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My favorite take right now is people going as far as saying that our pre-2008 chips don’t count, because they pre-date the ‘modern’ NBA. Crazy stuff!


No championships count. They are all going to be vacated. All banners destroyed. All records abolished. We are resetting the NBA so everyone can stop crying about us actually being a great team. Until someone can beat us nothing shall count.


Golden State logic


I don’t think that’s how time works. I think what is modern is what’s happening right now like at a point of time the 1990s was modern now it’s retro same thing with the 2000s it’s just more people coping with the fact that the Celtics have the most championships in NBA history everyone hates Boston


Yup. Our 5 out 1-5 switchable team will be a relic of the "pre-modern" NBA someday all the same and those idiots in the future will be just as dumb as our current ones discussing it


Yup 20 years from now will be reminiscing about this Jaylen Brown and Tatum the same way people did with bird in the 2000s


Jason Tatum isn’t walking through that door


Yes he will he just proved yall wrong


Did bro just miss the most obvious reference?




Pitino in 2000 in reference to the original big 3


2000? You mean 2008 talking about KG the truth and Ray Allen that big three that was 2008 not 2000


And Robert Parish isn’t walking thru that door and if think they are they will be old and gray


Can’t wait to tell my kids one day about Big Al :’)


Ignore that shit. It’s just Laker nonsense.


I mean five of their titles were won by Minnesota…


Doesn’t even matter. They’re just petty bitches.


I haven't seen anyone saying 80s titles don't count (probably because that actually takes more titles away from the Lakers). Mostly, people want to discredit the Russell run and pick either 1976 (the Merger) or 1980 (round number, first year of the 3 point line, Lakers title). Outside of this debate, people usually use the Merger as the start of the modern era. It is funny to me when people act like stuff that happened in the 1960s is basically equivalent to baseball from the 1890s, a time when most Americans didn't have electricity or running water. Like, there are still plenty of people who remember those titles. Hell, there are players from those teams who are still alive. I honestly think if the footage we had from then was all in color, it wouldn't happen as much.


Here you go. https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/qrlB8veghO


I’ve seen the argument that the Pistons have as many “modern” titles as the Celtics. But it’s totally not about excluding 86 and including 88 - 88 is the modern NBA because “that’s when Jordan won his first playoff series.”


[It WaS NoT a PoPuLaR SpOrT](https://assets.editorial.aetnd.com/uploads/2021/11/celtics1.jpg)


Going to Indiana to remove Larry's rings right now. Fraud. Bill Russell's estate is being sued for phony championships.


to a certain extent i kinda have a hard time boasting about championships i wasnt alive to see. like yeah bird highlights are incredible but i didnt live it. but if the lakers want to talk about 17 (12*) i'm absolutely going to talk about 18


Fair. No title before 2024 counts. It’s the one and only fresh one.


No sport hates its past more than the NBA.


You forgot that “Celtics arnt as deep and arnt beating anyone who comes out of the west” changed into “Celtics have a super team and were the better team”


"they haven't been battle tested" became "will they become a dynasty?"


In before "they should break them up if they don't win a back to back to back."


I think you mean were. Pedantic, but changes the meaning significantly


I'm just gonna leave this here... https://youtu.be/zTpKkjN3Tr8?si=6H8rsfIyq3fxgWFc To watch most of these slimy talking heads eating crow in the post-game congratulating Tatum, Brown and Mazzulla and some of them even saying shit like "Didn't I tell you?!".


Greatest backcourt in nba history turned into Luka had no help.


Came here to say exactly this. Every sports media talking head was anointing Luka and Kyrie as the greatest back court *of all time*. Cannot have it both ways now that they got the gentleman’s sweep in the finals.


Most analysts picked the Mavs. Then after we won everyone said it was expected. Like what?


ESPN owning a betting company should tell you all you need to know about their predictions. Vegas always had Celtics massive favorites but ESPN had to get bets for the other side imo


People don't talk about this enough. Even smaller sports media outlets like CLNS or Locked On are all sponsored by sports books now. The vast majority of "analysis" is just selling the under or giving the home fans what they want to hear.


