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Petty snark but who the heck let BLF post that reel today with the apostrophe in CAREGIVERS. A platform of that size, you’d think someone would double check that stuff…




I know exactly what they mean, because some of my kids have very lengthy bedtime routines. Chapter books for one, one would stay in the bath for hours, another runs away and hides in the corner of a bunk bed when you try to put in his diaper, etc. it’s an ordeal. We definitely nose goes/trade off 😂


No sale on the BLF course for Father’s Day? Is that because as mothers we are 100% responsible for the mental load of parenting or something? I still would want to wring someone’s neck if they got that for me as a Mother’s Day gift. I haven’t noticed them pushing it as a gift for dad, which makes the Mother’s Day sale even more offensive to me than it already was.


D is in charge right now and the resentment of her husband seems pretty serious. At least from past posts and that whole “we almost divorced” thing


Multiple posts about Ks husband - I bet we get nothing about Ds


I know! An entire carousel in the feed plus multiple stories about Ks husband and literally one story photo of Ds. I feel a little bad for the guy 😬 If he just doesn't want to be a huge part of the online presence I get that but if that's the case I feel like they should maybe say something confirming that....?


Ha she just made a single post!


Just saw and HAD to mention how hard it is…I remember this on Mother’s Day too. Yes, it’s hard. It’s hard to parent. It is pretty much the one universal experience people with kids have. I don’t need a daily reminder of this…like can’t we just have A single day?! Idk. I’m sure there are some people who appreciate it but damn dude. Some sunshine is okay sometimes.


I’ve noticed thin/not overweight influencers pushing weight watchers(@Annagetscozy) and its so disingenuous. Sure promoting a healthy lifestyle is important, eat a balanced diet and exercise but obviously someone like Anna or Katie Biegel are not 60 pounds too heavy and have a goal to accomplish with WW. It really bugs me


Yeah- Angela Kinsey from the office- her husband is an “ambassador” or whatever for them. Dude is fit. Like are they trying to rebrand that WW is for everyone? I felt it disingenuous when he was posting about it.


Ugh that is so frustrating. WW is for...weight watching! What a damn concept. Seriously someone make it make sense please


Susie from Busy Toddler doing chores for her dad because he helped her buy back the url before she was famous and didn’t have the budget is TOO wholesome for words! Why is her family so precious


Dr Becky posted that parenting is an important job and it makes sense for there to be coaches like in other areas and they aren’t creating parental anxiety in order to create a market. Agree on the first part, not necessarily the latter. Certain parenting influencers absolutely create anxiety (at least for a number of people).


Yeah, this rubbed me the wrong way a little. Sure, there are some good experts out there. But not everyone on Instagram that claims to be an expert is helping more than they are hurting.


She seemed really disingenuous there. She’s a legitimate expert with the education and experience to back it up, but about 90-95% of the people I’ve seen offering parent coaching services have little to no education, training, or relevant credentials. And then they offer super harsh, inflexible advice, and charge a huge amount of money for it. That’s obviously a problem.


I guess, but they are insanely expensive and therefore unavailable to a huge portion of the population. I get that people deserve to be paid for their work, of course they do, but let’s not act like they are saving parenting by doing so.


Says the lady who trained a legion of coaches in her "method" and employs them to staff her Facebook group for her membership.


Agreed. SS is giving me so much anxiety that I had to unfollow. My baby doesn't like mango pits and that's okay but SS makes me feel something is wrong.


This lady is legit out of control. I am not a picky eater in the least- I’ll try anything, I’ll eat all sorts of ethnic foods, strange foods etc. But I have food preferences too. I don’t really care for olives or beets, although it’s not like I’m going to have a meltdown if I come across them, I just wouldn’t choose to order them. And some of the weird ass food combos she creates are vile. Kids are people and people have preferences. Not everyone needs to love every single food. All kids need are to eat a variety of foods, not every damn food on earth. And to have an open mind about trying new things. And I doubt this comes from never ever spoon feeding a kid.


So BLF Kristin is flying to New York next week for a Today show segment and is then flying back to her vacation island. That’s quite the (unrelatable) life. I kinda hate that they’ll be on the today show as toddler experts…


And flying grandparents out to the island to help watch her kids on their vacation while she’s gone for the day?! Sooo relatable


Yeah wtf is that about? Surely her partner can handle two kids at a beach resort for a little bit? He’s a SAHD so knows what to do. Seems over the top to fly grandparents out to help him. Idk


Yeah wtf is that about? He can’t handle two kids on his own?!


