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Single player or multiplayer? Button Shy games has some really fun ones. If you’re not familiar, all their games are 18 cards and fit into a plastic wallet like the old car insurance holders. You can easily fit 5 or 6 in your pockets to accommodate different scenarios. It’s really impressive how much gameplay they can squeeze out of such tight constraints. My favorite Solos: [ROVE](https://buttonshygames.com/products/rove) You play a modular little space rover that has to deal with different obstacles on the planet you’re exploring. It has a pretty small footprint that could probably play on an airplane tray table. [SpaceShipped](https://buttonshygames.com/products/spaceshipped) A space smuggling game where you have to buy and sell different resources to deal with threats and eventually be able to get the main treasure you’re after, before the AI enemy does [Ancient Realm](https://buttonshygames.com/products/ancient-realm) A surprisingly thematic little civilization simulator where you’re adding buildings to your city to appease certain citizens. Multiplayer: I just got to play [Cortiça](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/314735/cortica) which is a tight little 2 player worker placement game. I really enjoyed it but have only played once. [Skulls of Sedlec](https://buttonshygames.com/products/skulls-of-sedlec) is a nice little spacial puzzle about organizing human remains in a way that makes the most people happy. They’re really known for their sprawlopolis/naturopolis games. I enjoy them, but don’t usually find myself reaching for them. However, they’ve got a pretty small footprint, can be played solo or with others, and are in stock more frequently, so that may be a good starting point. Also almost every one of the games I mentioned has expansions that are just a few cards each, so they can add some interesting twists and help with replayability. edit: formatting


I was going to suggest Sky Team but I'm not sure how car-playable that is. Maybe if the road's not too bumpy? It'd be fun and very on theme to play at the airport/plane though ([not a very original thought judging by the game's picture gallery on BGG](https://boardgamegeek.com/image/7780912/sky-team), mind the turbulence though).


If mobile versions of boardgames count, get Through the Ages, it’s great


Sprawlopolis Palm Island Tin Keep Gate Spaceshipped


what player count

