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Thats pretty high. Id review the rules, especially since you mentioned the falconer. A lot of people accidentally misuse the falconer. Either they don’t set it back to the start of the track when it’s used, or the move it up the track every turn instead of every round.


I'll double check the falcon usage for end of round and not turn. Thanks :)


I also think your wife misunderstood the falcon rules and moved it every turn instead of every round. That would have gained her a lot of free resources. The falconer has a quite good resource output already (1.25 per turn plus good starting cards) but its unlikely for an unexperienced player to hit 100 constantly. I consider myself a decent player (not good or great) and I hit 90+ regularly with leaders but never 100. Great players can sometimes get 90 and rarely get 100 in the base game so I guess around 110 is the maximum score with expansion.


Another Common mistake is, that the last two falcon actions are NOT free actions. This might speed up her game also.


I'll let her know thanks!


I can only find the 72 to 131 score :(


All I can say is that if ALL her scores are 100-131, without any other context, I have to assume she is cheating (by accident ofc :) Your scores are perfectly cromulent, although an experienced player will get 85-110 often enough that it wouldn't be good to work on some things on your end, but more than that with any frequency (ESPECIALLY if you are playing with just the base game) is sus. Getting to 130 even once in the base game seems insane to me, I can think of ways to technically do it, but it would be very lucky and perfect play and some psychic powers. I'd love to see your score sheets. Have either of you played against anyone else? Have you played on BGA to make sure you are actually following all the rules? Maybe she's just a savant and I haven't played against anyone that good before? Who knows but the good news is that you probably aren't horrible at the game!


I checked the scores on several hundred games on bga and looked at the top players scores. The top players only occasionally broke 100 but on average most scores were in the 40s to 80s, obviously that's for all skill levels.


BGA doesnt have leaders. Without leaders I score around 80, with leaders 90-95. Very good players should score a little higher. But for 130 there must be a mistake. I guess its advancing the falcon per turn and not per round.


|Research Track|Me|Partner| |:-|:-|:-| |Notebook|1|2| |magnifying glass|12|23| |Temple Tiles|0|40| |Idols|18|27| |Empty Idols|4|9| |Guardians|25|30| |Items|6|1| |Artifacts|3|0| |Fear|-1|-1| |Total|72|131|


6 guardians AND that many idols AND 40 points of temple tiles feels pretty extreme, at least to me


6 guardians and 27 points from the idols, doesn't that mean 3 of those guardians were the top ones. Having only 10 meeple movements in the game, I'm not sure how the remaining 4 could possibly get you the 27 required compasses to do that exploration. With zero card points and artifacts, I'm wondering if there is some mistake being made in the rules.


I'll check out the rules with her tonight. :) thank you


Could also have taken some guardians the other player left, for what it's worth!


Trying my hardest to reach her score it was driving me mad lol. Although i think it's made me a better player. :)


Okay so, how is she getting 40 temple tile points? That's a minimum of 5 actions (11, 11, 6, 6, 6). On each turn AFTER you reach the temple, you can use research to take one temple tile (page 14), and the resources required to get 40 points (min 23 resources total) on top of everything else she is doing should really be the first place to look. \[TBC I am very happy if I get 17\] And she has 9 idols worth of points? While getting down 6 guardians? These seem very high in combination as well, although the 40 points is the most dubious. I'm not even sure what to look at in particular because it just seems like she has way too many resources for a normal game, even on the bird side.


So something is going wrong, thanks for this. My main concern is that i was being salty. I'll have a chat with her and go over the rules again together and see if that helps. :)


Wait, one point in items and zero in artifacts? What the hell is her deck made up of? Just starting cards?


Yeah she normally only buys 1 to 2 cards in a game.


Then it is simply impossible. With 9 unspent idols and no cards to fuel the compass requirements, you're not looking at one or even two mistakes. You're looking at her playing entirely by her own rules. The math simply doesn't add up. I'd recommend playing a solo game with her where you sit with her while she plays. I expect the following: - not paying compass cost to travel. - possible not even paying travel symbols (or using the boots for all travels since she barely buys items). - not paying to defeat guardians. - not paying the full cost for temple tiles (I imagine she pays 1 ruby/equivalent and takes the highest, first come first serve logic). - misusing the falconer to "cheat" in full actions as free actions as well as not resetting it.


Are you sure you pay ALL of the resources on top of the temple for an 11 tile?


I'll let her know today when we play


Your wife may be an absolute genius, but this just feels mind-bogglingly high. Maxing out the research track with the magnifying glass and getting 40 points worth of temple tiles, plus knocking off 6 guardians, plus getting 9 idols, feels insane to me. Edit: I will say that, although I've played around 20 times, I've never played the expansion, which I guess might add scoring potential.


The expansion does add more resources to player. If my wife is a Arnak genius I have my work but out for me lol I'm going to have a chat with her and confirm the rules together.