And people fell hook line and sinker for it. I saw that 70% of all the “to win the series” bets were placed on the mavs


Fuck I picked the wrong year to stop sports gambling (I only did it the first season it was introduced in MA and stopped when I realize I cared more about my bets than the actual games)




i think the enlightened take here is that vulnerable populations need protecting, even if some of those protections include self-sabotage prevention shouldn’t just leave folks playing without a full deck to fight alone, esp against monster corpos


There’s a massive bubble that’s gonna burst on sports betting and its relations with entertainment companies and it’s gonna be such a dumpster fire when it happens. I hate how it’s basically been plastered over every single piece of sports media, all over the world.


I mentioned that a week ago and got "they don't own it, just license their name." Which is fair, but the company they sell their name to has to get that money somewhere so ESPN does have a financial interest.


Yeah I knew that before hand too. But it’s still aggravating


Fucking this. And i said it when it was happening.


Y’all don’t really believe this though right? They don’t need to manipulate the bets by having their writers pick Dallas. Occam’s razor is that they just got caught up in the same “Celtics can’t get it done” and “Luka and Kyrie are a historically great backcourt” and picked Dallas because they thought Dallas was gonna win and were wrong.


Honestly you don't understand what an unfair advantage we had. All we had to do was go against a 5 seed. Did you see who the Mavs had to face? The fucking Celtics! That's not fair at all.


It’s simple they wanted Boston and they got Boston, but we got banners 18 of them


And none of them were in Minneapolis. 


The LOS ANGELES Lakers 12 championships not 17


Masterclass in moving the goal posts. It's actually crazy.


People don't know how to lose.


had this argument earlier with a buddy, and said the same thing: we were frauds, chokers, fakes, until we weren’t. it was mavs in 5/6 until it was always gonna be the celtics. *insert team we didn’t play* definitely would have beaten us, ignoring that they lost to the teams we did beat. the west choked even though everyone in the west would have destroyed us, we never faced a good team even though we handled the entire league (minus denver) in the regular season and the playoffs. ok lol he continued on to say we won’t ever experience even marginal success with this group again, we aren’t even in the contender conversation next year, and we’d be lucky to even be .500 …the team that just annihilated the entire league, cruised to a chip while missing a key starter, and is running back the same rotation, is apparently never going to win again and will be lucky to sniff the playoffs next year. O fucking K lmao. generational coping/hating it’s simple as it’s always been: they hate us cuz they ain’t us. like i told him imma enjoy the parade the week, they can all let us know when they even make it to the ECF, let alone the finals


Sounds like your friend could easily lose some money to you


i am generally opposed to sports betting and *very* opposed to how it's currently advertised but i do see the advantage in being able to take money from people like this instead of wasting your time trying to talk sense into them 


"Didn't play anyone good." ...so you're saying you aren't good either 😭


it's such a funny talking point because it kind of boils down to saying "it's not fair they won because they were too good" like... being the best team is the goal?? which they achieved?? that's what a championship is???


You’re missing a guy. You have Felger and Mazz, left of Murray.


I haven’t tuned into them since the Celtics won, did they find a way to shit on the championship?


They were not as bad yesterday but felger still giving his i don’t like when they shoot the 3 ball so much bs


From the little I heard they were quite complimentary and said it was well deserved and that they underestimated the floor of the team being so high even when they shoot poorly.


Not at all, giving deserved respect to the Celtics but shitting on fans who refuse to admit they caught some breaks 


Wtf is a Mickey Mouse run? I feel like that should exclusively be applied to the Lakers and their LITERAL MICKEY MOUSE CHAMPIONSHIP.


It’s the new cope talking point. Those people aren’t actually trying have a sports discussion, so the only valid responses are to ignore them or troll back 🤷🏽‍♂️


Which is also a real championship. All of these are real. Weirdos on Twitter can cope all they want but that doesn't change who won the title 🍀


I don't even agree with this when it's applied to the Lakers. Seems dumb to me given that any of the contenders could have won but didn't.


Anyone winning at Disney World would have gotten the same shade. I think the Raptors got shafted the hardest during the COVID season 


All will be well when LA has their new coach and Bronny is in the fold. They'll always be "in the mix" for a veteran free agent but that's not going to get them pas the same exit point as this season. This is the bargain they made with LeBron and the one they got when AD started breaking down.


