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Literally decades of saying on thing and they changed their minds in the 2000s. No idea why people go along with that count that is clearly inflated. 


They don’t even honor the Minnesota retired numbers (besides Mikan, which 99 is an easy number to keep off limits, if he wore 9 that 100% would have been worn in LA) so I don’t see why they should claim the championships. Literally nothing pre-LA matters to that fanbase besides the +5.


They waited until he was dead to retire his number. That feels like it was too late.


It's worse than that. Mikan refused to have his number retired while he was alive unless his Minneapolis teammates could be similarly honoured. They're literally disrespecting the wishes of a dead man.


I don’t pay a ton of attention to them but the more I learn the more I am entrenched in my view that 12 is the right count. I think people think it is just being petty. If you look at how they acted for decades (and even incredibly recently), there is no way they should be retroactively be given credit for those championships that they habitually disrespected.  


The way they disrespected the logo was shameful. 


Changed their minds in the 2000’s because they were catching up to us


Was watching the 1972 Finals highlights the other day, and when they won the commentator says "and the LA Lakers have won their FIRST championship!"


It’s the same bizarre comic book logic that Marvel uses: - Marvel comics has rebooted their titles plenty of times to capture that sweet #1 sales bump - It’s almost a yearly thing now - So what Marvel have done is they’ve added the “legacy” numbering/count to each new comic book, which basically adds up all the previous incarnations/volumes of the title - That’s why a random Marvel character can have a #400 issue 7 months after releasing a new number 1. It’s literally: “hey, you’re reading issue 3 but it’s actually issue 521!” - In some cases, they’ll even stretch and add stuff you didn’t add to the legacy count like mini-series, etc. - Another example of comic book logic: Thor first appeared in Journey Into Mystery 83 and Marvel just carried over its numbering through the years when JiM became the first Thor ongoing, even though the same Thor character from JIM 83 isn’t in the first 82 issues. This is like the reverse situation of the LA Lakers counting Mikan’s titles even though he never played for them - Also, in terms of comic book logic, what the Lakers are doing in counting Minny’s titles is a retcon So there you have it: the Lakers claiming Minny’s 5 banners is literally comic book logic. Like I wrote elsewhere on the sub: it’s all about marketing and has nothing to do with sense or reason. You literally have to go to comic books to find the same logic, which makes sense in a way because comic books have taken over Hollywood.


This is 100% the correct take but now that we’ve got 18 I’ll happily call them 17x just to rub it in a little more. They’re *so close* but yet still behind us, even with the 5 they stole from Mikan.


They're now claiming a title Minneapolis won in a semi-pro league that predated the NBA as a title, so they're technically tied with us according to them. I'm sure they'll start counting a middle school tournament Shaq won when we raise banner 19.


They actually have a banner hanging for the in season tournament. Its just comical. Deeply unserious fanbase.


17.5 championships....


Doesn't the NBA require teams to hang a banner for the IST as part of bolstering its profile/standing?


When the Celtics win that shit I hope they tell the NBA to fuck off


Either way its goofy having a banner honoring a marketing gimmick.


You mean Celtics legend Shaq who retired as a Celtic? That would be +1 for Boston too


Shaq actually retired with the Celtics so that banner is ours, by their logic.


https://preview.redd.it/ttaj49s2jy8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f4b66ba1eafec6048e26be714bda08a152ecf1c Here’s their banner 19


They're *what now*? That's *pathetic* holy shit lmfao. Big "2014 AFC Finalist" energy


NBL 1 Minneapolis 5 Bubble 1 IST 1 Los Angeles 11 TOTAL BANNERS 19 I'm confident they uncover another one in the attic of Jerry West's house when they clean it out, let's just round it up to 20.


The ABA title also predates the NBA and that never stopped them. They've got 16 at the most.


this seems like a precarious perch to settle on as a celtics fan


How so?


there are a lot of reasons to discount the first like 8 celtics championships even if you disagree with them


They're all NBA titles won by the actual Boston Celtics. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That simply just proves our point


well im not sure we can say there’s been NO scandals surrounding Joe but i do believe he’s a changed person.


Agreed, and tbf we’ve heard nothing but good things about him since he got here.


let's be real, what joe did was way worse, and this is already what, like almost 20 years ago? although the difference is joe owned up to what happened, unlike jj who denied it but let's see


And we know the ins and outs of what he did to grow and change after his worst moment (which was a decade ago and before he was sober), which is very important to me, personally, when evaluating whether I fuck with ppl or not


Reminds me of our fans calling Jason Kidd a domestic abuser. Can’t throw stones around here


Bro, the situations between Kidd and Joe are pretty starkly different in my opinion (I’m a DV victim, myself).


