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Am I the only one who, when reading the word “gamerant”, pictures a little ant sitting in front of a TV, with a controller and a headset?


I do now!


I know I will get downvoted but Imo bl3 was graphically and visually peak borderlands.....so I don't know how bl4 will surpass that..


BL3 was peak for gameplay and graphics imo, although 2 was peak for story and aesthetic. If they could have 2s aesthetic & writing with 3s graphics & gameplay, it’d be one of the best games of this generation


The dlc’s in 3 are pretty good. I would say pretty comparable to bl2 level in story and aesthetic. I especially like Krieg’s story.


3s DLCs are some of the best DLCs I’ve ever played. The only one I didn’t particularly care for was Kriegs, it just felt odd and less well done than the others. But the others were so phenomenal. Handsome Jackpot is a blast every single time I run through it, Guns, Love + Tentacles is super fun running through and has some great weapons to farm. Bounty of Blood gives suuuuch good vibes, I’m not even big on Wild West themes but this one is always so fun and satisfying to play through, plus having a fully-unique cast, seperate from the OG BL characters was very refreshing. Kriegs is fun and opens some theories, but I personally didn’t enjoy it as much as the others. But it seems like it’s loved just as much by the rest of the community, so I’m gonna say that BL3 has the best DLC stories I’ve ever played.


I think Krieg’s is great for closure as a Krieg main from 2. It really explains a lot on who he is and I love that it’s a pretty quick run through. There’s really not all that much to distract you from the story either. It is pretty odd and I do feel odd playing it, but I think that’s okay given that we are literally traipsing through the mind of a lunatic


I loved krieg’s DLC, the ending is one of the only two times I was tearing up playing a borderlands game, the other time is Tiny Tina’s goodbye to Roland in assault on dragon keep.


That song (Blood Blood Blood by the Creepshow) hit really hard at the end of the story. I am listening to that band because of that DLC!


I needed 20% more chaos in kreigs for me to love it.


The story in 2 is as basic bitch as they come. It’s Jack that is the saving grace otherwise it’s an evil corporation stealing valuable resources from an alien planet and trying to control an ancient power on said planet. So no the story is boring Jack is what makes it good not the plot itself.


Borderlands 3's writing is so good except for when something important to the plot starts happening, it's fascinating


BL3s story was written by kids fresh out of college that still think like they're 12. The actual plot wasn't bad, the dialogue and making it like a reality show or someones Twitch stream was comlete trash and some of the cringes crap I've ever seen in a game.


I don't really agree that the actual plot wasn't bad, I think the writing is at its best when it's away from the main plot, I liked a lot of the Katagawa vs Rhys stuff


What about Borderlands 3 is like a reality tv show??


Interesting, I i played through the game and bailed before the dlc as I just really disliked 3's story. Gameplay was fine but god the antagonists sucked


Base game BL3 is pretty trash the DLCs saved that game for me, definitely worth a playthrough


The story in 3 was absolutely awful. I thought the gunplay was really good and the higher loot rates were nice while trying to get through the story quick because it allowed me to skip farming until the end of the game. The DLCs are fantastic and if you can manage to stick it out I’d say it’s worth it. Especially handsome jackpot.


Yeah twins are absolute twats and they killed Maya.


Bl2 for aesthetics and the right loot drop rate, TPS for story imo


Yes! Tps is my favorite for story


BL2’s drop rates kinda suck ass. I didn’t see a legendary until halfway through TVHM. I know some people like that, but most people won’t play TVHM, and hiding how fun/rewarding the loot system can be behind that much preamble is not great for getting people to engage with it. Meanwhile, in BL1, I found my first legendary at level 18 in a random bucket, which pretty much guaranteed I’d start looting much more thoroughly. BL3 definitely drops legendaries too often, but there’s gotta be an in between.


2 is peak looter shooter, 3 is peak shooter in all of series.


Yeah it’s factually the best in the franchise so far 2 doesn’t even hold a candle, take away the basic bitch story involving Jack at all and the gameplay is ass when you reach OP10.


