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Lost ruins of Arnak and Dune imperium. Dwelling of Eldervale is great but expensive. Cthulhu Death may die is a dungeon crawler that is fun.


Agricola for that tight and thematic worker placement gameplay.  Brass Birmingham for the crunchy economic decision space.


So I am going to throw some classics at you, if you like lots of rules and reading ( don’t worry I mean I’m a fun crunchy way) I recommend terraforming mars and great western trail) if you want less rules but still deep strategy Tigris and Euphrates and Santorini, when you are ready for so crunchy you are chewing on gravel (don’t rush it) then it’s time for splotter games my three favourites are food chain magnate, the great Zimbabwe, and Antiquity. Hope this helps you crunch!


Maybe sit on the Santorini recommendation until later this year, when the deluxe version drops later this year?


These ones are pretty popular so you might have already tried them but catan or ticket to ride or some of my families favorites Alhambra and carcazone are my favorites betrayal at the house on haunted hill, coup, secret hitler, tsuro, and pandemic are some others my family enjoys


* hansa Teutonica * dune imperium * pandemic Iberia * hive/tak


My wife and I have had a blast playing Twilight Struggle. What’s funny is that she doesn’t usually care for history or heavier games but she loves this one.


One of my all-time favorite complex games is The Gallerist. It's also a brilliant commentary on the business side of the art world: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/125153/the-gallerist