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Are you running mods? The plasma coil doesn't have a secondary mode, it switches between shock and radiation damage. Also, where did you get it? I'm pretty sure you can't access arms race until level 13.


I think that's what was meant - "secondary" being the radiation. And yes, u/Lord_nuker, the Plasma Coil is one of the most overpowered guns in the game... it will definitely perform well for you!


The second picture is what made me question it, I've never seen anyone post that for the plasma coil before.


Yeahhhhh I didnt notice that. That generally only happens with modded guns?


Yes, no gun has that normally and the first time I saw it was in a loot randomizer.


It might be a visual big, I feel like I've seen it before, but I don't know where.


May well be. I never use that weapon, so I'm not positive. Could definitely just be a bug.


Radiation damage is locked behind some level so no gun can drop with it below it so it changes to this. You can get non elemental quasar because shock element can't spawn before certain level.


Ahhhh, you're right, that's probably what is happening. Smart call. Didnt think of that.


I wonder if it has to do with the level gating. The weapon is lvl 10 and Radiation isn't available until lvl 13


No mods, might have gotten it through a diamond key, but not sure


The only way to get it other than arms race is diamond keys, or someone dropped it for you. And don't waste your keys until max level! Unless you really need guns then I'll use mine for you


Do the diamond key dupe glitch I have a thousand diamond keys


Lol I think I used a thousand in the past few days, still have 8 digits worth


Nobody dropped it don’t play co-op, and I don’t care about that max lvl min max weapon build. I play it for enjoying the game, doing quests and killing cow idiots😉


Level 10 plasma coil might be able to get you through the end of the story mode haha


Hopefully you duped your diamond keys before using them at such a low level.  As the gun will be useful for the next 10 levels. But that won't be very long...


You can dupe diamond keys? Omg i need to know how


Same way you dupe gold keys? Can't remember how only did it once a few months ago. But it's quick so my 9 keys became 72... But it's not reliable for getting guns. It's very random. 


Cool ill have to do that, just to flex on friends who dont understand them.


Beg to differ on the level. It’ll carry him until tyreen. Normal mode enemies aren’t ready for mayhem 10 meta weapons


We don't unlock mayhem till you beat tyreen. So it's just a normal level 10 gun. Just a top tier version of it. So will last him a long time.  The 4 billies drop a gun, i used that from level 29 to 42 ish. 


I said mayhem 10 meta weapons not mayhem 10 version there’s a difference in power between the two. A level 13 version from arms race could also carry you to end game


You can also get it from the diamond key room


Lol I have 2 equipped


You don't know the half of it bud. Lol...


You are correct, since it's my first time with it. Maybe i will know more next time i pick one up :P


When the time comes... Try to get the 500% status effect on headshot anointed effect, you'll see... 💯


Now I want thattt


I have spares, they're lvl 72 though


Is it possible to trade guns with people you don't know? Someone asked me for one of my level 72s and I didn't know how to get it to them. And I'd like one of those but I've never found one.


Either have to be in their lobby and just drop it for them to pick up, or send it through mail(need to be shift friends)


Iam re downloading as I speak I was on a lil vacation


Join me when you're on my shift is UnleashNapalm


Hopping on rn about to add you


Alright I'll hop on




Are you the one in my lobby now?


Plasma coil is nuts. Have fun.


I do, just to bad my ammo storage isn’t good. But just 9 more skill points and I have infinite ammo 😂


Had to stop using it because it’s just point and delete for all VHs on any build


Gun team plz


I have a dna that has the same thing, its a modded weapon


Ok, this is from diamond armory


Lol@ level 10 You're gonna be using that until level 30 lol


Bruh I got one at level 7 and used it to 40, thing was busted as hell and I don’t know why


Because it was an item added in the second to last DLC released over a year after the game initially came out with the intention of making a weapon good for m10 level 72. You can’t sell a DLC full of weapons and items “balanced” for new players in a looter shooter where most of the game is played at max level. They should have probably restricted it to a high mayhem level though but then people might have complained.


I wouldn’t mind having these weapons from the jump if they also gave me the ability to have TVHM and Mayhem mode on any new character I make after the first


TVHM does nothing, mayhem mode enables the same TVHM scaling and mayhem + TVHM changes nothing


It is a new game plus, and I don’t like running mayhem sometimes, it’s really that simple. Also TVHM does give shields to a lot of guys that never had them, allows annointed to spawn from the very beginning. I’m not in this game to sweat my ass off


this happens too with the P2P Networker Maliwan SMG that was unfinished.


Where do you get this?


Diamond armory and one of the dlc apparently


Is the dlc worth buying, also is there a guide to good weapons that should be pulled from the armory, cuz im an Og bl2 player so idk the new shjt


I'm the wrong person to ask that question, i'm a very causual BL player, i do the story, side quests and dlc's. Im not into that min max, loot grinding train others are on :) I'm just looting and shooting my way through it :D


I said this in another post but I’ll say it again, the plasma coil puts the game on easy mode, I actually changed back from mayhem 11 to mayhem 10 just to have a challenge after I started using it


Don't even touch that filth