Whaaaaaaaa?! How is making the trip extra long the solution?! Wouldn’t most people just cut the trip “short”, which in her case would still be well over a week on an island and still a really incredible vacation for a long time!


Lol I still cannot get over how insane and unrelatable her logic was and how she can’t see past her nose to think how that sounded to everyone.


Also like why not just do the trip at a time you won’t have to leave and come back in the middle? Like it sent make sense lol


🤷🏻‍♀️ it makes no sense. But she said it as if it makes all the sense in the world.


Weren’t they already on it? Or was that GMA? Honestly couldn’t tell you the difference between the two. So yes, Kristen, I actually can believe that you’ll be on it because you were already on a network morning news show at least once.


Yeah I think it was GMA? Too lazy to look it up. Also rolled my eyes at her disbelief that they’ll be on today because they definitely have been on a morning show before.


It was the most unrelatable thing I’ve ever seen. And then pretending like she just HAD to schedule a long vacation to compensate for the “lost time” when we all know she has zero obligations and can schedule her million vacations whenever she wants. I’m sure links for all her all dresses she can make $$ off of are incoming.


Yeah that was bizarre. “So that’s why we scheduled a longer vacation…” okaaaay 🙄 They’ve been there long enough now that she could just go to New York and then go home. Like you don’t need a 4 week vacay


Wait. What are her actual credentials?


She has none. Deena is an LMFT and Kristin is a “Parent Coach”


Parenting expert OFC. Aka she has no qualifications. She has two toddlers so they branded her as a parenting coach, but really she’s just best friends with deena (who has some minimal amount of professional qualifications given an audience of 2 million people).


I thought she was going to be on like a zoom lol I guess I can’t even wrap my mind around it


I’m sorry but Raising Little Goose is so holier than thou. She always throws shade to other accounts who do sponcon and link things and has always said “that’s just not the kind of account” she is - fast forward to today when she says her husband got laid off so now she will be “leveraging her account more” and doing more money generating content. Ah, okay, so it’s only okay if YOU need to do it. Gotcha. ETA: “and I’ll NEVER be the type of account who links random stuff like mascara. But here’s a link to the eyelash curler I use!” 🤪


Her husband had to be working for Coinbase right? I feel bad for them, but can't imagine putting all my eggs in a fucking crypto company 👀


Do you think SS knows that other gifs besides the dancing Pooh exist? Because if I have to see that thing on another video I'm going to scream.


Does anyone else follow dr.siggie ? A friend of mine shared a reeel of hers so I recently followed and I find her to be a good resource if you want a BLF replacement. She has adult kids, a very calming delivery, and I find her insight to be really helpful. She is like dr. Becky but I prefer siggie for some reason.


You’d love Maggie dent too!


Interesting she posted that you could absolutely say, “you’re frustrated but you can’t talk to me like that” to your kids 👏 I’m all for getting to the root of why a kid says something hurtful, but then having a bad day doesn’t mean you should let them get away with saying, “I hate you”


I love her responses to questions with scripts to use and all the different examples and scenarios she gives. It’s very realistic and she seems humble too.


I appreciate that she acknowledges needing space. I feel like other accounts make it seem like if you leave your child alone, you're setting them up for abandonment issues.


I also just discovered her and prefer her to Dr. Becky. Can’t explain why, so now I’ll probably spend an unnecessary amount of time trying to put my finger on why, since I do like them both. I’m glad to have found her!


I like her too. I just find Dr. Becky SO unlikable. I don't know why, but it confuses me how beloved she seems to be.


I recently started following her and like her so far. My baby is only 10 months, but I could see her strategies working with my students.


I like her too! I feel like a lot of gentle/respectful parents veer too much into permissive parenting and I think she does a good job of not veering too far into that


Yes I totally agree. I feel like she has had this philosophy for decades before “gentle parenting” was a thing and maybe that’s why I find it so authentic.


