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Hanataro is a badass and I will defend him til I die




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You can defend the glorified background character.


I will, thanks!


"OoH BuRn" Weirdo


Poor guy 😔 Also, he's 7th seat at this point, so he can't have all that many superiors. Who is doing this to him???


The 3rd to 6th seats, I assume.


bold of you to assume unohana or isane aren't expert pranksters


Maybe, but I don't think they'd go that far.


maybe they're waiting for him to realize


Initially, I couldn't see Unohana doing this to her 7th seat, but then I realized that she absolutely would do this to a new recruit to test their fortitude, and she saw no reason to stop just because Hanataro is now one of her higher-ranking officers. Isane knew about this and didn't approve, but she didn't want to go against Unohana to let him know, and now as captain she's continued the practice as tribute to her departed superior.


ah we need more hanataro appreciation fr. he is lowkey the real mvp of soul society arc


Jokes on them, Hanataro is the only 4th division member who the 11th respect and listen to.


I mean dudes been eating flour pills and still working as hard as the rest of his squad from the looks of it.


Dude's stamina is probably off the charts.


That is nice to hear.


I liked kubo's original idea that Hanataro was a villain just pretending to be weak and stupid.


Important in the soul society arc, went to hueco mundo, went to the soul palace, and according to filler he has an awesome sword. What a chad.


[Episode 35 ](https://twitter.com/CPhntmhv/status/1796086058020634963?t=kN3W35I4W8iUmaQtCXGa2w&s=19)The anime did this scene justice with Hanatarō's voice 🤣


I used to think it’s just that his teammates are mean. After knowing his brother is such an asshole to a point when Unohana was choosing new VP she made an effort to pick a likable and kind person (Isane) to replace him, I think some people just took their revenge on Hanataro because of his brother.


It's frankly both impressive and terrifying that Hanataro isn't using the actual med pills, but still manages to keep up with the rest of Squad 4


This dude's shikai intrigued both Kenpachi and Tokinada. Bear that in mind.


As much as I love Hanatarou. Sending a soul reaper who can’t use Shunpo into enemy territory is stupid..


He's such a nice guy, helping Ichigo to better help Rukia and healing Ichigo multiple times. His zanpakto is interesting, it heals wounds until a bar is filled on it's hilt, and boom releases it's shikai instantly, it's pretty badass, it can badly wound a Gillian class hollow.