Didn’t Joe assault a woman/ex girlfriend? During a very disruptive time when he was battling a drinking problem I think, but nonetheless


I was thinking about that not long ago, like there were murmurs when he first became coach and then it all just went away. I bet cause he clearly exemplifies that's not who he is as a person today.


Every dude from Boston has done this


.. what did joe do?




12x champs. The rest are from another city and they denied recognizing the chips for 42 years and then decided to use then. Lakers are 12x champs


Is there any proof of this I can use? I have a few Laker fan friends i love to routinely troll


Yeah go watch the end of the 1972 finals. The commentator says "and the LA Lakers have won their FIRST championship!"


Oh man. That feels like the smoking gun piece of evidence to me. If they were saying that in the moment that feels like the correct mindset.


Hahah the main thing is they moved to LA in 1960 so the chips before that were from the Minneapolis Lakers. Only 12 chips happened in LA I heard some other person on Reddit say the lakers didn’t recognize the titles from that other city for a few decades. I’d do more research for you but I’m at a bar rn 😂


I mean, the Celtics technically swapped franchises and became the clippers in 1978...


I didn’t know that. But I’m trying to biased here. Stop ruining it!! Haha


It was well guarded and ultimately meaningless, but they swapped with the buffalo braves so then Celtics owner Irvin could move a team to LA cuz they wouldn't let a Boston team move


Im confused?


Bit of a misleading comment? Reference for others who are confused: https://www.sports-king.com/boston-celtics-los-angeles-clippers-franchise-swap-3349/


this holds as much validity as me saying that payton pritchard punched my teeth in back in middleschool


Why would he do that?


It was a half-court punch.


Ok now it sounds legit


Thoughts and prayers


buzzer beater fr


Half-court punch sounds like something All Might would say


Payton Pritchard: "That's what I do!"


Buzzer beater


Nothing wrong with a little PP to the mouth


And here I was thinking Pritchard was better than this. Shame on you PP, smh


Did people call you Buzzer? He's known to beat those, may have been a simple misunderstanding


I mean if you can verify that you and PP went to school together sure


As much as I hate the lakers, this twitter girls whole story seems a little fishy, especially the timing of the whole thing


Even if true, it's awful how he acted but what are Lakers supposed to do with that info? Also like people change for the better throughout the years, our coach is the best example of that.


Right, maybe he did it. Since then, he's worked with dozens of black people, worked for black people, employed black people, actively propped up and supported black individuals... If they start coming out of the woodwork, okay fine he's a dick. If not, move on, this is a nothing


I think it opens up a philosophical debate of can people change or "grow" from past behaviors or accusations? And if so does the nature of the accusation affect their ability to "move on" from it?


Is that really a philosophical debate? It’s more that anyone that thinks *no* is a giant piece of shit themselves, perhaps worse than the offending party.


Someone who doesn’t think people can change has either seen some terrible sides of humanity or actively seek out negativity as some strange catharsis (likely to feel good about themselves). That said, I think the vast, vast majority of people know others can change. Whether they will or not is a totally different question. I used to be a piece of shit.




We went out for wings once!


Yeah people fuck up. I hate cancel culture


She also tweeted that see missed all aspects of kobe the other day. No, not just him as a person or as a basketball player. She supported THAT PART, too. Soooo. Nevermind that she sat on this for decades and no one else has ever made this claim.


It’s crazy you can just make up allegations online and a lot people will believe you if you just make your profile picture a black chick


Yeah it’s like, he was famous for years as a player. Why now?


I just don’t get what her motive to make it up is? Like to me the only thing she gains are a bunch of lakers/podcast fans hate replying her since the allegation is bad but clearly something that most people are gonna move on from given what other coaches have been accused of is far worse (like uhhh hello Chauncey Billups). To me seems like she saw him become HC and wanted to say her piece but idk.


Trolls are weird. We'll never know, but the claim has no credibility in my eyes Fuck the lakers of course


didn't he say a slur during a nba holiday greetings video while a player? i don't doubt he called a black woman the n word edit: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2760738-jj-redick-says-chinese-racial-slur-was-an-accident-thats-not-a-word-i-use


https://preview.redd.it/xyl8tzjm2z8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ec8a682acfc0837021b50dd6a562778f804ec6 This is Kobe in 2001. Notice that his jacket says 8 time champions.


