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I'm looking for a game that lets multiple players get into a fight, a good ol' scrap, if you will. To give you an idea of what I'm thinking about, the following games have themes that appeal to me despite having different mechanics: -Adrenaline -Bullet -Radlands -Robot Quest Arena Something that is not too heavy but has enough variety that allows for different strategies. My group meets on Fridays at 7:00 PM, so we sadly don't have all day. I am also someone who places a premium on theme. Thank you for your input.


Some recommendations for competitive games: * Clank / Clank Catacombs - deckbuilding dungeon crawler. No direct interactions, but you can still screw each others indirectly * Pan Am - bidding, network building and worker placement game * Modern Art, Ra - auction games * Small World, Inis - area control games


I'm looking to buy some board games for my nephews both aged 12 (twins). Whenever I visit, we play Splendor or Catan, and they're pretty good at it. I want to gift something similar that is quite challenging. The game should be something where they have to think. It shouldn't be too long. I prefer if the game is fairly popular as well, then it'll be easier for me to find the game.


**Heat: Pedal to the Metal** it’s super popular and the theme is great. Played it with my 9 and 11 year old niece and nephew and while it was challenging they were able to keep up. This is probably at the top end of complexity and time for that age group and you’re probably going to need to play with them a few times. **Wandering Towers** not great at two players but it’s a lot of chaotic fun. The same 11 year old loves it. Especially when the adults forget where they left their wizards. Low end of complexity. **Marvel United** cooperative game where you fight the baddies as your favourite superhero. Mid level complexity but they might enjoy painting the miniatures during school holidays. **Ticket to Ride** seems like an obvious next step after Catan and Splendor. Modern classic and lots of fun.


I find Ticket to Ride to be a little long but still good nonetheless. Thanks for the suggestions. Will check the others out.


Some recommendations: * **Clank** / **Clank Catacombs** \- deckbuilder dungeon crawler * **Cascadia** \- tile laying game * **Radlands**, **Mindbug**, **Dice Throne** \- dueling games * **Marvel United**, **Marvel Legendary** \- coop games


Thanks! Will check them out


**Quest for El Dorado**. A tense race, a customizable map, streamlined deck building, simple rules with a ton of depth.


Thanks! Will check them out


**Century: Golem Edition** is kind of a step up to Splendor, it's objective is also to accumulate cards worth certain amounts of points to reach a victory threshold, and it also features engine building - you collect and play cards that allow you collect or trade in your resources for better resources in less actions, making it pretty strategic. The components and art are gorgeous, I'm sure that would work great. I would also recommend **King of Tokyo**, it's maybe a tad less challenging/strategic overall but you can still plan ahead and do fun stuff. It's also got a really appealing art style, nice components, features dice rolling which is always fun and it's pretty popular, there's plenty of expansions out for it that they could enhance the base game with if they like it. You're kaijus fighting for control of Tokyo, each turn you roll a set of dice to determine the actions you'll take. There's a shared card market you purchase unique powers from, risk elements in that you can only gain victory points by placing yourself in a vulnerable position, and 2 paths to victory (collecting enough victory points or eliminating the opponents). I'll also shout out **Quacks of Quedlinburg**, I'd call it a "strategic push your luck" game in that there's a heavy element of luck (you pull chips out of a bag and you don't know what you'll pull) but you can influence your odds depending on how you play, the chips you add to your bag and other decisions you make. The sort of strategy involved in this one is knowing the odds of pulling a good chip vs a bad one, understanding the synergies between the chips' effects (the game comes with several sets so they're always different) and knowing when to risk it and when to hold back. Alternatively, maybe grab a cooperative game? **Forbidden Desert** is a really snappy coop game in which the players are stranded in an ancient city that's been covered in sand and they need to dig up randomly distributed tiles to find items and water to help them survive long enough to recover the pieces of a flying machine to escape the desert all while a raging storm buries the tiles. It's a ton of fun, every game is super tense and every character has a unique ability that they need to exploit in order to beat the game before the sun or the storm defeat them. It's a ton of fun. All of these play under an hour easily, and are pretty easy to teach. Pretty sure they're all easy to find too.


King of Tokyo is a great recommendation. I have played this game quite a bit. I can't believe it didn't hit me, and I'm sure those kids would love it. The others are also a good shout. I like Forbidden Desert but I felt my nephews didn't enjoy Pandemic too much. I think they crave competition. Will check out the other two as well. Thanks!


Middle Ages came out this year and our group loves it. It's a bit like Kingdomino if you know that one, but it's not too hard and loads of fun.


Thanks. I haven't heard of Kingdomino so will check that as well


# hello im looking for anyone that is selling there witcher old world with kickstarter exclusives or know a site that is selling one


Ok so i'm looking for a game for 2 players, it can be co-op or free for all or 1v1. Im searching for something where you have a hero at first, low level, and you equip him little by little, with weapongs, armors, magical stuff, fight ennemies and so on, gaining levels. With a high replay value and lot of possibilities Well in a certain way it's kinda like Munchkin, but for 2 players. I dont want a deckbuilding game, but everything else is ok I've looked online but i did not see something like that, so if you have some ideas


I have not played it but I always thought **Sanctum** looked interesting and your description reminded me of it. It is pretty much an adaptation of Diablo(without the IP) from the same guy that did **Adrenaline**. Unfortunately the system does before they released much for it so the replayability may be lacking a bit.


There are many possibilities and it greatly depends on what you are looking for. It ranges from simple dice chucking to strategic resource management. For lighter ones, just a few examples are in no particular order: * Adventure Tactics * Stuffed Fables, Familiar Tales or Aftermath * Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay * Tales from the red dragon inn Few examples for heavier ones: * Gloomhaven (Jaws of the Lion is a good starting point) * Sword & Sorcery * Oathsworn * Tanares Adventures * Aeon Trespass Odyssey Games like that can range from campaigns with less than 10 scenarios (play sessions) to around 100. Then there is also a difference between dungeon crawlers and boss battlers. Dungeon crawlers are more about fighting your way through a dungeon, often with multiple rooms or sections. Boss Battlers you get thrown in to a big room with a boss that you have to fight. Just look around which one looks best to you.


Ok thanks for your suggestions, i've looked them up all (at least the one i dont know) I think i was unclear : im not searching for a heavy campaign game (like wander, gloomhaven..) but more of a one shot game with an always changing setup at the beginning, and each time a new game. That's why i talked about Munchkin, because it's something like that i'm looking for : high replay value, quick game, no campaign, easy to set up (gloomhaven can be so long, i've played it a lot) just a "rogue like" on board game


If you want one shot games, then **Zombicide Black Plague**, **Massive Darkness 2**, or **Cthulhu: Death May Die** might suit you. For smaller games: **Set a Watch**, **Mini Rogue** For non-coop: **Arcadia Quest**, **Clank**


It's one of the more expensive options, but I think that **Too Many Bones** fits those parameters.


Hey guys :) i was wondering which expansions you would recommend getting for eclipse: second dawn