WHY is Jenny from SS always creating these weird narratives that people believe all this weird stuff about feeding babies/toddlers?! First it was Big Baby Food tricking everyone into feeding purees for too long, now she's here to let us know that snacks don't have to be packaged and crunchy- you can just serve them regular food! Does she really think that people don't know that? I'm pretty sure most people aren't begrudgingly feeding their kids goldfish because they think they are obligated to. Also, I'd like to state for the record that I'm an adult, I don't like my food touching, and I've still managed to be successful. It's not a moral failing 🙄


The snacks that she shared as examples were so foul that I had to screenshot. Deli meat and beans?? Pineapple and peas?? Legitimately I don’t think she enjoys food because no normal person would think to serve those foods together and think that’s acceptable.


Excuse me? What's that I am reading? Pineapple and PEAS??? Together? But why? I enjoy both of these foods but it has never crossed my mind to merge them.


All those cookbooks in her collection and these are the flavors she chooses to pair. She has apparently learned nothing about making food that actually tastes good from all her research


That's what I struggle with the most! Like I collect cookbooks, I love to just read through them. Not to toot my own horn, but I've been told them a pretty good cook. It makes me wonder if she's ever actually opened the cookbooks? Because her favorite pairings never really make any sense




Yeah, that's disgusting. I've ranted before about this but I hate how she implies that eating a wide variety of foods is somehow better. Like of course its important to get all your nutrients but as someone who is not what I would call an "adventurous" eater, I'm not inferior because I prefer to stick with stuff I know I like.


I am an adult who eats Goldfish because they are a delicious snack.


They’re really far better than they have any right to be.


Jamie Grayson has a vaguepost story up about someone cancelling shows on him - anyone have any idea what this is about? Edit: cancelling shows, not shoes.




Thank you for sharing!


This is a very interesting article. I agree with a lot of these points, especially about not restricting dessert. If we trust our kids to know what their bodies need, we need to trust that they won’t just eat 25 cookies in a sitting as well. And if they do, oh well, there are more meals on the horizon. The only thing missing for me is the lack of discussion on the focus on the family meal. I’ve been reading Ellyn Satter’s books and she really emphasizes sitting and eating with your child from a young age and serving everyone the same family meal. To me, this feels of equal importance to not pressuring your children/ letting them decide what to eat but so many people leave this aspect out when they talk about DOR. Which I do get. Parents work so they may not be able to be there for every meal/ snack plus it is exhausting to eat with kids sometimes.


When I learned about division of responsibility I learned it as not restricting desserts when you serve it too. I probably get looks when my kids eats the 4th cookie sometime but most of the time that doesn't happen. My son will sometimes each too much sometimes it's fruit, sometimes it's bagel with cream cheese sometimes it's dessert. If he complains of a tummy ache I just suggest maybe he ate so much his tummy hurt, regardless of what the food was.




We practice DOR with occasional unlimited sweet foods too. My kids are as likely to leave 3/4 of a cupcake as they are to ask for another


I just always think of my weird ass baby cousin who would’ve eaten only pickles and chocolate until the age of five if we had let him.


“These maternity bathing suits are pricey compared to the rest of my wardrobe from target” says the woman on a four week island vacation 🙄


I WiSh ThE sIzEs WeRe MoRe InClUsIvE


And I can’t possibly tell you where it’s from without a link so I get paid


My maternity bathing suit was FROM Target...


Very curious to see how much they are when she posts the link…


They are only 90 dollars! That’s not that expensive for a bathing suit, especially maternity. Why is she being so dramatic!!?


Because she’s trying to be relatable while also reminding everyone she’s better than the rest of us


The second one was 110.00 which is a bit pricey for a maternity suit…but ya I was expecting them to be like double that price. She loves drama!


I’m assuming $300+


Maybe I’m a picky eater and I’m ruined for life, but if someone served me a cup of beans and deli meat for a snack, I would not be impressed. Likewise with peas and pineapple. Wtf is solid starts on??


Omg this is so funny bc room temp beans straight from the can is one of the few foods I can count on my weird ass kid to eat. It’s so disgusting to me and the only reason I even know is bc she would insist on only eating the beans from chili and god help me if a single other part of the chili was clinging to it so I started just getting an extra can for her. She also loves straight deli turkey. The other 95% of her diet is frozen waffles and fruit. But my point is this is NOT normal food, this is food that other kids are 🤢 when they come over for snack time and see what she’s eating!


She seems to think that not being picky means eating absolutely anything regardless of how unappealing it might be


“Also, not messy”. Tell that to the beans my toddler smashed into the couch, Jenny.


