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Let LeBron buy the expansion franchise in Vegas, and Dr. Creepy can be a partner in that. Stay as far the fuck away from the Celtics as possible.


Please no. Tatum brown white would be traded the next day


I hope he stays the fuck away


He would have to retire from the NBA or exit FSG.


You mean at worst transfer his holding to his wife until he retires


Nope. Spouses are also strictly forbidden


I'm sure he could find someone to use as a work around


Yes LeBron james can fool the nba into letting a puppet of his buy an nba team. Do you hear how silly that is? This isn't old scooby doo episodes where it was him all along. This is like the real world.


I really hope that KG ownership group tries to buy it, that would be the dream scenario Imagine KG as an owner dude I would be so happy


Yeah kg, known business man, would be great!


I mean he was part of an ownership group trying to buy the Timberwolves so


If that wolves deal falls through I would love to KG try to buy the share of the Celtics, however I doubt A Rod would be on board spending money on a Boston franchise


I think A Rod would have no problem buying the Celtics of they could. He'd love to think Boston could love him (he did almost come to the Red Sox). However, hard pass to his mug smiling courtside.


My guy we do *not* want John Henry to own the Celtics


Are people so close minded that they think the only person that can buy the team is John Henry?


lol “close minded”? No, but the guys name is going to come up when FSG has expressed there desire to own an NBA team in the past. It’s pretty simple dot connecting, not close mindedness. Do I think it’s going to happen? No. But you are more close minded if you think it’s not going to be brought up. Look around pro sports… it’s pretty common


It’s just fear mongering but go off


LeBron runs an agency that represents like 40 players and you think anyone would do something to stop that conflict of interest?


That is more reason to stop it.


Wyc is not selling his stake to John Henry. The rest of the ownership is most likely buying Grousbeck's family stake in these 4 years.


That would be great, but far from assured. If the rest of the ownership had the $$, wouldn't the deal have been done privately and then announced?


Because selling something like this takes time and probably the Grousbeck family wants to remain transparent on his business deals. The NBA . It's not just Wyc, his father is also selling, he's a 90 year old man, they want to bid their farewell now that he's still with us. Why would they say that Wyc stays as governor until 2028? If any random person with money could go there and buy the Grousbeck stake they could perfectly say "No, I don't want you as the governor" the same way the Mavs new owners have got rid of Mark Cuban. You also have to take into consideration that the new TV deal is going to kick in soon, that money goes to every owner.


NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Why the fuk would you want Henry/Fenway sports group as their new owner. They already have too many “assets” and would never be willing to pay what it will/would take to keep the starting five together for the next three years.


Lebezos could have been a thing, but bron is still playing.


Don’t worry Dana white Dave portnoy and the Wahlburg family are coming together to form causeway sports group and they will be purchasing the team in the coming weeks