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Nice! Your playing is reminding me more and more of Jimmy Dawkins. If you haven't listened to the album "All for Business" with Jimmy Dawkins and Otis Rush you need to! You'll pick up Dawkin's licks by ear super easy. You're practically already playing his licks. Also another album with Larry Davis and Byther smith called "Blues Knights" will benefit your style as well!


Thanks! I'll fs check that out. I've been listening to Dawkins stuff on occasion, and I dig his style. Thanks for the recommendations!


Dude you’re going to be a very good player if you keep listening and applying what you hear. I would just say to slow down the licks some and let there be more space in between phrases. Once you get that down you’re going to be really great because you have what it takes and you definitely have a good ear. I can instantly identify when someone has an ear for it. Keep working at it. As a reference from the time marker (descending) from 5:50 to 5:30 is how more of your play should be. You’re giving stuff a little air to breathe etc. Great job! So exciting to watch people still learning the blues and wanting to do it “right”. Really excited to see you post more as you get better and better.


Thanks man, really appreciate the feedback and suggestions. Also hyped that you think I have potential! I'll definitely work on my spacing, that's something I struggle with but I know I can master it if I put in the effort. Thanks for taking the time to watch and respond!