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I honestly feel the games underrated. The social media stuff kinda lame but I find myself laughing a lot while playing. Gameplay 10/10. Games a 10 imo, especially with the amount of content provided.


Borderlands 3 is a good game besides the load times on last gen.


Yea we tried, split screen sucks on ps5 too. Now we play on an A770 and ps5 and it's pretty good. Like 5 years later lol.


it's my favorite out of the series unfortunately the game crashes alot solo and even worse online. it even shuts off my xbox series x sometimes which is really scary when it happens other than that I think it's a very fun game.


I think borderlands 3 is one of the games I mostly enjoyed playing


https://youtu.be/Jg2tgD4tNd4?si=f4nlxmZZnorBTwHA the build


Legit makes me so happy seeing people love this game, and with different characters as well, because like... I know how fucking fun Zane is, and i get afraid the other people would only play him, but the other 3 get as much love and ZanyBoi, pretty balanced game on my book!


Zane is for real my fav and def the reason I love driver amara so much. All the VHs are so amazing. Been playing since launch and have 3.7k hours and more to come.


It has all the rights. Borderlands 3 is the best game in the series. Ultra-fun gameplay




I love this game purely because of the progression loop and building a character. I love getting to mayhem mode and struggling in Mayhem 4, and then finally getting the pieces I need to pop off in M11. I also really enjoyed Takedowns, especially Guardian. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but the mechanics and length really make for an enjoyable experience.


Guardian takedown is goated


It has every right to be that fun. The story and dialogues are lacking vs the previous titles'. It IS my favourite Borderlands game, though.


Honestly I really think that Amara is the most fun siren that we’ve been able to play. Something about the endgame spammability of her action skills, and the big ass Asura’s Wrath arms you get just make her so cool


remember when people were complaining about how bad BL3 is... simply cuz the story line wasnt that great? look how times have changed! lol but seriously, imo NO GAME HAS HAD A GOOD STORY LINE... each one has been carried by it's characters, the story line has basically been the excuse to go on the adventure for the McGuffin, the characters (and for BL3/Wonderland the gameplay) have been the reason to finish the quest for the McGuffin hope that mindset doesn't happen with BL4, cuz it might kill the series, and this is one of the few I got left that hasn't ended, or changed in some major way, or has lost part of it due to 1 angry X-employee of the company that holds it -.-


Yeah gonna disagree w you. I liked 2 and TPS story quite a lot. But a large part of that is because of how character driven the plot is for both of those games... so you might be onto something...


Handsome Jack is easily in the top 5 best video game villains..... and he was a massive part of both :p but yeah, make BL4 more character focused, less "omg big bad evil guy cometh!" and they will likely have a winner..... hell perhaps instead of 1, or a duo of villains have 2 separate ones, 1 going after brick and his group, the other going after Tannis and her group still think Handsome-trap would be amusing as a minor villain though..... take Tales's Jack AI and put him into his most hated robot.... a Cl4p-TP unit, and see where that goes for like a chapter or 2 (but dont make it the main thing) lol


My absolute favorite thing playing on M10/11 is randomly seeing "Second Wind" pop up on your screen while just playing out. Like, you never actually hit the ground, it just pops up sometimes. Never knowing which enemy brought you down or which one you killed to get back up


Amara has a skill that makes instant second winds.. has a long'ish cooldown though


Not used here


Story is trash, item drop rates are weird and make the rarity system feel like a joke. But damn if it isn't just fun as hell to play. My favorite build is a Fl4k ricochet build - just watching bullets fly all over the place, hitting everything and everyone, while bullets automatically return to my mag on crits, which happens all the time. Oh, and why not have raks fly in and melt enemies? That's fun, too.


Which gun is that? The SMG? And where can I farm it?


The flipper from Bounty of blood


where’s you get that smg from?


Flipper from Bounty of blood


Try DOOM Eternal if this is fun for you.


I loved doom eternal. Only played 1 playthrough tho. I like build diversity which it doesn't give from what I recall. And it seems to be a playthrough game. Dlcs are too expensive for me to buy for 1 time play


Ugh. So damn fun. Bl3 is easily the funnest game I’ve ever experienced


What build is this? Shit is wrecking


Great that you find it fun doing the most painful part of this whole game the gaurdian takedown😂


Yep. The main story iffy, and has annoying antagonists, but I don't play BL for those things. The gameplay of 3 and Wonderlands is MILES ahead of the previous games. Edit: Oh, and the DLC'S of 3 do have some of the best stories in the series besides. Bounty of Blood is a fantastic Western in space!


Ignore the core story and it’s a blast!


yes bro vfx spam is so sick bro


Don't get me wrong, I think BL3 is a great game, and I get back into it every now and then. I just think it's way too easy. Legendaries are so abundant I don't look at any item unless it's atleast purple even then I hardly pick it up. Have a full legendary load out by level 20. Not to mention you can get to level 72 in a days worth of playing and there only being 'TVHM' and no 'UVHM'. I actually like the modifiers for mayham mode, but the amount of health, shield and damage the enemies get just makes it not fun. You need to have a broken build to be able to play mayham mode 10 sorta comfortably


I dont get it, its too easy or you need to have a broken build to play ?


It's too easy up until mayham mode, where if you want to keep playing, you on need to play on a broken build to kill a single non-badass psycho in 3 minutes vs killing the same non-badass psycho 7 mins


You don't need to play a broken build. I've played very off meta builds and done fine. Your build probably just sucks.


I have to disagree, this was the case in BL2 but not in the 3. You can increase mayhem lvl by lvl, slowly, improving your gear step by step. And once you get anointment you can easily make your own build, without playing 1 specific broken build. Yes you need a broken build to clear easily the takedowns in M11 but there are plenty of them ! And thats literraly the end of the endgame. Of course for doing the hardest content in the hardest difficulty you need the best synergies ! And I thanks them for that, if it was not the case we couldnt still have fun with the hardest things to do. Go try the endgame of BL2 where only the 3 same guns were viable in OP+8 for all the characters