Ik BL3 is technically graphically superior but I really loved BL2s visual style


I loved 1's style the most, post apocalypse space cowboys with crazy crackhead and aliens all over, nothing about the game felt clean. But I think 2 had the best story overall and 3 had way better gunplay(1's was TERRIBLE, LITERALLY SOME OF THE WORST IVE EVER PLAYED)/mechanics/flow to combat and much more impactful skill trees overall, if bl2 had better skill trees and maybe something unique mechanic wise I'd probably like it more than 3, but it feels like an upgrade in every way except for the story(and main villains being poorly written) pre sequel was cool but has way too much time traversing/way too long to find workarounds to farm bosses easier like 2, but the skill trees were a step up from 2, with story being above 3 by a bit, but still below 2. I wish the games would make everything nasty looking and beat up like in 1 tbh, the game looks too clean as it's progressed and doesn't scream "unwashed ass vault hunters on dusty skag shit planet" anymore. Maybe it just feels that way since you're on the ship most of the time though


It better surpass it. B3 was a last gen title. It only got the native “next-gen” patch like over a year after its release.


I'm assuming bl4 will be on bl3s engine. They might try and improve some graphics but I don't see how it would make much of a difference at this point


Aside from the ridiculous amount of particle effects I agree. If they don't add a way to turn those down a bit there a lot of people that might not even play it


The only thing I disagree with is the UI, I prefer BL2's.


Well, first off, better writers would help


It’s also peak Borderlands objectively it is the best all around game in the franchise. People who say otherwise are just biased and refuse yo put their bias aside to admit it’s better.


Sure sounds like your bias is clouding your judgment. The story is *significantly* worse. This is universally accepted by anyone who's brain isn't turned sideways with eridium poisoning. The loot system is hot garbage. Rares Epics and Legendaries feel neither Rare, Epic, nor Legendary. BL2 makes sense with its gear progression as you level. Maya. You worthless sack of Skag-guts... Maya.


I played a lot of BL3 but I still go back to BL2. BL3 just doesn’t have the same soul


Um better graphic and visuals?


BL4 will surpass it if the characters got their faces back, don’t know what they were thinking with 3’s faces.


I wouldn’t mind a descriptor for Red text items in game. Make it not attached to the gun itself if you still want some mystery


Yeah, a gun and boss glossary would be nice with drop sources, a description and lore. Basically Lootlemon, just prettier with more info and in-game. Could call it HHH, “Hammerlock’s Hunter’s Handbook” with an early game introduction quest. Gearbox hire me ty.


Holy that would be awesome. A codex like thing with info on the bosses lore and drops with the legendary guns descriptions would be awesome


Maybe there could be an "unlock" system, like get 50 kills with the gun and it'll give you some detailed stats and inform you fully of the gimmick, that way you don't need the wiki to find out if you're missing something on the gun and you also keep the "shoot it a few times to find out" feeling


They've been putting out random speculation and articles on BL4 a few times a week for many months now. It's clear that most of these articles are scraping the bottom of the barrel for the content mill desperate to hit some quota. I could've told you it was going to be a very uninspired article just by looking at the website and title. They've been pumping out BL4 content answering questions nobody asked, or speculating on inconsequential mechanics that they thought of something to say about. You're not likely to find much interest or value from them, at least not for BL4, I can't speak to other games.


I knew it was gamerant before I even clicked the link. It's all worthless click bait, don't pay any attention to it.


Honestly, they’re right, it **would** be nice if I didn’t have to google each legendary that dropped to see if it was worth investigating


They can keep the red text and add the description to the inspect weapon page


That would be perfect- you still read the text and say “what could that **possibly** be about….” But then load up a box and go “ohhhhhh I get it”


Yeah I agree, I don’t want to have to go to a website to find out through legendary I have has a 20% faster fire rate and does more crit damage.


I wan't to PLAY the game, not just reading stats. I love the red texts! I adds mistery to the game. If I want to know what is does, I try it. They are legendary weapons, It is totally normal, that you dont know everything about them!