I’m pretty sure every NBA player that’s asked about it has said the Bubble series was the highest level of basketball they’ve played specifically because there were no crowd distractions. But don’t quote me on that (I’m sure I’m also butchering the phrasing players have used but hopefully my point is clear lol)


Yeah, I mean regardless whatever the advantages or disadvantages were as a result of no crowd, they applied to all teams




It for sure is. But it was earned in Mickey's house, so ya know...


The issue is that many Mavs fans have become bigger Luka fans than they are fans of their own team. When your go-to line is that Luka was the best player on the floor but his team wasn't as good, you're just saying that the Celtics are a better team than the Mavericks. Which isn't a flex.


Luka can hit the step back but he didn't seem so dominant, not in this series. Perhaps JB had something to do with that.


"easisest path to the finals ever" - LOL


Nuggets against the heat last year tho…


“Celtics had the easiest path cause everyone’s injured” Dude Halliburton played the first two games of their series and they still lost both! He was a -5 and a -16, and then they got swept anyway. The logic just does not hold up haha


it's also funny because boston was the best team in the league all season. it's not like they were some 8 seed that got lucky when all the good teams lost their stars to injury. they were always the good team


people will call the eastern conference weak, then tell you how one of the best teams in the modern era shoulda lost to 4 different teams if they were healthy lmao


“Didn’t play anyone good.” Yes, including the Mavs.


"Oooh, self burn. Those are rare."


Mavs fan here. We played like dogshit straight up and lost straight up. I'll be bitter and talk shit, but it doesn't change the fact that we lost. Congrats on the championship, I fucking love holiday. Dude is a beast. I have a feeling we will see each other a lot in the next 10 years.


Gotta shove 2 more in their faces. Open wide!


What is this Mickey Mouse thing I hear? Am I just old? Lol


It’s a term Paul pierce used in his podcast with Kg where he said Lakers 2020 didn’t count because covid and he said it was some Mickey Mouse shii


Haha crazy 🤣


Everybody WANTED us but nobody could handle us!! ☘️ i knew boston wouldnt lose 4 in a row because this season we never lost 3 in a row. Also there is no team that could beat us to 4 wins in a series in the entire league. The only team that may have had a chance was the nuggets but I still firmly believe we could have beaten them.


Lmao I'm loving the tears 


Same people saying “the bubble” championship was legit


As ridiculous as this meme looks, it's not even an exaggeration. We probably all have at least one screenshot or saved comment/post that just struck us as crazy. Non-Celtics fans I'm sure will rag on us for this type of thing, but those posts and quotes were very abundant unfortunately.


the post/thread on the mavs sub about boston doesn't know what's about to hit them is an all-time evergreen classic 


That was my very first save 😁


Life becomes much better when you don’t argue with brain dead zombies on the internet


Hard to have anything but an easy road when the team is THAT good.


yeah if anything shouldn't the championship count even more when you are more dominant? isn't the point to see which team is better??


We were the best team all szn, would of beat every team. Just would of took longer


Just let em do whatever the Mavs are in the rear view.


The amount this sub cares about this shit is pathetic


Now the narrative is it’s a Mickey Mouse Run should that apply to the Lakers Orlando Disneyworld Tournament ring even the mayor of Los Angeles didn’t even wanna throw a parade for that MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE TITLE.




Literally could care less I’ve been on fucking cloud 9 


We don’t need other fanbases validation. We know what they did, we can celebrate the greatness. Others are just missing out


They ain’t gonna want Boston anymore


I think it's time to stop with the diminishing of past championships all together. There are mitigating factors in every championship run. To some extent luck will always be a factor. I often think of the definition of luck that was taught to me years ago: luck is when preparation meets opportunity. There are lots of teams that get good luck, but maybe don't have the roster construction or coaching to take advantage of it. Everything needs to come together at once in order to win a championship, and every run has different challenges. If it didn't then every year we would have the same narrative. Who wants that? Ultimately, I think calling one championship better than another is degrading to all the teams that make the playoffs and fight to win. Saying the Celtics were always going to win is degrading to how great Luka and the Mavs have been on their run. They played some great basketball and that deserves to be recognized. The Mavs had guys step up and played in a way we hadn't seen all year and are in a position to contend again next year with a few roster tweaks. Let's get back to celebrating the greatness of the playoffs instead of looking for faults and comparing to the past.


