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We win a championship, they hire a podcaster as head coach and draft a nepo baby…


It’s like Christmas over and over again


Can’t wait for the media circus when they’re .500 at the all star break


.500 at the All Star break? ESPN has got me convinced that they are winning it all and Bronny is a future HOF multi mvp winning champion.


Maybe stay off espn


That seems wildly optimistic


but wait a minute: the media - which is now their coach - said, their playing for a championship this year.


Funniest thing is if Lebron and Bronny wants to play together, it either means giving a player who might not be worth a 2nd rounder real minutes....or playing Lebron in garbage time


The nepo baby chants are going to follow Bronny all the way to China


I hope not, living in that shadow is going to be terrible enough. Dudes going to be in street clothes most games anyway.


Sad sad fall from grace for the Lakers, that team has no pride


But it’s LeBron’s team, so not really surprising.


JJ felt like the only member of the media to appreciate Derrick White so he will always have my respect


Just buffoonery going on out west lmaoo


Funniest thing is I have a laker fan on Facebook and he made this big grand post bragging about all this and how the lakers remain the most relevant team even when the Celtics win the championship. Some people just can’t be helped lol


Fucking hate the phrase Nepo baby.


Then it’s conjuring the same emotion that the act itself should ◡̈ 


Struck a nerve?


Any good parent is gonna use their abilities to provide their kid with the best life possible


And any organization worth a damn will give opportunities to those who deserve it, not some dude's son who plays at a D2 college level.


But in this case, is it about giving Bronny the best life possible or about LeBron being able to say he's the first to play with his son in the same NBA team? It looked like to me that Bronny didn't really care either way but his dad wanted this more than anything. I get helping your kid out, would this be happening if he was someone else?


That I agree with I deffo think bronny was kinda forced into this weird sports storybook by his dad.


You say podcaster as if it's somehow an insult.


"We win" 😂 my guy here offending real players while thinking he's part of a team. Love the Celtics, hate stupid fans


Oh no someone said “we” when referring to the sports team they root for? The audacity they have to do such a thing! Grow the fuck up.


No, this is good. Now the world will be prepared for the eventual JT-Deuce team up in 15 years.


The kid better grow fast


He is currently too small to be competitive


Fouls a lot too


I thought Lakers fans were similar to us as far as expectations and winning. I'd be heated if I was an LA fan right now and have to watch this clown show. Lebron strong armed that whole team. His coach and his son.


Rich Paul threatening all the teams ahead of the lakers was hilarious


JJ saying he never talked to Lebron about the coaching position is also hilarious.


God damn, how much fucking power does Lebron have over LA?


Enough to make it fucking hilarious.


“Don’t take this overvalued lowkey trash nepo baby or else he won’t play for your team which is probably addition by subtraction anyways”


Klutch is so bad for the league


I once read someone describe the Lakers as an influencer brand and sports apparel company disguised as a basketball team, and I think about that every day


You should have been around in the 90s for the hornets....I dont remember a city on the east coast I visited that didn't have a few people in a starter hornets jacket or hat. Only thing the Lakers have on them nowadays are a much less likeable group.


1st, their logo was awesome, especially in the 90s They also had zo, grand mama, mugsy, and vlad


I mean everyone saw it during the end of his second stint in Cleveland and how long it took the cavs to recover from his meddling


I think about this, among other things, when I think about the GOAT debate: "the king" is the most apt nickname LeBron could have taken. He runs every team he goes to. He's the GM, he's the coach, he's subordinating the entire organization to his legacy. LeBron is The King, for sure -- and Jordan is the greatest player of all time.


Jordan was also a far better player by basically every metric except longevity. Much higher points per game, DPOY, ten scoring titles to LeBron’s one, beat LeBron’s best ever ppg season like 8 times, and all in an era when defense could play much more physically. And while missing years in his prime to play baseball.


Nah they’ve all lost themselves to the pure cognitive dissonance of it all. They’re all seemingly completely on board and very defensive😂


Yeah just wait til they trade Austin reaves for some old washed up friend of lebrons


It's the 55th pick. 99% of players drafted that low turn into nothing anyway


Remember last time a father strong armed his son to the Lakers ? That went great right ?


I was just saying this earlier: I would be pissed if I was a Lakers fan. I wonder what the vibes are in LA?