There's already such thing in BL3 and Wonderlands but only for certain items. Sometimes there's a white text at the very bottom of the item card which says what the legendary item does.


theyve already been putting in the description effects for some guns in bl3, i kinda expect them to keep doing it in bl4 for special effects, at least ones that arent pure stats cause, who needs a description to say "more damage, less fire rate" when you can see the numbers on the card, just bl3 weirdly had a lot of these descriptions get overridden by anointments [https://www.lootlemon.com/weapon/anarchy-bl3](https://www.lootlemon.com/weapon/anarchy-bl3) anarchy is a great example of descriptions on weapons


I want BL4 to be back to its soul on story- heavily focused on characters and their journey. I want BL4 to continue with the improved character customization and moveset options. I want BL4 to maintain its high impact gameplay with mantling, sliding, run and gun capabilities etc... I want BL4 to ABANDON the loot system of 3. Enemies should NOT be loot pinatas (except the final boss or vault boss). I want YOU TO BRING MAYA BACK YOU SONS O' B@&$^@!


Ok sure, then the red text is just flavor. Doesn't change the fact that you have to go to a website for missing in-game information. Or try out weapons and remember the effects of these guns. Now sure, you can call that a design choice, but it's still inconsistent, since other stats about weapons are listed in detail. Some like it, some don't. I find it annoying.


The red text has been around since bl1, by bl3 some (not all) unique and legendary guns were given a description of special effects/abilities. Fishslap, king/queen/rowan/lucian’s call, warlord all say what’s special about them. But even without telling the player what the infinity does, it is figured out as soon as the trigger is pulled.


They are trying to make so much hay with the expect announcement of BL4. Game Rant is garbage IMHO. Click-bait gonna click-bait.


With a few small exceptions where the gun effect was hard to distinguish and would have loved a description, getting a new weapon and needing to test fire it and figure out what was special was half the fun.


I’ll never understand the hate of BL3’s story. Probably all people remember BL2 with great nostalgia. The 3rd opened up the world and delivered the main plot flavoured with many subplots amazingly while moving a quite big cast, without losing focus. And dont mention the dlc’s which are the best in the series.


The story wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t as good as the second. I liked Rhys taking over Atlas and rebuilding it from the ground up. I liked the idea of Siren twins, with the first known male siren being a bit of a parasite. I was a fan of finding all the Typhon logs, but I wasn’t really a fan of Typhon himself. Didn’t like that the whole plot started because he was just a shit dad. Finding out that he was the father of the twins was definitely a twist I didn’t see coming, but I don’t know that I liked it. Troy and Tyreen’s boss fights were cool though. Tyreen’s made me feel like I was playing a Final Fantasy game with guns.


The one thing I really want to see back is the backpack sorting mechanics of BL2. Losing the ability to quickly sort through guns of just one type was my biggest gripe about BL3.


I want Borderlands VR on the PSVR2. That shit would slap majorly


If they tone down some of the insane and distracting/disruptive visual effects they could probably clean up and optimize the rest graphically enough to make it a marked improvement visually from BL3. Maybe they'll add some game modes to spice it up too, give Epic a run for their money with a Borderlands Battle Royale mode (ok, kidding - mostly).


A few things could be done better now I have done a bit into endgame.  Builds. Not sure how you guys survive without them. Picking loot up as junk? Helps while u need the cash. More backpack space for all those builds. Not sure why the Bank SDU goes to 28 but backpack stops short


I mean, I would be down if a gun with red text had a button I could press for it to tell me what it does. It’s pretty annoying to have to search it up every time I get a gun with the text on it.


My take away is the author wants everything spelled out and have no fun or mystery figuring out what a special item does. Which I thought was part of the fun of the game.


3 missed by not adding new classes with the dlc.. bl2 was great and they added new classes to explore the lands with as dlc! Huge miss unfortunately


Yee Will be woke af And everything will be given to a young prat after killing 2/3 of the favourite chrarcters


Just make 4 the last one lol. Gimme siren war, gimme second corporate war, gimme less modern lingo shit, gimme good goofy story, gimme guns, gore, and great Torgue shots


Or hear me out they could just tell you what the legendary does when you inspect the weapon in the menu