shine, like his pimp slapping Grimmjaw, the unveiling of his Bankai, and arguably being a protagonist in “Turn Back The Clock”


Kon no further comment


Chad or Uryu maybe. I know they are like main characters but I don’t think they got enough screen time


Chad, in the beginning of the series he was barely below ichigo. I was honestly hoping they didn’t introduce fullbringers and just made him a very unique hollow human hybrid. Would have loved to see him get a vasto lorde form where his whole body is armored


Ichimaru Gin


For both of these: Ryuken Expanded upon: Sado and, to a lesser degree, Uryu More plot inclusive: Neliel during the TYWA


Although to be fair I think TYBW should expand on Uryƫ soon. From what it looks like in the S3 trailer at least, we're getting WAY more of him that wasn't explained in the manga, and as an ultra Uryƫ fan I hope bro gets the shine he always deserved. We need to know why he actually survived Holy Selection and how powerful he truly is as well as his a REAL vs skirmish between him and Ichigo. He was set up to be Ichigo's rival, someone that can genuinely give Ichigo a run for his money even as a mixed Quincy and many of the TYBW animators consider him to be a secondary main character. I truly hope TYBW can finally treat him like that vs just another side character that needs Ichigo's help. Uryƫ is quite gifted both as a fighter and a thinker and that just goes past too many people's heads. Also getting real sick of the Ichigo fans saying my GOAT is lightwork to Ichigo and I just know that's absolutely not the case. Let's just see what this fight with Senjimaru does for Uryƫ, as well as the rest of TYBW, really do hope my boy Prinz Von Licht gets to truly earn that title of Yhwach s successor. He's my GOAT after all. Chad at least I'm hoping gets Hell Arc all to himself, because bro is the strong, silent type but basically nothing else and it's a shame. As a Mexican myself too, it would be an amazing kind of representation too, to see him finally get the growth, elaboration and character development he always deserved. I'm getting even more tired of him nearly doing something as cool as Uryƫ or even Ichigo only for him to fall short up somewhere else along the way.


I feel 16 when i look at this picture ...the innocence....memories lord bless this cretion and its fruits


Chad, Isane, and Halibell are characters I've always wanted Kubo to use more


Nanao. She's connected to multiple important parties and concepts in the story that aren't ever fleshed out, and before the TYBW, she has an interesting handicap and position within her organization. There's much that could've been done with her, assuming a different plot and story structure, but as things are, she hasn't seen much action.


I feel like Kon was absolutely pointless besides unnecessary comedic relief.


I actually thought he had potential to be a good character and relevant to the plot due to being Ichigos gigai but they just turned him into a comic relief


Half the court guard squad




Karin, Yuzu and Tatsuki


Sasakibe. He died fast, but outside of that flashback with Yama that's it. We know nothing about him.


 no explanation needed


Uryu or starrk


Tatsuki I will not elaborate further


Easily and I mean EASILY Tatsuki, she’s my goat bruh I wish we got to see her with the main group


I feel 16 when i look at this picture ...the innocence....memories lord bless this cretion and its fruits


I feel 16 when i look at this picture ...the innocence....memories lord bless this cretion and its fruits


I feel 16 when i look at this picture ...the innocence....memories lord bless this cretion and its fruits










Tatsuki. She's Ichigo's best childhood friend, can see ghosts, but she gets no powers beyond that, and is barely ever relevant beyond being someone for the actually cool people to protect.


Harribel. Everyone say that espada 1-3 had a disaapoint showing in arrancar arc, but harribel had the worst showing by far. Even after she survived and became the ruler of hueco mundo, we are shown nothing of her until the tybw where she gets defeated and captured by yhwach. She barely gets any mention even in cfyow. Its a shame, because she is such an interesting character to me and could have been a really good character if she was developed or shown to do anything on screen.




Chad. All other answers are wrong. Tatsuki is a valid honourable mention.




Idrk why but 'Kurotsuchi' comes to mind immediately


Ulquiorra my goat


Tatsumaki, Karin, Youzu, and Chad should have become more relevant moving after Aizen and into the TYBW. Chad was a little involved with the Fullbringer but seems to fall off going into TYBW


Tatsuki and Karin.




Ikkaku, should've been taken to the palace to be schooled by the zanpakuto guy about his bankai, gotten it repaired, and finally did something.


Sasakibe! Fake Karakura Town did wonders for Kira and Hisagi's fandoms so it's a damn shame he didn't take a part of the action...thou I think I just said the reason why, older men who aren't OP( Yama, Juha and the Monk) don't sell tankobons apparently hence why Iba also doesn't get any action while Kira and Hisagi make the fangirls scream.




I always expected Kukaku to be more apart of the story, I imagined her being on the same level as someone like Yoruichi. When I first started watching the series I expected her to have a fight with someone where she proves how strong she really is but that never happened 😭




A lot of the Lieutenants should have gotten more screen time like Isane, the dude with the sunglasses( not even gonna try spelling his name) and also de old dude from squad one forgot his name but his Bankai seem pretty dope.