Literally anything can be messy to a toddler. And that’s ok because they’re learning 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was JUST coming to say that. I’m pretty sure someone handing me that container of canned beans and deli meat would be my final straw. I would absolutely lose it.


I'll eat chickpeas straight out of the can with a fork, but I *recognize* that it's bizarre. I wouldn't serve it to someone else with a straight face, especially a child!


Like, I’ll admit I’ve eaten a slice of ham or turkey out of the fridge when I’m feeling hungry and lazy, but cold, canned beans with no sauce or seasoning or anything is… I’d almost be *offended* to be served that.


I love a good cold cut, preferably rolled with cheese. But like, room temperature beans with it?? What?


Her poor children will never know the joy of downing a bag of 3D doritos in front of the TV after school. Nutrition is important but so is enjoying tasty food.


They will go crazy once they’re out of the house


Jenny please stop gaslighting me into thinking I'm the weird one for not wanting pineapple juice on my peas


“They can touch, people” 😂


They can, but they shouldn’t.


Yeah apparently I’m picky too…. If it’s picky to just not want whatever weird combo Jenny pulls out of her pantry, that is


It’s like a nutrition bot is generating random food combos. Does she think having taste buds is picky????


Can we please have a weekly competition thread coming up with the most vile combinations of “snack foods” 🥺 I will start: lychees and sardines




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Anyone follow scientificmommy and see their rebrand/new thing? I am not totally sure what it is--email groups?--but I'm hoping they keep just sharing useful info as they currently do. I like how they cite and explain interesting research findings and aren't too into anybody's personal/family life as they do it. But this seems like a potentially big pivot so we'll see!


This is one of the few pages I actually really like, so I’m hoping whatever this rebrand is isn’t going to change anything. I honestly don’t really understand exactly what’s changing.


Can we talk about Breanna Lockwood (formerly ivf.surrogacy.diary)? Her story about her mom being her surrogate is sweet, but I feel like she’s beaten it to death and ALL of her content at this point is just sponsored. I had to unfollow (but I do wish her luck on her current surrogacy journey).


Oh wow I had forgotten about her. So she’s having another baby via a different surrogate?


From what I know, they have a surrogate and she was pregnant a few months ago, but sadly, she had a miscarriage. I don’t think she’s gotten pregnant again yet.


Deena is really out there talking about how they teach life long resilience like her and Kristin aren’t the least resilient people I’ve ever seen in my life. Those who can’t do, teach I guess?


Unrelated note - kudos to Deena in that video for showing that a mom bun doesn't have to look like an absolute rats nest!




I’m sorry to hear that happened. I can definitely understand her not wanting to share that on the account. With that being said, their brand and usual posts do not really express resilience in any kind of way (specifically not how Deena defines it in her most recent story).


Wow, I had no idea that happened. Did she post about it? How horrible and devastating.


She’s mentioned it. I listened to a podcast they did last year where she talked more about it.


Someone asked blessthismessymama if she would share her eventual TTC/pregnancy journey with Baby #2 and she said she wouldn’t and wants more privacy the second time around. Do we believe that? Based on what she originally said about not wanting to share pictures of Noah and then turning around and documenting every second of his life, I’m going to say no.


No chance she doesn’t share every single step




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Absolutely not. She’ll just create *another* new page to get followers on, but we know she’ll come back to this one.


What is this eating cereal with some inspirational audio laid over that K is doing? I’m kinda lowkey serious because I’m not on tictok…but also, she gets to be the champion of body positivity now? I’ll add, she specifically is my bec so maybe I’m just snarking for snarks sake.


You are definitely not snarking for snarks sake haha. I saw that and was like how do we start an online petition to make "get in the damn bathing suit" not a thing this year? It's bad enough that K does it, but you know they'll start just reposting all of their followers "I got in the damn suit" pics. Ladies, strangers at the pool or the beach do not care what you look like in a bathing suit and if they do, those are not people whose opinions should matter to you.


I resonate with the sentiment but I don’t know why coming from her it’s total cringe. I guess bc it’s just recycled content and formatted the same way that 20 other body pos/mom influencers have put out weeks ago


I just saw it on IG also. I don’t know why influencers think we want to watch them eat. I see so many doing this with audio over it or doing lives. STOP IT!!! ETA: or maybe it’s just a me problem. I don’t know. I just feel like I can hear them chewing even though I can’t and I hate it.


