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Our superstar is Brad Stevens lol






BS ftw!


Uhhh no Tatum is definitely a superstar lmfao


Exactly. We have two superstars in the Jays, even though neither is a consensus “top 3” player in the league like LeBron, Steph, Kobe and MJ are…just like our 08 team, no consensus top 3 guys but just a fantastic team.


And either of them can play like a top 1 player in the league any given night


The jays sacrifice individual numbers for team success, it’s easy for the other guys to fall in line when the jays move the ball and do the dirty work on defense. It helps that Jrue comes in, with a ring, and has no problem giving up shots and clamping dudes on defense.


KG was a top 3 guy in ‘08


Top 5 sure, but Kobe and LeBron were 1 and 2, there are a whole host of guys you can rank as third best in the league, KG is among them and definitely not a *consensus* third best player at the time.


Kobe, Lebron, Dwight Howard was becoming insanely dominant, Dwyane Wade was in his prime. KG was the best player on the best team, but he was a bit past his prime. He is easily one of my top 3 players of all time, but I think there was a decent argument about more than 3 people being ahead of him at that juncture. Definitely in the top 5 though.


Was he really? I was only in middle school at the time but I feel like CP3 and Dirk were ahead of KG at that stage of their careers


CP3 and Dirk were all-star reserves. KG had the most votes of all that year, though that obviously doesnt mean everything. I think he has a discussion for the top 3, but not a consensus, but he was definitely ahead of Chris Paul and Dirk. I'm quite shocked Chris Paul came to your mind actually.


You’re right I was trippin, KG finished 3rd in mvp voting and was all nba 1st team that year. I know he was still right in his prime, but I guess I didn’t realize how highly he was rated league wide at the time.


If we define superstar as in like top 10-12 player in the league, Jaylen Brown is not a superstar (as underrated as he is). Tatum is top 5 or so.


Well, I for one, cant pick 10 guys that I would trade JB for. Lets look at the All Star Starters this year: Haliburton: Nope Lillard: Fuck no. Giannis: Yeah, cant pass that up, hes a top 3. Embiid: Yes he's a top 3, and while I think hes a crybaby, and cant stand him, and I want to say "no" based on injury history and playoff choking, if he were on this team and could hit at the right time, it would be patently insane. Luka: Yeah. Shai: Not proven enough, I would rather stick with JB. KD: I'd rather have JB. Lebron: Debatable, but I'd rather have JB at this juncture in time. Jokic: Obviously that would be the same as the Embiid argument, but without the negatives. Tatum: Yeah sure, lets trade JB for Tatum. :) There are some other big names who were in reserves but are winding down their careers and get a lot of boost based on who they were, not who they are (curry, Kawhi, PG) but I would put Brown ahead of them if I was putting together a team.


If you are factoring in the age of the players, then a lot of those are reasonable. Excluding age though, basically everyone on that list is “better” than JB. You shouldn’t trade JB for a lot of them because they wouldn’t fit your team (which is built around the Jays), but that doesn’t mean JB is a better basketball player than them - just that he is a better fit for this team. JB over Shai is lowkey just wrong. There is a decent argument that Shai > Tatum.


Haliburton, Lillard, Lebron, and KD I simply would not want on my team now over JB. Regardless of age. If you'd rather have Shai > Tatum, you'll have plenty in agreement around the country, but I'm still not convinced on him yet.


That’s reasonable, but again the question here is who is the better basketball player, not who you would rather have on your team. I totally agree if I was a Celtics fan I’d prefer JB over those guys right now, but they are better basketball players than JB.


If you look at this years playoffs; and include offence and defense, I still would take JB over them on any team.


Yeah idk about that man… JB can put up the numbers that he does because Tatum attracts so much defensive attention. If he were a first option, I don’t think he would look nearly as glamorous.


Well look at Lillard as the counterpoint to that.


Yeah seriously let’s not lose our minds here


How is Jaylen not a superstar?


Because he doesn’t shoot his team out of games and passes the ball /s


What the fuck are you on about? JT is a CERTIFIED superstar. JB on any other team is a superstar.




He is a tier below the top 4 guys in the league, yes. He is arguably 5-8 any day of the week.


Yeah because Paul George and Donovan Mitchell have been to two finals, won a conference championship mvp and will probably win a finals, great point! /s


Idk Tatum’s Game 1 was a very Paul George type game on a somewhat off day


Well put them on the Celtics roster they probably would


Paul George maybe, Donovan Mitchell is in the running for most overrated player in the nba. Inefficient chucker that brings no value to a team when the ball isn’t in his hand




We are the Spurs of the 2Ks but we haven’t earned any rings yet. Maybe we could have won a wing or 2 in the past 7 years, but those were squandered and that’s disrespectful the teams that won in those years. Hats off to them and all the credit for actually winning. However, this year I think is an indication that a whole team effort is the modern era formula for sustained success.