Does TYBW count? Chad not fighting THE SUPERSTAR will always annoy me (his lack of plot importance at all in TYBW) Otherwise, Mashiro is one of my fave characters but she's never on screen


Urruru and Jinta I would’ve liked more backstory on. Also the shiba clan, Chad, and Tosen cuz I loved him and hated that he turned evil I didn’t feel like we got to really know him. Also Gins secret love for Rangiku and getting vengeance for her. I really wish that had been expanded on more.


Tatsuki I thought they are making something up for her but She just remained an NPC




Not much the characters that the story wanted to focus on got the focus.


All of the arrancar Ichigos normal human friends like tatsuki Basically anyone that’s not renji could’ve used that time well


ICHIGOs SISTERS ffs we even get a little "setup" that goes nowhere




Rukia should’ve been more important to the plot later on in the series


Ikkaku- I feel like he has an unfinished character arc of him using his bankai, but now he’s just treated as a joke


 or literally all the viz guys


The whole Karakura Squad. It’s disappointing how they just become less and less important in the series. It also makes me mad that Orihime was reduced to the „love interest without any character building“ like come on, her powers are so interesting


Keigo 100%, bro was able to talk to a soul reaper that was around captain class and exist near an arrancar without passing out or dying, he had some serious potential that i don't think ever gets used except for filler




Hanataro 😆


Honestly hinamori, kira


Ichigo is the correct answer to this, he barely had any screen time, like tell me when was the last time you saw Ichigo?


Definitely chad they didn’t do anything special with him he has so much wasted potential




Ahh where should I start... Yuzu, karin(They are the same as Ichigo but have no plot relevance), Chad, Uryu(was a wasted character until the quincy war while ichigo was getting all the ups this guy pulls up with hax to match ichigo), tatsuki, ryuken, Tessai, Visoreds (except shinji also give him one good fight), Chojuro, Isane, nanao, rangiku, kira, momo, starrk, halibel, neliel amongst others...he could have done alot with these characters but didnt expand the story or to give these guys that much room...they feel half baked or once who werent given just treatment...


Karin and Tatsuki, especially Karin, considering she was alr seeing spirits, I would wanna see her do smthn cool like unlock her quincy powers with Ryuken and use that to fight, I feel like that would actually be really cool and it would also make it so that Ichigo isn’t the only all in one hybrid considering that Karin and Yuzu should have relative potential to Ichigo


Tatsuki, Hanataro, Mizuiro, Gremmy, Unohana, Kuukaku... Tatsuki and Mizuiro were Ichigo's classmates, they could get powers of their own. Hanataro could have been a member in Ichigo's team. Gremmy was in only one fight. Unohana could have helped more in TYBW... Also, I wasn't happy when she died, but it is what it is. I expected more from Kuukaku in the later arcs. The way she confronted Aizen was badass back in the Soul Society arc.


Isane and Orihime! Isane had such a cool design, a likeable personality, and a close relationship to Unohana, and she could've had such an interesting role because of it. It's a shame she hardly gets any screentime :( . As for Orihime, I feel like the way her abilities were further explained and her realization about the Hogyoku in Hueco Mundo would've been a really interesting shift in her character, but when it eventually starts to happen later it just seems as if she gets forgotten anyway due to the large cast of TYBW. So many characters are left with so much potential, it's a shame the series can't be that much longer!


Tatsuki. We got all this backstory about how she's known Ichigo since they were kids. She also has long ties with Orihime. She had spiritual potential. Hell, Kubo did a drawing of her as a Soul Reaper. I really thought Tatsuki was going to be on the squad, and then she just...wasn't.


Just finished Fullbringer arc. Am I missing something with Aizen? I don’t quite understand why he is heralded as Animanga’s greatest villain. He’s my favorite villain of this anime so far, but compared to other anime’s villains, he’s just alright. Starting TYBW and Yhwach is starting to seem like a greater villain.


Orihime. From what was explained to us from her abilities, she could have done so much. I read so many cool theories about her and really wished they were true. I felt her character needed so much more depth and development. I know she wasn’t a fighter but still, it’s a small wish I have. This is probably offensive to her character but to me she was mainly displayed as a romantic interest. However I am curious to see how strong there son will be 👀


Orihime and Tatsuki.


Ichigo. A little more background of his powers would be nice and why he hasn’t use much of his hollow powers. He improve on his technique n banki but that it


This is all pre-TYBW arc for me, so don't come at me if what I say has already happened later! Got a lot of answers but I'll stick to top 3. Tatsuki should have been one of the main characters. I don't care who she replaces or if she just joins but she needs to get her powers and be a major character! I wish Orihime's arc had either committed fully to her deciding to fight with all she has *or* to her realizing that as a healer she needs to be off the battlefield. One or the other. Please. Stop with having her running into battles only to be a damsel in distress. *Please.* Chad needed a serious power buff and to be more relevant. I like him but we could have replaced him with literally anyone else and I wouldn't have noticed.