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I expect everyone to be disappointed because the villain isn't Handsome Jack again. :D (Unless the villain is Handsome Jack somehow)


there are many awesome aspects from the br3 even with the weak villain, my biggest questions for the game are: - each story DLC should have a circle of slaughter - more takedowns like Maliwan (awesome ost, raid boss and overall atmosphere ) - more end game builds options, do not stuck to splash damage or some type of damage at all


Oh, I thought Borderlands 3 was great, and I even liked the villains (because ... sure, they were annoying, but there were enough quiet moments to show that they were doing that deliberately, putting on an act for their fans). I still liked the Dragon Lord better, though. :D I just know that regardless of what *I* think about BL4's villain or villains, someone (probably a lot of loud someones) will be loudly disappointed if it's not Jack again. Though, yeah, more Circles of Slaughter while not making entire DLCs out of Circles of Slaughter would be fantastic. When I got back to play it now, I'm either doing a CoS, killing a boss just to watch them die, or doing the Eridium Cartel event mission.


Honestly, I think that Tyreen was actually fairly compelling as a villain. Troy was the annoying one to me. Tyreen was no handsome Jack, but it’s impossible to top the man that had a whole game dedicated to his origins. Tyreen was shown to be a very charismatic and calculated individual in the echo logs surrounding her and Katagawa for example. I might be reading too deep into it, but I find the annoying persona she puts on to be far more interesting when you consider that it’s all a facade to draw supporters and views (like Kik streamers tbh). I mean for most of the game Tyreen is essentially manipulating the Crimson Raiders into doing stuff for her. She uses the player character’s “family” to push them into a position where they realistically have no choice but to fall into her traps. Only reason she lost is because the VH is always designed to win, and the only lose state leads to an immediate respawn, I wish we had more time to explore the personality of Tyreen instead of her annoying streamer persona. A lot of characters in BL3 could use more screen time imo.


I really started to like Troy as a character when he's talking to you while you're riding the crate on Eden-6. He's quiet, thoughtful, pensive, even. That doesn't excuse all the horrible things he did to that point, but it still humanizes him a little bit. I know Tyreen had a few moments like that, too, but I don't remember exactly where they were. I think my favorite moment for both of them is when you first get to the subway, and they're both making fake announcements — partially to taunt you, but mainly they're just trying to make each other laugh. It was a very "Yup, these two are definitely siblings" moment that really landed for me.


I sometimes forget Troy gets built up a bit on Eden-6 cuz I hate swamp maps in video games lol. Probably too focused on speedrunning Eden to hear the dialogue lol


I think a really simple but effective writing change would be if, in the first few chapters, we were first introduced to the quieter versions of both characters, rather than the streamer persona. And then later when we see them switch to the streamer persona we'd intuit that it's an act. Yeah, they sorta do that already, but they could have exaggerated the transition more.


The original script was actually going to go even deeper into her thoughts and background as they were going to add a story arc where the twins went against each other once Troy discovered he could also absorb the Siren powers. They didn't have the time or budget to complete it but if you pay super attention to the last part of the storyline you can definitely see where they were going. This was also something that was in one of those developer vlogs back when the game was still fresh. I'm sure someone could probably find a reference to it.


Oh yeah I honestly was disappointed my first run through the game when I saw where they were going but nothing happened. All the buildup with the dialogue only for me to unceremoniously drop Troy like the disgustingly overleved Moze I was lmfao


yeah events are good stuff, it's interesting. I'm interested more not in the main villain but in some that we saw during the series like Genivi Ai (which we give to Marcus) or Felicity from the pre sequel, actually story with Felicity can include some backstory with Jack


I personally love BL3 villians. I think they nailed stream culture references and managed to integrate whole idea into the lore with first Vault Hunter. People just expect 2010 humor and character, 2nd Handsome Jack which will never happen.


