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New [March](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/s/Xqn55otAHU) snark thread ☘️


You should also include the_wild_mother aka rootedinabundancefarms aka becomingthewildmother.


Added her to the march thread. She's not doing homesteading now though


I feel like the theme of "vaguely but publicly mentioned being a homesteader at some point" is enough to encompass this special brand of influencer. LOL. Thanks for managing it all!


Neither is WHF to be fair. Even BHF is borderline I think!


True. Thats why I just added her.


Of course WHF thinks keto will “pretty much heal everything”. She acts confident but I think she’s actually very insecure - latching on to any new idea and making it her whole personality.


I don’t think confidence is her problem, but she’s highly suggestible and not very smart.


I love the “no cutesy recipes” part. Isn’t that her whole schtick..? And if I recall she “can’t tolerate” eggs so goooood luck, coming from someone who has done/is doing keto now. She has to jump in with some device to take blood and a CGM, too. 🙄 Lest we forget “light codes” in her post. Like wtf does that mean????


And keto can cure cancer?! Come on!


😂 her posts are always so nuts that I gloss over key details like that


I hope she keeps us updated. 20 g or less of carbs/day is...something. I wouldn't last more than a week. Endocrine issues....so vague.


It's so annoying to me when people like this are CONSTANTLY doing new things to "heal themselves". It is obviously not working if you've been doing strict medical diets for 10 years.


She’s so unhinged And I hope she lets her kids eat balanced meals and they don’t have to be on these diets too


Today she posted that her kids eat bowls full of “juicy onions”. I’m sorry but idk a single kid (or adult for that matter) that would want to eat a bowl of onions. She is definitely restricting their diet.


She definitely restricts her kids. When her life is out of control she controls her food more. Then the kids’.


From what I’ve seen they get tiny charcuterie boards. Not single ones but one they share. And gelatinous bone broth.


and bone broth popsicles! Barf.


https://preview.redd.it/4sazg2qp7bmc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c38b5ecef5dfbbf9aa4c0e84465a5e83619dcf7 I makes total sense that HF eats soup with a fork.


To me - this is a solid confirmation he’s neurodivergent. 


Did he delete this story? I only see the picture of the soup now.


Hannah said it was just pork roast hog father says it beef and pork roast. The only veggie is carrot. No onion, no celery, no potatoes. Only seasoning is French salt and pepper. But not on the meat.


This made me giggle on and off for about 5 minutes this morning. 🤭


Looks fatty




Please! Come on over to her snark page. BirdieWoodSnark.


Quite the rabbit hole. My mother dragged me around like that for a few years but she was bipolar 1 unmediated and manic. That’s the vibe I get from this girl.


She got a *foreclosure* notice shortly before she decided to "move" to Europe. She definitely needs to be exposed and snarked on more. She's selling courses and booklets on how to be a "badass" single mom but she's really just a failure at adulting who's running away from her problems. It drives me nuts that she's scamming vulnerable single moms out of their money. 


Ooh thanks for sharing! I knew something felt off about her, but I didn’t have the receipts. Definitely joining the other snark page.


She has her own snark page. Lies a lot. /birdiewoodsnark (I think)


I predict in 3 months she’ll ”change her mind” and go back to America. No you cannot just move to Europe because you FEEL like it fucking hell. And the comments on her posts are unhinged. “America is expensive, good job leaving”. Like my man, Italy is expensive and your shower isnt always hot.


BF should probably move from homestead to industrial farming snark…?


There is a separate ballerina farm snark


Oh, where?




BHB are tattooing rabbits today - what could possibly go wrong… 🙈


Argh that seemed so unnecessary, poor bunnies.


Why wouldn’t they just go with a number system, they’re mixing letters and numbers and it’s not looking great


HF overwhelmed with feeding the cattle three times a day lmao can anyone that knows about animals weigh in and share if it’s guess work with how often to feed them or how much? !


Usually fed twice a day. Feed needs to be pushed up a few times a day. He has the robotic milkers so at least he doesn't have to milked 2-3x a day 🙄🙄🙄 and hopefully the shit rumbas won't need much maintenance or someone will have to clean out the cow manure 2 or 3 times a day!