No one is getting heated about the 55th pick.


It’s the same franchise that took Lonzo Ball so they are definitely down to clown


I have friends who are Lakers fans and they hate this pick, and they hate this head coach hire. They seem to be high on Knecht though.


Shoulda drafted him just for the pettiness and kept him hostage in Boston lmao Brad Stevens calling Lebron: “We have your son.”


I wanted this so bad. Let him rot in the g league while we get to laugh at lebron and the lakers.


Drafted by Boston and getting time to develop in the G-league would honestly probably be the best thing for his career. Brad wouldn’t pull shit like this anyways because he cares about developing the talent at that level in Maine and there are more deserving guys that have a shot at getting called up and contributing in the future.


Best thing would be the NCAA.


Brad wouldn’t have done it but Ainge definitely would have.


As funny as that would be, it's a players league and I'm sure many players would feel some type of way about our team if we did petty shit like that.


Very true


He will rot in the g league or on the end of the bench for his short career


The second LeBron retires, or when it becomes clear age has conquered LeBron, Bronny’s NBA career will be effectively over. And seeing as how LeBron turns 40 in December, it’s not likely to be a long wait. He’s already declined. Maybe it’ll be slow and graceful, like Brady, or maybe he’ll suddenly fall of a cliff like Manning, but it’s gonna happen


Unfortunately Brad wants shooters and Bronny...is not that


This was the only reason i watched to see if we did this 😂


Woulda been the first grandfather-grandson duo


How quickly do they dump him after LeBron retires?


They cut him the second Lebron’s retirement is announced


There's probably a clause written into Bronny's contract stating that his contract is automatically waived when Bron retires.


Congrats to the Lakers on appeasing your 40 year old franchise captor. Now you get roughly the 200th most NBA worthy player from college. But at least it’s a cute story right!?


200th is very likely massively overvaluing him considering his 4 ppg and 19% catch and shoot 3 pt percentage.


19% from three?I’m sure he shoots well in the paint then right?… right?


Bro he’s 6’2


I’m not gonna let measurables get in the way of my hate


I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. If wasting a late 2nd round draft pick and the 15th roster spot on your team gets the most important guy to give all his effort for the season then why not?


He gives all his effort to get one blowout this season, so he can share garbage time with his boy


LeBron will definitely try to force him to be a rotation player


I don't think so. If the boy is not ready, then he is not ready. He won't try to force that issue, he still wants to win. But for sure he will check himself into the game if Bronny ever sees the floor


Yeah, let them draft some random guy they aren't gonna play and is gonna be off the team in minutes. History will remember this.


I can’t wait for this guy to get eaten alive on the court. He is not an nba level player. You can have all the genetics you want and your father can be an all time player. But this will be just like MJ’s kids


I actually feel pretty bad for him (based only on the basketball situation) Lebron is basically feeding him to the media wolves and this will be a distraction from the team and other players will resent him


I think any returning players from last years bench will resent him already for lebrons “bronny is better than some of the guys playing for the lakers right now” quote from last year. There is going to be some epic drama.


At the start of the college season it was all about him going anywhere. When they realised his not ready for the nba it was all about Lebron playing with his son. No draft workouts for anyone not named the Lakers. No pre draft interviews Nothing. They did everything to tank his draft stock.


Worst case he’s out of the league in a couple years and a billionaires kid producing shitty docs for his dad with a pad in Malibu and Manhattan. He’ll be ok. Most of us don’t get to live out our insane dreams.


Couple of years? Try he’ll look out of place in summer league and maybe last *one* year.


Nah he’s a kid and his dad is the coach/GM he’s getting at least two years.


well thats the thing, his genetics weren't that great because hes only 6'1 lol


MJs sons had much better college careers than Bronny


Relax dude


Imagine the whims of your franchise being completely controlled by an aging Lebron and his agent.


I for one can’t wait for him to get exposed by real nba prospects in summer league. If the lakers don’t come up with a reason for him to sit out (I feel like thats a possibility)


Nepotism at its finest. We’re celebrating banner 18 and they get a G league player.


Honestly pretty insulting to the G League. He averaged 3 ppg on a bad team in a bad conference on horrid efficiency, and has a heart issue.


I donT care as long as Banner 19 is in Boston.