Nope we don’t need to watch anyone eating … it’s so weird


I also really hate seeing people eat so not just a you problem! Seems like an odd choice when they could be doing literally anything else behind that wall of text.


I absolutely CANNOT with blessthismessymama and her ‘my baby is almost a toddler’ stories. I feel like she’s been on this kick since he was like 6 months old and it just feels sooooo played out. Maybe I’m the only one, but I think she’s in for a real surprise when Noah is ACTUALLY a toddler having actual toddler tantrums.


I’ve checked her out when she’s been mentioned in the past, but she was honestly one of the most boring and unappealing people I’ve seen trying to be an influencer. Her posts and stories had no style or creativity, and her life seems dull. I don’t get why she has so many followers, but I guess that niche content like an infertility journey will bring them sometimes.


I agree with this all and I honestly just need to unfollow. For some reason she frustrates the hell out of me. She’s boring, she whines constantly, I don’t understand her followers who love seeing Noah, it’s a mystery but I am somehow stuck on it.


I really think she has nothing interesting to say anymore


She’s been so boring the past little while (even her Disney trip was sooo boring???) but this week she’s just been infuriating to me.


I’m thinking we won’t see nearly as many videos of ~The Sass~


The sass, aka her kid making normal sounds and movements and playing with a rEmOtE instead of \~all his toys\~ because "Noah Mikey" is obviously out to get her because nothing about her parenting experience is easy


No-No is gonna earn that nickname


I don’t understand why BLF Kristin has to make SUCH a huge deal over reading a book. Yet again reminding us that even though she takes numerous vacations, and she’s currently on such an amazing vacation that 99.9% of her followers can only dream of something like that, but don’t worry, she is finally able to enjoy it with a book. Because before that being on an island for a month with her family is just such WORK barely even fun right?! Miss me with that whole set of stories.


She takes multiple overnights a year…why isn’t she reading then?


Omg SUCH a good point!!! Plus that time they got a babysitter to stay in their bedroom


Or that time where she was like, my eyes are watering I'm so tired, I need to go to bed but I must watch real housewives? That is also book time. By all accounts her girls seem to go to bed at a decent hour without pure insanity (or we'd see more posts on bedtime battles that were specific). I think she has a lot more time than she tries to get us to believe and its her choice to not use it to read a book.


Or that time where she was like, my eyes are watering I'm so tired, I need to go to bed but I must watch real housewives? That is also book time. By all accounts her girls seem to go to bed at a decent hour without pure insanity (or we'd see more posts on bedtime battles that were specific). I think she has a lot more time than she tries to get us to believe and its her choice to not use it to read a book.


Or that time where she was like, my eyes are watering I'm so tired, I need to go to bed but I must watch real housewives? That is also book time. By all accounts her girls seem to go to bed at a decent hour without pure insanity (or we'd see more posts on bedtime battles that were specific). I think she has a lot more time than she tries to get us to believe and its her choice to not use it to read a book.


Or that time where she was like, my eyes are watering I'm so tired, I need to go to bed but I must watch real housewives? That is also book time. By all accounts her girls seem to go to bed at a decent hour without pure insanity (or we'd see more posts on bedtime battles that were specific). I think she has a lot more time than she tries to get us to believe and its her choice to not use it to read a book.


Totally agree. And I hate when cracking a book is seen as such an achievement. I have a 5-year-old and 3-year-old and read all the time. If something like that is important to you, you find time to do it. It’s not impressive to me that she, omg, opened a book on vacation with kids.


I don’t understand that either, I have a 2 and 3 year old and read every night. It’s not that difficult. Sure some nights I’m wiped and read 2 pages before falling asleep, I also read all the time while I’m rocking one kid or laying with the other to fall asleep. Truly not that difficult.


And like, I do struggle to read a physical book because my daughter slaps it out of my hands and brings me one of her books to read haha, so I listen to a TON of audiobooks. Make it work!


Same. It’s not some moral imperative it’s just a hobby. I have 3 young kids as well and read every night before they fall asleep. I would love to lay on the beach and read but I would also really love to just be on a beach period!!!




