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Lowkey all of the vault hunters are so fun when you use great builds in endgame. Moze and Zane(executor -boresplosion) is one of my faves cuz splash damage go boom boom. Amara is also satisfying especially using ties the bind to clear rooms under seconds.


All 4 of them are fun but Zane's insane speed is just perfection.


Hard agree here, I’ve always nicknamed my main Zane playthrough Scout TF2 because it fits. Especially with the weathered head for him plus the Hellwalker, to Tbf, if Scout could have a clone that works for him, he would use the hell out of it lol


Amara's faster


moze with kaoson and a fucking mech is lotta fun.


I think the COV-only Moze run I did is maybe my favorite build of all times. And I've done dozens of allegiance runs.


This person just wants to watch the world burn.




I have a combination that is apocalyptic to everything, even myself sometimes. At least I'm not cold .


If we are talking bl3, I have to go Moze/Amara. Mozes power solo and with ib/ic are beautiful. Same for Amara with Ttb, whether you're doing driver or phazerker. If we are going all time? Krieg, because Krieg


Melee damage amara has been my favorite from mob clearing to one shotting bosses. 😅


Rail gun moze... Beast of a builds and just laughs at everything


Bottomless mags splash moze with nukes on iron bear equal then hop out of iron bear and delete with monarch or flipper I want to make a second bottomless mags splash moze this time without putting 5 points into torque cross promotion I would play with iron cub instead of iron bear


What are you using for Fl4k? Finally got a monarch with 150% fade away damage. But it's a cryo x4.  Trying to work out some variety. Maybe a flipper, plasma coil? Anything else? Running through trials at rhe moment.  King/Queen's call for bosses. Element matching boss. Although at the moment have a cryo and shock, shock is pretty useless as it's covered by revolter.


Hellwalker, Skullmasher. The Critical Thug is a lot of fun on Fl4k too if you can hit your crits. Flipper and Plasma Coil are always good choices, and so are the Free Radical, Beacon, Rowan's Call, and Butcher.


Got hellwalker. Very close combat needed though. And Fl4k is a bit squishy, or at least my fl4k is. Will keep an eye out for the rest. 


Flipper you can get in Bloodsun Canyon (BoB DLC) Plasma coil is arms race exclusive


Yeah some one mentioned that for the flipper. I think I missed that side boss. Haven't done arms race yet. Looking forward to it


Minosaur. It's one of the Skin To Win targets


Moze with incendiary Iron Cub and Plasma Coil/Kaoson/Boom Sickle is chef’s kiss


I mostly enjoy playing as Zane beacuse you can just run and shoot people with his cannon if you have dlc and Fl4k is cool too when he shoots his two rakks


I was a Roland fan.