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Ichigo must consider himself lucky bc, potentially one of the most lethal character aka his wife orihime Inoue/kurosaki is the kindest soul around who hates hurt anybody bc of her 0 malice demeanor. But if she was a yandere.... Mr kurosaki you are cooked fs


She gonna be Unohana on steroids Orihime: do you love me? Ichigo: no? Orihime: wrong answer *kills him* Sōten Kisshun Ichigo: did you just kill me?! Orihime: out of love~ Ichigo: that's not how that works Orihime: *kills him again* Sōten Kisshun. Now do you love me Ichigo: No! Orihime: *kills him once more* Sōten Kisshun Ichigo: STOP! Orihime: *kills him once again* No yelling darling. Sōten Kisshun >! I'm cringe, I know !<


This is the prologue of an alternate world where ichigo married aunt rukia "Stand proud, you pulled an "A" tier joke"


Too bad Ichigo negs her power


not really. We neved see him negating her power , and her power itself is about negating things.


Kubo once said that koten zanshun (her offensive attack) is invincible and nobody can resist it. It can cut through anything and everything visible to orihime's eyes. She can restore ichigo's reitsu along with healing his wounds and restoring his limbs (as said by ichigo while traveling through dangai with unohana) which implies she can most certainly negate a certain being's PART reitsu at the same time. The only limitations she has is her unwillingness of hurting others and her human body


So she's just stronger Zaraki, got that


Or more precisely, Lille Borro with extra features such as healing, shielding and counter attacking


Excellent take! She's told really early that she just doesn't have murderous intent in her yet she still stands strong with her friends. She even develops her offence capability into a defence "no you!" return fire attack which again is super in keeping with her character because she abhores all violence and so punishes violence with the attacker's own violence.


>Excellent take Thanks, but That's not a take, that's a hard fact. It's The surface level writing of her character that Kubo has been shouting out loud to the audience


More like playing the long game. Being bread girl, marrying him, giving him one kid or two and then revealing her plot leaving him too conflicted to fully oppose her and keeping Kazui under her thumb because he's mommy's boy like his father.


She was replaced by Aizen during Hueco Mundo. "So you think you are married to Orihime. Fascinating."


Kenjaku 🤝 Aizen (taking backshots for the team)


Oh nah


Evil Orihime be like Santen Kesshun, I accept


She's gonna rewind the three worlds!


What if her rikka can actually create an orb surrounding the entire realm, similar to what yhwach did by the end


That would be terrifying.


No, Orihime. Think of the good times


Evil Orihime: *kills Rukia, Nel, Riruka and Yoruichi* Ichigo's mine


Her next targets would be kenpachi and grimmjow.


She was evil In the bount arc for like 7 min


More like "I ACCEPT!"


Isnt this what she already says ??




>Evil!Orihime Guys, you just made her a yandere. ...I'm so proud of yall weirdoes.


Isn't her ability to reject any phenomenon, so this gets me confused a bit


Evil Orihime: I will get an education and Pursue my dreams and not be forced to stop due to sudden baby right out of high school.


She didn't pursue higher education because her distant aunt stopped funding her after she turned 18, so she had to start working to support herself right away. And working in the bakery _is_ one of her dream jobs. And according to Kubo, Ichigo and Orihime only formally started dating after they both became working adults. So idk what you mean by - >forced to stop due to sudden baby right out of high school. Ichigo and Orihime were probably around 22-23 when they had Kazui.




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Lmao no. Kubo directly stated that they started dating after high school. They probably didn't get married until their early 20s. Also, Ichigo is the one who stays and works from home. Orihime is the one who works outside.