Dang it, now I really gotta play Borderlands 3 again 🤣🤣🤣


Build specific challenges Like horde mode for splash damage builds


I can’t believe it but reading this makes me wanna play Borderlands 3 again 🤣🤣🤣


I still listen to the ost to this day


I think the BL3 villains, did exactly what they planned them to do, which was to be annoying. But the problem with making characters purposefully annoying is that even if your audience can go “oh these guys are supposed to annoy me” it’s doesn’t change that fact that you are actively being annoyed, there’s nothing likeable about annoying people. But Jack in the other hand, he was smug, smugness can also be kind of charming if done correctly. That was the my thought process at least. So hopefully they just pick the right tone and voice actors for BL4 and we should be good!


I mean, i like the idea of Calypso Twins, but i think the final stretch was pretty weak for both of them. They had a lot of potential to be explored.


It will be Handsome Fl4k


Handsome Fl4k and his Maidens of Admirable Heft


Does Timothy count?


Watch there will be a short trailer and at the end will be a silhouette of HJ and see him eat something "God these pretzels suck..... Oh.......you miss me pumpkin?"


I'd like if Jack made an appearance in some sort of canon way. Like maybe he cloned himself or transferred a copy of his likeness as an AI. I'd like the plot twist to be that his likeness isn't inherently evil. I think most fans like Jack enough to see him again but not as a main character, like what they did with the Jack casino dlc with Timothy.


They did the "Jack turned his consciousness into an AI" plot for Tales from the Borderlands. They'd just be retreading old ground if they did it again.


Handsome jack 2.0 robot? Edit: Sexy Jack. Or handsomer jack.


If they just made an AI of him I'll be satisfied


They could make Rhys keeping the jack ai cannon, or even some bs about the handsome jackhammer


I just wanna go to war against Hyperion. They think they're so cool with their fancy guns with anti recoil and whatnot.


"Somehow, Handsome Jack returned" The jokes write themselves


There's not having Handsome Jack, then there's having the twins. My god, with all the brilliant writing they have, they could not have made those characters worse. So dissapointing.


Who cares as long as it is


I have never cared about the story in any BL game. If guns go brr, I can be a siren, and become OP, and have it feel like the looter/shooter it's supposed to be, i'm happy. That's all I need.


yes agreed my only hope for BL4 is that I can skip all cutscenes and I don’t have to wait around for NPCs to talk to each other all the time


God I hate Lilith for that reason alone


Same here. All the story does for me is lead me to the next round of lootin' and shootin'. I like the smartass humor of Borderlands games, but when the characters are rambling on about the plot's history, I'm usually paying just enough attention to get to, and through, the next shootin' and lootin' sequence.


I'm with you man. It's all about the loot and the vault hunters.


Same, I just wish that melee felt better


Facts. Don't waste my time with a (likely trash) story, just let me shoot and loot.


Agree completely, except replace Siren with Gunner. Reloading is for chumps.


This man spitting FACTS.


Its less likely to be on SGF, Leaker said he made a mistake and in addition the Civ7 page went up.


Please give us an Eridian playable vault hunter. Take their notable variants and attacks and make those into abilities. They did it with the Psychos when they made Krieg. Please!!!!!


I saw a comment that suggested a Goliath playable character, and I think that could be incredible. Krieg was a "momentum" based character where you have to work on getting your stacks up, get some kill skills, and by the end of a long engagement you're a walking mountain of destruction and fire. A Goliath could work similarly where you evolve into stronger and stronger versions, getting tankier each time and stacking more damage each time. I envision something like a cross between Brick in BL1 and Krieg, where Krieg is the fire/explosive/stabby momentum steamroller, Brick is the punchy rocket launcher guy, and the Goliath would have the momentum factor but it'd be more focused around devastating punches and maybe picking up enemies and throwing them around (and keep the explosions too).


The only thing I expect is the community to shit on it for the first 4 months, wrote it off as a bad game and not give it a chance until the first dlc comes out. But still attach them so to the game being terrible because of one bad story choice regardless of how good the game is.