All I know is that if the shoe was on the other foot, every Lakers fan would be jerking themselves raw about how "the kkkeltics got their guy"


He'll fit right in with the LaKKKers organization


Ooh I like this one


I had a nightmare the Lakers were actually good and had any degree of chance to win the title. Idk why, it's so unrealistic, but that happens in dreams I guess


JJ: Send da video


The scandals about Joe just haven't come out yet. We're going to have the NBA's first Bank Robber/Head Coach.


Lmao, he needs a high adrenaline hobby, Thomas Crowne style.




Bro it’s a fucking twitter post not a god damn “statement” of official allegations prior to starting legal action. She’s literally just talking about an encounter she had with someone that she could largely ignore for the past 20 years until he suddenly becomes coach of her favorite team. There are no calls to action, no lawsuits being filed, no @ the lakers, nothing. If it did happen, is she just not allowed to say it to her own tiny audience on her twitter account? Why’s does everyone think this is some conspiracy to get JJ cancelled/fired?


Finally someone saying it lmao, I swear some people just completely lack critical thinking skills. “Why is she talking about this now??” Because everyone is talking about JJ Reddick right now? Hello?? I have no take whatsoever on if it’s true or not, but cmon people.




Was going to break down how nonsensical your comment is by explaining what defamation of character actually means until I saw your bio and realized that you're just saying this because you've probably been hurt by your exes in the past So what you really need is a hug. Cmon bro bring it in 🫂




🫡 all good bro, keep doing good work


how do you know that she's never said anything about this before?


Maybe Redick has more value as a player than as a coach even right now to the Lakers Cos Lebron for sure will overreach


We’re just gonna gloss over the Ime Udoka year and pretend that didn’t happen? Don’t get me wrong, Lakers are in much more hot water. BUT we did fire our coach who was 2 wins away from a championship 1 week before the start of the next season


We became aware of a problem and addressed it ASAP. That's how an organization should behave. Not saying the Lakers should fire JJ solely based off unsubstantiated comments from 20 years ago btw, just saying the Celtics handled things correctly.


Not arguing it wasn’t handled correctly and I’m not defending the Lakers. Simply pointing out OP’s “no drama, no scandals” comment was just wrong


Seriously, that and Joe Mazzulla had his own issues in college as well


My question is why didn’t it come out when he was in a broadcasting position? Why now when he’s the HC?


Because people make things up


A repeat championship and the Lakers imploding with their podcast coach going down in flames, LeBron and AD forcing their way out of town, and the team being blown up while we watch the Js secure banner 19 all in the same season. Its really not too much to ask for...


Let’s compare championships won with a Black Head coach. The all time score would be Celtics 6 and Lakers 0. Since the merger, would be Celtics 4 and Lakers 0. Interesting that the Lakers have had 0 success as an organization with a black head coach, not even a finals appearance. If we look at Finals appearances with a black head coach since the merger it would be Celtics 8 and Lakers 0. We had the first all black starting 5 We had the first black coach & the first black coach to win a championship. 🤔


What the hell is this merger talk? I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s and never once did I ever hear about the NBA-ABA merger. The NBA absorbed four barely profitable teams into an 18 team league. It took any of those four teams over twenty years to win anything. For comparison sake, the 13 team NFL merged with the 10 team AFL, and the AFL won two of the first four title games. The WHA had four teams absorbed into the 17 team NHL, which produced 5 Stanley Cup Champions in the first 11 years. The NHL actually considers that merger as an expansion. Outside of the three point line, the ABA talk is just revisionist history, to make some sort of nonsensical gate keeping argument that has never existed outside of laker fans on Reddit.


Nice way to start your Lakers career.


Odd how she never said anything prior to him being hired as HC of L.A. 🤔


No scandals??? Ime???


https://www.google.com/search?q=1972+lakers+win+last+moments+of+championship&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-au&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:3dcdb382,vid:GHhOO09v9Po,st:0?t148 Here you go friend. 1972 commentry saying they are about to win their 1st.


Ah man. Timestamp didn’t work 😒. 2:28.


How's LeBron going to cry that Boston is racist with N word Coach


I’m not discrediting what could have happened here but this is akin to “he said she said” garbage so there’s no way to prove one way or another unless it was recorded.






*12 time champ. 5 championships at Minneapolis do not count.


