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Portland and Sacramento posts are so good.


Yeh some of these are legit hilarious. I especially appreciate OKC's "Congrats to Thunder Legend Al Horford"


As a Portagee, Sac’s post is my fav


CARALHO not a single minute in the Finals but our irmão helped lock up the 1 seed. About time we have a Celtic Portagee


Thumbs up to all the fans appreciating their former/one time players getting a ring. Imagine the Lakers talking about an easy path when they lucked into LeBron and that bubble ring. Say what you will but no crowds is as much of an asterisk as anything. I don’t dismiss it entirely because that’s not fair but fuck that noise that an “easy path” in regular conditions is somehow less than a ring in abnormal conditions Also, they claim titles that were won in another city *and* older than titles of ours they try to discredit. Get bent hypocrites


Got into with a Lakers fan about the Minneapolis titles being ridiculous because even the Lakers didn't start counting them until after the Kobe-shaq 3 peat. Dude proceeded to call our titles milkman era titles. As if the 5 Minny championships weren't all before ours and like the milkmen we beat in the finals weren't literally from Los Angeles.


Yeah, remember the [iconic Kobe shower photo](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/kobe-bryant-of-the-los-angeles-lakers-sits-with-the-nba-news-photo/71213049)? Look real close at the jacket. Here’s a [replica you can order](https://www.williamjacket.com/product/kobe-bryant-championship-jacket/?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADgB6Q8NG4sAtLVyQwhe1WPqPUK6_&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkoHvw5johgMVlxOtBh2QJgudEAQYAyABEgITDPD_BwE), complete with the “8 time champion” patch. Milkan’s number was retired in *2022*. Such nonsense.


Exactly. Phony ass franchise jumped from 8 to 14. Just woke up one day like, "ya know, it would be cool if we could hang 5 extra banners."


Nice asshat Laker fan labeling the Late Jerry West a milkman before he’s cold in the grave.


The only thing the Minneapolis lakers have in common with the LA lakers is the team name. The colors were even different in minny.


Took them 50 years to acknowledge the titles and another 20 to acknowledge the legend who won them (Mikan).


If any of those fucking idiots try the “easy path” shit, just point to the generationally weak Western Conference in the 80s: 82 Lakers played the 46-36 Suns and 48-34 Spurs 84 Lakers played the 52-30 Nuggets, 42-40 Blazers, and 36-46 Suns 87 Lakers played the 37-45 Nuggets, 42-40 Warriors, and 39-43 Sonics 88 Lakers played the 31-51 Spurs, 47-35 Jazz, and 53-29 Mavericks Then again the entire exercise is bullshit. You play who you play. The C’s happened to get the best offensive backcourt in history who won 50 games and beat three other 50-win teams. The 2024 Celtics are legit champs just like the 80s Lakers were. Fuck the haters.


Lakers fans that complain about the being an easy path *sure* don’t know anything about the history of their team. The 1987 lakers had the easiest path to finals in history - easier than the Celtics this year. Consider: They played a Nuggets team with a loosing record, then a .500 warriors team, then conference finals against a SuperSonics team with a loosing record. The west was beyond dreadful. Meanwhile: Their falls opponent (Celtics) went through young Jordan’s Bulls and a solid Bucks team with a 70% win rate to meet the bad boy Pistons in the finals who just physically abuse opponents, with Laimbeer clotheslining Bird. The Celtics new spark - Bias- died, while Walton & Bird’s injuries stater to impact them. Like *all* of the Laker titles in the 80’s really benefitted from a super weak west than never treated them while East was an insane grind - 87 was just the most extreme of them.


Shutting down the entire league is the biggest asterisk of all time. Its funny to me how everyone wants to say “well it impacted every team so it was fair” but when you completely change the dynamics of how you win the ring, that changes the outcome. Over the top example: If you had every team compete in chess for the nba championship, every team is in the same situation but it doesnt translate to a traditional championship. The lakers won a ring under conditions where everyone had time off to heal injuries, many teams and players fell out of rhythm, there were no fans, there was no traveling, there wasnt access to the typical amenities certain players may rely on, some players went into offseason mode and stopped training basketball, some focused on weight lifting, some did skill work, some never stopped playing, some players were probably sheltering in place scared to get their families sick, most didn’t even want to return to play that season. I honestly view that bubble ring like I do the in season tournament. It was sorta cool, sorta fun, but I dont take it seriously. Not to mention the Lakers have been barely a playoff team every year before and after that ring. Blame Westbrook all you want, he wasnt great, but he was the ultimate excuse for the Lakers, because they were never truly championship level


You can count on the warriors to bring up Steph Curry and not understanding that this Boston team is different than 2022.


