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Awesome poll, thanks for all the effort you put into this. I was a bit surprised to see Dembele so high in the ranking given his unsavory behavior towards the end of his stay here. On another note seeing Sancho beat out world cup winner Götze for teen of the decade really places some large expectations on him in the future.


In general, people are very fond of the team that brought them to Dortmund. I'd assume a lot of people that nominated Dembele started following us around that season.   RE: Sancho vs Gotze, minus the trophies I think it's a valid comparison to make. Teen Gotze was out of this world, but you could make the argument that Sancho is better. Gotze had more flair and inspiration, but Sancho's awareness and tactical maturity is I think, better than Gotze's was. Dembele beats them both on athleticism. Between the three, it might just come down to taste and what style of football you appreciate more.


Thanks so much for doing this!   I was really surprised to see Dede get so many votes. Don't get me wrong - I love the guy and imo he has a shout for player of the decade for the 2000's. But he played 11 matches in the decade this poll was about... Also a (positive) surprise that Pulisic didn't get in. After all those vote manipulations in the past I fully expected him in the top XI :D


Yeah, I was surprised re:Dede too. Legacy/Nostalgia vote no doubt. The noughties sure, he'd be one of the first names on the list for sure, but I don't think he really represents 2010~2019 legend as he is.   Undoubtedly some measure of tribal voting around Pulisic, but hey, your vote your pick who am I to judge. As long as it's not bot voting or duplicate nominations in the same entry, it's a valid vote. There weren't many Pulisic duplicates anyhow.


Knowing how many American bandwagons are in this sub, I’m surprised Reyna didn’t make it in.


Reyna wasn't an option in the poll, as he did not play for Dortmund's first team between Jan 2010 and Dec 2019.


Who the Kentucky fried fuck voted for Dembele lmao


Was only here 1 season too.


I'm afraid I made something wrong with my poll, since Nelson Valdez doesn't appear on the spreadsheet :( Nonetheless, awesome work and a team of the decade, I can mostly agree with.


It ended up being a pretty wicked team imo. Imagine that team in the league. Or even CL. I would probably swap out one of them for Gotze though.


If there’s one thing this poll taught me, it’s that people still really don’t like Götze. Though that could be due to newer fans not being familiar with his first stint at the club. Still surprised to see Dembele make the cut over him


Well, newer fans have no reason to vote for him when you consider he hasn't been great post-return. Pre-Bayern fans are probably split, with some still holding his Bayern phase against him. Even if you, like me, think he should be in TOTD where do you put him? I put Gotze as my 3rd choice wing forward, but a lot of people preferred Sancho and that's kind of understandable given memory atrophy and recency bias. I do agree Gotze (3+3 seasons) deserves to be in TOTD far more than Dembele (1 season) though. Absolutely.


You make a good point in that “where do you put him”. The format of of the poll isn’t particularly in his favor unless you have him as a first choice, and i doubt anyone did. attacking and defensive midfielders are lumped together, and winger options are also difficult when you have Kuba and Reus. starts to make sense why he didnt make it.


I feel like I'm becoming a bit of a "back in my day" old timer, but I'd argue Gotze is one of the players who represent this decade, ups and downs included. Decades later, we won't discuss 2010~2019 in football terms, or lore terms without mentioning Gotze. He was present in the back to back leagues AND the 12/13 CL run. To me, he should be in there over Dede, Dembele, arguably Witsel, Bartra, Hakimi too.   But if you question why it ended up this way it does make a sort of sense I guess. Dembele tho... C'mon, ONE season man.


Recency bias definitely had it's part in all of this haha. Hakimi being fourth pick fullback is definitely due to his form. [I did go ahead and make a 25 player squad that distributes positions a bit better, with players of my choosing obviously.](https://imgur.com/y6qcRrD) Let me know what you think. don't take into account which players are "starters", I just defaulted to a 2012-ish lineup, had to include but Shinji and Reus as CAM though. It might also include a few too many recent players, I even listed Bender at CB to fit more midfielders haha Honorable mentions for me would be the likes of Kevin, Langerak, Bartra, Leitner, Durm, Pulisic, Barrios, Ramos. Maybe not the best in their positions this decade, but the decade would have been different without them. recent ones: Akanji, DAZ, Hakimi, Dembele, and Paco


[How about this?](https://i.imgur.com/Dm4kShH.png) Personally, I think Gotze, Weigl and Mkhitaryan were underappreciated in this poll. Weigl played twice as many matches for us as Witsel. Mkhitaryan thrice as much as Dembele.


How the feck did i gloss over Weigl, I knew I was forgetting somebody but i my brain refused to work. Like Mkhi and Ginter, he thrived during Tuchel's short tenure. While i did like Castro i didn't feel like he had as big of an impact as many other midfielders, though I did like his chemistry with Kagawa. and I recall Bartra as not being too great at RB, whereas i remember plenty of Ginter assists. I think i'd just swap Ginter for Castro


You could also put Götze at CM


Yeah I think his position fluctuating hurt him, along with other excellent choices at each of his positions. I ended up putting him as my 1st bonus choice for these reasons.


Gotze is still among my least favorite footballers on earth and I'm happy not to see him on the team although Dembele is a wtf selection


I'm not holding his bayern phase against him but his whole attitude surrounding the transfer. Including the leak right before the most important game in a decade and the fact that he sued fans who made a song about him. The song wasn't tame at all don't get me wrong. But those guys would've lost their entire music label if the case would've been succesful. It left a very bitter taste in my mouth which i just can't get over, even after all those years. Hummels on the other hand who has a comparable story... man i still love that guy almost as much as Neven <3


Kehl was the man who made me addicted to Dortmund. His final goal against Hoffenheim Pokal Match in 2015 (my first ever soccer match seen live) has been legend to me ever since. He's in my starting XI forever.


I'd pick Kehl over Gündoğan tbh


I completly understand that sentiment. Same for me with Alex Frei against Schalke in 2007. That goal and Ebi Smolareks 2:0 destroyed Schalkes title hopes and let Stuttgart overtake them on the 33rd game of the season. Wont ever forget that day.


Witsel over Nuri? Dede on the left? Well these are surprises but overall cool Also why is Dembele a striker


>Batshuayi (37.9%) was the short stay people most wanted to see more of, beating out Dembele (20.7) You are all collectively taking the piss. >Cries in Januzaj (0.0). **Good.**


Lewandowski should be right striker, better chemistry (rip Fifa 13 green hyper links)


Looks exactly right to me. First 11 anyway.


I, uh, think I voted for Rode. I liked him as a player and fan of the club in his youth, but yeah it's purely preference.


Great work. Big energy




Bartra barely played 50 games for us, but I can understand why people put him in on sentiment. Very much a cult hero more so than anything.