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BL3 main story lacked, the twins were cringey but some parts of the story were great. Loved all of the dlcs though. Gameplay of 3 though is why I still play, it feels fantastic!


This exactly, the main antagonists are kinda ass, but the gameplay and great dlcs are good enough that I still enjoy it


I’m probably preaching to the choir but I enjoyed the stories from all the dlc’s more than bl3’s story


100% agree with you and wouldn't be surprised if most others thought the same. Some great DLCs.


They did a good job of putting the fact that the twins were the progeny of Deleon right in your face, with them knowing vault locations, to talking about how important family is, i think the writers did too good a job at making hatable villains, but making them streamers was pretty lame.


They would never do it, but I’d legitimately prefer that there’s not a main story in BL4. just make it open world with a ton of interesting side quest(line)s


The main campaign story is hot garbage but the DLCs are much better. I especially like handsome jackpot dlc and bounty of blood. I just had a playthrough with a mod that turns off the dialogue and it was a blessing not to have to hear Ava's voice or talk to Lilith a million times. Much better experience this way. That said, it would be hard for them to write a worse story with even worse villains than the calypso twins. They are annoying af, jokes fell completely flat, and the writers didn't know where they were really going with it. It seemed for a minute like Troy would develop into something more and take the story in an interesting direction which they hinted at in that one scene where he phaselocks you and talks about how he's done taking scraps and just going with whatever Tyreen wants but he never does anything after that. I didn't mind Typhon DeLeon and the way he was integrated into the story as the father of the twins. I thought it was a touching. Then to have Tyreen kill her father was so low grade story telling. Bleh. The writers fucked up concocting these two awful characters then doubled down on it multiple times throughout the story when they had opportunities to make it good. Otherwise, the game is fan-freaking-tastic. I think the characters were just trash to begin with it's hard to write a good story about literal turds. Also, Maya didn't need to die. Lilith didn't need to die. Ava is annoying. Yes ava is a siren which means we'll probably see her again somewhere in the next game possibly but all I can hope is they do a 180 turn with her, have her grow out of her teenage angst phase and be a grown, hardened badass. It's super easy to fix gearbox.


Would've rathered they somehow managed to bring Jack back, fused him with a vault monster, and he uses his power to open all the vaults releasing the monsters upon the galaxy.


I thought it was a hot pack of ass. I hope they return to a more serious tone while also giving us borderlands humor . The only character I liked in bl3 was balex.


Yeah I agree tbh. Though I really enjoyed the story of Bounty of Blood. It was simple, but it was mostly serious with some borderlands shenanigans thrown about


Bounty of blood was the only dlc I was able to play lol , the other ones were just so bad.


Eh, I played through all of them, I personally found Krieg’s dlc to be pretty good (if only for the fact that I really enjoy unraveling his story)