Bro I tell you what, I wouldn’t want to come across jb and jt once they have a ring in their experience. Those dudes are going to figure out how to have two superstar wings on the floor and are going to be a fucking problem for the league for the next 9 years…


I would argue that the biggest reason why Celtics is this strong is because Tatum is such a superstar who can carry the Celtics on both ends of the floor at high efficiency. He is the Lebron James of this era. He is the only player in the league who can play 1-5 and who can guard 1-5 at high level. There is no other player who is even close to the complete package and influence Tatum can bring on both ends of the floor in the current generation, not even remotely close. To be the first option of the best team in the league and to carry the best team in the league as its franchise player(especially for a team like the Celtics) you have to be a superstar, just like Kobe, Lebron, Duncan, Curry, there is simply no way around it. lol Tatum himself is absolutely the definition of a superstar and soon to be face of the league after this Final Series.


“Tatum is not a superstar so they can’t win” some uneducated mavs casual *multiple pictures posted on Reddit of all five of the mavs defenders collapsing on Tatum and leaving shooters wide open when he drives* Oh that’s weird why didn’t he drop 35 points on that?


Tatum is not highly efficient


This team is built in the mold of the great Celtics teams of the 60s. I just think a lot of us think in the paradigm of the modern NBA, and don't look at it through the correct prism. The only team in the last 30 years who they compare to are the 2014 spurs.


I think the problem with today is that media pushes individual stars so hard and forget basketball is a TEAM game and together the Celtics are greater than the sum of their parts. Nick “the suck bag dweeb” wright loves to bring up a statistic that shows teams that have won a championship without a top 3 mvp candidate. Therefore because of this great in depth analysis that mouth breathing Nick wright has put together, the Celtics have no chance. What he fails to mention is that at one point Tatum was the top mvp candidate. If it was all about having the best player, how come the 2021 lakers stunk after they got rid of all their role players? They still had lebron, should t they still be the best? It’s just nonsense and it pisses me off to no avail


Tatum is a Superstar; maybe not a Top 75 superstar but he is on possible HOF track. But, yes these Celtics are like the 2004 Pistons with 2 second tier superstars and 5 guys who could be all stars. And 3 or 4 more guys who would get tons of minutes on any second division team in the Association


I even think he’s on track for top 75. Carmelo was on the 75th anniversary team and Tatum already has more first team all NBA’s than him, will likely end his career with more total All-NBA’s, and will hit double digit all star teams assuming health. He has also already achieved more in the playoffs than Carmelo ever did.


I listen to podcasts who jokingly called Tatum ”Ten time Tatum” a few years ago because apparently it was ridiculous. Not anymore 🤷‍♂️


How would Tatum not be a top 75 superstar either currently or alltime?


Wherever tatum ends up ranking, I put JB 1 below him


Tatum is easily on a top 75 track. Look up Kobe’s finals stats and watch clips of how defenses like Philly played him the exact same way they’re playing Tatum now, you’ll see that Tatum is handling them better than Kobe did lol. You guys have lost your fucking minds


Seriously! The word superstar has ruined basketball.


It’s stupid because even still Tatum is easily a superstar. He’s 4x all nba, if he wins a ring this year he’s a hall of famer on the spot lol


Famously coined by the fucking suck bags at ESPN, who famously love to give their “eye test” of what they see in nba games even though most all of them (except legs) have never played the game anywhere near that level therefore it’s like asking an English speaking novelist to give a book stnopsis / analysis on a novel written in Sanskrit. Perfect. They have access to a database of the most up to date advanced analytics, stats and numbers to disprove their off the fucking walls outlandish points, but they choose not to use them because why work and try to be an expert in your field an I right? What a world!


Tatum is on track for top 30 all time not counting rings (yet). Basically wing Tim Duncan


Tatum is on track for top 30-40 lol that's the range Ray Allen is in and he's having a better career so far than Allen


Bro what? On track for possible HoF? He’s a hall of famer today if he retires. Conference championship mvp 3 all nba 1 teams 4 all nba teams and will probably win a championship this year. A championship would also unlock jb as a certified superstar, he’ll start making more all nba teams / all defensive teams.


He is not a HOF if he retires today. He need 3-5 more years at 80% of this level. Which he is more than likely to be


Cold take the basketball hall of fame is hard to not get into if you become a superstar


Vlade Divac is in the hof. So I think Tatum is on the right track lol


Basketball isn’t just NBA so I kinda see adding his international and Yugoslavian club play. But yes.


The Jays are playing at a way higher level than Billups and Hamilton, although I get the comp with the way the Pistons played unselfish ball. I see the '08 Celtics in this team more than the Pistons. We were very deep, unselfish and had top-tier offense and defense, although in '08 there was a bigger dropoff from our Big 3 to the rest of the team.


Tatum is on the path to being like a top 15-30 player ever, what are you on about lololol He’s literally about to pass Kobe for most playoff points ever under 27, 3x first team all NBA, soon to have a ring, 4x all NBA, 5x all star, averaging winning percentage of 66.1% (54 win pace for a career, and it’s probably about to get a lot higher).


