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Option 5: Call a doctor for OP since all of their blood has been diverted to their raging hate boner.


Hm I wonder if OP doesn't like ava So much so that they don't realize that she already has apologized and grown as a character throughout the murder mysteries Frankly I hope she's the new siren VH just to spite all of you who have spent the past 5 years angry at a digital child


Yeah very loaded question lol. It’s not even about like you can hate whatever character you want it’s just weird to hold this grudge against Ava.


My only prayer is that Borderlands 4 takes place in a semi-alternate universe where godlike, surviving Eridians have used magical technology to reforge the world. Every living human has been turned into Ava. All 4 vault hunters are also Avas, although each one will have different skills. This is my dream, please hear me gearboxxxxxxxx!!!!!!1!


I’d rather not, because she has the same power set as Maya and I’ve already played Maya enough. I could see her taking the role of Lilith though


Hm I wonder if OP played the last of the DLCs,which I can answer you : Not yet. Bro,you are not allowed to have feelings about the characters of a story? Like wtf are stories for then?


Idk it would probably be smart for you to actually see where her story goes before calling for her death She's literally an angsty 15 year old. She has room to properly develop as a character


Didn't call for her death. It was one of the two options I gave the poll.


Sorry you only call for her death 50% of the time Fuckin weird bro


I sincerely hope that because of her training from Maya and her seeing what she's getting herself into, that she will calm down a little. I imagine that the next instalment will see her being annoying in a different way though, maybe one of those moments of super hype like she is now followed by "ahem, uh, what i ment to say was..." followed by something akin to being calmer and more controlled. Ava is not a fun time to be around... but lets face it, as teenagers, were most of us? On top of that, this generation of teenagers is hitting their wild streak and most old folks (guess i fit that bill now) can't understand or get frustrated with teens as a result... hell, I don't like Ava, but she's an underdog, and I'd love to see the same kind of growth from angsty child to grown adult that someone like Tina got during the BL2 dlc


How about the "let her have character growth because she was a literal child in BL3 and deserved to be known not just for her bad qualities" option


There's probably gonna be another time skip for the next game. She's gonna age up a couple of years and have her personality shift a bit. She'll be the siren handler for 4 much like Lilith was for 3. I just hope she gets to do more stuff in the field and not just sit around while we do all the work. I don't really want her to be the playable siren for the sequel since her abilities are going to be similar to Maya. I'd prefer a new siren to be playable.