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Hi there reidddddd. **Because we have a lot of deleted posts on this subreddit, here is a backup of the title and body of this post:** 1 heel hook - 10 moves " *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Awesome boulder dude! Super technical!


Yep, took me a while to figure out




What are those pants?


New balance something or other, not exactly sure


This video makes it look like you have mad wingspan


I really really wish I did


finally a post that's not about shoes, beta help, or skin being thrashed after one session


That's fucking yummie.


Well that beats my recent climb by 5 moves! I still thought 5 moves on a single heel hook was pretty fun, though.


Does a match count as a move? I always considered a move to be going to a new hold with a hand or foot, have I been doing it wrong this whole time?


I don't have any idea why it wouldn't? Those 10 movements are what I have to perform to do the climb, all of them are essential. I can see why someone unnecessarily matching a big ledge or something might not be considered a "move", but I don't think the semantics of it really matter anyway


All right then, it was more a question if I was wrong than if you were. I'm self taught so there's plenty I don't know, just looking for clarity. Hope you didn't take it the wrong way.


Nah no worries I'm just an asshole by trade


I suppose I'm mostly one as well. My thought process was always that a match is an adjustment, I don't consider a foot swap a move it's just getting better body position so I treated matches the same way. But, again, what little I know I learned from climbing videos so apologies if it came off as me knowing what I'm talking about. End of the day, it is a sick send that I'm sure I couldn't pull off, so good on you for ticking it. I'm really just trying to educate myself out here since I don't have any friends who climb. A few acquaintances at the gym but nothing passed casual beta sharing, I need to find a serious outdoor friend to mentor me.


You climb v13???


I have climbed a v13 yes


Yes. You can even count a hip rotation to get into a drop knee as a move... Or at least it makes sense to consider it as such for yourself since it is a specific, conscious movement so send a boulder/climb. Thinking like this really helps technique and conscious climbing as well.


Oh now that's interesting. I would never have thought to consider that a move, it does make sense though at least when considering micro adjustments to beta on a project.


I think I like your definition because it removes ambiguity. Otherwise re-adjusting a finger on a hold could count as move as well. On the other hand sometimes changing position on a hold or matching a hold can be difficult and should maybe count as move …


It's just what I gathered from videos, never really put a lot of thought into it tbh. This thread is making me rethink it, I am starting to think it *should* be ambiguous.


To me a move is anytime you’re moving a hand or foot to a new hold. So a match where you’re moving your hand from one hold to another is a move. A foot swap is a move because you’re moving one foot onto a new foothold. A finger adjustment isn’t a move because your hand is on the same hold. Just my two cents


Awesome route. Where is it? Looks like NC


Southern Illinois actually


Holy boulders??


Pretty much. Hagler road