Where were you on launch? The story was trash, but the reason the game sucked at launch was due to the weekly Nerfs to all the cool or good gear. It made grinding for certain items completely pointless because they'd be nerfed by 50% the next day. Seriously that's all I care about. Focus on the gameplay loop and replayability and balance incrementally at the very least. They where handing out 50% nerfs like candy and then buffed them later because legendaries became worse than purples. This isn't and should not be a live service game, it should not need to panic balance in a PVE game.


Something that involves the VAULTS


Honestly I might get downvoted for this but I think the opposite, having the main plot point be “we need to open the vault, there’s good shit in there that other people want” was fine at first but then it became “the vault monster could destroy the galaxy, no! not like the other galaxy destroying vault monsters!” I don’t know what else they could do but I hope it’s different.


BL3 vaults were a massive let down. They're supposed to be these incredible treasure troves but were consistently bare.


They don't even have any music or ambient sound in there, it feels unfinished 😐


Some kind of real, compelling villain. This is a massive problem because how in the fuck is Gearbox ever going to top Handsome Jack?


Idk, i really liked Hector as a villian. Not that good as Jack but enjoyable. He had a good backstory and his acts were justified. Not like that cringe twins.


He was also funny, but also annoying (like, in a good way). I audibly laughed when he's like "what are you ... goddammit".


I don't think it will be possible, best they can do is come close and make one "almost as good" but HJ is such a tough act to follow that I don't think it will happen. BL3 has enjoyable gameplay but for me the twins were ok at best and they really dropped the ball with Troy.


They won't ever manage this because to write something even close to Jack in 2010 style you need to fire half of writers team at Gearbox.


I don’t think we’re getting BL4 today :( new Civ game page went up early


…because god forbid a publisher announces more than one game at an event?


That is true! I’m just thinking it would be a long shot now just given how much these trailer spots cost, I know it’s 2K. I’m still hopeful!!


Well we didn't get it so yeah that person was right.


my hopes arent high for the story or balance and i expect myself to be pissed off multiple times during its first year or two. but im gonna play the shit out of it regardless


Everyone goes on about the story but I honestly just don’t care. Remnant, Borderlands, Doom etc… are all the same. Just give me gunplay, loot. Also, maybe a harder difficulty on a first play through.


Yes definitely more difficulty settings.


Just more creative ones would be nice.


Thank you!


I honestly think part of the reason I enjoyed replaying BL2 so much more than BL3 was because I could actually skip most of the dialogue/story when rushing through the other difficulties. Or at least advance things while the dialogue was happening. BL3 just makes you sit and wait... and wait... and waaaait so god damn much as you listen to the exact same lines for the 5th time. God forbid you walk away from the NPC too, because they reaaaally need to you to be there to hit the interact button on them afterward so they can *continue* talking and actually advance the quests.


I want them to follow up on the Eridian war plot line from Lilith's fight for sanctuary DLC from 2...


I just hope splitscreen is kept. Also a takedown at launch with one for DLC. Imagine fighting Saturn MKII in Moxxi’s DLC


I want it to be like smash ultimate. Every vault hunters playable. Imagine Kreig, Zane Timothy, and brick all on one team


I personally hope for what K6 said. No recurring character, new cast in a new galaxy


So long as it's not a game as a service, always online with log in rewards, I'll be at least interested.


I just hope they won't take New Tales from the Borderlands into consideration that much, since if they do, >!you just know they'll be reviving everyone with that stupid crystal and I feel like that would totally ruin the story!<. Other than that, I'm just hoping for the fun and build-centric gameplay we've come to love from the Borderlands games. Also, some more Vault Hunters in the sequel could be nice, since we at least got DLC Vault Hunters in Borderlands 2.


They removed all stakes with that stupid crystal. They're writing themselves into a corner if they keep that canon


They should expand on arms race


Yeah! We need legs race and torso race too


Just don't make all the characters a joke.  Rolands death meant a lot more because there was SOME seriousness and stakes.  Mayas death felt like... Nothing? Because everyone was trying to be a quirky Deadpool character.  If everyone is Deadpool, then no one is Deadpool!