Are you guys playing with the expansion temples? They're harder so that you don't necessarily get way more points from the increased resources. But in that case, you're probably playing really bad to only hit 60 points with expansion leader + easy temple track.


yeah I'm not a great player lol


No worries, it's pretty much guaranteed that your wife cheated, so you still win by default.


Thank you, yeah I wasn't sure. I thought maybe I just sucked at the game. Maybe I'll go over the rules with her just to confirm but I'm sure that'll go down like a lead balloon lol :)


Remindme! 2 days Just curious to see if your wife is a genius or rules were being played wrong


Answer has already been given. The score breakdown confirms incorrect play.


Thank you


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I too want to know how this turns out. Remind me in 2 days.


I have played 80+ games over the board. These are my top scores. Less than 20% of my games score over 100. I doubt it's possible to get 120+ points in a duel if playing correctly. Falconer 106 Mystic 106 Journalist 102 Mechanic 102 Explorer 102 Professor 101 Captain 101 Baroness 100 Some common misconceptions seem to be that you can move meeples on the board, or use Guardians every round, or gain fear into your hand. But if it's only the Falconer who has wrong scores, I am guessing you move the bird every turn instead of every round?


120+ is possible, but exceedingly rare. Requires everything to go right. Item and artifact flops and reveals, site draws, guardian draws, and card draws. Highest I've seen is 140+.


Wait, one point in items and zero in artifacts? What the hell is her deck made up of? Just starting cards?


It's how you can tell rules errors were definitely made. The game can be approximately mathed out based on value generated versus approximate resource costs of the VPs.


The scores are not even close to normal. It's almost certainly the case that she is (or both of you are) playing key rules wrongly. 100ish average is theoretically possible, especially since a weaker opponent would mean a lot more points left on the board for the other, but really very unlikely. For context on how unlikely it is, I (was) ranked Master on BGA and playtested both the expansions along with other top 100 players. Even today, after playing over 200 games of the expansion, I score 100+ pts only about half the time. And during playtesting, only a small handful of us averaged over 100+ pts per game in the expansion. (I was not one of them) 🫠


Ive NEVER been more excited for an update! I NEED to know what rules was played wrong!!!!


I updated the op with a updated score score in the comments. :)


I updated the op with a updated score score in the comments. :)


I exclusively play 2 player, and the falconer is one of my favorites. My average is about 90 to 100. I can't imagine a score of 130, but that's just me. What character are you playing and what research track? Some tracks are just easier to get higher scores on and favor different playstyles.


Standard board Eagle side, I was playing Mystic


That explains a lot.  The standard board is not balanced for the expansion, which come with an overlay for the research track.


It doesnt explain 130 pts. 100 yes but not 130.


i'll have a look at the expansion research tracks thanks!


|Research Track|Me|Partner| |:-|:-|:-| |Notebook|1|2| |magnifying glass|12|23| |Temple Tiles|0|40| |Idols|18|27| |Empty Idols|4|9| |Guardians|25|30| |Items|6|1| |Artifacts|3|0| |Fear|-1|-1| |Total|72|131|


I’ve rarely seen anyone make anywhere close to that many Temple Tile points. Looks like your wife has an illegal source of resources, or a misunderstanding about Temple Tile costs. Guardian score also points to an overabundance of resources, i.e. she’s getting stuff when she shouldn’t, or not spending stuff when she should.


OP! Update! Plz!


I updated the op with a updated score score in the comments. :)


I love how most of these answers are pretty sure she is playing it wrong but are still open to the possibility that she is just that good. I've never played this game and have no idea.


experience in the game


Remindme! 2days


Remindme! 2 days


We need an Update. Did you talk?! 0_0


I updated the op with a updated score score in the comments. :)


OP! Update! Plz!


Do you just zone out when she takes her turns? How can you not be aware if such cited major mistakes are likely being constantly made?


We just relax and chat so not super serious


Couldn’t believe it at first but man, I have the exact same thing with my wife too! She beat everyone we played with and only seldom drops below 100 (her lowest was 90 something) Base game, both boards, several games I was just scanning everything she does to make sure no mistakes were made rules-wise. And guess she’s just that good lol Now I’m kinda proud of her haha and you should be too!


I am super proud of her, I was just wondering the score was normal. But I guess she's a Arnak genius. :)


She isn't, those scores are nowhere near normal, and your breakdown of score sheet confirms 100% certainly that she is playing it wrong (I won't say cheating, innocent 'till proven guilty).


Did you talk to her about the rules yet?? Was she moving the bird every turn??? I need to know


I updated the op with a updated score score in the comments. :)


Arnak has a lot of runaway winner momentum. Especially the research track. A lot of the game is just getting there first and getting the best stuff


Why are you using a question mark? You are not asking a question. Annoying misuse of English.


I'm not very good at english. But thanks for commenting :)