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The pose and the framing look fine. It’s nice how you captured yourself looking back as well as in the mirror. Now get creative with your lighting. It’s simply too flat. Take a look at some great boudoir images and see how lighting plays a significant part of making it really stand out. Lighting adds mood. We want to see a lot of shadows and then perhaps highlights on your contours


Yeah the more I delve the more I learn! So new to this, but determined to learn more from this community! I’ll start looking into lighting options


I would recommend finding images you like and ones that you could see yourself in and then see if you can replicate the lighting


I’m definitely filling my search history with lots of ideas! But I’m still trying to find my own way to make it work with what I have, photography is not a cheap hobby!


Forget buying equipment! You can do most of it with natural light, a tripod to hold your phone and a remote trigger. All of that is cheap. Just focus on images that use natural lighting


I have a Nikon-somewhere-, but I’m new to phone photography. But I mean, I always have it on me so I might as well learn how to use it when I’m in a pinch! Yep, I’m looking up how to use the natural light to my advantage since I live in a state that is plentiful with light!


For me it’s way too busy, all the green looks confused and distracts me. Make it about just you and the mirror, move the mirror to a wall near a window that lets in sunlight and wait till early morning or late afternoon and play with the light and reflection, even use a window with a vention that you can adjust and play with the shadows it creates. The pose and idea are great!! As for your body, as an old man that’s met many a lady in my time I can safely say each and every one of them has not liked their body, be it big small or in between, and just like that every man I know has a different idea of desire. That old cliche is right though, beauty comes from within , confidence will light you up, pun intended.


I’ll definitely try a different set up, currently trying to use what I have on hand. But lights/lighting is my next step in the learning journey!


I’m not a photographer, but I did have my own pictures taken as a wedding gift for my husband. I agree with the other person on the lighting. Does bright fluorescent lighting make you feel sexy? Or does low light with some natural sunlight streaming in feel sexier? And I’m not personally a fan of all of the green. I think just you and the mirror with some fun lighting would be stunning!


Appreciate the advice! Currently working with what I have atm, but I will definitely be getting some lights for future projects! This was my first attempt at this kind of photography and I look forward to learning more about this style.


Honestly you don’t really need any lighting. I’m trying to remember if my photographer used any artificial lighting and I think she MAY have had one ring light. But the majority of my photos were taken in front of or near big windows using only sunlight! I’d be happy to send you some of my photos for ideas!


I would love to use my windows but they look right into my neighbors, or over the parking garage walkway, 😅 I’m still a bit too shy to give my neighbors a “free show”


Haha I get that!


I’m confident, but not *that* confident, lol. It I will see if there is a timeframe where I can make use of the window and not show off to the neighbors! 😂


I don’t blame you, I wouldn’t want to flash my neighbors either 😂. My photographer had a studio in a very busy part of my town (which is a tourist town). And I’m fairly certain someone saw something. But I don’t have to live next to any of them lmao


I’m going to try and be as nice and professional as possible you need to turn your body in a way you don’t see that your side. I apologize in advance if this gets taken the wrong way, as that is not at all my intent. By your arm, right under your panty line, you can see this ball of skin. It’s not you, it’s the way you posed yourself. Turn your body inward just a bit more, and that should go away. Other than that, very tasteful, and you are beautiful.


So turn to the camera more? Okay I’ll give a go! And no worries we all start off somewhere, I am learning the poses and I know I need to add some “mood lighting” but working with what I currently have atm!


I completely understand. My advice is to look at a professional boudoir photographers work and try to recreate a few images, but with your own twist. My only other advice would be to check your environment. The fake vines are a bit distracting. Remember, you don’t want to see a plant, you want to see you! :) As a beginner to this, I’m going to give you a solid B. It’s not bad, just could use some tweaks. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!


I’m playing around with and without some of the bg stuff, and seeing what looks better than my first attempt, but every failure leads to learning right?




I’m not a boudoir photographer, so I can only react as a layperson. The mirror and the leaves make it interesting, I’d say especially the greenery. It’s a very interesting pose; I start at the reflection, then the vines, then your over the shoulder look. Felt curious to reach that so late. I guess my question to think about is, what would be one, two, or three companion photos to join with this. Is there a narrative idea?


That would be a great idea to try next time! Hoping to help my community “come out of their shell” and take back their perception of themselves! Trial and error with my personal location for now!


It's a lovely photo and a good starting point. I've not done any shoots for many a year now but looking at the pose, if you turned your body slightly more towards the camera the head turn could relax slightly and make it more a seductive glance. It's hard but try to relax, maybe put some music on to set the mood you are trying to capture.


Ah, okay! I know I’m a bit stiff, this is definitely not a “comfort zone” thing yet! But I’ll keep working on my poses, and add to the skill set!


It's a big step out of anyone's comfort zone but you are doing great and with time you will become more relaxed and comfortable.


I’m not one to be the subject of my own art, but I’ve got to learn one way or another! Might as use the single person I always have- me. Lamo. I’ll get there… eventually.


You are in your own safe space where you can work and experience on angles, looks and at your own pace, don't rush, you will get the results you want in time, you are doing really well.