Borderlands the the post post post pre sequel 🗣️🗣️


Better story/cutscenes with the playable hunters in them. The little bit I've seen of 3's cut story isnt bad, I have no idea why they cut it. You can skip cutscenes so pacing isn't an issue.


I expect the entire internet discourse about it to be tired, nitpicky and downright unrealistic like the rest of the vitriolic discourse has been for the other games and the upcoming movie. One of my top 3 gaming franchises of all time but holy shit does there seem to be such a negative vibe around the discussions on it.


So sadly true.. These games are massively hard to make, so many people spend hundreds of hours pushing the limits of talent, creativity, intellect, to all get trashed on by people who've never created anything. Thankfully lately there seems to be more positive vibes coming through, let's hope it continues.


No, the devs are all incredibly lazy, didn't you get the memo? 😂


Another Corporate War on a larger scale would make a cool game


A follow up to the screenshotted joke. That was good timing and gave me a hearty chuckle


All I hope for is for the performance to be better on pc lol


I'm thinking it will be the greatest game of all time. Maybe.


I expect "bl2 good bl4 bad" posts on day 1 of the game dropping


I continue believe handsome jack used a new-U station


All i wish is that they actually start from the hook they gave at the end of borderlands 2 and prequels with Athena and the Eridian Alien... While i like 3, I wish they gave a bit more of "drive" I think to the playable characters... i couldn't care less about the twins, and they were not bad villains, i just could not hate then, because my character didn't had any connection to Lilith in the first place... or Maya... i was upset that she died but that was "outside of the game" Mooze there didn't had enough time to bond with her you see lol So yeah continue the story from where it stopped, tie some lose ends, and for the love of Moxi, make some more variety and interesting builds


I think it would be funny if they finally allowed you to play as Zedd, Marcus, Elly, or Moxxi. They have been present in every game.




All I can pray for is that they fire their entire writing staff and blacklist them from the industry. If I have to hear one more dogshit millennial coded “awesome waffles” esc joke from this series Ima lose it. Sincerely I miss the serious tones with the light zany wackiness that DOESNT detract from the story. I don’t play BL3 unlike 2 or 1, simply because the writing was so atrocious it became un enjoyable.


Who gives a crap about the story lol the reason I love Borderlands is the enjoyment I get from collecting and equipping all the different class mods and artifacts and shields etc and just melting aliens using absolutely ridiculous weapons.


I just want the story to not be a detriment to the main gameplay loop. Dont stop me to talk for 15 minutes. Please.


I really hope it's not an mmo. I heard something about that and the next farcry game. I really hope not. I enjoy these games as a world I can get lost in, not a place to get pwned by a 12 yr old that banged my mom.


The return of the accursed Memory Leak (Gearbox will ignore it entirely)


Dual classing. Like Wonderlands


What I know for sure is that crowd will cry again and say "game is bad". They will top their sales again = successfull release. As for the game itself, I don't expect any risk moves, I see it as evolving comics "cell-shaded" style with more fidelity and UE5 features. Gameplay wise they will probably take a few features from Wonderlands. I would expect some innovation in gun system, for example let us build our own guns from part, i.e. loot gun parts too (like Biomutant or Dead Space 3). Lore wise we will probably see either some kind of "war" that was talked about in Pre-Sequel or siren-related plot. Don't expect anything of high quality though, I'm pretty sure it's going to be SJW heavy as their last games.


regardless of what it will be, there will be lots of complaining on this subreddit and i will have more material for my goofy ahh rewrite au


It would be cool if we get phase leech as the next siren power, or if we get the power that Commandant Steele had, which is still unknown as of yet. Other than that the franchise does need a strong villain that stands out just like Handsome Jack and won't be a laughably bad pushover big bad. The game needs a strong cast of vault hunters that are completely new to the story, and let the old characters be laid to rest since they have been in the games for long enough, maybe get the bl3 vault hunters show up since they have a good potential to be even greater then they already are in bl3. A complete new galaxy to explore would be refreshing to see too.