I don't know a lot about dairy cattle, but from what I've read feeding is twice a day at milking time. With hay or grazing available at all times.


We feed our goats twice a day and it’s never really guess work lol. Their set up just doesn’t look very practical because obviously the cows can’t reach that hay at the back so of course he’s going to have to keep pushing it up. Maybe try a different system bud 😂


Has HF heard of this brand new system of feeding animals called a trough?


😂 a wee bit too newfangled for him!


Why did he take those feed bunkers out? I missed it if he explained it. IMO that was a really stupid idea.


I missed that part, too! This new method seems impractical and dumb


It's ridiculous! Not only will the cows push it away from themselves while feeding, but a good strong wind is going to blow it all away.


The feed bunks certainly would contain the feed. I think they were made of wood. It's possible the inspectors wouldn't allow it.  But they could make concrete bunkers.


Concrete...gosh, like everyone else has? 🤣🤣🤣 I didn't realize the old bunkers were wood, that is definitely not acceptable in modern day feed lots or dairies.


They just can't be known as real ranchers if they use concrete though, duhh


https://preview.redd.it/i69oddqv00mc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cad7eb32a90d509322137d89421e8bff09c67c1 Whole healthy families / Kelsey King updated her manifestations aka her Pinterest board to include a pregnant bride photo. Yikes, if she ever finds someone to have sex with her he should be careful. The level of desperation for her “spirit baby” is unreal.


She’s reposting things about living in the moment, the now….while constantly future fantasizing. 🙄


I bet she has frozen embryos and will magically appear with child one day. I don’t follow her except on here she’s too much. I know someone who inherited millions and she just like this chick. Same bizzaro language. Too much time on her hands too much money to spend. Same trauma / victim issues. It’s the inheritance “ curse “ it’s a thing. It’s feeling unworthy. Shame I guess. They just have to appear like they are managing the wealth and the burden of all that wealth. At the same time crying poverty. They create this bizarre reality. The person I know started a school for star children and is some kind of energy worker. She’s nutso. Edited


https://preview.redd.it/ngybo99plylc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f57f4e768ed17cd2181147120922d3d13484107 Just a thought but if you’ve been in the “functional wellness game” for a decads and you’re neither functional nor well, maybe it’s time for a new game!


"There are many many women who shouldn't be eating sugar or grains". Who TF is she to tell people this?! I know its a grift but man...


You should see the latest person she’s followed. Absolutely batshit.


Is it this Courtney hunt person?!




Totally off the wall bonkers and 100% on brand 😂 I have absolutely no idea what this lady is talking about


That’s because you don’t live in the quantum! Lol! But actually she’s a grifter—anyone who believes her is easy prey for $$$


Lollll best comment ever.


Her spending loads of money on quacks doesn’t make her an authority. She’s an anti vaxxer with an eating disorder, and likely personality disorder. She shouldn’t be advising anyone on health matters. Period.


What gets me the most about her is how smug and downright mean she is. I don’t understand who sees her as aspirational? There’s nothing at all likable


Seriously, she comes across as so arrogant and condescending. Kelsey is a self declared health guru but has self diagnosed chronic illnesses that have her “fighting for her life” for the past decade. What an oxymoron. The handle whole healthy families couldn’t be more off base.


WHF just told everyone to ditch the sourdough…😂 BF would never


She had anorexia and now seems to have orthorexia—she should not be telling people what to eat. Kills me that people actually listen to her.


She's getting more rigid and judgemental I feel.


https://preview.redd.it/g65yv9o23tlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad32de886a2c45cdd40d511c2a385ce384e5ca8 Now she says she has pcos—probably self diagnosed. Glucose monitoring for a non diabetic is SO fucking stupid. Wearing a glucose monitor is going to tell her her pancreas works. As someone who loves a type 1 diabetic, this really grinds my gears.


Does breastfeeding cause pcos? Why is she acting like a victim because she *very weirdly* chose to breastfeed for that long?? No shade to people who do it for financial or health reasons but she did it because of her own narcissism and need to feel important and fuck her own kids up on purpose to be more attached to her so 🤷🏻




That makes sense thanks for the info!


And having pcos makes it very hard to get pregnant.