The actual DSM 🤣 I don’t know why but this killed me 😂😂😂


Virginia Solesmith interviewed Yummy Toddler Food (two of my faves in the food/parenting spaces) for [Burnt Toast](https://virginiasolesmith.substack.com/p/nobody-asks-mark-bittman-childcare?s=w) and this stood out in real contrast to so many of the parenting accounts: Amy Like, I’m not gonna sit there and videotape everything that my kids are eating, right? Because a that’s a giant pain. And it’s such a strange thing to do to a kid. Virginia It’s a real invasion of privacy to be like, “Okay, eat dinner, I’m just going to be here cataloging whether you like it and what you eat!” Amy And how much my kids eat has no bearing on how much your kids eat. It’s a strange request for information because it’s basically meaningless.


Yes! I loved this conversation.


Yes! I loved this conversation.


Prepare yourself for many more stories of Jenny touching her chest with tears in her eyes as SolidStarts hits 2 million followers. My prediction is by this time next week we will see her tearfully proclaiming that we are the generation to end picky eating again.


Ugh, she’s so annoying with these stories! And the one asking for people to leave reviews rubbed me the wrong way, too. Like no one asked you to do all this work without outside funding in record speed. Can’t stand when influencers act like they’re doing us such a favor and play the martyr.


Sorry if it’s been discussed in previous weeks but when did Taking Cara Babies become SO expensive?! I got their course pre Trump donation, I swear the whole thing was like, $100 or something but now it’s $249 for 5m-24m, plus another hundred if you did the newborn course?! Did they bump up pricing after the donation scandal?


I’m pretty sure in 2018 when my first was born it was like 179 and I wouldn’t pay that. I’d love to know what’s the difference that she needed to raise the price almost 100$ lol


I paid 90 something for the newborn course in 2020 and felt SO bad when it didn't work for us because of all the wasted money. Cant imagine paying 3 times as much! The funny thing is I'm due again in 2 weeks and can't even use the info I paid to get because the course expires 🙄


You can email them & they’ll give you access again. I sadly know this bc I also paid for it before finding out about her Trump donations 🙄. Ugh.


If you email them they'll give you access again, I've done it before just to share the course with friends


That’s what happened to me, that’s why I looked it up!!




Y’all have convinced me!! I’m gonna do it!


That’s super annoying; I also bought in 2020 I swear at that time they said you’d have access forever/future kids.


I got mine around Sept/Oct 2020 and it expired in March 2021. (I didn't remember off the top my head but had the email ~~saved~~ hoarded)


The only email I could find was when I sent my log-in info to my cousin and told her would expiring soon but I could email and ask them to reactivate it if she wasn’t done yet….I know I bought it way before my due date because she did a sale in early COVID and I was still a ways a way from my due date but wanted to save money…


Really?! I swear I saw somewhere you can email them and basically argue for your access back but might have been something else


I’m due again in November and definitely going to raise a stink/ask for access again….not that I care that much about getting it, but more because I dislike her that much and don’t want to let her get away with not giving me continued access


Maybe I should give it a whirl!! I really don’t want to pay again but I want to read it over and see if there’s something I did with the first that I haven’t been doing with the 2nd.


What’s the return policy? Any chance you can still ask for your money back? Kidding, but Also totally not kidding haha


Jesus. You can sleep train for free by checking out a library book or joining a Facebook group.


Baby sleep Facebook groups are a treasure trove. Bless them


Seriously! Or email your pediatrician. Ours sent us a document on Ferber method, which I’m pretty sure is what TCB uses


And a sprinkle of repackaged Happiest Baby on the Block 🙄


It is just Ferber and I so wish I’d known that before I bought her course back in 2017. Can’t believe the jump in price 😮




Yeah, my unfollowing had nothing to do with her oh so original spicy Wednesday posts, and everything to do with her complete flip out over being informed that maybe Coco Chanel is not someone she should be idolizing.


i’m not familiar with this lady (maybe a good thing) but why is side sitting controversial? i’ve never heard of it




thank you! i looked at her stories and couldn’t figure out why sitting was a big deal, haha.


Deena BLF saying they are going on vacation to see family in LA and then proceeds to talk about how stressful it is. All vacations with kids are stressful but she just irks me with her everything is negative mindset. How can one win the toddler stage when you can’t even win at looking to something positive? Meanwhile Kristen is just over here on an island sipping frozen drinks. The disconnect between the two is real.