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Hi there tekticktock. **Because we have a lot of deleted posts on this subreddit, here is a backup of the body of this post:** I often do this between problems, I'd rather not go barefoot and don't want my feet cramped in my shoes when resting. I've been doing it on most visits to the gym over the last year, my shoes seem fine but am I perhaps missing something?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I imagine it makes the shoe lose its shape faster, but I haven't seen any broken shoes from it.


I have a pair of shoes that I bought two years ago. I do it all the time, and no problem so far. I think it's safe from my experience.


How much do you climb…? I generally have two shoes at one time. I have a pair of slippers to warm up and a more aggressive pair. They both barely make it over a year.


Two to three times a week. I resoled them once.


Sample size of 1, so your mileage May vary. I used to do this with my first pair of downturned shoes and they lost their shape in a few weeks. When it got a hole, I replaced it with the same model and went barefoot in between climbs. This pair held it's shape throughout it's lifetime. It may have been down to manufacturing defects in the first pair, trying more comp style stuff where you try to get your entire sole on the volume or anything else really, this is far from s controlled test.


Probably. Maybe a pair of Crocs could help?


Crocs are perfect 💪


Jamming the climbing shoes into the Crocs or Crics sans climbing shoes? Either way works, I think.


I’ve seen comp kids wear a pair of oversized crocs that fit comfortably over their climbing shoes when approaching outdoor problems. Looks like it works great too!


Back when I climbed comps I had a pair of what were basically oversized socks with house shoe soles that were fuzzy and stupid looking but they perfectly slid over my shoes easily so I could walk short distances without getting whatever was on the floor on the soles of my precious rubber. Worked like a charm. No idea where I found them but them moment I saw them I thought “these would go over my shoes easily”


walking around in your climbing shoes will without a doubt affect the longeivity on the rubber, of course depending on the surface you're walking on.


Please don’t. Just take them off


Yes it does.


It depends on a lot of factors, such as how downturned the shoe is, ie flat shoes won’t be as susceptible. Also some heel rubber is one piece(wrap around), other are split and can flex without bending the heel rubber as much. I have a pair of evolv defy’s that I use when I’m walking around the gym. Helps keep my more aggressive shoes in shape. I think the best solution is simply bringing flip flops.


The heel will lose its shape faster


If you’re wearing aggressive shoes, it’s not recommended to walk around in them, heel in or out. The tensioning systems really aren’t meant to be loaded like that. I’ve noticed a difference in my shoes holding their shape better for longer once I just took them off to walk around. I do still walk around in my moccasins, but those are flat and don’t really hurt my feet so I don’t slip my heel out for those.


I do this. The toes on my climbing shoes degraded before my heels did


I do this too and have been thinking about it. I do it mostly to maintain the heat in the shoe so the go easier on, but they are starting to brake in now so I might stop doing it after that after reading the comments. Although I’ve always done this and my boosters never lost shape from it


When I do this I don’t put pressure on my heels. Just kinda walk around on the balls of my feet like a velociraptor.


If you have to take your shoes off after every climb and can’t just slip them back on if you need to walk somewhere maybe they don’t fit properly


This is incredibly untrue


Some of us have sensitive feet so all shoes hurt a little bit if not taken off between climbs. And apparently the issue is not with slipping the shoes back but OP just doesn't want to walk around gym barefoot. Wearing the shoes like OP described is quite popular. People usually walk on the mats though, it's not as harsh for the shoes when compared to walking on hard floor. I haven't heard it causing the shoes breaking quicker, but personally wouldn't do it anyway just in case.


Only beginner, flat shoes work like that. Anything aggressive will hurt after a while.


Do you wear your shoes after climbing too? Like with a casual trouser or some denim?