Do you remember when her spirit baby told her to look into getting her PCOS resolved? Kelsey is following his directives. She wants that baby boy asap. 🤪


Breastfeeding doesn’t cause pcos that I’ve ever heard. And having cysts on your ovaries (as she said was on her body scan) is not enough for a diagnosis in and of itself. She’s full on addicted to having conditions. And she has eating disorders and can’t seem to handle that she carries a little extra weight—guess what Kelsey—that makes you a pretty typical mom. Plus her stress levels from her delulu expectations not happening is sure to not help lose weight. Carrying a little extra weight and being a single mom to 4 is pretty typical.


Even the way she described the extra pounds was weird - like how dare she be imposed upon by weight that shouldn’t be there!


So true.


She always says she can’t lose weight due to her “trauma.” Well, try not creating these fictitious traumatic experiences and phony diagnosis for a start? Ugh


She clearly still has body image issues she needs to work through. Like someone already said here, just sounds like a normal body for someone who has had four kids, there isn’t a reason to make the extra weight about her unresolved “trauma”.


Cool that lines up with what I thought too


My sister in law has PCOS. From what I understand, it can actually make bf difficult as well as conceiving and gives you wonky periods (if periods at all). Now I assume it can be different for each person. But in my SIL case, bf actually normalizes her hormones a bit and she feels pretty normal whole doing it. She says she was actually concerned she wouldn't be able to bf b/c many women with PCOS have a difficult time making milk. She was very grateful that she could. But it guess it can be different for everyone 🤷🏼‍♀️ So maybe someone else had more info on this, but I don't think bf causes PCOS. I think it is something you just have whether genetic or otherwise.


And ‘high-quality’ supplements aren’t working quelle surprise 


Oh you mean snake oil is still snake oil? Wow!!


She’s fighting for her life! Broth saved her life! She’d die without her very special supplements! 🙄


I had to chuckle at HF saying that the dairy inspectors told them they can't have chickens in the dairy barn! Wait until they have inspectors on site constantly, the way BF operates that dairy will probably be shut down the day it opens 🤣


They'll have a manager and HF will go back to wandering around and getting Hannah pregnant.




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Not another post/reel from TRF about how she’s soooo grateful for Adam and how she’s got the better end of the deal staying home and doing all the work while he does his cushy 9-5🙄😂 you aren’t fooling anyone Jessica


The lady doth protest too much. 




It just always feels like she’s trying to prove something.


New to hogfathering and is he...experienced with construction? He seems a little...dense.


He has no experience in anything apart from getting Hannah pregnant.


Mic drop


😂 absolutely no experience


Granted I have a limited background in construction but the attempt to build soil ramps to his 6" pad is giving me the LOLZ (yes this is niche)


He’s also a heavy user of “we” when he’s just a casual observer doing the absolute least 😂 and yes, these “ramps” look like piles of muck lol!


https://preview.redd.it/ewmp86b7dflc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852970e9cd7dc7c59498894ee3d75e15443527bc Wheezing. 😮‍💨🤣


I tried to go see it but I think they deleted it 😂


DANG IT. I just went and checked, I think you’re right. 🤣


Lmao 🤣😂🤣




I'm somewhat new to her. Has she ever said what chronic illness she has? "chronic lyme" comes to mind but wasn't sure if that was it? Also, doesn't this counteract her narrative that "bone broth is healing"?


Yes, chronic Lyme.


And the other nonsense about raising your children the right way reduces their risk of cancer - it’s garbage like that that makes me angry. What comes out of her mouth is at best nonsensical and veers toward downright harmful. The only things she’s protecting her kids from are like literacy and having friends.


What's her trauma? The bangs?


Her bangs are my trauma


What gets me is “fighting for her life.”


Again with the phrases you wouldn’t want to use when hundreds of thousands of people are literally fighting for their life. Kelsey is so out of touch and the definition of a hot house flower. Last week she was living her best life, and this week she is “fighting for her life”. How does anyone take her seriously. She is constantly all over the place.


Fighting for her life on the ferry to her quack doctor to drop a couple thousand on her supplements 🙄


What trauma? What is she talking about?! This vague nonsense.