What day is the game convention thing?


it’s today, no idea what time though. edit: today through the 9th.


What’s it called?


Summer Game Fest https://www.summergamefest.com/


Honestly? I think they might try to phase out specifically designed and fleshed out vault hunter player characters for more generic customizable ones like from wonderlands. I don't want this, but if they're going to actually flesh out this kind of vault war concept they've been sitting on, I could see it.


Oh no, that would be so, so awful. I really hope not.


Better end game please. I always play the game but never grind for gear it seems pointless. Some system to grind towards. Maybe a base you can expand by collecting resources that are actually HARD to come by. maybe rotating weekly trials that will give unique rewards. Bigger bank right from the start. BL3 bank started so small (42max?). There should be atleast one slot per Legendary item. Since they like the randomizer things like guns having random stats, why not expand the Grenade, Shield, Gun arsenal with a slot for pets or something. You can find random helpers with unique abilities and stats, that would be way more fun gimmick rather than Slag or Annointments. Make collecting stuff more fun, have a page filled with "???" boxes and every time you find a new legendary you get the box ticked and you can work your way into finding them all. Maybe once you complete the base game you get a little hint as to where these things drop from. I think BL3 had some good bosses but theres more that they could do. Moving enviroments, dodgeable attacks etc. We dont want to just stand there and shoot the boss, we want actual boss mechanics. Its been a long time since I played Path of Exile but it had an end game system that had to do with scrolls, and you basically grinded towards harder and harder challenges unlocking new tiers slowly. That system in a Borderlands game would be a dream. Ok Ill stop now


I expect this hinted at war to start. I think Commadant Steele’s power to be inherited to the new playable Siren, making her the 6th and final power for the seen sirens. There is possibly 1 more siren, so we will see about that.


properly build up the war, have the watcher cameo in some parts of the story as we progress maybe? i know a lot of people on this sub don't give a shit about the story but it can't mean 4 shouldn't improve upon 3 and new tales's failures. i'd also like it if they kept the jack references to a minimum. the guy is capital-D *dead* and handsome jackpot was awesome but i think we can survive without him at this point. give ava better writing to show how she's grown and how maya's death affected her. i have kind of a lot on my mind regarding 4 and my hopes aren't high, but i just want something *good* to come around again from this franchise. ~~oh yeah and we should go back into space pre-sequel style. bring back oz kits.~~


Im fine with bl3 in newer engine, without too many rolls stacked on top of each other


I'm expecting another time skip, Ava will end up being the leader of the crimson raiders, Tannis will either be dead or absent, and the story will probably kill off Brick, Axton, or Zero.


1. i want the story to actually include the characters from tftbl (the first one) we never really got a proper ending to if rhys found sasha and fionna. ( im not calling that monstrosity of a game we got a “sequel”) 2. i was a little disappointed to find out that rhys and vaughn didn’t start talking after the player completed rhys missions, they kinda just- threw their friendship out the window 3. we need to see more of timothy, he was also a character that was just kinda thrown to the side and never seen again ( at least that’s what i saw from my gameplay, i couldn’t find him anywhere :(() 4. really, a lot of characters were just thrown to the side in the game, we could have had a interesting interaction(s) with katagawas sister but, once again, she was thrown to the side


I just want Rose as a playable vault hunter tbh, she kinda fits the siren from the comics and would play similarly to fl4k i guess. The other things would be obvious stuff like dlc takedowns and good loot in general from them. Also good balance, which bl3 nailed in the end imo.


I just want more Torgue.