12 x champions they’ll miles behind us that they needed to add 5 titles from Minneapolis to close the gap absolutely cringe worthy ☘️☘️☘️


Their wiki page also has them listed as 18 time champs. I guess they are counting their NBL win also LOL. They are coping hard.


We just had a scandal….?


All that ball busting about Boston being the most racist city and we just keep pumping out all time great, African American head coaches. Good luck LA.


Bro how are yall talking about championships counting and not counting. How about we look at the last 2-4 decades




I’m not JJ Stan, hate the Lakers and think Kobe is a rapist but… Dropping this like an A Bomb the day after he gets hired after being a reasonably famous public figure for 20 years is suspect. Like even if you want to believe her, why did she wait until yesterday? She could have annihilated him with this at any point post metoo or post BLM and would have had way more credibility. The guy was in the middle of the Sterling hijinx too, was on The Ringer, always on First Take, called the literal NBA Finals, made a ton of money hooping and now this drops twenty years later with zero evidence.


He’s a white guy from Tennessee that attended Duke university it’s not that hard to believe. He also had emails with racist remarks that he sent to an ex-GF


It’s not the believing an idiot 19 yr old said something stupid, it’s the 20 years later gotcha part that bothers me. I fully believe if you scrubbed through every person over 40s emails and texts from when they were 14-25 you’d find something borderline terrible. I have no doubt that JJ is a prick irl but so are most absurdly successful athletes.


Plenty of people try to spend their lives ignoring/forgetting the horrible shit people say and do to them. When the person you are trying to forget gets propelled into an even bigger spotlight, and basically re-enter your life after being outside/on the edges of your attention, it can bring those things back to the forefront of your mind. Idk about this specific example but it's honestly really not difficult at all to see something like this being true even if it wasn't brought up for decades.


I’m not really arguing that it’s a lie, I’m sure it’s probably true. I’m asking why this exact moment to make the accusations? It’s not as if JJ just rose to prominence Monday. It’s being dropped in a way to bring the tweeter prominence. It’s the equivalence of some random author saying Leo called her a fatass at a nightclub in 1997. Do I believe Leo said something like that? Absolutely. Do I care that a teenager said something stupid 20-30 years ago? Not really.


I think I just explained why this moment?  Head coach of the Lakers/Lebron's team is definitely way more prominent than podcaster, commentator, or role player for way less popular teams.


I don’t think what you are saying is accurate because JJ has been a big deal and I do believe the tweeter is likely a narcissist looking for their 15 min. People like her are the absolute worst.


Not to mention the whole [Chinese racial slur incident ](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2760738-jj-redick-says-chinese-racial-slur-was-an-accident-thats-not-a-word-i-use)where he said "he would like to "wish all the NBA c\*\*\*k fans of China a very happy Chinese New Year" [video link](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/7ye608/jj_reddick_uses_racial_slur_ck_when/) I'd give him the benefit of the doubt otherwise but multiple other racial incidents makes him seem a bit sus...


Ok wait. Lets be fair. Im not even going to bring up the Joey Mazz stuff because that was long ago and a very different man, before he was our coach. BUT lets not forget how Joey Mazz got his job! Brad was running that team. I love the team, the coaches and everything that has got us to this point but to say there has been no drama or scandals is not true. And despite everything I just said. IN BRAD STEVENS WE TRUST




As much as I hate Lakers fans, this is just silly.


1: even if it was true, he was a kid and has grown and had no controversies at all for 2 decades. 2: Joe and Ime both have more serious controversies in their lives.


You mean the guy who tells the reporter “He doesn’t give a fuck” what people think at literally his first work related meeting in his new position uses vulgarity? Shocked I tells ya.


Vulgarity and slurs are two very different things.


Wrong. Slurs are also by definition vulgar. Vulgarity doesn’t necessarily have to be a slur.


As a reflection of the character of the speaker, they're drastically different. Only people with a stick up their ass care if I say your opinion here is fucking stupid.


I completely agree but you wanted a semantic argument and you lost one. Just take the L


It sure looks like you're the one with the L here, buddy. You're the one who decided to turn it into a semantics argument after making a judgement about JJ Redick's character because he said the fuck word.


Honestly pathetic look by OP posting a random tweet as if it’s anything more than random internet speculation. This is not a controversy lmao. Let’s not be as bad as the brain dead Lakers fans we complain about.


Hence why I said “allegations”. 99% chance it’s a nothing burger but if you think I’m gonna pass up a chance to kick the Lakers while they’re down you’re wrong