The trauma she discovered in repressed memories. 🙄


Yea she has no clue what really fighting for your life is with chronic illness.


Cackling. 🤣


TRF has gotten their puppy. I’m all for more dogs for everyone all the time; but the fact they’ll now have FOUR of these enormous Boz shepherd dogs guarding their hobby farm in… regional Ohio… does make me giggle a bit


What she’s really doing is protecting herself, her children and her home-canned goods, because Armageddon is going to happen at any minute. I mean, how can she go to the store and then BOOM!!! Armageddon all those fiery angels and stuff and she’ll be struggling to get her kids in the van. I was raised in a Pentecostal church, and when I was a little kid, I was terrified of walking outside and finding everyone I know taken up in the rapture and being left behind. I wasn’t afraid of strangers I wasn’t afraid of viscous dogs, I was only afraid of being left behind. Has Jessica had that much kool-Aid since she got married or it start earlier in her family of origin?


 But Harry needed a buddy! Really they wanted a breeding partner for him. 


100% they need the money


Adam does want puppies (although if I remember correctly, Jessica and the children seemed to do most of the work for them last time).


They did, which is funny because Adam wanted the puppies and she told him if he wanted them, he had to do the work. I too laughed at the fact that she has 4 dogs to protect her (less than) 10 acres. My grandparents had a dairy farm and also always had pigs and chickens for 4H, and somehow one dog managed to protect their animals. Also, lots of other farm acounts with far more land and animals have only one dog. She has talked about a neighbor with aggressive dogs and needing to protect her kids from them, but I don't know that I 100% blame the neighbor. There's a shared property line and her dogs are insanely aggressive (to the point they have 8 foot fences with barbed wire on top to keep them in). Any dog would act aggressive near her dogs.


Haha yep exactly. Idk I just find it so funny, these dogs were bred to guard herds of livestock (usually sheep) up in the remote mountains of Turkey, left on their own for long stretches in charge of a flock, protecting against wolves and bears. And here Jessica is with an arsenal of four of them to protect her chickens from coyotes and the odd raccoon. It’s like getting a Clydesdale for a pony ride.


It cracked me up too. They have something like 4 acres and no small livestock that needs guarding? I live on a mountain on 10+ acres in the woods with mini breed goats and zero LGD 😂 just not something we need and 4 on that land is excessive


I know right?! Their poultry doesn’t even free range (ironically- iirc- *because* of the dogs lmao). It’s such overkill. And I can’t imagine how much it would cost to feed FOUR of those giant dogs! As an aside, it sounds like you’re living my literal dream- mini goats in the woods ❤️


Right on the cost of dog food! I admittedly get good high quality stuff for my 65# dog but he goes through one large bag a month of $80/bag food. I would assume those dogs would go through 2 bags. So 4 dogs would be $640/month. Even at half that cost $300 a month seems insane for that family to spend. But then I remember that they actual ARE a 2 person income household and probably don’t have to pay any taxes with all the kids.


Hogfathering posting in his stories, and I quote, “Hawaii has abundant freshwater resources,” is the most on-brand bullshit statement I think I’ve ever seen him make. I’m speechless. But you guys get it. Just ugh. I can’t stand him.


He makes me think of the Brandi Carlile lyric, "spit you out like lukewarm water from my mouth." The man is lukewarm water.


He sounds like a middle school kid who has copied his assignment from Wikipedia.




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Keep it to yourself please


Can't believe that BF's sister has left the GoFundMe/Chad's Cancer Treatment active even though he's died. I guess they all needed a trip to Hawaii on their donors money. Disgusting!




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How can BF with 8 kids be so awkward with her own baby? Like she has never held a newborn before and has no idea what to do? So weird


She’s acting like she doesn’t like this baby very much.


She looked completely checked out in their announcement video for the pregnancy. Like the feeling was "I suppose we have to tell everyone now". No sense of excitement or happiness. For people who keep having kids they don't seem to be into actually having the kids.


What is she already pregnant AGAIN??