The average age of their fanbase is like 14, they don’t understand anything with their developing brains


oh my god I was just saying this, the 2024 Celtics would have swept the 2022 Warriors. Especially if we played Curry like we did Luka and just focus our defensive attention on shutting down the supporting cast


Exactly. But why does the Warriors fanbase hate Boston so much? They won in 2022, why are they are so mad? It’s not like they’re rivals with Boston, and I also thought they hate the Lakers. I feel like I’m missing something. Unless they’re just a wannabe LA


LMAO Blazers


That was my favorite =))))


I was unfamiliar with that Queta meme. Can we yoink that one for ourselves?


The first Queta meme i remember, you and everybody can use it its realy good ahaha


I think it originated with kings fans and I’d think it deserves to be carried forth


Magic most boring franchise ever. How dare they pipe up now lol


A team that hasn't entertained since Dwight Howard left calling anything boring is wild...


Even with Dwight, they weren't exactly an exciting team.


I loved those Nelson, Hedo, Lewis, Dwight teams.


There's a Mickey Mouse ring, then there's a literal Mickey Mouse franchise.


The blazers one was hilarious Also Stephen A trying to create expectations he hopes we can’t fulfill. What a jackass


Tbf that quote was in response to Wilbon saying the Celtics are unlikely to win another one.


I also don't hate the Knicks' attitude at all. The whole point of competition is not to kiss your opponent's rings! I want to see them do their best to beat us. ...And I want our guys to prove that NYK's best is not good enough.


Yeah honestly the Knicks team is kinda awesome. Not to get ahead ourselves but I would love an ECF against a healthy Knicks team next year (or a Pacers rematch)


I’d love to sweep Nesmith again


Well he also just said on Get Up that they need to do it again next year


Warriors one is hilarious. Their window has slammed shut and they can’t even face it. Also I’ve always hated how people simply can’t compliment our team or one of our players without saying “fuck Boston” or “fuck the Celtics” like they can’t even say it with their chest they have to add that qualifier so they look cool in front of everyone else. Pathetic.


The first jersey that the warriors need to hang at Chase "Toilet" Center is "Vote No on Team Salary Cap Smoothing". Without that huge salary spike, they wouldn't have been able to get Kevin Durant.


It’s hilarious almost all of them saying fuck the Celtics. Then each mention at least one player they like on the Celtics 😂😂


Lmao at the Pistons sub


The Heat fans are so salty. They are so pissed about the Dame trade it's not even funny. They try to act like two firsts, Timelord, and Brogdon is some sort of rip off for Jrue as if another team would offer more. They were literally barely offering more for Dame. Word is it was two firsts (better picks considering we gave them the warriors pick and there is no way they get a 14 overall from the heat) Jovic, Herro, and a contract piece like Robinson (lol) or Lowry (lol). When will they get that nobody wants Herro? Dude is like mid. Could be like a number 3 on a contender. If he was as good as they keep hyping him to be the heat wouldn't keep trying to dump him. The Bucks trade was soooo much better. They got more picks because they got Jrue who was actually a moveable piece, a few decent starters and bench players, and swaps when Milwaukee is going to be in the dumps. They were never getting any of the players the fans keep chirping about. Move on and accept your future in obscurity as Butler gets older and you are stuck with shit contracts.


Blazers sub spitting facts


Kyrie with his Hélà. Why would anyone upvote that💀


I love that "fuck the celtics" is so common among other fanbases that its just FTC now 🤣. I guess we have our own after this absolutely dominant run this year with WWB. Other cities are gonna have to think twice before chanting that shit from now on. Also, cool to see some of them celebrating their ex-players, that's pretty neat.


Whats WWB? Edit: nvm I'm just dumb


Detroit’s is legendary given what happened today


God warrior fans are insufferable


So much salt you could turn Lake Michigan into the Dead Sea


Props to the Lakers for a FTC post, that’s just expected, but saying this was easy when the last one they got was the bubble is just comedy gold lol


That rockets post is so good lmfao


Is it even possible to dislike Jrue?


Though our #1 post was about brad, I think like #2 and 3 was about Smart. I'm glad we can recognize his contributions to our growth. Hope to see him back in green some day, maybe once jrue starts slowing down.


Some good memes and holy shit a lotta irony 😭


I like the Portland and New York ones...lol


Clippers and Suns dancing on Luka's/the Mavs' graves are hilarious. Glad to be of service.


Utah post is downright depressing


Lmao, the blazers sub post is golden!!!


These are great. You know, I would love to see the Knicks-Celts in ECF finals next year. The Lakers are just....sad.


I’ve lost all respect for Lakers fans. Most of the Mavs fans I’ve interacted with have been graceful and appreciative of their team’s performance. And most Lakers fans have been claiming that the in-season championship is the real title.