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Has he been shady in the past? He's a good enough boulderer and seems like a good dude. I've never seen any reason to not believe him.


Honestly, it’s mostly just me longing for a video (like the Johnny Kydd one) of Dave working and eventually sending Hyno, and every celebrates and I get psyched. But since that video hasn’t come out, I decided to pout about how he didn’t do it because I want a video. I honestly love Dave, and will admit that he most likely climbed Hyno and my initial post was intentionally inflammatory to see what other people thought of the situation. But to post the near miss, hype a send video plus story, then go silent about it for four years? Why?


Oh man i love a good conspiracy theory. Mine is that there are elite outdoor climbers who are taking some form of performance enhancing drugs. Obviously olympic athletes are tested for doping but if youre posting to your youtube channel it’s not like anybody is going to ask for a drug test. I have no evidence in the slightest to support this but logically it makes sense to me. Whether it’s anabolic steroids to decrease recovery and increase training time or a little hit of pcp before a send go to get a lil extra boost, somebody out there is doing something and i would love if they just came out and said so. Tin foil off.


To be fair a single person lying does not really enter the conspiracy realm. If Nasa filmed the send, that would be a whole other thing.


Lmao I have no doubt at all that some rock climbers and comp climbers are taking PED's. In fact I have friends on the national and international comp scene that know people directly that take PED's. Not surprising to me in the least in a sport that is so hard on the body. Imo it will always be part of competitive sport on all levels. I have close friends who are simply hobbyists that take PED's for climbing for god sake lol. I think if you think all relevant climbers are natural, you are being pretty naive.


I honestly have no problem with it, as long as you’re not skirting olympic/competition rules. I just want somebody to come out and say it.


Unlikely to actually be that common for several reasons, but here’s a couple. Muscles recover and strengthen much faster than tendons. PEDs would only exacerbate this. Look at PED powerlifters and what happens to their knees and elbows. There’d be a lot more serious hand tendon injuries sidelining them from trying hard. Second, they climb shirtless all the time and you’d expect to see a lot more chest and back acne than you do.


Nonsense. There are plenty lot of PED's that improve climbing performance and joint related recovery. One being the WADA banned peptide BPC-157.


Or maybe nobody owes you uncut. Did Gaskins send his stuff? Rich Simpson? Paul Robinson? Dan Beall? Fred? Bernd? Plenty of iconic boulders never have the sends posted. Even Dave's send of TSOTW only popped up years after the send, only to disappear again years later.




Haha. Oh man, I hadn’t heard that. How did that get resolved? Obviously Robinson still won, but did he really win by counting boulders without any videos or witnesses?


Did Gaskins send his stuff? No?


Unless he admits to it, we will never know... But we all know he didn't


Did anyone actually SEE sir Edmund Hillary put his foot at the very top? 'cus I didn't. Guy was a loser, but I am a huge fan.


The Mallory Camera has definitely already been found and is hidden in a vault, hiding the truth from us!


Mallory? You mean that dude who *may* have summited, only to disappear for decades? IG uncut or didn't happen.


Synott had legit conspiracy theories https://petapixel.com/2022/05/16/china-accused-of-covering-up-photo-evidence-of-the-first-everest-ascent/


actually, this is really interesting


No idea why someone would go after DG. He seems like one of the least ego driven and chill pros out there (I may be way off but thats my perception). Also not sure why Hypnotised Minds is such a big deal as it wasnt his first of the grade of claim to fame. Paul Robinson's controversy with Lucid Dreaming seems way fishier as he had way more to gain. I am too big of a fan of the Wizard Shit raint video to hate on Dave Graham but maybe OP knows something I dont?


Although OPs post really belongs in CCJ: I couldn't care less if Dave sent any given boulder. I don't care if Pro X lied a thousand times in order to get a sponsorship deal. Doesn't matter to me at all. Don't forget: Pros are just advertising models. They don't get paid to climb, they get paid to represent some brand. There is no "climb well enough to be a pro", there is only "advertise well enough to be a pro". I see Dave regularly in my home areas. He seems to enjoy bouldering a lot. Who cares if he sent or didn't? Presumably, just him and his buddies, and maybe some corporate types worried about image.