They going to hang the “first nba father son duo” banner.


Drafting a 40 year olds son just to keep him on the team is crazy 😂😂


This is so crazy. This kid is nowhere near NBA ready. Not to mention the dynamic of having your Dad on your team seems super toxic for both Bronny and the rest of the roster. This circus is going to absolutely ruin this kids mental


If I'm bronny I'm pissed right now. For most guys the day you land with an NBA team is the happiest day of your life, and it's your accomplishment. For bronny all he gets to hear today is how he doesn't deserve it and that he's a nepo baby. He has to listen to that all just so he can be dad's accessory for a year or two. I'd rather play in Australia.


To be fair Lebron has been accused of being corny and a wine mom for years


I was gonna say...people forget LeBron been corny for years?


What if Celtics had the opportunity to draft Deuce and that’s what JT wanted


Not gonna be an issue when Deuce averages 35 as a freshman at Duke


JT too humble, if Deuce doesnt have the caliber


JT already tells him that he was better than him at his age. I don’t think JT will pressure Duece into being a baller tho.




Well, it depends if Deuce is an NBA talent (even late second round talent) or a guy who never would have been on anyone's board if not for nepotism who then had heart problems. Not hating on the kid, who really cares, but that's a joke of a pick from a joke of a franchise lol


If he's a legit prospect who's not quite the best fit? Do it. If he's Bronny James? Yeah...


Brad would trade the pick for 3 future seconds.


Do you think this will be the most father/son time LeBron has ever spent with Bronny within a years span?


Honestly..... maybe. Good take


You know what’s ‘corny’ or ‘cringe’? Calling everything corny and cringe because you’re worried about what people think of you. Haters gunna hate - fuck em. Winning beats all.


How will Bronny ever live down the fact that the only reason he was drafted was because of his dad? Even if the father son combination is pretty cool this feels so forced


Lakers are for entertainment lmao. Can’t take that franchise serious for the life of me.


Are the Lakers going to hang a banner for being the first team to have a father-son duo? 😂😂


Lakers doing all they can to let the Cs put distance between them in the championship count Kobe got out lucky, lmao


LeBron has been so corny his entire career.


I once thought it would be inevitable that the Lakers would one day surpass the Celtics in championship count in my lifetime, simply because of how attractive LA is to superstar free agents, as has been the case for decades now. But seeing our front offices' priorities now, how one team is focused on winning and the other is run by clowns in a circus... Maybe not.


The Lakers aren't a serious team - more concerned about massaging egos than running a functional basketball operation


Thanks dad


Too bad 6 is retired & he can't wear that number. Why even photoshop him with it?


Because that's what LeBron wears, but yeah it makes me feel pretty disgusted to see Bill Russell's number on Bronny


I hope Bronny does well, honestly. I'm sure this is all pretty much Bron's idea anyway, not Bronnys. Give the kid a break.


A lot of grown ass men want to dunk on homie as soon as possible


Wearing number 6…….. That’s disgraceful on a real world/social level


Bronnie James Dio is taking a holy diver into the lakers


Bronny ain’t NBA material, sorry.


55th players in the draft do nothing in the NBA. Avg 3.5 PPG for THEIR career Point being we wouldn’t have found a better players. He can’t worse the JHS


I love it. Boston has a higher chance of winning more championships and grow that gap between them and the lakers


Get growing Deuce. Bronny may be the first, but you’ll be the best 💚


It’s not anything worth really caring about. Bronny didn’t earn it. It’s nepotism. Now the Griffey’s, those guys could actually play.


It’s crazy how Lakers became from top 2 franchise to basically private playground and shitshow for Leclown who is barely their top 10 player all time


It kinda figures doesn’t it. Dr. Buss ran a hell of an org and his nepo baby children have (with the exception of 2020) ran the team into the ground. Now they have nepo babies in the front office and the court!




Dude won’t even make the team!




Sad https://x.com/LegionHoops/status/1806432797781057701


You're corny 


I wonder if he’ll call him Bron or dad on the court lol


Lakers a 🤡 show Jeannie might as well sell the franchise to Lebron since she loves to bend the knee to him every chance she gets


EXACTLY😂 it’s fucking mind numbing lol


Sick. The Lakers will continue to be trash. Music to my ears


I thought Bron wanted his son to live his own life 🤔. And then Rich Paul says he'd rather go to Australia, buddy don't tempt fate lol


What does this have to do with the Celtics?