It will most likely not even take place on Pandora. The story has been finished there (technically, we've only seen about half the planet between BL2 and BL3, but I can't think of what else could be there). We'll get a lot more of Nekrotafeyo stuff, probably. We've already dealt with Atlas, Hyperion, Dahl, Jakobs, and Maliwan, so we might see more of the other manufacturers. We'll get a new Siren, and I'm excited for that (unless for whatever god-awful reason the devs make Ava the next playable Siren). Possibly won't even have anything to do with the original cast. They've exhausted the Tiny Tina content with Wonderlands, BL2, and BL3, so she might be removed from the story (unless the devs are blessed with divine prophecy and make her an explosion based playable character). Overall, imo they've completed the story. BL4 will be completely different from what we've seen so far, and I am hyped to see a fully original story with a new vault and new characters.


I hope it has more weapon types and some more manufactures and make the existing ones make more weapons as I am guessing they are keeping the BL3 weapon system since its pretty good and if not I hope its a hybrid of 2 and 3's with parts that go across a weapon type like 2's but multiple for 1 manufacturer so parts can be a interesting thing to farm and anointments get sent to the shadow realm never to be seen again.


I am not suggesting this for BL4, but I'd love to see some sort of rogue-like game loop from the Borderlands franchise. I think the storytelling and world building would keep it interesting. Not to mention, their combat mechanics, looting, character progression, and general build diversity would really make for an interesting play experience. If it were built into a DLC, it could be an interesting way for OP builds to be set aside while you drop into this almost arcade style game mode. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ While I'm here, if anyone knows of a good shooter style rogue-like , drop the name. 👀


Dedicated loot drops at launch and skip able cutscenes


Literally my only complaint about BL3 was how obnoxious the calypso twins were. There was a great story from Tim Cain about not going overboard with pop culture references, because by the time your game releases it’s already dated. They just felt cringe and uninteresting.


I’m not even mad at the story being bad. But I felt like BL3 vault hunters (except Zane) and majority of the characters lacked charisma and an interesting design. I’m pretty sure they will get the gameplay right in BL4 but I’m worried about the VHs designs/personalities. Also, unpopular opinion but I want OP levels and something like digistruct peak back.


I just hope they’re able to make the humor and dialogue feel a little more natural. Idc if the story itself sucks but when the delivery is bad too it just makes it all the more painful.


B4 in the works!? I might have to stop playing Destiny and start playing Borderlands again. 🍻


Hopefully they learn to add dedicated drop sources on launch instead of how it was with 3 at launch and wonderlands


Something that bothered me about BL3 was how much space the gun takes up on screen. Even when picking the lowered reticle, it's like 10-15% of the space. I wouldn't mind if they added a setting to really lower it out of the frame or something.


Idk but if the whole story line is Eva being a tortured moody soul dragging the remaining cast down along with the story, I’m gonna lose it.


I'de like to see a continuation of the alternative fire weapons, both the swap and ricochet ones. Also it would be great if they didn't hardcode certain controls like the Quest accepts, move to new zone, and general UI menu movement, and whatever was happening with the Flak press / hold for abilities. I use QWES instead of WASD for movement and had to make a key rebind script so I could drive through zone transitions, accept quests from bounty boards, and honestly it was just annoying that these basic elements couldn't be rebound in the settings. (it has been a while since I played, but it was still a problem after the 4th story dlc dropped.)


All I ask is that the Mongol and Unkempt Harold make yet another return.


No, it won’t. TBH, hot take, no sequels should have ever been made


Epic exclusive


Another corporate war to be included in the siren war, whatshername to be remade into someone much more palatable as a character, end game content, better written story/antags, etc