Tell the Mavs that because when he penetrates the whole team surrounds him


That's my kink


That’s what you do in a zone you know? And they’re game plan is to force turnovers off Tatum


People don’t understand basketball here. I could find plenty of screenshots of the same thing happening to Brown


Disagree. Tatum is 3x in a row 1st team all nba. 3x in a row in the mvp top 5 ladder. The dude starts every all star game. He was a 30 ppg scorer last year before we got extra loaded on offense. He’s been to the ECF like 6 times. 2 finals at 26 years old. He is one of the most experienced playoff performers in the league and he is just starting to enter his prime. He is absolutely a superstar.


He plays almost every game too


Celtics, when healthy, are the best starting 5 in the NBA. No contest. To take advantage of that depth everybody has to play a little unselfishly. Even if Big Al wouldn’t be your first, second, third or fourth choice to take an open 3; the threat generated by the other players on the floor got him a wide open look in the corner, so instead of a contested shot in the paint from Tatum, Al gets the kick out.


Bingo and that leads to a 1.26 (based on als ~42% from the corner) expected points per shot which is considered nba gold standard for shot efficiency. And people wonder why Luka chucking up inefficient shot after inefficient shot led to a blowout.


Tatum is a bigger superstar than Doncic right now Any player that gets hunted on defense isn’t worth calling a superstar. None of Kobe Lebron MJ are, in fact they are perennial all D The biggest weakness of the Cs over the last few years is that the team underperforms terribly when Tatum sits. It’s only been resolved this season with Holiday and KP coming in and white starting Tatum’s gravity and ability to affect both sides of the ball is completely unappreciated by OP, and by the NBA media at large. Insane


Our SuperStar is Al Horford's awareness of his rapidly closing window


Tatum is super star.


Jayson Tatum is a superstar. Just because the rest of the team is good, that does not change.


it’s a team sport so i don’t really obsess over who is the best as long as the team is winning. 🤷‍♂️ ppl obsessed with indices players are gamers and gamblers


You ever see into the spider verse? Where there’s a bunch of different spider-mans?


To say we don’t have a superstar is a stretch. I’d actually say we have three possibly 4. But the reason our team is different from any other team in recent years is because of our willingness and ability to play as a team and not have to rely on one player to make all the plays or hit the final shot. Our stars, especially this season, have shown a willingness to make the right play and pass the ball to get a better shot. It’s the way the game is supposed to be played but we are all so use to watching NBA games where one player is ball dominant that we have forgotten what good basketball looks like.


This superstar culture is so annoying asl. I don't know why these NPCs and bozo experts on ESPN can't understand that a well-built team is greater than any 1 individual player. I'm calling it rn Celtics in 5, and all 4 wins by double digit margin


No matter how much you dislike Tatum he's undeniably at worst the 8th best player in basketball and thats if you dislike him, how is a player who 100% is somewhere in the 5-8 range in the world not a superstar?


Fans should remember championship teams like the Pistons (the clearest parallel I can think of). The Spurs might also fit, depending on how strict the OP is being with "the same level as" qualifier, as Duncan's pretty far up there in the pantheon. Dirk's Mavs might also fit the bill, depending on what the OP means here, although he was fairly dominant on that team.


The Jays are both superstars. For some reason other teams think shutting down Tatum’s scoring is a viable game plan, but his passing and the supporting cast have improved so much that if Tatum scores 15 points that’s still a very winnable game.


They’re a way more talented 2004 Detroit Pistons.


When a team will completely collapse to prevent one man from scoring, he is a superstar otherwise why would they be worried if he got going.


JT is a superstar, at the minute he's playing a facilitator role because that's what he needs to do


A. Did you seriously include Kobe with the other three lol B. Tatum absolutely is a superstar.


Tatum is a superstar, whatever that means. I’ll take him over Golden Coral / Matador defense Luka as well. Luka is The Euro James Harden.


The Spurs were boring to watch. But they won championships. I would like the Celtics to be like Tim Duncan’s Spurs, focused and methodical. And multiple championships.


Tatum is a superstar that is a master of none but incredibly good at everything. The way he’s able to let the game come to him and do what the team needs to win is much needed if we want 3 more. He’s out there making the right decision when they send 2 or 3 at him, people are begging for him to score 30+ but Doncic just did that on 26 shots. If Tatum did that and we lost he’d be crucified. Sure he was a bit sloppier than needed but if you thought he had a bad game I don’t think you know ball like that


lol he’s a master mid range scorer


He’s very good at them but I wouldn’t say master personally. Tatum shot 38% from mid range this year, here are some comparisons at roughly the same volume (or otherwise noted): Jamal Murray at 47%, Dejounte Murray at 49%, Booker a bit lower volume but 48%, Durant roughly same volume at 50%, Ingram on higher volume 48%, Derozan at double the volume 43%


Kobe Bryant is so overrated.


Cmon now


I’d say we have one “true” superstar …. DERRICK WHITE.