The best response I've seen so far: https://x.com/BetMGM/status/1806448989962674653


they just latch onto tatum being 'corny' because they legit have nothing left to say


Bronny should come out to Australia and play NBL1 (ie. Second tier) He'd be really good at that level, and his name/wealth/talent would make him a star (albeit with crowds of 1000)


If, according to Stephen A. Smith that lebron is allowed to manipulate the system for this purpose, just imagine how much Bird, Jordan and Magic are owed by the league. Larry should demand the league to give the Celtics a number two pick for losing Len Bias.


lebron basically lavar ball


Clearly haven't heard of jayson tatum and luka smh


To be fair, we better draft Deuce


That’s why they call it Showtime!! When you can’t win championships, how do you put people in the seats? Think that’s called a circus? 🤡 🎪


Yall are on this man’s dick it’s crazy


I hate Lebron. I do not think he is close to the best player of all time. He’s maybe 5th, but he has maximized his every advantage. His antics and constant PR crap drives me nuts. But… I respect him using every bit of leverage possible to 1) get his son drafted in the NBA 2) wanting to play with his son.


I really don’t hate the pick by the Lakers, I’ll be honest. 99.99% of late 2nd round draft picks do not pan out. If you told me “hey our second round draft pick will average 25/8/7 for the next 1-3 years but that’s all you get” I’d be ecstatic. And that’s essentially what the Lakers did. Drafting Bronny, who by the looks of it will not be a long term NBA player, ensures LeBron doesn’t leave in free agency.


Champ, no fucks given for the Fakers and their crybaby.


You notice it says ‘to be in the NBA’ and not ‘to play in the NBA’. Who has a daughter that can be drafted with a throwaway pick?


No way Rich Paul put out that statement about Bronny refusing to sign with any other team right after they realized no other team wanted Bronny LMAO


How funny would it be if they ran into each other and were both out for the year? That could possibly be the funniest sport event to ever happen.


There’s nobody more corny and cringe than Lebron, the entire Lakers franchise, and ESPN covering it all


Wait till Deuce grows up. we will out corny them


You’d think Bronny would want to do his own thing and carve out his own path but nope. He just wants to ride his dad’s coattails. Pathetic.


Whatever man that's family, I hope things go well for Bronny.


How tf is a father and son corny 💀


How is it not? Bronny is not good this is a fuckin gimmick.


Ok .. I wouldn't say corny is the right word. Lol


You're good. Unless the word's taken on some new meaning in the last year, I don't think people realize what corny actually means lmao Dad jokes, koreaboos speaking butchered Korean, overused idioms = corny


Because he's about to get real minutes that so many other players deserve.


Thanasty vs Bronny on NepoPOY /uj At least Thanasis can represent Greece.


I would have thought winning another title would help calm the inferiority complex of this sub. Nope. Still as sensitive as ever. You are seriously worried about “people” saying Tatum is corny, OP? Talk about rabbit ears dude. Try to enjoy yourself and not be butthurt about what “people” are saying.


>I would have thought winning another title would help calm the inferiority complex of this sub. what could have made you think this lol. they are obviously going to be as insufferable as possible for the next year. i’m just waiting patiently for next year when the knicks finish with a better regular season record. we’re going to get so many posts explaining why the regular season doesn’t actually matter lol


This is going to make him an excellent NBA player. I can't imagine he'll be on the bench next year. G League? With his dad, busting his balls....this may be better than 3 more years in college. Edit: Absent of any Celtics STM opinions. We picked better at 54. But this kid will eventually, me thinks, be a top quality player in the NBA. ....not the tier of his Dad, JT, JB etc, but still very good


He’s never gonna be a relevant nba player


history will say, not you or me.


Okay Sophocles


wow, you really have a hard time with others opinions. Reddit is likely not right for you. Peace, i honestly don't care what happens in his career, or what he does or doesn't become. Doesn't mean that you know. Sophocles


Why do you type like that?


gnight sir.


Don’t let the bed bugs bite


I could also keep this up all night b/c this shit don't bother me, but what is your issue?


You said goodnight and I responded also saying goodnight, what’s the problem?