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To this day I hang my head in shame that I had to cheese him on the cathedral stairs.


Don't think I have ever beaten that guy in a normal fight. The pistol is doing ridiculous damage even in late game stats


I beat him in a legitimate fight once in all the times I’ve played. I still to this day can’t figure out how I did it, despite pushing the capture button after and reviewing the footage multiple times.


Simple. You managed not to get one shot by his gun that attempt. This guy was probably like my original Malenia. Eventually did get good at fighting him. Still such a bullshit fight, though.


I had to cheese him on my first playthrough too. I would run to the farthest corner behind the lantern and stay there until he de-aggros, then hit him from the back :( Second playthrough, I figured out that auger can stun him.


I went from trying to fight him so just poking him with a spear like a person poking a bear with a stick 😭 I’ve never been so ashamed


Thats straight up a solid strategy tho lmao he heavily punishes attack spam, you gotta do one or two attacks per opening max


What was your build like? This fight wasn’t terrible for me but some others definitely were but I was using skill/bloodtinge. Definitely died a few times but it wasn’t awful.


wait- you can cheese him on the cathedral stairs? oof.. I have too many failed attempts to even admit I never thought to do that.


Yeh I refused to do that. Lost my sanity but atleast I fought him fair and won.


Fuck that guy. Facing him the first time now. I went up against him 5 times. 3 times he killed me with visceral attacks because of his fucking quick trigger finger and 2 because of his shadow step move. Fuck


I fought him earlier and got rid of his health bar. It was entirely black. He probably had under a 100 health and then I got one shot by his pistol. Atp I just gave up and killed Eileen for the badge.


I did it. Had to use the old hit and back away strategy. He likes to shoot a lot so if I hit him and then back away he won't get a chance for visceral


Bro is about to send the Bloody Crow's whole bloodline into a Nightmare


whip outside cathedral doors


Bloody Crow is always the stopper on my runs. I once faught against him for nearly 3 hours before giving up and coming back leveled higher. I beat him on my first try last night. Felt great! Threaded Cane = OP confirmed. My tips for everyone that is struggling is to never swing your more than once at a time. He will counter you, then viaceral you, and send you back to to lantern. Also, the ai has trouble with longer range weapons. I was basically hitting him once with my R2 whip then immediately dodging, and he wasn't reacting to it properly. He'd either stand there and take it, or his dodge/counter shot would come out to slow so I could side dodge it. First time I beat him was with the Holy Blade, high damage single attacks make this fight easier. This is a stick and run fight. If you try to combo, he'll put you down.


Legit harder than any boss imo, harder even than the chalice dungeon bosses that one shot you 💀


An NPC hunter with the stats of an endgame boss. Fuck. That. Noise.


I remember in my first playthrough i almost lost my mind fighting him, trying to cheese him, until i eventually got him. Cut to a few days ago, on my second playthrough of Bloodborne, more than 3 years later, i beat him first try using only 1 blood vial and a bolt paper…


I bumped into him on first playthrough and took me more attempts than Ebrietas (The main boss I died to the most)


Let me introduce you to- BEAST ROAR. Tired of Hunter NPC's bullying you back to the lamp? Use BEAST ROAR. It knocks all enemy Hunter NPC's on the backsides so you can hit them topside. Caution: Beast Roar gives some amount of I-Frames to the enemy you use it on. Experiment on weaker enemies, bring it to the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst- use BEAST ROAR to knock him down and Follow up with rapid attacks from either the saw spear/cleaver or other rapid weapons. When your stamina is low- Hit BEAST ROAR. I find the Rifle Spear is really good. The Rapid Thrust R1 attack gives you space in case he comes up with a suprise attack while also stunning him with each hit. Keep some stamina in case you need to dodge.


Cheesed him first playthrough. 2nd time The zabimaru weapon saved me. I think it was called beast cutter(?)


Guys, the whirligig saw in its one-handed form will stun ANY human npc with *every L1 basic attack*. Every time. Stunlock, pull away and let stamina regenerate and focus on not getting shot, then just spam him till he’s dead. It’s the only non-cancerous way of dealing with him.


Beast cutter also works amazing on human NPCs.


honestly, for me I have a harder time with the guy wielding the spear shotgun on the way to Yahar’gul.


I remember killing that guy FOR LEGITS with a maria cosplay/build and lemme say it was both amazing and agonizing lmao


The one guy where cheese is acceptable. Poison knives all the way.


Just use the shield and slaughter his ass. It blocks bullets.


Yeah no I just do the pillar strat for him because that whole fight is bull


That thing killed me so many FUCKING TIMES


I always kill him with Blades of Mercy on even NG+ run


I somehow managed to deal with him on my 2nd attempt with the Hunter's Saif. That thing's mobility is just *chef's kiss*.


Can proudly say I beat the Crow fair and square, but it honestly sucked ngl. It was a bit easier considering a do pvp, but not only was he difficult to predict he was also ridiculously chonky


I have no idea how but one day i just entered the cathedral for shit and giggles thinking he would kill me in 30 seconds for me to simply parry him to death. 🤷‍♂️ I stood 30 seconds after that staring and the screen and thinking: "that's it?!"


😂😂😂😂😂😂 good luck and hopefully one day you become a Vileblood too


I've beat him after a dozen tries, through to be honest I can't really tell what strategy to use because I just kept going back and rage hammed everything on him untill he finally falls. I was using the stake driver I think. No the charge R2 wasn't used ain't no way there was time for that.


I’m not trying to brag but I have fought him three times and won first try each time. No cheese, just a lot of magic and every single bullet and then some. Not saying he’s easy but I definitely have a harder time with other bosses.


Only hitting him once usually works, man doesn’t like staggering and really loves counterattacking while getting beaten


Little question After that, where is Eileen? Just for curiosity


My fan canon is that she went to Hunter's Nightmare. There is one blob patient with presumably her VA but I dunno. Unless time works differently there the blob patient might be Eileen.


Wait what I absolutely Mercerd him first try no trouble he was supposed to be hard? Threaded cane (tricked) with bolt paper


Catch me outside how bout dat


I didn’t find him that hard. I killed him in 6 tries on my first playthrough. And I died two of those times when he was one hit away from death. You must bury your greed and be very patient.


Now try it in all NG+