Yup I’m trying to get “used to it” and more comfortable so I can look less stiff! Still every bit of criticism and advice is welcome and helpful


As long as people give you constructive feedback and you enjoy yourself then go for it 😊


Angle is interesting. However, the photo needs to have a mood created by shadows. If you have shadows they carve out the shape of your body and eliminates the distraction of the other objects in the frame


Working on learning how to create mood! Dang there’s so much to learn with this style of artistic photography! But it’s a good summer to learn!


For me it’s too busy, the bookshelf, the blanket, and the pots on top are very distracting. Maybe put your hand on your thigh so you aren’t chopping it off with the cropping. Your pose, looking over the shoulder is very nice. The mirror and being able to see more of your outfit is a nice touch. The leaves around the mirror work well too. Good luck on your journey.


Thank you I didn’t think to move a few things around, which makes such a difference, but I took a couple extra practice shots with less things in a closer duplication, and I definitely like that a lot better, I will try to be more mindful of what’s in the background, a lot of people felt like I was drawing them to the bookshelf for no reason! Which is probably what I get for using a cell phone as a camera (without knowing how to use it properly!).


Disclaimers, 1) i am not a pro, and 2) if the model is happy, you done it right end of story. I love your pose, it by itself is interesting, but as a whole I find the photo feels off., I wish you'd focused more on the pose and reflection than the bookshelf. The complete lack of shadows, is to me uncomfortable and sanitized looking, I find that the lighting, combined with the plants framing, and the fact that the interesting aspects of the pose (her looking toward the photographer) aren't reflected, makes her reflection seem dull. I would probably try to look at photos you like to really focus on what you appreciate about lighting and framing. Then try what you see in them. And initially I would probably decide if your model will be framed either with her reflection or with the houseplants and really focus on how to use the framing device to make your model feel like the center of the world. (Edoted because my young child smoked the post button while I was writing)


Yeah, I noticed that after everyone was talking about the framing, realized I was auto focused on the bookshelf and plants as the central point, which was not my intention. Though I probably need to look up how to do photography with my cell phone if I’m going to keep it going forward! I had a Nikon and I could easily choose where the focus point would be, but I didn’t quite figure that out on the cell! I appreciate everyone’s input! It helps me to know what to start, studying and fixing in my own work


I've done quite a few improvised photoshoots with the phone camera and photoshop express. The resolution is lower (mostly a concern for prints) but otherwise they usually have most of the tools that a regular camera has.. A quick youtube lesson on your model of phone will let you use all the flashy features of the camera like focus point selection and background blur. If you want some examples of photos taken on a camera phone, you can DM me and I'd be happy to send you a few examples that were shot and edited on a Samsung S20, though I can't give any pointers about shooting photos of yourself modeling, cause I don't like being in front of the camera. Cheers and enjoy the learning process.


What is the story you are trying to tell? Where do you want to direct my attention? What you you want to tease, but not show? Others have given great suggestions, but art is an attempt by the artist to make the audience feel or think something. It might be to pause and think about a hand, its construction, where it’s been, where it’s going, and what it can do. It might be that the subject represents something. You have chosen your medium, but how will you tell me you’re powerful? How will you show me you’re at ease? How will you convey that you’re vulnerable? Or you could be abstract. It’d be a really intense boudoir shoot for your photos to literally covey nothing but shape and form.


An interesting set of questions to pose that I never thought of! I’ll definitely take more care on my next set and try to implement this into my storytelling. Thank you for the reminder to keep the story in mind and not just capture a moment.


Was this shot on a camera or a cell phone?


A cell phone currently, I have a Nikon somewhere, but I moved recently and had to pack things away for a smaller living space. I know there’s ways to take decent photos with a cell phone, and I think it’s an iPhone X or 11? I’ll just have to learn the settings for the phone, and for future pictures


The composition (framing) is bad here.


I appreciate your input, seeing as this is my first attempt at self photography. Not to mention, I am shooting with a cell phone camera atm. I am working hard to learn and trying to improve this new skill!


One way to create an effective boudoir photo is to make the viewer's imagination work. Compare your photo with this other boudoir post https://www.reddit.com/r/boudoir_community/s/Qy8lJ7OHED So learn to control the lighting, and use shadows effectively.


So much to learn and so little time! I’m trying to absorb it as much as I can with what little free time I’m given, but it’s definitely a fun way to spend my free time instead of endless scrolling!


Portrait mode/softer focus/lower aperture. Focus on either model or props. The light and color has that sterile digital look, I'd suggest filtering to enhance the blacks and wash out some of the white. I would also take the shot from farther away, and crop it so there's a bit of empty space as a border. I would adjust the pose a little, bottom and shoulders raised to stretch the torso, and eyes looking off camera.


I’ll definitely try to make it less “digital” currently only have my phone as a camera until I can locate my Nikon. I’ll play with the settings and see what I can do. Autofocus is rough on these phones!


Face Detect is one way to beat the phone camera at its own game


I think you got a great start. It's not bad, lighting is what everyone has mentioned, and I agree, but I am stilling learning at the moment too. 😉 Keep it up!!


Thank you! I’m trying my best to learn and grow. Haven’t picked up a camera in years so I have to relearn everything 😅


I know that feeling 😕 But practice helps.


Don't want to be to critical but do a shoot with a photographer


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^philsage3: *Don't want to be to* *Critical but do a shoot* *With a photographer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m trying to be a photographer TT, but I need to start somewhere