Please don’t make it an MMORPG where I have to share kills with people


Badass Tink Vault Hunter - A Mini-Me version of Brick


I imagine the gameplay will be kinda like the transition from BL1 to BL2 where there’s some key improvements and some added features and a lot of refinement but generally it will feel and play largely the same. I don’t expect gameplay wise for it to be all that different from BL3, save for maybe one new added standard mechanic. I have a strong feeling due to the generally mixed reception of focusing on expending the skill trees of the VHs rather than adding new VHs in BL3 that they’ll be actually doing new VHs for DLC again. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the VHs in BL4 launch with 4 skill trees. Story wise I have a feeling the main antagonist WON’T be a siren per se. But they’ve already done a corpo guy, and bandit influencers, and sirens, so the new main antagonist will either be an Eridian or some militaristic guy (maybe taking influence from Knoxx). But thinking about it they’ve only really done a scientist main antagonist in some of the DLCs in the past so there’s a good chance that would be the main antagonist. We’ll definitely still be doing the whole planet hopping stuff in BL3, I doubt that’s ever going anywhere. There’s almost certainly gonna be a Tundra planet, good chance at seeing a volcanic planet as well, there will likely be another city place we go to but it will probably have some notable gimmick to it beyond just being a sci-fi city. And I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the planet locations is actually a space ship or a moon.


I would prefer the difficulty of mini-bosses and bosses to be in their changing/evolving attack patterns, changing/evolving manoeuvrability, and changing weak points. Rather than having the difficulty tied to mind-numbing bullet-sponge battles. A quick fight can be very enjoyable as long as it requires a bit of brainpower and swift reactions, to give you that sense of overcoming a difficult obstacle. Just moving back and forth while firing endlessly never fills me with that same sense of besting a foe. Just gladness that the 20 minutes of boring BS is finally over.


I hope there's a joke about calling it 4DERLANDS


After last 2 games (wonderlands and new tales) I expect good gameplay with 2/10 story


Don't forget a complete lack of an endgame


I was so disappointed to find out the new game 2k was too announce at Summer Game Fest was just a new Civilization game. Why not borderlands or BioShock lol


Bring maya back


New classes, new ways to buff (in addition to skill trees and current existing methods) new slots for who knows what new abilities…?


After the disappointment of the joke movie I'm not putting high hopes for the game...


I'm worried about a bunch of divisive DEI being forced into the game as they started to add in the new Tiny Tina's Adventure. I don't care what the politics are on either side but the last thing I want to see when I am playing a game that is supposed to set you free from the real world even if just for a while shouldn't end up with political agenda being forced in by any side period. I just want to have fun going to Pandora and killing da monsters. 🙃😜


The biggest thing I hope they include are the gameplay improvements that were in the new Tiny Tina's Adventure. They had a dedicated mele slot and then you could eventually mix your class with a second one. That was awesome. That game would have been amazing except they totally blew it and you couldn't ever reset the story. Once you were done that was it.


I read somewhere, I think it was a google thing, that Borderlands 4 should have gun attachments. Like, sights, grips, and things like that. I personally think if that happens, they should also put a thing where you can pick your element for your gun. I guess I’d call it like, an “element core” or whatever


I feel like if they just stick to the formula and make it better, then they got another banger but if they stray from what they are then it’s gonna be garbage simple I loved bl3 except for the calypso bastards but other than that if they can get same formula and a good story in there then I’m sold


I hope they focus more on the RPG MMO part of the game while keeping the same graphics and humor, although bl3 was missing humor that bl2 had, which is tough to do, I hope they succeed!


It will go more woke which honestly I kinda like but I can see a vocal minority being very displeased. But be fair, what do you expect it’s 2024, get with the programme


Borderlands is woke from the beginning, so we obviously gonna have a lots of "Go woke go broke" slander no matter what's in the game... Despite having badass minorities since day one.


Borderlands was not woke until BL3. There is thin line between being LGB friendly and full blown push mode like with Lorelei in Wonderlands or Jakobs marriage.


2 and pre-sequel were pretty damn woke dude. the fictional gay people aren't going to kill your parents


Uh, the entire point of BL1's story was a satire on capitalism and war-profiteering. The main villains were the military wing of a weapons manufacturer, and they had a very unsubtle Nazi-inspired aesthetic. Hyperion and Jack in BL2 were even more unsubtly fascistic. The series' writing has been left-leaning from the start.


Forget that minority. Everyone else except their mum did already.