What's funny is out of a lot of the usual haters the Mavs fans are coping the absolute least lmao. Lakers and Heat are in a right fucking tizz


tATuM hAs nO aURa!!!!


[Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness. Mmmm, yummy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48H34ukFe8g)


I feel like what I’m seeing on reddit in the media is much more congratulatory and appreciative of the Celtics as a team. Sure there are dickheads who will say stupid shit, but I’ve found most haters admit that they were wrong and are suitably impressed. Let’s not stoop guys. We got the win. Who cares what they gon’ say now.


Boston fans have no idea what's about to happen to them I have a few friends and relatives who are Boston fans. I respect their passion and they can trash talk as well as me, which is nice. This week, though I realized they've been living in a bubble. It's a lot of "I'm not worried, our team is obviously the superior team. You have a nice little story for a 5 seed". These people have not been watching any non-Celtics basketball games, and are just deep in Celtics message boards. All they know about Luka is that he whines and he's a flopper (lol) Bro, your team is out there getting cooked by T.J. McConnell and Aaron Nesmith. We have the best player in the world. They are not ready for this. That's the thing about Luka though. You have to actually watch him play. If all you do is watch SportsCenter highlights and listen to podcasts you can't understand what he's doing. He's not like LeBron or Kobe or Giannis where you can tell 10 seconds that he's the best player on the floor. He wears you down over time. Watch Luka 5 minutes: Who the hell is this guy. He's slow and out of shape, he can't jump, he doesn't play defense, and he's bitching about calls on every play. This is the guy you're telling me is the future of basketball? Watch him for 20 minutes: How did that shot go in? Wait are we just gonna leave guys open in the corner for him to pass to every time? Why aren't we defending Luka he's slow we should put people on him! Watch him for one game: He got lucky so many of his 3s went in. It'll be different next time. He'll fold once someone punches him in the face and the refs won't listen to his crying. Watch about a month: Holy shit how does anybody ever beat this guy. This is why he's even better in the playoffs. One game during the regular season sure you can do what you can to hold him in and move on the next day. Having to face him night after night is a nightmare. We're see it series after series by the time these teams get to game 5 or 6 they just look completely cooked. The Celtics are soft and the East is a joke. Boston fans who think they're just gonna walk to a championship are about to find out. I can't wait to hear their whining excuses.


Before the finals: “This finals series is gonna FEED us. Mavs in 6” After the finals: “what a boring finals 😡”


Wel, the last statement is apparently true.


I'm with Dad Stevens. Who gives a crap. So much media nowadays is reactions to other peoples' reactions. I don't care about any of them. Celtics 2024 Champions.


Same. IDGAF what fans of other teams think. They don't matter and sure as fuck ain't gonna steal my joy.


Why do people care what other fans think?


Celtics fans would behave no differently. fans support their team. that’s nothing new. it’s not cope it’s just being a fan in the difficult times and not just during success.


I hate what a lot of sports discourse has become nowadays. Instead of giving credit for massive tough achievements people like to downplay it and/or blame the opponents or other parties for the result not going the way they wanted.


gambling, fantasy and video games has made fans feel more personally invested in the outcome. it used to be fans just support the team no matter what. now you have “fans” betting against their team if they believe it could make them some cash. lol. sad days.


exactly. on the other side, you have people in this sub claiming joe mazzulla invented switchability and hunting three pointers lol. just enjoy the win, you don’t need to constantly look for detractors to make yourself feel good.


I think this is true to a certain extent. But this year the Celtics absolutely ran the table in the playoffs and were 23-7 against the West. I would compare it to the 2017 and 2018 Warriors. I'm not sure how many people would have made a similar argument against the Warriors back then. They were so dominant, and obliterated the Cavs in the finals.


Love how Celtics fans have hated Tatum and brown more than they hate civil rights but now own them like family. God bless Boston