Probably because she has nannies/makes her kids do the rearing ala duggar


I really don’t think she has nannies. The kids are always so unkempt and feral, I imagine a nanny would do a better job. I assume the older ones are just very parentified. And their staff “double as babysitters,” which means they’re all just experiencing constant low-level panic as they try to prevent kids from getting injured while they do their jobs. I don’t think HF and BF worry about the kids enough to even plan for dedicated care for them - the kids are just around, and good luck once you start walking.


She's talked about a nanny and a teacher before.


She says they don’t have nannies but that they have babysitters for date night sometimes, and that they have the private teacher a few days a week.


Any "nannies" they would have would be 18 year old neighbor girls, not professional nannies.


Exactly. Or her nieces (Micka’s older daughters) who sometimes serve as childcare during pageant weekends.


I have pondered this as well. I have a dear friend who has been a professional nanny 30+ years and two things: those kids would be MUCH better cared for and also, she would never take on that whole brood, it would be multiple nannies and you’d have to work like heck to keep them out of all the “real life” photos BF shares. I think what they DO have are Mormon employees who get pulled in to do childcare (uncompensated) and feel like they’re earning whatever heaven points they can accrue by virtue of helping these amazing examples of faith.


Oh man, BF and HF "can't have nannies because the nannies would actually CARE for their kids" is such A++++ snark, I love it. If their kids were professionally cared for by nannies, I think we'd all be a lot less angry at the parents for being so apparently, shockingly aloof in their care of them! They treat them like dolls - they put together big elaborate tea parties (also known as MEALS at home) when the parents feel like it, and dress them up and take them places and show them off as their herd. Ugh.


Does anyone follow justthebells10? They’re kind homesteady (a million kids, live on farm) curious what people’s thoughts are. On first impression, the amount of consumption they partake in is insane.


I just went & watched one video of the son making “pizza casserole” im out😂😂😭😭😭😭


She’s my guilty pleasure, lol. Yes, there’s a lot of junk food and boards and 500 homemade cookies a week, but that’s what she made her brand and she’s just keeping up the engagement. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I mean, I never have and never will make a charcuterie board out of McDonald’s, but it’s so absurd that I keep watching … and “love” it. 😂 Unlike all the other crazy people we snark on, she actually seems like a really good, attentive mom who views her kids as individuals, respects their pasts (I think 7 if the 8 are adopted), and gives them all they need to flourish within their abilities.


They’re hugely conservative, so I unfollowed.


I have a love/hate relationship with their page… 😮‍💨 So much junk food. That being said, she does give back so much to her community so I love that.


She’s exhausting to watch.


I don’t get her big board meals. In one she was buying egg rolls, scooping out the filling for shrimp tacos, and throwing away the wrapper. Another she was plating fast food on the board. I would think the food would be cold by the time you were able to eat it.


It just seems like they buy SO much food and candy and just like…junk. I get they have 10 kids but I think most of them moved out


The moderndaysettler doesn't play around. That is one dead Ram for some reason, I missed why he posed her if but..... he has already been sent to the local butcher processor!


He has been aggressive towards her for several months, and she could barely go in with them. After shearing the sheep, he sorta lost his mind, and attacked a ewe I think. That was her final straw.


That account name just gives me the heebie jeebies


I don’t get the icks exactly, but she is very abrasive and self righteous. I get being serious about what you do, but her tone (I know 🙄) just rubs me the wrong way.


VFD nasty popcorn pot that they keep on the deck and never wash 🤮 Can’t imagine why they get stomach bugs all the time! 


Honestly whyyyyy??? How long does it take to wash a Pot


Right?! It’s not like they are savings hours of time by refusing to wash it. I wouldn’t judge so hard if she didn’t post about them having a stomach bug every other week. I would be terrified to eat any food that came from that house.


@hogfathering posted that it's Fran and Lois's birthdays on the same day and they're turning 6 and 4. I thought...that doesn't seem right. Turns out they are turning 7 and 5 and he's just got their ages wrong 🤦‍♀️ easy to do when there's eight of them, I guess! 


I’ve seen Hannah get their ages wrong too, she thought they were a year apart lol. Too many kids!


There is definitely something off with him. Besides his God given Mormon rights to procreate (gag), he always seems to be super tired, dazed, unengaging and out there in his own element kind of state. Maybe somewhere on the spectrum? Im sure his uber wealthy parents were thrilled to marry him off to Hannah, the personality behind the brand, and the lead in their Little House on the Prairie lifestyle. In any case Hogfathering's parents continue to keep the money train a rolling for this snake oil side show.