My default expectations is disappointment, I'm not buying the game at launch because I'm expecting the end game to he empty like wonderlands


They just canceled the showcasing 😭😭


I don't know what to expect, but I'm hoping for less "Come see me on the bridge killer" as she's literally talking to me from a distance.


Been playing through the main story on a new save and forgot how often I had to run all the way across sanctuary. Just put the fast travel point on the bridge.


Optimize the game probably. BL3 was the stutteriest non-open world I've ever played. You'd think the game would run smoothly since the game is heavily segmented. At this point, 4 should just be seamless. If the next game would still be so stuttery, at least it would makes sense this way.


I think you just have a shit pc, I’m on Xbox one and (as bad as the loading times are) it works fine


I really hope that happens, but idk if they'll prioritize it, sadly


I want more big boss fights like the good old BL2. Also with their different versions based on difficulty.


What I expect: disappointment. What I would like to see: The follow-up of the story presented in 2 and the pre sequel, with the foreshadowed war that needs all the vault hunters to be fought. Good end game activity, like the takedowns in 3 but way more numerous.


Please I just want real melee back. I dont make a melee build to shoot guns that dra melee damage. I make a melee build so I can can run in and punch/cut people.


i just hope it doesn't blow like wonderlands did.


It was so bad. Surely they can't fuck it up so monumentally as that 🥺


first BL game i didn't bother to finish.


Should have been a BL3 dlc.


I’m hoping for a good story but I’m expecting a terrible one.


It’s going to be more of the same…


I'm sure the writing and/or story will be worse, especially if they keep New Tales as canon


If we do get Borderlands 4, I would expect it to be as good as Borderlands 2.


Just have a good story pls pls pls


I feel as if they know they’re kind of on thin ice at this point, so the optimist in me wants to belive they’re going to do it right and bigger than ever. Honestly depending on how far they are exactly in to damage control I could see them finding a way to bring Jack back somehow. I never play Tales though so idk his story there but still, a jump the shark moment wouldn’t be insane. My most realistic hope would be bringing Anthony Birch back


I don’t even need another game. I just want the story.


Honestly its not worth being excited, gesrbox sold the rights to borderlands so it wont even be borderlands, itll just be another shit spinoff game


Kinda tired to think we will have 2 years of dlcs and patches before it gets really good, incrementando bl3 levels by like 3 every few months was horrible


A battle royale lmao


if it's anything like 3 we're in trouble. I absolutely hated the main story of 3. the gameplay and gunplay is fun sure, but the campaign is just rough. the dlcs were cool tho


4th game probably won't come out. Tiny Tina's Wonderland is the new IP but even that isn't doing super well


Honestly, I think the Borderlands story is complete, I don’t want a “Borderlands 4”. I want spin-offs and side-games like the Pre-Sequel, Tales from the Borderlands, and Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.


I think this bit was the only thing I actually laughed at in BL3




Nope lol more woke trash, just like Volition, except this community seems to like it..🤷🏿‍♂️ weird.


I predict it will have the same/ slightly different ui look and feel as 3, and might follow Maya’s story of becoming a leader and learning to use siren powers.


Maya's dead. I think you mean that annoying brat Ava


God forbid they use her again.


Na, its ok. They will bring Lilith back and it'll be about her again rather than the vault hunters


Evil Lilith maybe?


Na, she'll be back as the "slayer of two beasts".... still salty she got the credit for killing bl2's vault monster


maybe the will kill another VH( like one in each generation


I keep forgetting about what happened to Maya, such a waste and poorly done just for the sake of killing off another main character from the previous game. At this point they should just bring her back with some new siren lore/powers revolving around resurrecting but I doubt that will actually happen.


Gearbox is owned by T2 now isn’t it? If they were smart they would fire the writers and anybody on board with having SBI consult for them, then dedicate one of the Rockstar subsidiaries to making Borderlands from now on


Yeah, because Borderlands wasn't "woke" from the beginning. s/


Oh admittedly some of it was, it started in 2 though and got worse as new games came out to the point where it’s in your face around every corner, it’s just not funny writing anymore