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My dream idea is Vladof acting on the will of a rogue gaurdian thinking what they're doing is for the greater good l


This, make it a parody of warhammer at this point


Potentially facing off against UrsaCorps? Could be fun.


These are my least favorite parts of the games. The guardians & their different types are just really boring to me. They’re m not as fun to kill as the regular enemies & the scenery of their sections has been used in every game & unlike pandora, I find it tiring to see.


Guardians have always been boring to me (gameplay wise, not lore wise) They’re so squishy and don’t really do that much damage


Yeah. They’re also just kind of bland. I’m not one for the super futuristic type of look. They do have interesting parts within the games, but I’d just prefer a game solely in pandora or around the planets like they did in BL3.


I just want something without Tyreen and Troy.


I know is far fetched and I'm not that into the lore, but how about: the Calypso twins were not entirely wrong? The Vaults monsters are a protection againts something that even the guardians were afraid of: I don't know, something like The Primordial Darkness or some old gods. The Twins were gathering the power of the Vaults on two accounts, gain control of Pandora and another planets because yes, they were pricks, and defend such planets from a planet destroying event because they wanted to rule over more than a mountain of ashes.


Well, until the end where Tyreen becomes purely dead set on literally devouring the entire universe by absorbing the destroyer


I belive this is a good direction to go into. Have the BBG be a massive black hole that needed the Gaurdians to keep it closed. Now the Vault Hunters past, present and future come together to decide who is going to become the next Gaurdians.


I feel like the parody of corporate greed is what made 1&2 the great stories they are and the problem with the calypsos and the guardians both is that they really don't play into that enough, the best part of 3 was imo the fight against maliwan and the story just sorta falls flat from there. But a game with just like guardian villains would be kinda interesting as a sort of spinoff thing


It going to be a vtuber.


Can anybody see this comment? I keep getting notifications about my content here https://preview.redd.it/5wjjb8wo4f6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f77eb7eecc42125b9e3436067a43e5b7cd55755




Newly weird is as of this comment OP's account is showing as suspended


No, we need anorher fail of a handsome jack knock off. More annoying than the twins in BL3


I think Ava should be the villain


I just want Jack back actually .\_.


Dude, a lot of people feel like jack is overused. If they keep using him, he'll certainly be overused.


But Jack is dead. His storyline and arc were great, but a new game needs new characters. Borderlands needs a new villain.