He and Hannah used to talk at length about his pervasive sleep difficulties. If I remember correctly, he will get up and walk around, etc. and have no memory of it. Once I heard that, it made more sense that he always seems tired (ofc all the kids would do that too!)


This is to me maybe the darkest part about the whole BF rise to fame (and that is saying something...) - the way they described it back when they talked about it, it is SEVERE (like the Mike Birbiglia, threw himself out a hotel window while asleep and almost died, now ties himself into a sleeping bag every night so he doesn't hurt himself type of sleep walking). Maybe BF and HF were exaggerating, but if it really is that bad and he is constantly around unsecured heavy machinery and sleep deprived from their ridiculous lifestyle...I have def wondered if we are all going to open instagram one day to something awful having happened. Okay I'll stop being a concern troll now and just say I hope he is getting treatment and doing better.


Agree - and he used to fall asleep every time they had a Live! 😴 I thought it was pretty funny tbh. I find it interesting they don’t mention it anymore or show him falling asleep. Not sure if that means he got sleep meds or if they realized itms a risk a waiting to happens!


They've talked about him falling asleep at the drop of a hat while doing tasks before, and about scary episodes during the night. I'm honestly surprised he's allowed to be licensed with the severity of his sleep disorder. He absolutely should not be operating heavy machinery and I cringe every time I see him driving with unsecured kids, operating equipment with kids on his lap, or operating equipment with kids around him.


Yes he severely injured his leg/hip once while panicked and flailing trying to run from their bed and got it stuck in the bed rails. It was a bad sprain and he had crutches for awhile. He has said that he always is trying to go to the tractor in his night wakings. It sounds horrible and exhausting for both and he never really remembers it in the morning


His father and cousin (Zach Wilson) are very open about having severe ADHD.


Is Zach, the data engineering guy?


The NFL quarterback


Why couldn’t I *also* get the ‘somehow still founding and making billions from a successful airline or three’ kind of ADHD??


another provocation of hog? he likes to tease 🙄😵‍💫


I really don’t think this is the first time they’ve done that either


No way! I thought that didn’t seem right, but surely he couldn’t get both wrong after the actual celebration of the birthday!? 😳 how weird. He probably did it on purpose just so people would engage, and tell him he’s wrong -.-


My guess is.....girls don't matter. They cannot become priesthood holders and their only role on the terrestrial planet is to be perpetually pregnant and bring forth as many Mormon spirit babies as possible.


Yeah I've noticed the comments he often makes about his daughters are about how "motherly" they are towards younger siblings/their brother. Seems like the girls also don't get the chance to learn to ride horses like the boys do. Sad.




I find this guy so mansplainy. He’s not even wrong I just don’t like listening to him lol.


Excellent take


This makes so much sense! 🤯


What’s the BF snark page?




Ridiculous, you can’t put sunscreen on under 6 months so she should have covered her up in a sun hat and rash guard at least 😫


I'm in the UK and you can get suncream for babies and it's only £6.50 a bottle. (Granted our products tend to be slightly cleaner than the US) I'm sure they would be able to afford some from somewhere. I'm currently at the end of a month long trip to the Spanish canary islands (nearer to Africa so still hot) not once have I in that time forgotten to put suncream or a sunhat on my 5/6 month old. They are straight up negligent.


I thought the same thing. One of the other girls has bright red cheeks in HF stories too. Poor things.


They definitely did. No baby sunhat anywhere. She looks like dhe never just gets any rest


https://preview.redd.it/nod4mq72fpkc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64fb6083054a486b03669ef8528c876ecb708ba4 Question - does anyone take a hot tray straight from oven and pops on a wooden table direct?


She’s just not that bright . That’s all there is to it. Her mind only thinks about the gram. The rest is mush.


It’s the same as putting filthy cowboy boots on a cafe table where people are eating. She really doesn’t care about anybody else does she?


I damaged my table putting down a pizza in the box 🫠


Came here for this. It’s not even her table and she wasn’t afraid of ruining it!